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By Silverfloor23

121K 2.6K 1.6K

Backstory/Description in the book WARNING ⚠️ - SMUT More

The Last Queen
Extra Cast/Big Announcement
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Paring Of Ways
Born Again
The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
The Girl In The Fireplace
Rise Of The Cybermen
Age Of Steel
The Idiots Lantern
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit
Love and Monsters
Fear Her
Army Of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Smith's and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks In Manhatten
Evolution Of The Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Human Nature
Family Of Blood
The Sound Of The Drums
Last Of The Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage Of The Damned
Partners In Crime
The Fires Of Pompeii
Planet Of The Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Poison Sky
The Doctor's Other Daughter
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Silence In The Library
Forest Of The Dead
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End
The Next Doctor
Planet Of The Dead
The Waters On Mars
The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith and a Family Vacation
A Wedding Of Time
The End Of Time #1
The End Of Time #2
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory Of The Daleks
The Time Of Angels
Flesh And Stone
Meanwhile In The Tardis
The Vampires Of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and The Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang


1.1K 29 18
By Silverfloor23

{"Who knew you were so damn stubborn."}

The Tardis lands in Roald Dahl Plass. "Cardiff." Theta cheered as he pulled me in closer, I chuckled looking up at him as he leaned down to kiss me. "Cardiff?" Martha asked, causing us to pull away from one another. "Ah, but the thing about Cardiff, it's built on a rift in time and space, just like California and the San Andreas Fault, but the rift bleeds energy. Every now and then we need to open up the engines, soak up the energy and use it as fuel." I explained to her causing her to nod, "So it's a pit stop." She stated, "Exactly. Should only take twenty seconds. The rift's been active." A man in a great coat is running across the plaza.

"Wait a minute. They had an earthquake in Cardiff a couple of years ago. Was that you?" Martha asked us causing me to bump him lightly. "Bit of trouble with the Slitheen."

It is Jack Harkness. He has a rucksack on his back.

"A long time ago. Lifetimes. I was a different man back then." He looked down at me with a smile as he made sure to hide the screen. "Finito. All powered up."

The Doctor sees Jack on the scanner. He sets the time rotor moving. Jack leaps for the Tardis and something goes bang! on the console.

I fell over slightly in confusion as Sexy started to go out of control, "Theta!" I shouted, shooting him a look as he rushed over to help be into the seat. "Whoa! What's that?" After buckling me in he grabbed the monitor and stared in shock. "We're accelerating into the future. The year one billion. Five billion. Five trillion. Fifty trillion? What? The year one hundred trillion?" He eyes widened as I leaned forward a little bit. "That's impossible." I shouted as the TARDIS shook harder. "Why? What happens then?"

"We're going to the end of the universe."

We suddenly landed very roughly causing me to grown as my stomach settled. Theta immediately rushing over to make sure I was ok, during our recent trip with Sally Sparrow the two months in a small apartment brought us closer. We were already close but now Martha was kinda officially family, with the sake of telling her about Rose because she wanted us to know she was going to compete with an old companion. Although to me it wasn't much competition between the two seeming as I like Martha and didn't like Rose.

Theta though made it clear as well that he didn't see any competition. Rose was gone, she was alive but she was gone and it was final. Whatever mixed feelings Theta had about her finally settled into hatred. I never meant for it to happen but that's how it ended up after I showed him everything. Although I was forced too, seeming as he cornered me in the apartment while Martha was at work. Apparently dealing with Joan brought out some unfinished business between us and we ended fighting which ended up with a lot of make up sex.

"Well, we've landed." Theta spoke bringing me out of my thoughts as he helped me stand. "So what's out there?" Martha asked us with a raised eyebrow, "I don't know." We both spoke together, although I know I don't like the feeling I'm getting from out there. It wasn't a good place and I had a feeling that this would be the last adventure with Martha, this time around. "Say that again. That's rare." Martha mutters, "Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We should really, really go." Then he grins and runs to the door, I rolled my eyes and put my shield up around my stomach before following after him.

That was also something that changed, while I could use my active powers I have been able to meditate to open them. So I do have active powers but because of the strain it takes on my body, my body seems to self preserve to shielding either my whole body or just my stomach. Which, also shields the baby from any vortex manipulation, and any places that are to hot or to cold. Which means I didn't have to worry about being on that ship earlier this year.

Okay, it's a quarry. Martha spots someone lying on the ground near the Tardis. "Oh my God!" My eyes widened as I shot Theta a look, it's Jack. "Can't get a pulse. Hold on. You've got that medical kit thing." She runs into the Tardis, "Hello again. Oh, I'm sorry." I smack him on the arm, Martha returns with the medical kit. "Here we go. Get out of the way. It's a bit odd, though. Not very hundred trillion. That coat's more like World War Two."

