Tony's New Assistant- Being E...

By Mwadeh2o

1.4K 24 5

Y/n age 21 fresh out of college was having trouble finding a job until one night she was out with a friend an... More

Looking for a job
Night Out
Night out pt. 2
Getting to know each other
First Day
Date Night
I Have Proof
In love? pt.2
I love you too
The Past
Be Mine
I need feedback
Let me help you with that-smut
It Gets Better
Where do we sign
Welcome Home
Welcome home pt. 2
Let's do it-smut
Not So Happy Anniversary
Not So Happy Anniversary pt. 2
Forever and Always
All Good Things Must End
Planning and recovery
Rehearsal Dinner
Rehearsal Dinner pt.2
Cold Feet
Getting Ready -Y/n's perspective
Getting Ready-Tony's perspective
I do
Picture time
Wedding Photos
Wedding Photos Part 2
Wedding Photos pt.3
Wedding Cakes and Toppers
Party Time-smut
Wedding Night-smut
Wedding Gift
No longer a family of four
I'm scared
Family workout
New book
It's Time
He can't hurt us anymore
Happily ever after

In Love?

51 1 1
By Mwadeh2o

Tony pov

Last night was entertaining for some of us. But I can't get it out of my head what Nat meant by some of us more than others. I mean yeah I love Y/n but after what Nat said I can't not think of the way I love y/n I don't think I'm in love with her but I still might be in love with her and I don't realize it. If I was in love with her would she love me the same way. But I need to stop thinking about this she just went through a breakup now isn't the best time to fall in love with her. Just then she walks through my office doors."Good morning Mr.Stark how are you this fine morning" she knows I hate it when she calls me Mr.Stark. She says she does it to "stay professional" but I know she does it to see the look on my face. So I always get back at her in different ways and by that I mean nicknames. "Morning Hot stuff" I say frustration clean across her face. " That is completely unprofessional Mr.Stark" all I can do is laugh. I hear her laugh a little trying not to show that she finds it funny. "So how you holding up with everything that happened last night" I ask knowing its a touchy subject. Why did I even ask. She let's out a sigh before replying " I feel relieved I mean it was bound to happen eventually I just thought Steve was a better man then that I guess I was wrong but it makes me feel better that I don't have to feel guilty if I move on quickly" " What do you mean by move on to quickly" " I don't mean moving on now but like maybe in a month or two I won't feel guilty for trying to be in a happy relationship thinking I would hurt his feelings if I started dating again I mean yeah I've been cheated on before but not by a guy I thought I would last forever with" "Well I hope you find that happiness Y/n" "Thank you Tony it really means a lot coming from you" we hug each other. We have never hugged each other with it only being us two it was always a group hug. It felt nice and warm hugging her I could do it forever. But with her height if shes not wearing heels it hurts your back if your taller then her. We pull away from each other and she looks down at the table and picks up the papers she walked in with. "Have a few ideas to run by you for renovating the tower" she says as she shows me her plans. " These are great ideas how about you order everything you need to get this done you can use my card" " Wait really" "Yeah what's on my schedule for the next month" "You don't really have anything planed except a few business meetings" "Ok that's great put them into F.R.D.A.Y's system to wake me up and remind me of those so you can focus on renovating everything" she smiles. "Thank you Tony" she says as she turns around to do as I said and get started on the new project. "Oh and Nat asked if I could let you get like a week off she would like a new suit so you have materials in the west conference room" "Ok tell her I know exactly what to do all I need are her measurements also tell her it can be done in three days" "Ok will do" "Oh and Tony I hope you find your happiness too" I can't help but smile. I turn to my computer to send out a few emails.

