Duchess' Homecoming - Star Wa...

By Author_Bingette

205 13 0

(Basically the plot of Anastasia but with Clone Wars Characters) Duchess Enasti Amidala was the adopted daugh... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

26 2 0
By Author_Bingette

After a few changes of plan, it was decided that Enasti would accompany Padme to her palace in Theed at least until her children were born. The duchess was packing up her possessions, only necessities for the trip, when she was visited by a very welcome guest.

"The city won't be the same with you gone", a familiar voice said.

Enasti turned around to face him and said, "You always do know how to make an entrance."

It was Fives, the object of Enasti's affection. They met when, during some of the 501st's time on Coruscant, Fives and his best friend, Echo, were temporarily assigned as the Duchess and Senator's bodyguards as incidents at the Senate building were becoming more and more frequent. During their time spent together, they grew an appreciation for each other. Appreciation turned to fondness. And fondness turned to love. Despite the distance that kept them apart, whenever they were together, anyone around could see the electricity they felt around each other.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do when you're not here with me", Fives said as he wrapped his arms around Enasti.

"Don't worry. We've made it this far, haven't we? Whatever the universe throws at us, I promise we'll make it out alright", Enasti assured him.

"You're right, as always", Fives commented.

"The sun's setting. Do you want to go out and watch it while I'm still here?", she asked.

"Always", Fives replied adoringly.

The two went out on the balcony, overlooking the whole city with a bright ray of sunlight just touching where the couple were. They were standing side by side, Enasti leaning on the parapet and Fives standing behind her, unable to look away.

When the sun goes down
You're gonna need a flashlight
You're gonna need a candle

I think I can handle that

When you leave town
I'm gonna buy you a calling card

'Cause I'm falling hard for you

I go back on Labour Day

And I will try to make my way

Out west to Naboo

So we've got this summer

And we've got each other
Perhaps even longer

When you're on your own
And suddenly without me
Will you forget about me?

I couldn't if I tried

When I'm all alone
And I close my eyes

That's when I'll see your face again

And when you're gone
You know that I'll be waiting when you're gone

But you're here with me right now

We'll be working hard, but if we should drift apart


Lemme take this moment just to say

No, no

You are gonna change the world some day

I'll be thinking of home

And I'll think of you every night
At the same time

When the sun goes down

When the sun goes down

When the sun goes down

The two started leaning closer together until their lips collided. It was nothing new but the wave of emotions that always came crashing down was always a rush.

They spent a few moments staring into each other's eyes before they were interrupted by someone saying, "Mistress Enasti? We really must make haste. Your ship is due to leave in three hours."

"Thanks, 3PO", Enasti called out before sighing, "I better keep packing. Feel free to stick around."

Fives smiled before saying, "Like I'd pass up an opportunity to spend more time with my favourite person in the galaxy."

"Oh, I didn't know Echo was coming!", Enasti jokingly said before pecking his cheek and returning to her room.

~ ☆ ~

It was getting late into the evening and Enasti had just finished packing up. She was just about to leave when she started getting a sinking feeling. She'd heard a ruckus coming from the senate building but she tried not to think anything of it. She was about to leave for the ship when she felt someone bearhug her from behind.

"Fives", she sighed, "I'm going to miss you too."

They hugged and Enasti told him once more, "Remember, whatever the universe throws at us..."

"... We'll make it out alright", Fives finished.

Enasti smiled went to Padme's side to assist her while they were leaving.

"Have you said your final sweet goodbyes?", Padme jokingly said.

Enasti playfully rolled her eyes and said, "Come on. We should get going. Cap's waiting for us at the ship."

Just as they were leaving, Padme and Enasti were cornered by the Coruscant guard led by Commander Fox.

Confused, Enasti asked them, "Is something the matter?"

"Senator Amidala, Duchess Amidala, you are both in violation of Order 66 and are found guilty of treason by the Galactic Senate", Fox stated.

"Treason? This must me a mistake", Padme told them, "What could we be guilty of?"

"Cohorting with the Jedi", Fox explained.

Enasti turned to Fives who was just behind them. He looked as fearfully baffled.

"How about we talk this over? I don't even know what Order 66 is", Fives tried negotiating.

"You haven't received the order?", Fox asked sceptically.

Fives' brow furrowed, deep in thought. He then leaned close to Enasti and whispered, "When I say, I want you to run as fast as you can. You need to get to the ship and whatever you do, don't look back."

His words struck fear right through her heart but she nodded slightly before Fives leaned back again. The three of them started walking towards the door. The clones started raising their blasters. Enasti's eyes darted back and forth between the other clones and Fives.
She looked up at him one last time with a look of sheer and absolute terror in her eyes. He nodded. With a moment of hesitation, she nodded back, grabbed Padme's arm and bolted for the door.
The two started running as fast as they could as blaster shots echoed through the corridors. Enasti felt tears sting her eyes but they didn't stop running. Soon, Fives caught up with them, bringing Enasti great relief but there was no time to talk.
They made it to the elevator and reached the landing platform. The ship was waiting for them and Padme and Enasti jumped on, with Enasti waiting for Fives to get on too. When he didn't, she looked back and saw him getting overwhelmed, holding off clones from shooting down the ship and running out of places to run.
The ship started taking off but Enasti couldn't leave Fives like that.

"Don't! We can't leave! FIVES!", she cried out.

He looked back at her for a second before getting shot in the shoulder. She gasped. The ship started getting higher and higher with everyone telling Enasti to close the door but their cries were falling on deaf ears.Fives ran towards the ship and Enasti reached her hand out to try and grab his. She kept reaching further and further towards him until she suddenly slipped forward and fell out of the ship.

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