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By Silverfloor23

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Backstory/Description in the book WARNING ⚠️ - SMUT More

The Last Queen
Extra Cast/Big Announcement
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Paring Of Ways
Born Again
The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
The Girl In The Fireplace
Rise Of The Cybermen
Age Of Steel
The Idiots Lantern
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit
Love and Monsters
Fear Her
Army Of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Smith's and Jones
Daleks In Manhatten
Evolution Of The Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Human Nature
Family Of Blood
The Sound Of The Drums
Last Of The Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage Of The Damned
Partners In Crime
The Fires Of Pompeii
Planet Of The Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Poison Sky
The Doctor's Other Daughter
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Silence In The Library
Forest Of The Dead
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End
The Next Doctor
Planet Of The Dead
The Waters On Mars
The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith and a Family Vacation
A Wedding Of Time
The End Of Time #1
The End Of Time #2
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory Of The Daleks
The Time Of Angels
Flesh And Stone
Meanwhile In The Tardis
The Vampires Of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and The Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang

The Shakespeare Code

1.7K 36 34
By Silverfloor23

{"I don't enjoy being flirted with unless its my lover."}

The Tardis is still bucking, and Martha is hanging on to the console. Theta made sure to keep me in the seat as he hung onto the console as well. "But how do you travel in time? What makes it go?" Martha shouts from the other side of the console. "Oh, let's take the fun and mystery out of everything. Martha, you don't want to know. It just does. Hold on tight." The Tardis comes to a halt, and Martha falls to the floor. "Blimey. Do you have to pass a test to fly this thing?" I snorted back a laugh as he shrugged not caring much. "Yes, and I failed it. Now, make the most of it. I promised you one trip, and one trip only. Outside this door, brave new world."

"Where are we?"

"Take a look. After you." He opens the door as she stands with a smile, hesitating she moves out as he holds his hand out for me. I smile and grab it, moving out with him behind me so he could close the door.

Washing hangs on lines below the overhanging eaves, scruffy urchins running around. Martha looks around in awe as Theta pulls me closer giving a soft kiss on the head before she turns around. "Oh, you are kidding me. You are so kidding me. Oh, my God, we did it. We travelled in time. Where are we? No, sorry. I got to get used to this whole new language. When are we?" She laughed spinning around causing me to smile at her, she was a new source of light even if it's just a little bit.

"Mind out." He pulls Martha back as a man empties his slop bucket from an upstairs window. "Gardez l'eau!" The man shouts to us from the window, "Somewhere before the invention of the toilet. Sorry about that." Theta winced as I gagged a little and shook my head. "I've seen worse. I've worked the late night shift A+E. But are we safe? I mean, can we move around and stuff?" She asked with wide eyes, Theta frowned an eyed her for a second. "Of course we can. Why do you ask?"

"It's like in the films. You step on a butterfly, you change the future of the human race." Martha explained causing us to frown, I cocked my head in confusion. "Tell you what then, don't step on any butterflies. What have butterflies ever done to you?" I grunted with a raised eyebrow, "What if, I don't know, what if I kill my grandfather?" She shrugged, "Are you planning to?" I asked back, she frowned. "No."

"Well, then."

"And this is London?"

"I think so. Round about 1599."

"Oh, but hold on. Am I all right? I'm not going to get carted off as a slave, am I?"

"Why would they do that?"

"Not exactly white, in case you haven't noticed."

"I'm not even human. Just walk about like you own the place. Works for me. Besides, you'd be surprised. Elizabethan England, not so different from your time. Look over there. They've got recycling." A man shovels horse manure into a bucket, "Water cooler moment." Two men talking at a water barrel. "And the world will be consumed by flame." One of them speaks out. "Global warming. Oh, yes, and entertainment. Popular entertainment for the masses. If I'm right, we're just down the river by Southwark, right next to" Theta grabs my hand and pulls me along, Martha runs along from the south end of old London Bridge, past St Mary Ovarie - Southwark Cathedral - to a beautiful view. "Oh, yes, the Globe Theatre! Brand new. Just opened. Through, strictly speaking, it's not a globe, it's a tetradecagon. Fourteen sides. Containing the man himself."

"Whoa, you don't mean. Is Shakespeare in there?" Martha asks as she turns to us in awe and laughs, "Oh, yes. Miss Jones, will you accompany us to the theatre?" I asked her with a laugh of my own, "I will." She nodded reaching for Theta's arm but he had already started forward, grabbing my hand. "When you get home, you can tell everyone you've seen Shakespeare." He laughed as he pulled me closer, "Then I could get sectioned."