*Five minutes later*

Y/n comes rushing into my office. "What's wrong" I ask worried something happened. " Fury said there's an emergency meeting and you need to get downstairs now" "Why are you worried did he say what it was about" "No its just I heard emergency and I got scared I don't want innocent people getting hurt" "Oh sweetheart everything will be ok" I bring her into a tight hug and she instantly relaxes. I let go and rush to my private elevator. "Good luck on the mission" she yells as the doors close. I walk down to the main conference room. I walk in and the only seat left at the table is the one next to Steve. I sit in one of the assistant chairs that are always behind the table but close enough to the table so you can hear. Fury goes over the mission plan all of us agree that it was pretty good except cap who always has to have his way. He stands up and no one gives him their full attention they all look down at their phones I can't help but let out a small laugh. "Is everyone not listening funny to you Stark" "No the thing that's funny is they are doing exactly what you did to Y/n to you and you don't realize it you never listened to her even when she was able to hang out with you" I can't help but laugh again. "I gave her all of my attention when I was with her" he fires back at me like I made him cheat. "No you didn't you were to busy texting your little side piece" Nat adds in and I nod in agreement. Just as he was about to defend that whore he cheated with Fury cuts in. "Ok I get that Steve cheated it's all over the news but that is in your at home time now is time to work so at least listen to him you don't have to agree with him trust me I am just as upset as you are not because everyone keeps asking me for information on it because I know Y/n on a personal level so just listen to the ass hole so you guys can get this over with you all are more than likely going to be stuck with him for about a month on this mission" we all look up at Fury confused. "When she is ready to share how we know each other she'll share it with you" he says. Steve goes on and explains his plan. We all agree that it can be plan B. After the meeting was over I go back upstairs to my office to see Y/n waiting nervously for me. She looks up at me and smiles. "So how'd the meeting go" "It went well we will be leaving in thirty minutes and we'll be gone for about a month" "So by the time you'll get back the renovations should be done cool I don't have to work around you all" She says. I was only planning on renovating the avengers part of the tower so all of their bed rooms and the living room the kitchen just the avenger living space but if I like it I might redo every floor. I wouldn't make Y/n do all of that though. I originally didn't plan on asking her to help she just insisted she did saying that I have to deal with so much already. She really is to sweet. "Hey I don't want to cross over any lines or boundaries but how do you know Fury he said he knew you on a personal level you don't have to answer though" I asked kinda scared she'll get mad at me. "I'd rather not share that information just yet because everyone who I have told except Lily has used it against me or ran out of my life because of it" she looked down at her feet I could see it was a touchy subject. I go over and sit down next to her and put my arm around her shoulder. "It's ok you don't have to share it if you don't want to but just know I would never blame you for anything in your passed especially if Fury helped you out of what every it was" I say rubbing her back and giving her a reassuring smile. "Thanks Tony" she smiles back. "I should probably go grab my bag for missions and put my suit on" " I asked Fury how long you guys would be gone and I packed your bag for you all you need to do is put your suit on and tell Nat that her suit will be done when you guys get back I might make new suits for everyone except that Jackass Steve" "Ok I'll call you when we get there" I chuckle as I walk over to my elevator and press the button to my room. I grab my things and put my suit on I go off the balcony and fly up to the launchpad where everyone is loading on their things. "Hey Tony did you ask her" Nat ask. "She said it will be waiting for you when we get back" "Cool" she does a little happy dance. I see Bruce watching her with a smile on his face. I feel bad that they have to spend their anniversary on a mission but they said it's kinda a good thing because they fell in love with each other on a mission. Yeah I know sappy right but it is still kinda cute when you think about it. "Oh and everyone Y/n is going to be doing the renovations while we are gone they should be done by the time we get back she will also have a surprise for everyone except Cap in their rooms" I yell out everyone had a smile on their face except a salty little cap. Just then the elevator doors open and Fury steps out along with Y/n following. "You didn't think she would let you guys leave with out saying good bye did you" Fury said with Y/n looking up and smiling at him. Every one goes and gives her a hug and say their goodbyes as she wishes them good luck as well. Well everyone except Cap. It was finally my turn to say good by. I make the suit open up so that our hug is more comfortable and so I can feel her warm hug. "Good bye Mr.Stark and good luck I also rescheduled all of your meetings" "You know I hate it when you call me Mr.Stark Hot stuff and thank you" "And you know I hate when you call me Hot stuff" she smiles and reaches out for a hug. I obliged and hug her back. "I got a picture yes" Nat says excitedly. " Send me that i'm posting that when they get married" Wanda says. We stop hugging each other and look at them. "Really you guys I just got out of a relationship and your already shipping me with people" "Well duh it's our job to help you move on and hold grudges you are supposed to let go of the ex and move on with your life" Wanda says after looking at her phone seeing that Nat had sent her the picture. All Y/n could do was laugh and they do one more group hug just the three of them I put my suit back on and we all board the Quinjet.