"I think he came with us." I told her as I shot him a small smirk, "How do you mean, from Earth?" Martha asked me, "Must have been clinging to the outside of the Tardis all the way through the vortex. Well, that's very him." I laughed as I knelt down, "What, do you know him?" Martha asked again looking at us as if we'd lost our minds. "Friend of mine. Used to travel with me, back in the old days." Theta shrugged, "But he's. I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat. There's nothing. He's dead." I shook my head and smacks his chest, Jack gasps and grabs Martha, who screams. I burst out laughing, "Oh, so much for me. It's all right. Just breathe deep. I've got you." She shoots me a glare as she helps him sit up.

"Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?" He asks with a smirk, "Martha Jones." She speaks slowly finally getting a good look at him. "Nice to meet you, Martha Jones." I roll my eyes and start to stand only to have Theta help me up. "Oh, don't start." He grumbled at Jack who gaps at him, "I was only saying hello." I snort lightly. "I don't mind." She helps Jack stand up, "Doctor."


"Who knew you were so damn stubborn."

"Good to see you." Jack smiled as Theta shrugs, "And you. Same as ever. Although, have you had work done?" Theta frowned causing me to smack him on his chest. "You can talk. Kate! Good to see you baby." I squealed lightly when he picked me up and spun me around. "Oh yes, the face. Regeneration. How did you know this was me?" Theta asked pulling me away from Jack, "The police box kind of gives it away. I've been following you for a long time. You abandoned me."

"Did I? Busy life. Kate's pregnant, moving on." It didn't seem to register yet, "Just got to ask. The Battle of Canary Wharf. I saw the list of the dead. It said Rose Tyler." He frowned looking between us, "Oh, no! Sorry, she's alive." Theta shrugged as if it was no big deal. "You're kidding." Jack gapped, "Parallel world, safe and sound. And Mickey, and her mother." Suddenly Jack stopped and looked towards me with wide eyes, finally it registered. "Oh, yes!" Jack hugs the Doctor before he hugged me again laughing with joy. "Good old Rose." Martha muttered thinking we were still talking about her.

Jack, Martha, Theta and I walk through some scrubland. "So there I was, stranded in the year two hundred one hundred, ankle deep in Dalek dust, and he goes off without me. But I had this." A sort of bracelet, I winced slightly it was my fault after all. "I used to be a Time Agent. It's called a vortex manipulator. He's not the only one who can time travel." I chuckled, "Oh, excuse me. That is not time travel. It's like, I've got a sports car and you've got a space hopper." Martha suddenly laughed as she pushed me slightly, "Oh ho. Boys and their toys." I chuckled myself as Theta gripped my hand tightly. "All right, so I bounced. I thought 21st century, the best place to find the Doctor, except that I got it a little wrong. Arrived in 1869, this thing burnt out, so it was useless."

"Told you."

"I had to live through the entire twentieth century waiting for a version of you that would coincide with me." I winced again feeling super bad over here. "But that makes you more than one hundred years old." Martha gapped in shock, "And looking good, don't you think? So I went to the time rift, based myself there because I knew you'd come back to refuel. Until finally I get a signal on this detecting you and here we are." He shrugged as if it was no big deal. "But the thing is, how come you left him behind, Doctor?" Martha asked turning towards us, "I was busy. I had to save Kate." He muttered leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Is that what happens, though, seriously? Do you just get bored with us one day and disappear?" She frowned watching us causing us both to pause, "Not if you're blonde." Jack quipped back with a smirk. "Oh, she was blonde? Oh, what a surprise!" Martha spoke in exasperation with an eye roll causing Theta to grow annoyed. "You two! We're at the end of the universe, all right? Right at the edge of knowledge itself and you're busy blogging! I left because Kate was in danger, Jack. Rose only followed because she thought she was meant to be with us, she wasn't. Come on." Martha and Jack shut up, Jack shooting me a look causing me to shake my head. "I'll explain later." I muttered gently causing him to nod, "Congrats again, by the way." He uttered, I smiled and nodded in thanks.

We look down over a cliff onto a high tech construction of some kind. "Is that a city?" Martha asked looking on in shock, "A city or a hive, or a nest, or a conglomeration. Like it was grown. But look, there. That's like pathways, roads? Must have been some sort of life, long ago." Theta explained with a frown as his eyes moved along the ruins. "What killed it?" Martha asked looking towards me causing me to look back in sadness with a slight shrug. "Time. Just time. Everything's dying now. All the great civilizations have gone. This isn't just night. All the stars have burned up and faded away into nothing."

