
By MirroredMovments

131K 9.7K 2K

Life is short, and sometimes there are no second chances. But what if your life was just one never ending lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104

Chapter 12

1.7K 146 20
By MirroredMovments



Having been told to wait outside the establishment you found yourself leaning against the side of the shop, back against the brick wall and arms crossed over one another while your foot tapped against the ground in an impatient manner.

Sure you'd won the bet but that led to the blond telling you to wait outside much to your annoyance.

"Ah excuse me," Turning your head to the side as a soft voice had called out, your eyes landed on the form of a girl, her blond hair and blue eyes struck a chord of familiarity almost instantaneously, your mind piecing together that this was the same girl who you and Jonathan met quite some time ago. "You're Jonathan's friend aren't you?"

Nodding your head at the question your lips curled up into a slight smile, "Yes I am and you're the girl we helped a while back, right?" she gave a nod at the assumption and you merely added on. "Pleased to meet you then. Sorry, I never gave you my name back there but it's (Y/N)." Extending one of your hands towards the girl she took it gently in her own.

"Erina." Taking your extended hand she shook it softly, her blue hues trailed across your features momentarily finding that you were indeed as pretty as Jonathan had mentioned.

"That's a very pretty name," Smiling after stating that you added on, "Have those boys come back to bully you since we last saw each other? Because if so I can have a chat with them?" Raising a brow after stating that you let go of the girl's hand crossing your arms in an intimidating yet gentle manner.

Her blond hair swayed slightly while the girl shook her head, "Not at all. I haven't seen them since then actually." Shaking her hands as well to emphasize her point they then soon fell in front of her, the girl choosing to lace them with one another. "So thank you for that."

"It was no problem really," It felt nice to talk with the girl, she appeared to have a very soft spoken voice and appeared almost reserved in nature. But there was also something about this encounter that didn't quite settle. "So, any plans for today?" It was a simple question but you could get a lot out of whatever she answered with.

"Oh, just spending time wit-" "Erina! There you are!" Both the blond and yourself turned towards who'd called out, your eyes right away fell upon none other than the form of your navy haired friend. Slowing down as he approached the girl his blue hues trailed over quickly falling upon where you stood, "Oh hello (Y/N). What are you doing in town? I thought you were supposed to be at home."

You weren't sure why but his greeting annoyed you a bit. Were you not allowed to do your own thing and check out the town or something?

"Just checking out some stores, what about you?" Answering quickly and firing the question back, your eyes trailed across the boy's attire, that of which was rather pristine, and if you didn't know any better the two were on some sort of date.

"Erina and I were just-" "On a date?" Once again someone had cut in although this time around you could feel someone slid into the open spot beside you, that someone being no other than Dio himself. "Because by the looks of your attire- even if it is merely a step up from what you usually wear- you decided to switch things up today didn't you? Jonathan." Continuing with what he'd said previously Dio held this sort of coy look, the surprise on Jonathan's face pleased him quite a bit.

"Dio?! What are you doing here?" Surprise was written across the navy haired boy's face upon seeing his step brother and best friend no less hanging out with one another, it was practically a slap in the face at that point.

"Shopping? Looking around? Do I need a reason to be in town? Maybe I'm on a date of my own? Why does it matter to you." Rolling his eyes at how Jonathan was acting Dio turned towards where you stood extending out a small bag he had in hand. "Here."

"What did you buy?" "That's none of your business Jonathan."

Seeing that the two were slowly killing the energy, both yourself and Erina shared a look, "Alright well we should get going. It was a pleasure to meet you, Erina." Pushing off the wall you were still leaning on, you spared the small blond girl a faint smile and wave proceeding afterward to take Dio's hand and tug him away from the navy haired boy.

"We'll see you at home Jonathan."

Right away turning his head towards you after hearing that he paused, instead of using JoJo you'd used his actual name. Something you hadn't done in quite some time and to add onto that you were holding Dio's hand- someone whom had tormented him for a little more than a week since arriving.

His eyes remained focused on the two of you watching the blond lean back slightly patting away at what he could only assume was dust from the wall you'd been leaning on.

Hands curling into fists Jonathan's gaze remained on the two for a second or two, "Dio. . ."