*Friday Morning*

Today was Bruce and Nat's anniversary so we let them sleep in. "Where is Nat and Bruce" Steve ask. "It's their one anniversary dipshit so we agreed to let them sleep in" I say rolling my eyes. I continue to update the wrist piece of my suit. "Even if it's their anniversary they need to wake up"Steve says. "Fury didn't say we needed to do anything but a stake out today so I think they are fine or is it because you are jealous that they are happy on their one year anniversary and Bruce is right where Nat expects him to be when she wakes up" I say looking up at him with everyone else snickering in the background. "I'm not jealous Stark" "Um yes you are I can see that you are in your mind" Wanda says. "You can't be upset that you got caught cheating and lost a great girl I mean i'm your friend but you can't be all sad that you lost her you did that to yourself" Bucky pitched in. "Really you are on their side with this" Steve looks at his so called best friend disappointed. "No i'm on Y/n's side I know her from the same personal level that Fury knows her from" he says. "Wait you know too" Wanda ask him. "Yeah she'll tell you guys when she is ready to but Steve your the one that messed up your special day with Y/n not only that but your entire relationship with her don't ruin theirs because your jealous of them let them be happy in their relationship" he replies. "For the first time I agree with Barnes on this one don't ruin Bruce and Nat's happiness just because you couldn't stay loyal if you were at the tower you would have seen that Y/n came to the tower to surprise you at three in the morning and I had to help her stop crying" I look back at the wrist piece and continue to update it. "How did you know she was crying if you are on the top floor maybe she came to see you so you guys could be alone and you know what I mean by alone" "SHE NEVER CHEATED ON YOU" we all yell at him in unison possible waking up Nat and Bruce. "I was walking down the stairs to go get some coffee and head to the lab and I heard crying I went to go investigate and I saw her sitting on YOUR bed crying that's when she told me that whenever I would give her time off to spend time with you you never paid any attention to her so I told her maybe you were setting up a surprise for her or going on your morning run earlier than usual I wasn't going to tell her that you never came back after you called yourself taking the S.H.E.I.L.D agent to her car I tried to save you but you ruined it for yourself I thought maybe you drove her home because she was to tired to drive and you feel asleep on her couch by accident it was unlikely to be the truth but it was something other than you cheating I thought you were better than that Cap" I say anger and sadness for Y/n laced in my voice. Just then Nat and Bruce walk down the stairs holding hands. "Good morning everyone" they say in unison in sleepy voices. "Good morning happy anniversary" Everyone except Steve say. They both thank everyone. "Hey Tony can I speak to you really quick" Nat ask pointing to the back door. "Sure what's up Nat" I reply completely oblivious that she winked at Bruce and he winked back at her. She made sure the door was closed and we were out of view. "You should call her" she says handing me my phone. "Call who" I ask. "Y/n you haven't talked to her since Tuesday I'm sure she is worried" Nat says putting the phone in my hand. "Ok i'll call her later we have to focus on the mission" I say not wanting to talk to her because of what happened Tuesday night.

*Flashback Tuesday night*

Here is a little background info we got to the coordinates that Fury gave us I have F.R.I.D.A.Y send Y/n a text message saying that we are here and we are safe as of right now. That's when we get attacked by hydra agents trying to get rid of us because cap was being an idiot and landed us right in sight of them. We start fighting I take a blow to the head and my helmet gets really damaged. So I tell F.R.I.D.A.Y to make repairs in the back of the suit so she takes it off my head and I keep fighting. They through a smoke bomb of some sort at me and and I accidentally sniff a lot of it. I mean I have to breath and I thought it was just regular smoke or something for them to make a cool entrance because it was red. Anyways we win the fight and and I take the suit off and F.R.I.D.A.Y informs us that I had just inhaled a large amount of toxins that makes my brain react as if I was drunk. And since I took in a lot of smoke it wasn't me being buzzed when I say drunk I mean drunk I would still be able to remember everything. Not in the moment but that next morning I would most definitely remember. We get to the safe house and I can't even walk to the door straight. "Ok Tony we need to sit you down" Nat says wrapping my arm around her neck and helping me to the door. "nAt YoU ArE SO PrEtTy AnD SmArT BrUcE YoU Got A GoOd OnE" I slurred pointing at Bruce. "Thank you Tony but you need to go to sleep" Nat says. You may be thinking this is normal laughing gas and I just say funny and random things its pretty close but the symptoms after words are the reason F.R.I.D.A.Y explained it as drunk. "I dOn'T wAnt tO gO tO sLeEp" "You have to sleep this all off Tony" Bruce says helping Nat sit me on the couch. I pick up my phone and go to my contacts. "Who are you about to call" Wanda asked me she doesn't read our minds when we are in this state it gives her a headache at how fast our thoughts are racing. "I'm calling Y/n so I can tell her how much I love her" I put it on speaker phone. "As cute as that is it's three in the morning in New York Tony" Nat says going to reach for the phone but Wanda stops her. "Drunk minds speaks sober thoughts babe" Bruce says and Wanda nods in agreement. "oh right" Nat leans back and they enjoy the show. Steve was upstairs doing god knows what. "Hello" Y/n's soft voice answers though the phone. "Y/n I need to tell you something" I slur. "Tony are you drunk were is Nat" "She is standing in front of me but this is more important" "Y/n just remember the drunk mind speaks sober thoughts" Nat adds. "Oh boy what am I about to hear" Y/n ask though the phone. " I wanted to tell you I love you and not just as a friend I love you so much I am in love with you and I don't care if you just got out of a relationship you need to know this you are my happiness y/n" Wanda and Nat sit in awe and Bruce gets tissue for them they look like they are going to cry. "Tony I don't know what to say"

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