"They must have an atmospheric shell. We should be frozen to death."

"Well, Martha and I, maybe. Not so sure about you, Jack."

"What about the people? Does no one survive?"

"I suppose we have to hope life will find a way." Theta muttered lowly, "Well, he's not doing too bad." The running man is dashing through the city, pursued by the tribe. "Human!" One of them shouted gaining our attention. "Is it me, or does that look like a hunt? Come on!" Theta, Jack, Martha and I run to help. I immediately put my shield up again as I follow them, picking up my dress so I didn't trip. "Oh, I've missed this." We meet up with the running man, "I've got you." Jack grabbed the man who was shaking in fear. "They're coming! They're coming!" Jack aims a revolver at the tribes people. "Jack, don't you dare!" Jack fires into the air, and the noise stops the tribe in its tracks.

"What the hell are they?" Martha asked as she stood protectively in front of me as Theta stood in front of her. "There's more of them. We've got to keep going." The man spoke as he back away, "I've got a ship nearby. It's safe. It's not far, it's over there." More tribesmen appear on the cliff in the same direction causing me to groan in annoyance. "Or maybe not." I muttered, "We're close to the silo. If we get to the silo, then we're safe." He explained to us, "Silo?" Theta and I spoke together. "Silo." Jack confirmed, "Silo for me." Martha agreed before we quickly made our way towards it with the things trailing behind us.

The man shouts whilst running, "It's the Futurekind! Open the gate!" He leans us up to the gates as we made it to the gate. "Show me your teeth! Show me your teeth! Show me your teeth!" A guard demands, "Show him your teeth." Everyone grimaces, displaying our chisel incisors. "Human! Let them in! Let them in!" The metal gates are opened and we quickly run through. "Close! Close! Close!" A guard fires his machine gun at the ground in front of the tribe as they get too close. "Humans. Humani. Make feast."

"Go back to where you came from. I said, go back. Back!" The guard yelled waving his gun around. "Oh, don't tell him to put his gun down." Jack snipped sarcastically shooting a look towards Theta who huffed back with an eye roll. "He's not my responsibility." Theta snipped causing Jack to gap at him, "And I am? Huh, that makes a change." I push both of them on the back causing them to shut up. "Kind watch you. Kind hungry." The tribe back away and leave. "Thanks for that." Theta speaks as he moves to wrap an arm around my waist. "Right. Let's get you inside." The guard mutters as the man we saved turned to him. "My name is Padra Toc Shafe Cane. Tell me. Just tell me, can you take me to Utopia?"

"Oh yes, sir. Yes, I can."

A few moments later we were walking through the silo, Theta trying to get someone to go get our home. "It looks like a box, a big blue box. I'm sorry, but I really need it back. It's stuck out there." He explained, "I'm sorry, but my family were heading for the silo. Did they get here? My mother is Kistane Shafe Cane. My brother's name is Beltone." Padra spoke at the same time, Jack had ended pulling me close as multiple voice spoke at once. "The computers are down but you can check the paperwork. Creet! Passenger needs help." A young boy appears with a clipboard. Padra goes to him. "Right. What do you need?" The guard turns back towards us, "A blue box, you said." He asked as I watched the little boy. I wasn't sure about this place, and I just hoped that little boy would be safe. "Big, tall, wooden. Says Police." Theta explains, "We're driving out for the last water collection. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

"Come on."

Martha seems to notice my discomfort as she moves towards the boy, "Sorry, but how old are you?" She asked causing him to stare for a second. "Old enough to work. This way." We follow Creet.

People have put pictures of their loved ones on the wall as they sleep on the floor. "Kistane Shafe Cane. Kistane Shafe Cane. Kistane and Biltone Shafe Cane? We're looking for a Kistane and Beltone Shafe Cane." Creet asks the people as we pass by, "The Shafe Canes, anyone? Kistane from Red Force Five? My name's Padra." Padra tried, "Anyone? Kistane and Beltone Shafe Cane? Anyone know the Shafe Cane family? Anyone called Shafe Cane?" My eyes watered slightly as my hand made its way to my stomach. Jack pulled me close as Martha and Theta led the group behind the other two. "It's like a refugee camp." Martha muttered, "Stinking. Oh, sorry. No offence. Not you." I snorted at Jack who tried to apologize to the people we passed just as he spoke. "Don't you see that? The ripe old smell of humans. You survived. Oh, you might have spent a million years evolving into clouds of gas, and another million as downloads, but you always revert to the same basic shape. The fundamental humans."

