Caged (Taejin)

By caseylove01

47.6K 2.6K 501

He was always unwanted,Unwanted son, unwanted brother and now unwanted husband. This is the journey of unwant... More

1: Ignored & Unwanted
2: He is angry
3: Disgusted
4: stalked
5: dead
6: Panic attack
8: Past & Love at first sight
9: Promise
10: Attack
11:Smile and Fanboying

12 : meeting father

1.8K 114 30
By caseylove01




Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, Taehyung took a moment to compose himself. His neck is flushed and fastens an extra button of his shirt, aware that he was nervous.

He can do this. It was not that hard, he just has to go to him and share how he feels with Jin. With that thought, he came out of the bathroom and went straight into the balcony where Jin was sitting watching stars. Taehyung never understands Jin's obsession with stars. He slowly walked into the balcony and sat beside Jin.

Jin was emerged in his world, thinking about everything happening in his life, the sudden change in behavior of his husband, those caring eyes, that careful and helping behavior of him, trying to help in small things like standing, eating, carrying heavy things which were somewhat difficult for him to do because of injury was bothering him. He never had someone who would do all those things for him after his brother. In these two weeks, since he was discharged from the hospital, Taehyung was taking so much care of him. Why was he doing that? As far as seokjin knew, Taehyung hated him to the core, then why? Why after all this time? Was it acting in front of his cousins? But still, he acted too sweet to him even if they were alone. Does that mean, Taehyung now doesn't hold any grudge against him? Did he leave the past behind? But could that be even possible? His father was still using Taehyung for his business profit then-

His thought was cut off by the hand on his shoulder, he nearly screamed, instantly backing himself from that person out of reflex, but stopped seeing the person in front of him. Taehyung. He let out a sigh of relief, he was still scared after what happened in the animal shelter.

" Hey, I didn't mean to scare you," Taehyung said apologetically, seeing fear in those dove eyes. Jin just nodded, taking deep breaths and looking at stars, relaxing.

"You like to watch stars?" Taehyung asked trying to make conversation to which Jin nodded. They sat there for a few minutes, no words were spoken. Both were comfortable with each other's company.

Taehyung knew this was the time. He had to say it here, at this moment, now or never. He took a deep breath as he looked at Jin.

"I am sorry for that day you know, the day I hurt you (he took a deep breath)-- I mean what I did was ---Whatever I am sorry f-"

"It's okay." But Jin cut him off in the middle. He was calm and composed, unlike Taehyung who was nervous as hell at the moment.

"No No No It's not okay. I am sorry for judging you before knowing you. Sorry for all the pain I have caused you" Taehyung said hurriedly.

"well, I should be thankful that you saved me that day."

There was silence between them for some time. Both of them look at the beautiful sky filled with twinkling stars.

"Let's leave everything behind us and start brand new. A new start for our relationship' Taehyung said taking his hand in front of Jin. He looked at Jin for some reaction but to his surprise, he was pulled in a strong kiss. It took him some time to realize but soon he melted in that kiss.

Seokjin kissed Taehyung, unknowingly his tears started to run down his chicks, tears of happiness, tears of HOPE.

(next morning)

Jimin: Kook for the last time, I said no means N.o.

Jimin said irritatedly. Jungkook was bugging everyone to go on vacation on some Iceland. But everyone has their plans already and Jungkook was not having it.

kOOK: but WHY? I will arrange everything, you just have to come, we will enjoy ourselves so much.

"tsk enjoy my ass " Yoongi murmured. The last trip planned by Jungkook was a disaster for everyone.

"the hell! What's with that reaction. Did you forget last time when we went to Miami we enj-" Jungkook argued

"Yeah, when you forgot to book the hotel for us and we had to spend a night in our cars" Yoongi fight back. Jin just sat there, seeing them arguing as that reminded him of his childhood. How his brother and Hyung-sik used to argue for small things.

"I forgot okay. I said sorry for that already but it was just a one-time thing-"

Jimin: oh like when we went to Switzerland and Yoongi had to-"


Jungkook yelled out of his lungs and everyone goes silent. So that was his reason for taking everyone on the trip. Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi shared a knowing look and they know what they have to do.

"so what! tell him the plan got canceled." Yoongi said with a boring look. Jimin and Taehyung laughed in their mind, they knew Yoongi was now teasing Jungkook. And for jin, he already knew about it since hoseok has asked him to come, but he answered he will come if Taehyung said yes.

"noo wayyy. I can't you know."

"Please, pretty please, just this time. It won't be a disaster like last time, I promise." Jungkook said more like pleaded while looking at everyone.

"We are coming," Taehyung said as he put his hands on Jin's shoulder, side hugging him. Jin blushed at the open closeness.

"That's my brother". ( Jungkook looks at jimin and hyung-sik)

Jimin: Jungkook, I said n-

Hyung-sik: babe please, he is asking so desperately. Please for me, say yes.