Having walked for a few more minutes the two of you slowed and the bag in hand made itself prominent once again, "So, what did you even buy? Because I thought I was supposed to choose." One of your brows raised after asking this and it felt as though the mood surrounding the two of you from having encountered Erina and Jonathan had faded away.

"That's how it was supposed to be but knowing you- you'd definitely pick some random junk that you'd probably never use or look at ever again." Upon stating that he could hear you let out a huff yet no reply followed, he wasn't wrong with that assumption.

Letting go of the blond's hand and holding the bag open your eyes right away fell upon a velvety box, that of which was clearly old and was simply used to keep whatever was inside safe.

"I didn't buy the box for you so you can stop ogling it and just open the damn thing." Snorting briefly at how the blond was slowly becoming impatient you cracked open the box, right away staring at the item sitting within it. The elegantly engraved and detail printed into the pendant was enough to tell you this was the same necklace from the window you were staring at. "I didn't even think you were actually paying attention."

A somewhat knowing closed lipped smile stretched out across his features before the blond had reached over to pull the necklace out of its small box.

Wanting to ask what he was doing you held your tongue watching him undo the clasp and shift in place to hold the necklace in front of you, "Hold your hair up." Doing as he'd asked you scooped up the strands of (H/C) holding them up.

Letting out a slight hum he threaded the necklace through the gaps your arms made pulling slightly so that he could clip the ends together with ease, pulling away right after. Letting your hair fall back into place you reached up grasping the pendant between your fingers, the cool metal right away was felt.

"Has Jonathan ever gotten you something?" Turning your head towards the blond as he spoke you could see that his focus was trained ahead, the question came out of nowhere but now thinking about it, it seemed to have put a slight damper in your mood.

"Not that I can think of," Your attention trailed ahead dragging itself across any passerbyers. "Why?"

"No reason. Jonathan just doesn't seem like the type of person anyway, although seeing him with that girl has led me to assume otherwise." Throwing his hands into his pockets Dio's eyes trailed towards where you walked beside him, the curve of your brows and the way you sucked in your cheek led him to assume you were pondering over what he'd said.

Originally he thought it would be difficult to separate you from the navy haired boy, but as it turns out the navy haired boy was doing everything for him. Leaving him as the only person around for you to interact with.

"Jonathan also didn't strike me as the kind of person to disregard one of his closest friends."

Nipping at the skin on the inside of your cheek a sigh left through your nose, "He didn't strike me as that kind of person either but I guess priorities change." Reaching up one of your hands lightly fiddled with the necklace's pendant. "At least she's nice."

"I just wish he would've told me or something. We both met her at the same time."

Dio seemingly just nodded along to whatever you were saying, his initial prying seemed to have worked and it was beginning to look like you'd blurt out all your inner thoughts on the navy haired boy.

"He could've asked if I wanted to hang out too? Or even just let me know or something- but I'm beginning to feel like us being friends didn't even mean much." A distraught huff left your lips thinking over the way the navy haired boy acted, he was ignoring you and yet got upset when you decided you weren't going to sit around and do nothing all day?

How does that even make sense?

"If you think it didn't mean that much then why are you dwelling on it yourself?" Watching your head turn towards where he was the blond could tell that what he'd said instantly caught your attention, the look on your face practically telling him to continue with that train of thought.

"If he can't find the time to talk to you or really understand things from your perspective then what's the point if you're the only one making all the effort." His pace had become quicker as the two of you walked, not purposefully but just to pair with his quick thinking. "Although that's just what I think about the situation. Jonathan is an idiot to think you're that stupid."

"You're dumb but not that dumb."

Lightly smacking the blond's arm with your hand a hum left you afterward, it wasn't exactly the kind of uplifting conversation you'd hoped- but he did make a lot of good points. "You're mean but I guess not that mean."

Keeping his gaze along the side of your face Dio let out a huff though didn't say anything to counter what you'd said. It felt as though the two of you definitely bonded, maybe over that simple conversation or even just taking that trip into town.

Although that morning you were reluctant to get out of bed, you were glad he'd come by- even if he did call you a caveman and even if he mentioned pretending to not know you if you ended up looking like a homeless lady.

"Thanks for dragging me out of bed this morning." Humming that out softly you didn't bother turning to face the blond and just nodded your head.

"Of course. If I didn't, who would have."


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