A performance has just finished, and the packed audience of about three thousand are applauding the actors. We have been watching with the rest of the ordinary folk in the pit. "That's amazing! Just amazing. It's worth putting up with the smell. And those are men dressed as women, yeah?" Martha asked jumping around in happiness, "London never changes." I mused causing him to chuckle. "Where's Shakespeare? I want to see Shakespeare. Author! Author! Do people shout that? Do they shout Author?" I was about to warn her not to do that but it was to late. "Author! Author!" And the crowd take up the chant, "Well, they do now." I grunted, Shakespeare comes onto the stage, very full of himself, to rapturous applause.

"He's a bit different from his portraits."

"Genius. He's a genius. The genius. The most human human there's ever been. Now we're going to hear him speak. Always he chooses the best words. New, beautiful, brilliant words." Theta smiled brightly, I watched him with a smile of my own. I love that he gets so happy with things like this, the small adventures and the history of famous people. "Ah, shut your big fat mouths!" Laughter, I winced slightly. "Oh, well." Theta pouted, his bottom lip jutting out. "You should never meet your heroes." I pointed with a raised eyebrow causing him to roll his eyes, "Ok. Queen Victoria." He grunted back at me causing me to chuckle as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in for a gentle kiss.

"You've got excellent taste, I'll give you that. Oh, that's a wig. I know what you're all saying. Loves Labour's Lost, that's a funny ending, isn't it? It just stops. Will the boys get the girls? Well, don't get your hose in a tangle, you'll find out soon. Yeah, yeah. All in good time. You don't rush a genius." Shakespeare suddenly goes rigid and blank, I frowned at him. "When? Tomorrow night. The premiere of my brand new play. A sequel, no less, and I call it Loves Labour's Won." Theta stares at him silently as my head turns upwards to a women dressed more for a party then here. She was holding a doll and smirking causing me to frown in thought.

A short while later, everyone is filing out of the theatre.

"I'm not an expert, but I've never heard of Loves Labour's Won." Martha spoke turning to us, "Exactly. The lost play. It doesn't exist, only in rumours. It's mentioned in lists of his plays but never ever turns up. And no one knows why." Theta explained with a shrug, "Have you got a mini-disc or something? We can tape it. We can flog it. Sell it when we get home and make a mint." I glared at her, she obviously didn't either understand how things like that works or she doesn't know how to listen. "No."

"That would be bad."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Well, how come it disappeared in the first place?"

"Well, I was just going to give you a quick little trip in the Tardis, but I suppose we could stay a bit longer."

We made our way up to Shakespeare's room in the inn, "I've just got the final scene to go. You'll get it by morning." His voice echoed as we approached the doorway, Theta leaned in the doorway with a knock. "Hello! Excuse me, not interrupting, am I? Mister Shakespeare, isn't it?" Theta waved with a smile, Shakespeare sighed and shook his head, "Oh, no. No, no, no. Who let you in? No autographs. No, you can't have yourself sketched with me. And please don't ask where I get my ideas from. Thanks for the interest. Now be a good boy and shove" Shakespeare spots Martha and I. "Hey, nonny nonny. Sit right down here next to me. You two get sewing on them costumes. Off you go."

"Come on, lads. I think our William's found his new muse." A women glares at us as she and the other two men leave. "Sweet ladies." We move to sit at the table, "Such unusual clothes. So fitted." He eyed us, Theta sat down pulling me into his lap, I smiled gently as he gripped my hand. "Er, verily, forsooth, egads." I turned my head slowly to watch her, why do they feel the need to try a accent like that? "No, no, don't do that. Don't." I shook my head as Theta shows Shakespeare his psychic paper. "I'm Sir Doctor of Tardis, this is the Queen of Tardis, Kate. And this is our companion, Miss Martha Jones."

"Interesting, that bit of paper. It's blank." Shakespeare smirked up at us, "Oh, that's very clever. That proves it. Absolute genius." Theta smiled back at me causing me to shake my head with a smile of my own. "No, it says so right there. Queen Kate, Sir Doctor, Martha Jones. It says so." She pointed at the paper, "And I say it's blank." Shakespeare argued back, "Psychic paper. Er, long story. Oh, I hate starting from scratch." I slapped him slightly, "Psychic? Never heard that before and words are my trade. Who are you exactly? More's the point, who is your delicious lady?"

Theta glared at him with a dark look, "What did you say?" He snarled slightly causing Shakespeare to smirk. "Oops. Isn't that a word we use nowadays?" He looked away from us with a teasing smile as he finally came to his own conclusion about us before he looked over to Martha. "An Ethiop girl? A swarth? You miss Kate are a Queen so what of miss Martha, A Queen of Afric?" Martha scoffed in irritation, Theta blew out a breath with a awkward look.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this." She crossed her arms in anger as she glared at the man. "It's political correctness gone mad. Er, Martha's from a far-off land. Freedonia." Theta explained, "And I don't enjoy being flirted with unless it's my lover." I explain crossing my arms.

A man in expensive clothes and wearing a gold chain of office enters. He is the official censor, from the Lord Chamberlain's office. "Excuse me! Hold hard a moment. This is abominable behaviour. A new play with no warning? I demand to see a script, Mister Shakespeare. As Master of the Revels, every new script must be registered at my office and examined by me before it can be performed."