"Kistane Shafe Cane." Creet repeats again as we move on, "End of the universe and here you are. Indomitable! That's the word. Indomitable! Ha!" Eh laughs shooting me a wide smile causing me to smile back. Still a nerd. "Is there a Kistane Shafe Cane?" A woman stands up, "That's me."


"Oh, my God. Padra."


"It's not all bad news."

A young man stands up as Theta uses his sonic on a door lock. Jack shakes his hand, "Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?" Jack flirts causing me to chuckle. "Stop it." Theta warns causing Jack to gap back at him in disagreement. "Give us a hand with this. It's half deadlocked. I need you to overwrite the code. Let's find out where we are." Together, Theta and Jack open the door which turns out to be part way up a giant rocket silo. Theta nearly falls in, causing me to yelp but Jack managed to grab him in time. "Gotcha." Jack muttered sending me a smirk, "Thanks." Theta spoke pulling away, I knew he was having a hard time with Jack here. With all the shots and looks he keeps throwing the man, "How did you cope without me?" Jack laughed, "Now that is what I call a rocket." We all gap as we look up to see the giant rocket that had moss growing along it.

"They're not refugees, they're passengers."

"He said they were going to Utopia."

"The perfect place. Hundred trillion years, it's the same old dream. You recognise those engines?"

"Nope. Whatever it is, it's not rocket science. But it's hot, though." We shut the door again, "Boiling. But if the universe is falling apart, what does Utopia mean?" A man arrives causing me to flinch at the sight of him. Jack immediately taking my hand with a frown as Theta stood in front. "The Doctor?" He asked pointing to Jack who pointed back at Theta, "That's me." Theta spoke up with a smile. "Good! Good! Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good." The man laughed excitedly, "It's good apparently." He drags Theta away, as I watch with a frown. I definitely didn't trust him, he seemed so familiar which scared me but I couldn't shake the bad feeling he gave off.

The man takes Theta to various pieces of equipment straight away. Martha, Jack and I standing behind watching them. "Chan welcome tho." A beetle like alien smiled at us, "Now, this is the gravitissimal accelerator. It's past its best but it works." The man explained, "Chan welcome tho." She greeted again, "And over here is the footprint impellor system. Now, do you know anything about endtime gravity?" He asked causing me to frown slightly as Theta put on his brainy specs. "Hello. Who are you?" Martha asks the alien with a awkward smile as Jack smirked. "Chan Chantho tho." I raised an eyebrow my eyes moving towards Theta. "But we can't get it to harmonise."

"Captain Jack Harkness."

"Stop it."

"Can't I say hello to anyone?"

"Chan I do not protest tho."

"Maybe later, Blue. So, what have we got here?" Jack asked as he pulled me over to them, "And all this feeds into the rocket?" I asked with a frown as I looked over everything. "Yeah, except without a stable footprint, you see, we're unable to achieve escape velocity. If only we could harmonise the five impact patterns and unify them, well, we might yet make it. What do you think, Doctor? Any ideas?" The man asked, "Well, er, basically, sort of, not a clue." Theta muttered with a wince causing me to snort. "Nothing?" The man asked in disappointment, "I'm not from around these parts. I've never seen a system like it. Sorry."

"No, no. I'm sorry. It's my fault. There's been so little help." Over in the corner with chairs, a table and a drinks machine, Martha pulls a transparent container from Jack's backpack. It contains a hand, I love to sit next to her as she gasps. "Oh, my God. You've got a hand? A hand in a jar. A hand in a jar in your bag." Theta frowned as I raised an eyebrow, she was a snoopy one wasn't she. "But that, that, that's my hand." Theta frowned in slight disbelief and disgust. "I said I had a Doctor detector." Jack shrugged back, as Theta sat next to me. "Chan is this a tradition amongst your people tho?" Chantho asked looking between us, "Not on my street. What do you mean, that's your hand? You've got both your hands, I can see them." Martha gapped, "Long story. I lost my hand Christmas Day, in a swordfight."

Reminder of when the Sycorax leader chopped of Theta's hand and it fell from the spaceship in Christmas Invasion. "What? And you grew another hand?" She asked in disgust, "Er, yeah, yeah, I did. Yeah. Hello." He waved with a smirk. "Might I ask, what species are you?" The man asked, "Time Lord, last of. Heard of them? Legend or anything? Not even a myth? Blimey, end of the universe is a bit humbling." He grumbled after seeing the blank confused looks of them. "Chan it is said that I am the last of my species too tho." Chantho gave a small sympathetic smile. "Sorry, what was your name?" Theta asked with a frown.