Hyungsik said taking Jimin's hand in his and caressing it.

Jimin: (sigh) okay

Jk: okay now everything is settled. We will leave the day after tomorrow so now clear your schedules accordingly. (Jungkook said happily)

Yoongi: Yeah, happy journey to all of you

Jk: what did you say? You are coming, right?

Yoongi: Nahh I will skip this time. (Yoongi said lazily, focusing on the phone in his hands)

JK: WHY? As far I know, you don't have any schedule this month

Yoongi: nope. But I don't want to be third-wheeling in any of you guys. I am fine with me being here.

JK: damn Yoongs, the hell I thought you would be coming and I asked hoseok to bring Namjoon with him. But I guess it's okay. Let's go guys w-

Yoongi: OKAY I Am coming. How can I say no to my lovely brother?

Jin was standing in front of the door for nearly half an hour. Gathering the courage to go inside the house, to the place which is his worst nightmare. The place where he experiences hell. His not-so-good home, where he spent his childhood. Where he experienced those painful memories. The ringed the bell, and the next moment he was in a bone-crushing hug.

"I miss you so much"

"me too," Jin said as he hugged her back. The single person who was by his side after his brother's death. Who was there when he cried his heart out, sometimes due to pain when his father hit him or sometimes while remembering his brother. His stepmother, yes, his stepmother. His father married her nearly a year after his brother's death. His father loved her purely unlike him. She lost her family in an accident and was at the lowest point of her life when she met his father.

"he is in the study. Be careful, he is really angry this time." She said releasing Jin from her hold. Yes, she knows what happens in the house, she even tried to help Jin in past. Jin stands there for a moment, looking at the wooden door of the study room. He didn't have any idea why his father called him so suddenly. As far as he knows, he was following every order his father has given him.

Jin opened the door of the study room. HE was, standing there looking out of the window. He could feel the tension in the air. Jin took a deep breath as he step inside and close the door behind him.


The next moment he was slammed hard against the wall of the study room due to the kick landing on his stomach. He whimpered in pain.

"What did you say?" The man in front of me spoke with venom. The tone, that tone, that hurt Jin more than anything. The tone of hatred and loathing.

Jin cowered away as his father leaned enclosure and grabbed Jin's jaw and make him look at Him(Jin's father). Jin was terrified, this man was so cruel and the look in his eyes made Jin's blood run cold. This man was so cruel for only him. For the world, he was a good businessman, loyal and loving husband to Jin's stepmother.

"I a-am s-sorry. I mean s-sir." Jin said in tears. He should have known not to call him that. Every time he call him Dad, he ended with lots of bruises.

"How dare of you to call me that after what you did to your brother''

"I a-am sorry. " Jin pleaded. He knew it was his fault. It was his fault to be born and kill his mother. It was his fault to be a burden to his brother in his whole life. He has always caused trouble to everyone related to him since birth.

"BECAUSE OF YOU, I LOST MY WIFE AND SON, YOU DIPSH*T" Jin's father shouted angrily and the next thing Seokjin knew was a pain in his back. His father was lashing him. Again.

"s-sorry" Jin cried in pain. He didn't understand what he did wrong this time. He just laid there silently crying in pain.

"That bastard Taehyung stopping some deals of mine with me. Did you know anything about that?" his father said gritting his teeth.

"I-I don't know-uhhhh" Before Jin could finish the sentence he received a hard kick on his back.


Those words were hurting Seokjin more than anything. At this point he sometimes thinks he is a curse for everyone, he should just die, but he couldn't, he has his reason,s to endure all this.

"Whatever I want Taehyung to start a business with me again, no matter what happens. Otherwise, you know what happens."

With that, his father left the room without giving a single glance to crying Jin. Jin just lay there crying silently until his stepmother came hurriedly to him. She started to attend to his wounds as she cried.

Jin entered Kim's mansion nearly at 7 o'clock. He was greeted by Yoongi and Jungkook, they invited him to dinner but Jin denied. HE was so exhausted, he has so many things to do tomorrow. They were going on a trip early in the morning. He had to pack the luggage. And also has to talk to Taehyung about his dad's business. Will Taehyung listen to him? with that thought the moment he laid himself on the bed, the world around him turned black.


next episode

(Jin looked at Tae)

Tae: Tell me how is your relationship with your father?

(Jin was shocked, he didn't expect Taehyung to ask that question. What would he tell him? His father hate him from bottom of his heart? He tortured and abused him for years? Taehyung will think he is pathetic.)

Jin: Umm... N-Normal. L-like N-normal F-father and S-son. (Jin said avoiding Taehyung's gaze. Taehyung was observing his every moment like hawk.)

Tae: So He loves you? He never lay hand on you?

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