"Tomorrow morning, first thing, I'll send it round."

"I don't work to your schedule, you work to mine. The script, now!" The man demanded angrily, "I can't." Shakespeare frowned causing me to frown as well, it was almost as if he didn't have it. "Then tomorrow's performance is cancelled." The man growled in anger, "It's all go around here, isn't it?" Martha asked, "I'm returning to my office for a banning order. If it's the last thing I do, Love's Labours Won will never be played." He leaves and goes down the stairs.


"Well then, mystery solved. That's Love's Labours Won over and done with. Thought it might be something more, you know, more mysterious." A man's scream comes from the street, then a woman's. We rush out to investigate, "Help me!" Lynley staggers back in, spewing copious amounts of water. "It's that Lynley bloke." Martha gapped as we rushed over, "What's wrong with him? Leave it to me. I'm a doctor." Theta moved towards the body as I stood off to the side watching them. "So am I, near enough"

Lynley collapses, "Got to get the heart going. Mister Lynley, come on. Can you hear me? You're going to be all right." Martha starts to clear Lynley's airways for CPR, and water gushes out. "What the hell is that?" She asked in shock, "I've never seen a death like it. His lungs are full of water. He drowned and then, I don't know, like a blow to the heart, an invisible blow. Good mistress, this poor fellow has died from a sudden imbalance of the humours. A natural if unfortunate demise. Call a constable and have him taken away."

Theta told Dolly who was standing next to us with a grim look. "Yes, sir." Suddenly I turned to face a dark haired girl who stepped up, she looked very familiar. I didn't feel comfortable with her. Moving away I watched silently, "I'll do it, ma'am." She leaves, smiling.

"And why are you telling them that?"

"This lot still have got one foot in the Dark Ages. If I tell them the truth, they'll panic and think it was witchcraft."

"Okay, what was it then?"



We get a nice shot of a skull with candle wax dribbled down it. "I got you a room, Sir Doctor. You, Kate and Miss Jones are just across the landing." Dolly told us with a smile causing me to nod back in gratitude. "Poor Lynley. So many strange events. Not least of all, this land of Freedonia where a woman can be a doctor?" Shakespeare asked turning to Martha who glared back at him. "Where a woman can do what she likes." She snipped, I smirked and shook my head. "And you, Sir Doctor. How can a man so young have eyes so old?" He turned to Theta who shrugged back, "I do a lot of reading." Shakespeare nodded stiffly, looking towards me. I raised an eyebrow as if to challenge him but he didn't say a word to me. "A trite reply. Yeah, that's what I'd do. And you? You look at them like you're surprised he exists. Their as much of a puzzle to you as they are to me."

"I think we should say goodnight." Martha leaves, Shakespeare sighs and gives a nod. "I must work. I have a play to complete. But I'll get my answers tomorrow, Kate, Doctor, and I'll discover more about you and why this constant performance of yours." He pointed to us as Theta seemed to smirk at the challenge. "All the world's a stage." He quoted, As You Like It, written around 1599. "Hmm. I might use that. Goodnight, Doctor."

"Nighty night, Shakespeare." We leave the room, Thera pausing in the hallway. I frowned, "Are you okay?" I asked him gently as I gripped his hand. He seemed to think about my question for a moment before his shoulders sagged and his eyes became lighter. "Yes. I am. Thank you for being patient with me." He uttered, pulling my hand up to kiss the back of it. I smiled brightly up at him, "Of course. I love you." I told him, I really did. I loved him so damn much.

"I love you too, Nora." He whispered back leaning down to kiss me in the dark candle lit hallway.


Martha is holding a candle as we enter the room, our clothes a little untidy but she doesn't seem to notice. "It's not exactly five star, is it?" She scoffed as she spotted the two beds in the small room. "Oh, it'll do. I've seen worse." Theta shrugged, his bottoms lip jutting out as he looks around with a raised eyebrow. I close the door as she watches him closely, I shifted and cleared my throat. Finally she notices me, "I haven't even got a toothbrush." She smiled, "Oh. Er." He produces one from a pocket.

"Contains Venusian spearmint."

"So, who's going where? I mean, there's only two beds." She looked at him with heart eyes causing me to roll mine as I sat down on one. "Kate and I will share. Come on." He plopped down next to me making the bed bounce.

I let out a laugh as he pulled me into his chest, Martha watches silently sitting on the other bed. "So, magic and stuff. That's a surprise. It's all a little bit Harry Potter." She laughed chasing him to look at her with a smirk, "Wait till you read book seven. Oh, I cried." I smiled up at him finally settling in correctly as his arm wraps around me. My head on his chest, "But is it real, though? I mean, witches, black magic and all that, it's real?" Martha asks with a excited look.