"My assistant and good friend, Chantho. A survivor of the Malmooth. This was their planet, Malcassairo, before we took refuge." The man introduced, "The city outside, that was yours?" I asked her with a frown, "Chan the conglomeration died tho." She gave a sad smile causing me to feel for the last of her kind. We both knew that feeling well enough. "Conglomeration. That's what I said." Theta cheered causing me to smack him, "You're supposed to say sorry." Jack and I hissed, "Oh, yes. Sorry." He winced at the look I shot him. "Chan most grateful tho."

"You grew another hand?"

"Hello, again. It's fine. Look, really, it's me."

"All this time and you're still full of surprises."

He clicked his tongue shifting me a wink as Chantho laughed, "Chan you are most unusual tho." He shrugged, "Well." Jack and I rolled our eyes at his ego. "So what about those things outside? The Beastie Boys. What are they?" Jack asked turning the attention away from the attention hog. I still love him though, "We call them the Futurekind, which is a myth in itself, but it's feared they are what we will become, unless we reach Utopia." The man explained, "And Utopia is?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh, every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been?" He snipped at me, my eye twitching at the suddenly familiar feeling of annoyance. "Bit of a hermit." Theta spoke before I could, he could feel my annoyance and knew I would say something in retaliation. "A hermit with friends?" The man asked looking between us with a frown, "Hermits United. We meet up every ten years and swap stories about caves. It's good fun, for a hermit. So, er, Utopia?"

He shows us a display on the gravitational field navigation system. "The call came from across the stars, over and over again. Come to Utopia. Originating from that point." The man explained again, "Where is that?" Theta and I asked together. "Oh, it's far beyond the Condensate Wilderness, out towards the Wildlands and the Dark Matter reefs, calling us in. The last of the humans scattered across the night." Jack looked towards me as I frowned back, "What do you think's out there?" Theta uttered out, "We can't know. A colony, a city, some sort of haven? The Science Foundation created the Utopia Project thousands of years ago to preserve mankind, to find a way of surviving beyond the collapse of reality itself. Now perhaps they found it. Perhaps not. But it's worth a look, don't you think?"

"Oh, yes. And the signal keeps modulating, so it's not automatic. That's a good sign someone's out there. And that's, oh, that's a navigation matrix. So you can fly without stars to guide you. Professor? Professor? Professor." We all stare at the man who seemed to blank out, "I, er, ahem, right, that's enough talk. There's work to do. Now if you could leave, thank you." He starts to push us out causing me to glare. "You all right?" I asked him causing him to shoot me a glare back, "Yes, I'm fine. And busy." He snipped, "Except that rocket's not going to fly, is it? This footprint mechanism thing, it's not working." Theta stepped in, "We'll find a way." The professor insisted, "You're stuck on this planet. And you haven't told them, have you? That lot out there, they still think they're going to fly."

"Well, it's better to let them live in hope."

"Quite right, too. And I must say, Professor er, what was it?"


"Professor Yana. This new science is well beyond me, but all the same, a boost reversal circuit, in any time frame, must be a circuit which reverses the boost. So, I wonder, what would happen if I did this?" He sonics the end of a cable and pulls. Power surges through the machines, "Chan it's working tho!" Chantho cheers in shock, "But how did you do that?" Yana asked him, "Oh, we've been chatting away, I forgot to tell you. I'm brilliant." Everyone gets busy.

"All passengers prepare for boarding. I repeat, all passengers prepare for immediate boarding. Destination, Utopia."

The happy people file across numerous catwalks and into the rocket.

"All passengers prepare for immediate boarding. All passengers prepare for immediate boarding."


I watch as Theta sniffs one of the wires, Jack makes his way over as sits next to me for a minute after finishing what he was doing. Martha and Chantho had gone off on another mission and Theta wouldn't allow me to do much after announcing I was pregnant. "So." He paused watching them, "You said you would explain." He bumped me causing me to chuckle, "Rose is safe and alive. D is happy and safe-" He cleared his throat and shot me a look causing me to sigh. "Rose had started to get between us when I first came along, you saw how she acted. After you got left behind, she became worse. She cause problems but amongst those problems, D and I somehow made it work. Now I'm pregnant." He nodded with a chuckle, "Again, congrats. Hope you name it after me." I pushed him as he laughed back.

