Pebbles: A Collection of Shor...

By 0liviaRose436

2.5K 438 340

Got a minute? Want to have your mind flip between genres so fast you are left unsettled and confused? Excelle... More

The Seven Sisters
Find Me
The Last Hour
The Baker's Son
A Gift of Youth
What's a Year?
Jack of Clubs
The Ghosts of Hall Manor
The Games of Children
In the Year 2021
The Burden of the Overlooked
The Bugle's Call
Distance Will Save Me
Jimmy Olsen
The Final Trip
The Secret
The Oracles
The End of Truth or Dare
Text Support
A Beginning
A Final Goodbye
Elodie and the Matchstick
Flecks of Sand: A Collection of Micro-Stories
I Believe in Lightning
The Jacket
The Christmas Parade
An Illegitimate Estate
Dragons Love Dark Chocolate
Have You Ever Been Haunted?
Flash Paper
The Rules of Blind Dating
Bah Humbug
Gaia Gardens
Buckle Up
Love is the Best Adventure
Nature's Brew
I Wish You Peace
Behind the Door
The Lost Diner
A Little of This and a Dash of That
Comfort Food
The Letter
Young Again
Deadly Garden
28 Words of Dread: Spacewalk
First Day Treasure
A Festive Fantasy
The Roses of Willow Bluffs
The Ride
Seeds of Extortion
Spring Echoes
Dial-Up Nostalgia
Wicked Waves
Closest Kin
It's Not What
Cherry Blossom Zombies
Thank You, Inclusions, and Wins

Poor Unfortunate Soul

27 4 5
By 0liviaRose436

"Oh, Ursula, do you ever feel like we're never going to get out of Atlantica?" Athena's voice was distant as her mind drifted to places beyond her slice of the sea.

"Why would we want to get out? Atlantica may have its flaws, but..." Before Ursula could finish her thought, Triton glided down the hall to the girls.

"Athena, Ursula," he gave a not to them both but lingered on Ursula for a moment longer than he should have.

"Morning, Tri," Athena absently spoke, her mind still drifted into the deep sea.

"Good morning," Ursula's low voice came sultry, causing her and Triton to blush.

"I'm looking forward to the assembly today. Will you both be singing?" He tore his gaze from Ursula to Athena as he spoke.

"Yes, the assembly," Athena babbled as she tried to focus.

"You do remember it, right, Nena?" Triton teased, sending envy surging through Ursula.

Triton and Athena had history. They grew up together among the merfolk sharing holidays, inside jokes, and even pet names. Ursula grew up on the outskirts of Atlantica with the other cilophytes. Not until the two areas merged in high school at Atlantica Academy had Ursula set eyes on Triton, but when she did, she was captivated. Of course, he was handsome, but while the other merfolk shunned the cilophytes as second-class citizens, Triton and Athena welcomed them. It was Triton that first heard Ursula sing and urge her to join the chorus. She never knew how he'd found her that day as she sang to her pet eels in a hidden cave, but he did, and he urged her to join the chorus, changing the course of her life.

Ursula became close with Athena in the chorus, even though they commonly went for the same solos. Soon the two girls realized their voices were different, and they were not foes. Athena was a clear soprano that would tickle the ears, but Ursula was a belly-deep alto that could pull tears from your eyes as easily as it could draw a smile to your face.

"Ursula?" Triton placed a hand on Ursula's shoulder to pull her from her thoughts. "Are you ready for this afternoon?"

"Of course," Ursula confidently smiled. She was always ready to sing.

"Excellent," he let his hand glide down her arm until it caught her hand, tucking a note in it. "I look forward to hearing you both," he added before drifting away.

Ursula's gaze lingered on his broad shoulders for an indulged moment, but Athena was too lost in her daydreams to notice. The conch sounded around them, much to Ursula's relief.

"See you after class," Ursula shot as she bolted for earth sciences. She settled into her seat and glanced around at the other student. No one seemed to pay much attention to her, so she opened her book and carefully unfolded the note.

Meet me in the library next period. III.

III was Triton; he always signed his name that way as though his name weren't enough to remind everyone that he was in line to hold the trident and rule all of Atlantica. Ursula's heart raced. She and Tri had been exchanging glances for weeks, but this was the first time he had asked to meet her. He must be planning on inviting her to the dance. Ursula tried to focus on boring rocks and trees. The only one she knew that cared about earth sciences was Athena. The thought pulled a throaty laugh from Ursula's lips, which she tried half-heartedly to cover as a cough.

Ursula's heart raced while waiting for Triton in the depths of the library.

"Hello, Ursula," his voice was low and commanding.

"Hello, Triton," Ursula kept her voice smooth despite the emotions swirling inside her.

"I brought you something," he offered as he held up a shell necklace. "I found it long ago and always thought it held the prettiest song. That is until I heard you sing."

"You shouldn't have," Ursula let her full smile spread her red lips as she allowed him to hang the trinket on her.

"I owe you an explanation and an apology," he continued.

"An apology, whatever for?"

"I followed you to the cave. I heard you singing and followed the voice until I found you. I fear I haven't hidden my feelings since. Your voice, like you, is so beautiful, so captivating."

Ursula leaned in close to him. "I feel the same," she offered as encouragement.

"Then you understand," relief filled his voice.

"Yes, of course," Ursula smiled back.

"You know I've never seen cilophytes as anything but equals, but to date; for the future king to date... It could never be," he continued.

"Yes, never be," Ursula cooed. "Wait, what?"

"So you'll see me in secret?" He pressed, pulling her closer to him.

"In secret?" Confusion clouded Ursula.

"Yes, it's the only way. I have expectations," he continued.


"Yes, but I've it figured out. Publicly, I'll date Athena, but you'll always be the one I love..." he reached for her hand, but she snatched it away.

"Date Athena?" Ursula's voice curdled around the name.

"Yes, it's expected of me. Our families are bonded. She's expected to be my queen."

"And I'll be?" Ursula pressed.

"My love. Isn't that enough?" Triton's words were sickeningly sincere.

"Oh, thank you, future king, for offering me the chance to love you in secret," Ursula's voice was roaring.

"Your welcome?" He offered back to her.

"You fool, you could've had me. I could've been your greatest love, greatest queen, but you're too full of pride. How dare you?" Ursula filled with rage beyond anything she'd ever felt.

"I... I... I have a duty..."

"As do I. We'll see who'll rule Atlantica." Ursula thought what a silly threat as she spun away from Triton, but with each passing moment, her resolve became stronger. She'd rule Atlantica, and she'd unite the cilophytes and merfolk. 

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