"Course it isn't!"

"Well, how am I supposed to know? I've only just started believing in time travel. Give me a break."

"Looks like witchcraft, but it isn't. Can't be. There's such a thing as psychic energy, but a human couldn't channel it like that. Not without a generator the size of Taunton and I think we'd have spotted that. No, there's something I'm missing, Martha. Something really close, staring me right in the face and I can't see it. Rose'd know. A friend of mine, Rose. Still, can't be helped. You're a novice, never mind. I'll take you back home tomorrow."

I frowned slightly and pulled away from him, my heart aching just a little. He didn't seem to notice though as he pulled me back and placed a hand on my stomach, slowly rubbing circles I placed my hand on his and smiled gently.

Finally Martha's eyes seemed to widen as she watched them. How stupid could she be? Of course they were together! And she was pregnant!

Martha frowned as her heart clenched in heartbreak, the thing was if they were together, then why does he still keep bringing up this Rose person?

"Great." Martha blows out the candle, Kate asleep already while the Doctor watches her silently. He stares before placing his fingers on her temple, he just needed to know what he was doing so wrong.

It took him most of the night but he finally decided to let go. He was ready, it wasn't so hard anymore. He loved his Nora and nothing would ever change that, he should have know but he was to thick. He always had been thick, and she had always been so insecure about herself even in the academy.


The Doctor was 85, in human terms though he was around 17. Kate was younger, not by much seeming as she was told the moment she hit 100 her aging would slow until she was either crowned or left the planet. Both of them had been friends since they were in front of the Schism, The Master making sure to make her life a living hell.

They both sat silently in the library, one staring at his beautiful women while she read her book quietly. She had just recently regenerated because of a little accident with his bestfriend, let's just say they currently weren't talking. Suddenly both of them were interrupted by another Timelady coming over, she was blonde and beautiful.

She smiled brightly at the Doctor as the Princess watched silently. "Hi! I'm the Hopeful!" Her voice was cheery making the Princess wince while the Doctor smiled kindly trying not to be rude. He was slightly irritated though, seeming as this women interrupted his time with his crush.

The Princess looked back down at her book in silence, her heart aching but she didn't make it known. The Doctor though didn't seem to notice as the blonde sat down next to him and began to blab her mouth. All he noticed was his Princess sitting across from him, looking as beautiful as ever.


The Doctor is still awake smiling softly at the small but important memory of him and his love, while Kate and Martha sleeps.

Dolly screams, Theta, Martha and I leap out of bed and run to the room. Shakespeare wakes up at the same time as we enter the room. "What? What was that?" Dolly has collapsed. Martha goes to the window and sees an archetypal witch on a broomstick silhouetted against the full moon. "Her heart gave out. She died of fright." Theta utters as he bends down to check her over.


"What did you see?"

"A witch."

Later, a cockerel crows and dogs start barking at the rising sun. "Oh, sweet Dolly Bailey. She sat out three bouts of the plague in this place when we all ran like rats. But what could have scared her so? She had such enormous spirit." Shakespeare mourns, "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."Dylan Thomas, "I might use that." Shakespeare nodded as he pointed, "You can't. It's someone else's." I told him, he frowned in slight disappointment. "But the thing is, Lynley drowned on dry land, Dolly died of fright, and they were both connected to you."

"You're accusing me?"

"No, but I saw a witch, big as you like, flying, cackling away, and you've written about witches."

"I have? When was that?"

"Not, not quite yet."

"Peter Streete spoke of witches." Shakespeare mumbled mostly to himself but Martha still heard him. "Who's Peter Streete?" Martha asked with a frown, "Our builder. He sketched the plans to the Globe." Shakespeare explained causing Thetas eyes to widen. "The architect. Hold on. The architect! The architect! The Globe! Come on!" We all take off towards the Globe Theater.


"The columns there, right? Fourteen sides. I've always wondered, but I never asked. Tell me, Will. Why fourteen sides?" Theta asked as he spun around in the middle. "It was the shape Peter Streete thought best, that's all. Said it carried the sound well." Shakespeare shrugged, he and Martha stood on the stage while I sat on the edge.

"Fourteen. Why does that ring a bell? Fourteen." I spoke with a frown, it did ring a bell but I couldn't remember what for, I had learned it long ago but now I can't remember. "There's fourteen lines in a sonnet." Martha tried, "So there is. Good point. Words and shapes following the same design. Fourteen lines, fourteen sides, fourteen facets. Oh, my head. Tetradecagon. Think, think, think! Words, letters, numbers, lines!" He came over and placed his head in my lap with a grunt.

"This is just a theatre." Shakespeare insisted, I ran my hand through Theta's hair as he closed his eyes to think. "Oh yeah, but a theatre's magic, isn't it? You should know. Stand on this stage, say the right words with the right emphasis a the right time. Oh, you can make men weep, or cry with joy. Change them. You can change people's minds just with words in this place. But if you exaggerate that." I paused in thought, as Martha smiled at us. "It's like your police box. Small wooden box with all that power inside."