"Professor, tell the Doctor we've found his blue box." The man from before announced through the speak causing us all to move over towards the monitor. "Ah!" Theta shouted causing Jack to frown, "Doctor?" The Tardis is on the monitor. "Professor, it's a wild stab in the dark, but I may just have found you a way out." A little later, the Tardis is in the laboratory and Theta is dragging a power cable out of it. "Extra power. Little bit of a cheat, but who's counting? Jack, you're in charge of the retro feeds." Martha and Chantho enter, "Oh, am I glad to see that thing." Martha laughed looking over to me. "Chan Professor, are you all right tho?" Chantho asked Yana who I was watching myself. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Just get on with it."

"Connect those circuits into the spar, same as that last lot. But quicker."

"Ooo, yes, sir."

"You don't have to keep working. We can handle it."

"It's just a headache. It's just, just noise inside my head, Doctor. Constant noise inside my head." I frowned at the familiar lines, "What sort of noise?" I asked him stepping closer. "It's the sound of drums. More and more, as though it's getting closer." My eyes widened as I back up a little while Thera stepped up. "When did it start?" He asked, it couldn't be! Could it? "Oh, I've had it all my life. Every waking hour. Still, no rest for the wicked." Martha and Chantho put circuit boards into a rack.

Atillo goes to a monitor, "Professor." The screen remains blank, so he types in Yana. "Systems are down. Professor, are you getting me?" Yana appears on the monitor. "I'm here! We're ready!Now all you need to do is connect the couplings, then we can launch." Atillo's face disappears from the screen. "God sake! This equipment. Needs rebooting all the time." He shouts in annoyance, "Anything I can do? I've finished that lot." Martha asked as I continued to watch him closely. If he was who I think he was, I needed to make sure I was a safe distance away from him at all times. "Yes, if you could. Just press the reboot key every time the picture goes." He pointed causing her to nod, where we really helping him? "Certainly, sir. Just don't ask me to do shorthand."

"Right." Atillo's face returns, "Are you still there?" He asks, "Ah, present and correct. Send your man inside. We'll keep the levels down from here." Atillo opens a heavy door for a man in protective gear to go inside. "He's inside. And good luck to him." Yana nods, "Captain, keep the dials below the red." He commands as I frown, "Where is that room?" I asked him from the back, I didn't want to be close to him but I needed to know what was going on as well. "It's underneath the rocket. Fix the couplings and the footprint can work. But the entire chamber is flooded with stet radiation."I frown, "Stet? Never heard of it." Theta uttered looking towards me causing me to shake my head. "You wouldn't want to. But it's safe enough, if we can hold the radiation back from here." We watch the monitor showing the man connecting up equipment. An alarm sounds.

"It's rising. Naught point two. Keep it level!"

"Yes, sir."

The second connection is made. The tribal woman opens a wall box marked electricity hazard and sabotages it. "Chan we're losing power tho!" The woman uses a piece of equipment to smash other control panels. "Radiation's rising!" Theta shouted, "We've lost control!" Jack shouted back as they began to move around the room trying to find a way to stop it. "The chamber's going to flood." Yana annouced, I turned to Jack. "Jack, override the vents!" I commanded causing him to nod, Jack pulls out two power cables. "We can jump start the override." He tells us, "Don't! It's going to flare!" Power surges through Jack as he holds the live ends together. He is electrocuted and I wince in slight guilt but I knew he would be ok.

"I've got him." Martha muttered as she held onto him. "Chan don't touch the cables tho." Chantho muttered, "Oh, I'm so sorry." Yana muttered with a sympathetic frown, "The chamber's flooded with radiation, yes?" Martha gives Jack mouth to mouth resuscitation. "Without the couplings, the engines will never start. It was all for nothing."

"Oh, I don't know. Martha, leave him."

"You've got to let me try."

"Come on, come on, just listen to me. Now leave him alone. It strikes me, Professor, you've got a room which no man can enter without dying. Is that correct?" Theta asked, "Yes." Yana nodded, "Well" Jack gasps as he returns to life. "I think I've got just the man." I glared slightly but sighed because I knew he was right. "Was someone kissing me?" I chuckled as I helped him up.

Theta, Jack and I run in; I wouldn't take no for an answer. "Lieutenant, get on board the rocket! I promise you're going to fly." Thera told him, "The chamber's flooded." He replied back in disbelief. "Trust me. We've found a way of tripping the system. Run!" Atillo leaves. Jack takes off his shirt, "What are you taking your clothes off for?" Theta asked covering my eyes causing Jack and I to chuckle. "I'm going in." Jack replied back, "Well, by the looks of it, I'd say the stet radiation doesn't affect clothing, only flesh." Theta grumbled in annoyance. "Well, I look good though. How long have you known?" Jack asked with a frown, "Ever since I ran away from you. Good luck." Jack goes inside the radiation chamber and continues connecting things up.

