The Ballerina who wishes to a...

By Somnolance_

5.7K 128 60

[Note: It is highly recommended that you have played and read the Balan Wonderworld novel]. "I work so hard t... More

Good for Nothing
The Little Blue Ball
Maestro of Mystery and Theatre of Wonders
Isle of Tim and Heart Stage
The Angel of Dance
The Charming Prince
The Nympheas Pond
Is he okay ?
After the rain...
The way things are
What's wrong with us ?
The most beautiful to go dancing
The Waltz
The Phantom of the Opera
The Ribbon
The Music Box
The Beauty and The Damned
We'll meet again

The Negati

270 8 6
By Somnolance_

The days, or rather the time that passed, went by at a crazy speed. But no one seemed to care, since time was not supposed to exist in a world like the Wonderworld.

And yet Selene still hadn't convinced herself to dance in an honest way. She continued to let herself be carried away, but not for a second did she think of "getting serious". Sometimes Balan visited her, to talk or just to make sure she was okay.

The young ballerina would dance with him on rare occasions, just for fun, nothing serious. This amused the Maestro just as much. However, Selene rarely confided in him, something was blocking her, and yet she trusted him completely.

Perhaps she needed time.

Balan did not rush her, he knew he had to take his time with someone like her. Sometimes he would ask Lance for advice, since he was much calmer by nature, he must know better. But Lance was adamant about not helping him.

The flock of costumes got to know the host of their place better and became friends very quickly. This gave Selene another excuse not to dance.

She was not unhappy with the time she spent in this magical place, on the contrary she enjoyed it and wanted to spend as much time as possible there.

On rare occasions, she would leave her stage and go for a walk with Cotton. Most of the time, she would go to the Island of Tims where she spent most of her time playing with them or feeding them under the benevolent gaze of the Maestro of Positivity.

Balan had also shown her some hidden, yet beautiful places. For example, on a foggy morning, he took her to a pond overlooked by a majestic weeping willow with pink leaves. In the center of the landscape was a small, adorable wooden bridge that allowed a view of the pond and the few Tims wading happily in it.

"-Balan this place...It's a dreamy place....
-Ho ho, I knew you'd like it!
-This kind of place is rare in my world...Fortunately the Wonderworld is saving the mine once again..."

They laughed heartily. But this place was just one of many.

When Balan wasn't looking after Selene or his Tims, he was looking after Lance.

He was very concerned about his stage partner's health, although he knew it was only going to be fatal. Lance kept telling him that everything was fine and that he shouldn't worry.

The ex-Maestro in chief spent his last moments of peace in the same office. At least that's what he told Balan.

In fact, he kept thinking back to the time when he ventured onto the scene of this new resident. He had been writing about her over and over again. Without knowing it, Selene inspired him artistically. He had started to write poems, short stories, memoirs, but also to draw. The ballerina had bewitched him, and yet she didn't even know Lance existed.

He had broken the promise he had made to himself. His visits to the opera house became more and more frequent. Sometimes he would come and discover that Balan was with her at that moment. He envied him. Balan did not have to fade away, to hide. He still had a few centuries ahead of him. Lance? It would all be over very soon.

Lance never got tired of watching Selene dance, even if she did it in a nonchalant way. Sometimes he would leave a bouquet of flowers in her dressing room. He had learned that it was common in the entertainment industry to do this as a symbol of thanks. Selene saw this bouquet and was more than intrigued. Then in the end she suggested that it was from Balan as a sign of encouragement and positivity, so she didn't question it further.

The fact that Lance did not lock himself up within four walls all day long, gradually delayed him from his terrible destiny. He was thinking about something else. He was reporting on his days at the opera and how he felt.

Selene, Balan and the Cast Member did not know he was there, and that was fine.

But everything eventually became known.


Selene had improvised a tea room on the stage for her and the costumes. They had spent the last few hours cleaning the backstage area, so a small reward was well deserved. Not surprisingly, Lance was there, perched in the heights of the Opera House, not taking his eyes off the Visitor.

"It's a pity that Balan couldn't come..." sighed Castafiore

"He probably had priorities, that's normal. replied calmly Selene between two sips.

"So Selene, do you plan to work on Swan Lake soon?" asked Milky Way innocently.

The ballerina almost choked and looked away, her nose plunged into her porcelain cup.

"-Soon, soon...
-You always say that!
-It's that...Swan Lake is mostly danced by two people and I can't see Balan being a good partner...He's a very good dancer but how can I say...
-He lacks sensitivity?
-You can say it like that...
-You could use one of the mannequins backstage!" Exclaimed Plumy Pirouette.

The young woman tilted her head.

"-That sounds like a good alternative, after all I can't do otherwise."

A sound of a sword coming out of its protection was heard. It was coming from Nutcracker, who took up an attack position.

"-Nutty, what's wrong with you!?"

Selene bent over slightly and hiccupped in surprise.

In the alley leading to the big stage stood a small group of Negati who seemed lost. Lance noticed immediately and his blood ran cold. He had not given an order! The Visitors were used to being frightened by the Negati, which, no lie, he didn't like very much. The Negati were just as adorable and kind as the Tims. Nutcracker's reaction made him grit his teeth and give him a hard, cold look. But he decided not to react. He couldn't react.

" -What are you doing here demon servants!?" Offended Nutcracker.