Theta jumped up, walking back to the canter before spinning around. "Oh. Oh, Martha Jones, I like you. Tell you what, though. Peter Streete would know. Can I talk to him?" He asked Shakespeare who frowned, "You won't get an answer. A month after finishing this place, lost his mind." Martha turned to him, as I leaned back looking up at them as well. "Why? What happened?" She asked, "Started raving about witches, hearing voices, babbling. His mind was addled."

"Where is he now?"


"What's Bedlam?"

"Bethlem Hospital. The madhouse."

"We're going to go there. Right now. Come on."

"Wait! I'm coming with you. I want to witness this at first hand." Two young men enter, "Ralph, the last scene as promised. Copy it, hand it round, learn it, speak it. Back before curtain up. And remember, kid, project. Eyes and teeth. You never know, the Queen might turn up. As if. She never does."

We rush through the streets, Theta and I hand in hand as Martha and Shakespeare follow behind. "So, tell me of Freedonia, where women can be doctors, writers, actors." We listened as Shakespeare asked Martha, I looked up at Theta who smiled down at me gently kissing my head. "This country's ruled by a woman." Martha spoke, watching Kate. "Ah, she's royal. That's God's business. Though you are a royal beauty." Shakespeare flirted, "Whoa, Nelly. I know for a fact you've got a wife in the country."

"But Martha, this is Town."

"Come on. We can all have a good flirt later." Theta clicked his tongue and winked at me causing me to roll my eyes at the flirt. He was the biggest one of all and yet he bitched about others doing it. Especially Jack. "Is that a promise, Doctor?"

"Oh, fifty seven academics just punched the air. Now move!"


Bishopsgate, near the city wall. There should only have been 20 patients there at most by this time. "Does my Lord Doctor wish some entertainment while he waits? I'd whip these madmen. They'll put on a good show for you. Mad dog in Bedlam." The Keeper smirked, his eyes wild and his smile evil. "No, I don't!" Theta spoke, as we were lead through the madhouse.

He made sure to pull me close, Martha giving us a small smile as she watched silently. "Well, wait here, my lords, while I make him decent for the lady." The Keeper of the Hospital walks on down the corridor with cells on either side. "So this is what you call a hospital, yeah? Where the patients are whipped to entertain the gentry? And you put your friend in here?"

"Oh, it's all so different in Freedonia." Shakespeare mused sarcastically as I watched him, I wonder if he will figure it out. I believe he's smart enough, let's just see if he proves it. "But you're clever. Do you honestly think this place is any good?" Martha asked him, cocking her head to the side. "I've been mad. I've lost my mind. Fear of this place set me right again. It serves its purpose."

"Mad in what way?"

"You lost your son."

"My only boy. The Black Death took him. I wasn't even there."

"I didn't know. I'm sorry." Martha gave him a sad smile, Theta wrapped his arm around my waist again gently rubbing my stomach. "It made me question everything. The futility of this fleeting existence. To be or not to be. Oh, that's quite good." Hamlet hadn't been written yet. "You should write that down." I hinted causing him to shake his head back at me. "Maybe not. A bit pretentious?"

"This way, my lord!" A hunched figure in rags has his back to us in a dark cell. "They can be dangerous, my lord. Don't know their own strength." The keeper warned us as we moved in, "I think it helps if you don't whip them. Now get out!" Theta snaps causing the keeper to leave, I raised an eyebrow in slight amusement with a mix of lust.

Controlling myself I stand in front of everyone, "Peter? Peter Streete?" I asked gently slowly moving closer to him, I was prepared to use my shield if I needed too. "He's the same as he was. You'll get nothing out of him." Shakespeare tried to warn us but we didn't listen. "Peter?" Theta touches Streete's shoulder and he raises his head, staring.

He puts his fingers on Streete's temples. It is mind meld time, "Peter, I'm the Doctor. Go into the past. One year ago. Let your mind go back. Back to when everything was fine and shining. Everything that happened in this year since happened to somebody else. It was just a story. A Winter's Tale. Let go. That's it. That's it, just let go."

He lies Streete down on his cot, "Tell me the story, Peter. Tell me about the witches." Theta speaks gently trying not to panic the man's mind. "Witches spoke to Peter. In the night, they whispered. They whispered. Got Peter to build the Globe to their design. Their design! The fourteen walls. Always fourteen. When the work was done they snapped poor Peter's wits." His voice came out scared and stuttered as he tried to tell us. "Where did Peter see the witches? Where in the city? Peter, tell me. You've got to tell me where were they?"