Martha reboots the monitor by typing Atillo into a hiragona keyboard. "We lost picture when that thing flared up. Doctor, Kate, are you there?" Her voice came through but we couldn't see her. "Receiving, yeah. He's inside." I told her causing her to pause. "And still alive?" She asked causing me to chuckle back, "Oh, yes." We lost voice connection when Martha let go so now we just worried about what to do on our end. "When did you first realise?" Theta asked Jack through the door, "Earth, 1892. Got in a fight in Ellis Island. A man shot me through the heart. Then I woke up. Thought it was kind of strange. But then it never stopped. Fell off a cliff, trampled by horses, World War One, World War Two, poison, starvation, a stray javelin. In the end, I got the message. I'm the man who can never die. And all that time you knew."

"That's why I left you behind. It's not easy even just looking at you, Jack, because you're wrong." Theta spoke causing me to frown at him, he didn't feel wrong to me. "Thanks." Jack grumbled, "You are. I can't help it. I'm a Time Lord. It's instinct. It's in my guts. You're a fixed point in time and space. You're a fact. That's never meant to happen. Even the Tardis reacted against you, tried to shake you off. Flew all the way to the end of the universe just to get rid of you. I don't know how Kate can even stand the sight of you, she's always been more sensitive to timelines but she seems to be perfectly fine." I watched as he frowned in thought, I didn't realize he felt that way. Was that why he didn't like Jack? "So what you're saying is that you're, er, prejudiced?" Jack asked with an eye roll.

"I never thought of it like that."

"Shame on you."


"Last thing I remember, back when I was mortal, I was facing three Daleks. Death by extermination. And then I came back to life. What happened?" I winced slightly, "Me." Jack frowned turning to Theta, "I thought you'd sent her back home with Rose." He frowned in confusion, "I came back. Rose had opened the heart of the Tardis and the time vortex decided to take residence in me. Maybe that's why I'm fine around you, because I created you." I explained causing them both to pause in shock at the idea.

"What does that mean, exactly?" Jack asks causing me to sigh and rub my stomach, "No one's ever mean to have that power. If a Time Lord did that, he'd become a god. A vengeful god. But I am the one they call the Queen of Time. I was experimented on for purposes such as that, and I was lucky I wasn't pregnant at the time." Theta immediately grabbed my hand and rested his forehead against mine. "Everything she did was so she could bring you back to life but she couldn't control it." I teared up with a sad sigh, "I brought you back forever. That's something, I suppose. The final act of the Time War was life and I'm so sorry you have to suffer for my weakness."

"Do you think you could change me back?" He asked gently causing me to wince, "I can't." I whispered causing him to sigh. "I went back to her estate, in the nineties, just once or twice. Watched her growing up. Never said hello. Timelines and all that." He was speaking of Rose, "Do you want to die?" I asked him gently but he tried to change the subject. I knew he was trying to spare me even more guilt.
"Oh, this one's a little stuck." He uttered, "Jack?" I questioned again this time my voice more determined, I need to know. "I thought I did. I don't know. But this lot. You see them out here surviving, and that's fantastic." He smiled gently at me letting me know he forgave me. "You might be out there, somewhere." Theta spoke up from behind me, "I could go meet myself." Jack laughed causing us to do the same.

"Well, the only man you're ever going to be happy with."

"This new regeneration, it's kind of cheeky."


I frowned slightly turning towards the way back, this feeling. I didn't like it at all, my heart started to pound as I felt another presence in the back of my mind. It couldn't be.

The final connection is made, "Yes!" Jack shouts gaining my attention again, "Now, get out of there. Come on!" Theta uses the telephone. "Lieutenant, everyone on board?" He asked, "Ready and waiting." Was the response we got back. "Stand by. Two minutes to ignition." Theta told them, "Ready to launch. Outer doors sealed."

"Countdown commencing. T minus ninety nine, ninety eight"

Jack and the Doctor rush around, flicking switches. Martha enters, "Ah, nearly there. The footprint, it's a gravity pulse. It stamps down, the rocket shoots up. Bit primitive. It'll take the both of us to keep it stable." She frowns looking at me before turning to Theta. "Doctor, it's the Professor. He's got this watch. He's got a fob watch. It's the same as yours. Same writing on it, same everything." I knew it! Theta scoffs, "Don't be ridiculous." He glared at her, "I asked him. He said he's had it his whole life." She insisted back, "So he's got the same watch." Jack frowned looking between the three of us with a confused frown.