The puppet felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Selene's stern yet gentle gaze. He reluctantly put his weapon away but remained on the defensive, ready to pull out his claws if anything went wrong.

With both hands clasped to her chest, Selene walked slowly toward the Negati, afraid to scare them. The Negati began to squawk, which frightened every one of the costumes and Cotton except Nutcracker and Castafiore, who merely protected themselves.

Selene crouched down in front of the little creatures, still with a slow movement. She slowly but hesitantly moved her hand towards one of the Negati, a Koso-Koso.

The Negati did not react and Selene put her hand on the head of the little thing. Their slate fur was pleasant to touch, very slightly fluffy. She caressed him very slowly and the little Negati enjoyed it. He gave a few cries of joy and asked for more. The ballerina stroked them one by one, smiling and laughing.

The whole cast, including Lance, was stunned.

"-What adorable little Negati!!!"

However Selene felt a certain aura of negativity more than important but it did not reach her. A Guragura began to play with her hair, intrigued by the beauty of it.

Selene slowly stood up, resting each little Negati on the ground, then turned back to her friends.

Lance was amazed. She was not afraid, on the contrary! He looked at her sympathetically, playing with a lock of her hair with one of his fingers. Would perfection exist?

"-I didn't think they were like that, from the way you described them to me...
-But they are little monsters, they make a good impression, that's all!"

Selene noticed that Castafiore's gaze was wandering around, as if she was looking for something.

"-Is everything okay Castafiore?
"-If the Negati are here it's because the damned Maestro asked them!
-Plumy!" Castafiore exclaimed.

Lance, who had seen and heard everything, grumbled silently. He had not ordered anything. But his visits were going to be compromised if he did not show up soon. The costumes would be on guard.

He decided to leave, afraid of being discovered

The Negati left a few minutes later and Selene tried to calm things down. Nutcracker kept telling her to be careful and that the only Maestro she could trust was Balan and no one else.

The girl ended up with a headache as she had so many questions in her head. Why had this "forbidden Maestro" sent his minions? Was he so cruel and malicious?

She finally dropped into one of the seats and let her eyelids fall off by themselves with only one thought: That damned Swan Lake.

Very late at night, when the Opera was plunged into darkness, Castafiore and Nutcracker were struggling to rest. These two considered themselves the protectors of the stage, especially Castafiore, who was a mother figure to all. She had to watch over everyone while Nutcracker patrolled the area.

Suddenly, she felt that unseemly aura again.

"-Nutty, He's here."

The soldier drew his sword and waited for the door to open by itself, so he could point the tip of his weapon at the belly of the unwanted individual.

A soft, low voice rose from the darkness:

"-Fear not, far be it from me to cause distress, I am only here to settle all this drunkenness.
-Lance, you know you are not welcome on the Visitor stage!" Nutcracker shouted, mad with rage.

Lance threw a haughty glance at the latter:

"It seems to me that this rule has been established only here and by the cast member. I have never heard of such a decree."

The puppet lowered his sword, annoyed. The Maestro had a point.

"-Also it seems to me that some are in the middle of a conversation with Morpheus, it would be a great pity to wake them up.
-Mister Lance is right Nutcracker, please leave us both." Ordered the maternal presence.

Nutty complied, which left Castafiore and Lance alone, face to face.

"-What do we owe your visit? I thought you didn't want to set foot in human territory anymore.
-I only wanted to apologize for the little incident that occurred earlier. It wasn't on purpose, I don't know why they were there, but they won't be back anytime in the near future either.
-You're lucky it fell on the scene of someone like her."

Lance simply nodded and walked past the suit, while gently running his hand over each of the red seats.

"-This isn't your first visit here, is it?
-Decidedly Castafiore, you are more intelligent than your friends.
-How many times?
-More than a dozen times, I would say. Prima Ballerina is so enchanting."

He slowly turned his head and saw his Dancing Angel, sleeping peacefully. He slowly approached her and for the first time he could see her closer than usual.

"-Aphrodite would be jealous of such a beauty." He murmured.

He snapped his fingers and made appear a light cotton shawl. He wrapped delicately Selene of this last, so that she can sleep at best, without that she does not take cold. Then he moved away from her as quickly as possible for fear that his aura would reach her.

"-She is safe, Lance. You always stay on the side of the light...After all you still have that same snowy appearance.
-It's only a matter of time.
-If you're afraid, what are you doing here? And why did you decide to visit her anonymously?
-I don't know.
-The soul is never 100% controllable, if you feel the urge to see it then do so. Besides, I'm sure you'd get along fine. You have the same delicacy.
-I can't.
-Your condition is just a pathetic excuse. You protect yourself behind it. Whether you are with a human or not, the end will be the same so why not take advantage of it?"

Lance said nothing, somewhat ashamed that a costume was lecturing him.

"-Enjoy these last moments in beauty, mope and hide...That will be your sentence when the death knell sounds for you."

He swallowed his pride for a moment and looked her straight in the eye.

"-I'll think about it.
-Balan is doing it very well, but the connection is missing..."

The Maestro said nothing and returned to the entrance. Castafiore saw him off and gave him a teasing smile.

"-By the way, the next time you want to give her flowers, give her lilies, they are her favorite flowers."

Lance disappeared and the Opera House was again plunged into total silence.

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