"All Hallows Street." Peter whispered as a witch appeared right next to Theta, "Too many words." She hissed, Martha jumped back with Theta as I raised my shield. "What the hell?" Martha spoke in shock as we all stared at the ugly women. "Just one touch of the heart." She leaned down, "No!" Doomfinger puts her hand on Streete's chest, and he dies. "Witch! I'm seeing a witch!" Shakespeare shouts in shock, "Now, who would be next, hmm? Just one touch. Oh, oh, I'll stop your frantic hearts. Poor, fragile mortals." She hissed at us, her eyes on me as I stared back. I trusted myself enough to not let her anywhere near my baby but I knew I could hurt others as well.

"Let us out! Let us out!" Martha shouted through the bars, "That's not going to work. The whole building's shouting that." Theta warned as he was able to slip through my protection and pull me behind him as the witch neared. "Who will die first, hmm?" She asked again with an evil smile. "Well, if you're looking for volunteers." Theta stepped up, "No! Don't!" Martha shouted as I watched on, ready to shield him as well if I had too. I only could do one person at a time but if I was far enough I could leave myself unprotected to protect him long enough.

"Doctor, can you stop her?"

"No mortal has power over me."

"Oh, but there's a power in words. If I can find the right one. If I can just know you."

"None on Earth has knowledge of us."

"Then it's a good thing I'm here. Now think, think, think. Humanoid female, uses shapes and words to channel energy. Ah! Fourteen! That's it! Fourteen! The fourteen stars of the Rexel planetary configuration! Creature, I name you Carrionite!" Doomfinger screams and vanishes in a slow flash of light. I rush forward and pull him into a tight hug, "What did you do?" Martha asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "I named her. The power of a name. That's old magic." He explained, "But there's no such thing as magic."

"Well, it's just a different sort of science. You lot, you chose mathematics. Given the right string of numbers, the right equation, you can split the atom. Carrionites use words instead." Theta shrugged it off as if it was no big deal. "Use them for what?" Shakespeare asked us, "The end of the world."


"The Carrionites disappeared way back at the dawn of the universe. Nobody was sure if they were real or legend." I explained to them as we arrived back in Shakespeare room at the inn. "Well, I'm going for real." Shakespeare spoke sarcastically as he sat down, "But what do they want?" Martha asked, "A new empire on Earth. A world of bones and blood and witchcraft." Theta leaned against the table I was sitting on, "But how?" Martha leaned forwards to make a point as she spoke slow. "I'm looking at the man with the words." We all turned to look at Shakespeare.

"Me? But I've done nothing." He snipped shaking his head, "Hold on, though. What were you doing last night, when that Carrionite was in the room?" Martha asked, "Finishing the play." He glared slightly causing Theta to look up with wide eyes. "What happens on the last page?" We both ask at the same time. "The boys get the girls. They have a bit of a dance. It's all as funny and thought provoking as usual. Except those last few lines. Funny thing is, I don't actually remember writing them."

"That's it. They used you. They gave you the final words like a spell, like a code. Love's Labours Won. It's a weapon. The right combination of words, spoken at the right place, with the shape of the Globe as an energy converter! The play's the thing!" Hamlet this time. "And yes, you can have that."

Theta looks at a hopelessly inaccurate map, and points to one of the three marked streets, which is actually where Thames Street is in reality. "All Hallows Street. There it is. Martha, we'll track them down. Will, you get to the Globe. Whatever you do, stop that play." Thera demanded causing Shakespeare to nod, "I'll do it. All these years I've been the cleverest man around. Next to you, I know nothing."

"Oh, don't complain."

"I'm not. It's marvellous. Good luck, Doctor."

"Good luck, Shakespeare. Once more unto the breach." Henry V, "I like that. Wait a minute, that's one of mine." Theta pokes his head around door. "Oh, just shift!" I let out a small laugh at my love.


"All Hallows Street, but which house?" We make our way down the street, "The thing is, though am I missing something here? The world didn't end in 1599. It just didn't. Look at me. I'm living proof." Martha laughed out, "Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux? I know. Back to the Future. It's like Back to the Future." I frowned in slight confusion, apparently I haven't seen this movie. Theta would have to show me sometime, "The film?" Martha asked, "No, the novelisation. Yes, the film." Theta spit out sarcastically causing me to smack his arm. "Marty McFly goes back and changes history."

"And he starts fading away. Oh my God, am I going to fade?" She asked as her eyes widened, "You and the entire future of the human race. It ends right now in 1599 if we don't stop it. But which house?" A door creaks open invitingly. "Ah. Make that witch house." I muttered sarcastically as we moved in, "I take it we're expected." Theta mused raising an eyebrow at the young female standing before us.

"Oh, I think Death has been waiting for you a very long time." My eyes widened as I recognized her from the inn and the globe. "Right then, it's my turn. I know how to do this. I name thee Carrionite! What did I do wrong? Was it the finger?" Martha tried but frowned, looking at us. We watched her slightly irritated, "The power of a name works only once. Observe. I gaze upon this bag of bones and now I name thee Martha Jones." Martha falls backwards into Theta's arms.