"Yeah, but it's not a watch. It's this chameleon thing." Martha tried to explain, "No, no, no, it's this, this thing, this device, it rewrites biology. Changes a Time Lord into a human." Theta explained it better for her, "And it's the same watch." I moved forward as Theta looked towards me. "It can't be." He breathed out, "I felt it earlier. I believe she's right." I winced as an alarm sounds. "That means he could be a Time Lord. You two might not be the last ones." Jack cheered but if it was who I think it is, I wasn't as happy as he was. "Jack, keep it level!" Theta snapped causing him to pout, "But that's brilliant, isn't it?" Martha asked looking between us, "Yes, it is. Course it is. Depends which one. Brilliant, fantastic, yeah. But they died, the Time Lords. All of them. They died."

"Not if he was human."

"What did he say, Martha? What did he say?"

"He looked at the watch like he could hardly see it. Like that perception filter thing."

"What about now? Can he see it now?"

"Thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine."

"If he escaped the Time War then it's the perfect place to hide. The end of the universe."

"Six, five."

"Think of what the Face of Boe said. His dying words. He said."


The Doctor turns the last switch and the rocket engines fire. Yana opens the watch and golden energy streams into him. "You are not alone." Y A N A. Outside, Futurekind watch the rocket blast away.

"Lieutenant, have you done it? Did you get velocity? Have you done it? Lieutenant, have you done it?"

"Affirmative. We'll see you in Utopia."

"Good luck." We rush back towards the labs, Yana moves a lever and the control room door slams in Theta's face. "Chan but you've locked them in tho." Chantho looked confused, "Get it open! Get it open!" I shout in panic as the boys work on it. "Not to worry, my dear. As one door closes, another must open." He turns off the silo's defences. "Chan you must stop tho. Chan but you've lowered the defences. The Futurekind will get in tho." The tribe bursts through the gates. Theta and Jack finally get the control room door open. "Chan Professor, I'm so sorry, but I must stop you. You're destroying all our work tho." Yana turns and sees Chantho is pointing a gun at him. "Oh. Now I can say I was provoked." He takes hold of a live energy cable. Theta, Jack, Martha and I have to double back to avoid Futurekind.

"This way!" Jack yelled out as I grabbed Theta, "It's him!" I shouted towards Theta whose eyes widened. "Professor! Professor, let me in! Let me in! Jack, get the door open now!Professor! Professor, where are you?! Professor! Professor, are you there? Please, I need to explain. Whatever you do, don't open that watch." The Master removes a circuit board from the gravitational field navigation system. "Utopia."

"They're coming!"

"Professor!" He disconnects the power cable from the Tardis. "Open the door, please! I'm begging you, Professor. Please, listen to me." Chantho is not yet dead. Behind his back, she reaches for her gun. "Just open the door, please." Chantho shoots him, then dies. Jack smashes the control panel and the door opens. He steps back into the Tardis, carrying the jar, and shuts the door on Theta causing me to shout in anger. He locks it just before Theta can insert his key then goes to the console and presses a switch.


"Let me in. Let me in!"

"She's dead." Jack is trying to hold the door closed. "I broke the lock. Give me a hand!" Jack shouted, "I'm begging you. Everything's changed! It's only the three of us! We're the only ones left! Just let me in!" Theta shouts, I couldn't help but cry out. He was going to tear her apart, "Killed by an insect. A girl. Again. How inappropriate. Still, if the Doctor can be young and strong, then so can I. The Master reborn." We watch the golden glow through the Tardis window. Futurekind force the door open, "Doctor! You'd better think of something!"

"Ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha! Oh." His laughter echoed through my ears causing me to wince. I hate him. I hate him so much. "Now then, Doctor. Ooo, new voice. Hello, hello. Hello. Anyway, why don't we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me, I don't think. Right, Princess." I flinched at his mock of my title. He always said it that way, in a way that made me feel like nothing. "Hold on. I know that voice." Martha muttered, "I'm asking you really properly. Just stop. Just think!"

"Use my name."

"Master. I'm sorry."


"I can't hold out much longer, Doctor!" Theta activates his sonic screwdriver while the Master starts up the time rotor. "Oh, no you don't! End of the universe. Have fun. Bye, bye!" He laughs evilly, "Doctor, stop him! Help us. They're getting in!" The Tardis dematerializes leaving us stranded causing me to panic.

To Be Continued...


Ok, guys I'm gonna finish this season then go on a short break so three more weeks of updates and then I'll leave an come back with The Voyage Of The Damned.

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