"What have you done?" I hissed angrily, "Only sleeping, alas. It's curious. The name has less impact. She's somehow out of her time. And as for you, Sir Doctor. Fascinating. There is no name. Why would a man hide his title in such despair? Oh, but look. There's still one word with the power that aches." I immediately put my shield up, "The naming won't work on me." He uttered out angrily as he moved me behind him. "But your heart grows cold. The north wind blows and carries down the distant-" She paused with a frown, her face becoming confused before she smirked.

"The straight wind blows, open the gate to the place named Kate." Theta glared harshly at her rhyme as I flinch just a bit. "Oh, big mistake. Because that name keeps me fighting." He shouted in anger, his eyes a blaze. He was pissed that she tried to use me against him. "The Carrionites vanished. Where did you go?" I asked her as she moved away in slight shock as he towers over her. "The Eternals found the right word to banish us into deep darkness." She turned back, "And how did you escape?"

"New words. New and glittering, from a mind like no other." She hinted with a raised eyebrow, "Shakespeare." I uttered out. "His son perished. The grief of a genius. Grief without measure. Madness enough to allow us entrance." She spoke looking towards the cauldron that showed a sad Shakespeare. Theta stared at it for a second before looking back at her, "How many of you?" He asked, "Just the three. But the play tonight shall restore the rest. Then the human race will be purged as pestilence. And from this world we will lead the universe back into the old ways of blood and magic."

"Hmm. Busy schedule. But first you've got to get past me." He moved closer to stare her down, "Oh, that should be a pleasure, considering my enemy has such a handsome shape." She smirked at him, barely glancing at me as I watched in silence. "Now, that's one form of magic that's definitely not going to work on me." Theta spoke. "Oh, we'll see." Lilith pulls some hairs from his head, "What did you do?"


"Well, give it back." Lilith flies out of the window backwards. They are on the upper floor, "Well, that's just cheating." Theta pouted as I backed away watching them. "Behold, Doctor. Men to Carrionites are nothing but puppets." Lilith wraps his hair round a wooden doll, while Martha wakes up. "Now, you might call that magic. I'd call that a DNA replication module."

"What use is your science now?" Lilith stabs the doll, Theta screams and falls as I rush forward, Lilith flies away.

"Oh my God, Doctor. Don't worry, I've got you. Hold on, mister. Two hearts?" Martha stares down at him with slight irritation as I watch with my arms crossed in amusement. "You're making a habit of this. Ah! I've only got one heart working. How do you people cope?" He sits up in pain, somehow managing to take the time and help me up as well.

"I've got to get the other one started. Hit me! Hit me on the chest!" She hits him, "Dah! Other side." Hits him again as I watch amused again. "Now, on the back, on the back. Left a bit. Dah, lovely. There we go. Badda booma!" He shouts, giving me a wide and excited smile. "Well, what are you standing there for? Come one! The Globe!"

He takes off running as I stand an wait, "We're going the wrong way!" Martha shouts at him as she runs after. "No, we're not!" There was a pause before he comes running back, grabbing my hand as he passes. "We're going the wrong way!" Martha throws her hands up as she runs behind us while I let out a laugh.

A red glow hangs over the Globe, "I told thee so! I told thee!" A man shouts in panic. "Stage door!" I shout to them as I point.

A storm rages over the building. The audience panic and run, but the witches slam the doors shut to stop them. We find Shakespeare waking up, "Stop the play. I think that was it. Yeah, I said, stop the play!" Theta shouts in exasperation and irritation. "I hit my head." He snipped back gripping his head. "Yeah, don't rub it, you'll go bald. I think that's my cue!" Theta turned to me and gave me a kiss in front of Martha before running off.

I turn to her to explain but she just smiles, "I already know. Not that hard to miss, by the way congratulations." She smiles pointing at my stomach causing me to laugh. We rush out behind him with Shakespeare in tow.

"Now begins the millennium of blood!" Theta runs out onto the stage, followed by Martha, Shakespeare and I. "The Doctor. He lives. Then watch this world become a blasted heath!" Macbeth recites, "They come. They come!" Lilith holds the crystal out into the red light and bat-like creatures fly into the theatre. They circle a bit then fly up into the sky. "Come on, Will! History needs you!" I cheer him on as I push him forwards.

"But what can I do?" Shakespeare turns back to me with wide eyes, "Reverse it!" I snap back, "How am I supposed to do that?" I groan in exasperation. "The shape of the Globe gives words power, but you're the wordsmith, the one true genius. The only man clever enough to do it." Theta explains as he pulls him forward in the middle of all the chaos. "But what words? I have none ready!"

"You're William Shakespeare!"

"But these Carrionite phrases, the need such precision."

"Trust yourself. When you're locked away in your room, the words just come, don't they, like magic. Words of the right sound, the right shape, the right rhythm. Words that last forever. That's what you do, Will. You choose perfect words. Do it. Improvise." Theta told the man as I watched with a small loving smile, now this was the man I know.

I was so proud of him, he stands back next to me and grips my hand tightly. "Close up this din of hateful, dire decay, decomposition of your witches' plot. You thieve my brains, consider me your toy. My doting Doctor tells me I am not!" Shakespeare starts shouting at them after Theta's encouragement.

"No! Words of power!" The witches start to scream, "Foul Carrionite spectres, cease your show! Between the points" He pauses to think, "Seven six one three nine oh!" Theta points for him to repeat. "Seven six one three nine oh! Banished like a tinker's cuss, I say to thee" He turns to us in panic, Martha thinks quickly.




"Good old JK!" The Carrionites scream more, "The deep darkness! They are consumed!" The Carrionites are sucked into a tornado, along with all the extant pages of the play. "Love's Labours Won. There it goes."

The sky clears with a flash and bang. After a few moments, someone starts clapping, then all the audience joins in. "They think it was all special effects?" Martha asked in shock, "Your effect is special indeed." Shakespeare flirted, "It's not your best line." Shakespeare and Martha take their bows.

Meanwhile, Theta goes up to the now empty box and picks up the crystal, I watch him in the door way as he turns to me with a smile. Lilith and her mothers are inside, scratching to get at us.

We make our way down to Shakespeare and Martha, "You okay?" He asked causing me to turn with a confused look, "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at him as he pulled me close with a deep kiss. He pulls away grabbing something causing me to laugh, he enters wearing a small stiff ruff and carrying an animal skull.

"Good props store back there. I'm not sure about this though. Reminds me of a Sycorax." He muttered to me causing me to nod back in agreement. "Sycorax. Nice word. I'll have that off you as well." Shakespeare leaned with a nod causing me to chuckle in entertainment. "I should be on ten percent. How's your head?" Theta asked him, he shrugged. "Still aching."

"Here, I got you this." He takes off the ruff and puts it on Shakespeare. "Neck brace. Wear that for a few days till it's better, although you might want to keep it. It suits you." I laughed as I spoke, Theta smiled back watching me. "What about the play?" Martha asked us, "Gone. I looked all over. Every single copy of Love's Labours Won went up in the sky." Theta pointed as he shrugged, "My lost masterpiece."

"You could write it up again." Martha suggested, "Yeah, better not, Will. There's still power in those words. Maybe it should best stay forgotten." Theta warned with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, but I've got new ideas. Perhaps it's time I wrote about fathers and sons, in memory of my boy, my precious Hamnet."


"That's him."


"What's wrong with that?"

"Anyway, time we were off. I've got a nice attic in the Tardis where this lot can scream for all eternity, and I've got to take Martha back to Freedonia." Theta lied but Shakespeare smirked at me, I raised an eyebrow curious to see if he actually figured it out. "You mean travel on through time and space." Yep, he figured it out, "You what?" Theta gapped in shock.

"You're from another world like the Carrionites, and Martha is from the future. It's not hard to work out." Shakespeare shrugged as if it was no big deal. "That's incredible. You are incredible." Theta shook his head with a awing smile, he really was inspired by this man. "We're alike in many ways, Doctor. Kate, good luck with the birth of your young one. Martha, let me say goodbye to you in a new verse. A sonnet for my Dark Lady. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate."

Burbage and Kempe enter from the street, "Will!" They yelled in excitement, "Will, you'll never believe it. She's here! She's turned up!" Kempe cheered as he jumped up and down. "We're the talk of the town. She heard about last night. She wants us to perform it again."

"Who?" Martha asked as we all watched them. "Her Majesty. She's here." Fanfare and the elderly Elizabeth enters with two pikemen. "Queen Elizabeth the First!" Theta cheered happily as he turned back an forth between us, she then spots me. "Kate?" My eyes widen, "What?" I ask at the same time as Theta who looked towards me confused.

"My sworn enemy."


"Off with her head!"


"Never mind what, just run! See you, Will, and thanks." Martha takes off as Shakespeare laughs in joyful entertainment. "Stop that thief, Kate!" My mouth drops slightly as Theta pulls me along.

Shakespeare laughs as the pikemen chase us out and into the streets of Southwark. "Stop in the name of the Queen!" The guard shouted, "What have you done to upset her?" Martha asks in shock staring at me, I shrugged as we ran. "How should I know? Haven't even met her yet. That's time travel for you. Still, can't wait to find out." We get to the Tardis and he lets me in before Martha who also allowed me to go first. "That's something to look forward to. Ooo!" Theta gets inside and shuts the door as an arrow thuds into it, just like in Silver Nemesis.


So this week is gonna be special, I want to give y'all the best so I have decided to update every day this week. Hope y'all enjoy, then I'll take a week off and get back to it.

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