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By Silverfloor23

122K 2.6K 1.6K

Backstory/Description in the book WARNING ⚠️ - SMUT More

The Last Queen
Extra Cast/Big Announcement
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Paring Of Ways
Born Again
The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
The Girl In The Fireplace
Rise Of The Cybermen
The Idiots Lantern
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit
Love and Monsters
Fear Her
Army Of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Smith's and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks In Manhatten
Evolution Of The Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Human Nature
Family Of Blood
The Sound Of The Drums
Last Of The Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage Of The Damned
Partners In Crime
The Fires Of Pompeii
Planet Of The Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Poison Sky
The Doctor's Other Daughter
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Silence In The Library
Forest Of The Dead
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End
The Next Doctor
Planet Of The Dead
The Waters On Mars
The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith and a Family Vacation
A Wedding Of Time
The End Of Time #1
The End Of Time #2
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory Of The Daleks
The Time Of Angels
Flesh And Stone
Meanwhile In The Tardis
The Vampires Of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and The Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang

Age Of Steel

1.8K 51 14
By Silverfloor23

{"Do I need to slap the stupid out of you too?!"}

Theta points the recharging Tardis power cell at the Cybermen, who get bent backwards then atomised by the golden energy. "What the hell was that?" Rickey shouted in anger, "We'll have that instead. Run!" Mrs Moore sounds the van's horn. "Everybody, in!" She shouts at us opening the door, "I've got to go back. My wife's in there." Pete insisted causing me to shake my head. "Anyone inside that house is dead. If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing. You've got to come with us right now."

"Come on! Get a move on!"

"Rose, she's not your mother." I told her, "I know." She hissed at me angrily gaining the attention of Theta but it wasn't the good kind. "Come on." Theta glared with a growl, "Finished chatting? Never seen a slower getaway in my life!" We drive off as more legions of Cybermen are on the move.
Inside, Jackie peers round of the cellar door to see Cybermen nearby.

"What was that thing?" Rickey asked us as we sat across from him. "Little bit of technology from my home." Theta explained, "It's stopped glowing. Has it run out?" Mickey asked with worry making me smile gently. Glad he actually cared unlike the blonde next to him. "It's on a revitalising loop. It'll charge back up in about four hours."

"Right. So, we don't have a weapon anymore." Rickey scoffed to himself, "Yeah, we've got weapons. Might not be one of those metal things, but they're good enough for men like him." Jake explained before glaring at Pete. "Leave him alone. What's he done wrong?" Rose snarled at Jake causing me to roll my eyes, "Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the Government and left Lumic in charge." I spoke with a cock of my head causing them all to look at me, Rose making sure to glare harshly.

"If I was part of all that, do you think I'd leave my wife inside?" Pete insisted with a frown. "Maybe your plan went wrong. Still gives us the right to execute you, though." Rickey snarled looking Pete up and down with disgust, "Talk about executions, you'll make me your enemy. And take some really good advice. You don't want to do that."

"All the same, we have evidence that says Pete Tyler's been working for Lumic since twenty point five." Rickey explained causing Rose to frown in shock, "Is that true?" She gapped at him causing Rickey to roll his eyes, "Tell them, Mrs M." Rickey insisted causing her to give a nod. "We've got a government mole who feeds us information. Lumic's private files, his South American operations, the lot. Secret broadcasts twice a week."

"Broadcast from Gemini?"

"And how do you know that?"

"I'm Gemini. That's me."

"Yeah, well you would say that."

"Encrypted wavelength six five seven using binary nine. That's the only reason I was working for Lumic. To get information. I thought I was broadcasting to the Security Services. What do I get? Scooby Doo and his gang. They've even got the van." Pete explained, Mickey shakes his head. "No, no, no. But the Preachers know what they're doing. Ricky said he's London's Most Wanted." Mickey pointed out as I raised an eyebrow watching Rickey who winced, "Yeah, that's not exactly" He started as I leaned forward. "Not exactly what?"

"I'm London's Most Wanted for parking tickets."


"Yeah, they were deliberate. I was fighting the system. Park anywhere, that's me."

"Good policy. I do much the same. I'm the Doctor, by the way, if anyone's interested. This is Kate." Theta introduced us with a small smile and wave. "And I'm Rose. Hello." She smiled at him, "Even better. That's the name of my dog. Still, at least I've got the catering staff on my side." He scoffed rolling his eyes, "I knew you weren't a traitor."

"Why is that, then?" He asked looking at her as if she was some stalker or something. "I just did." She insisted with a shrug shooting me a look. "They took my wife." Rose glared at her, "She might still be alive." Rose smiled gently at him, causing Theta to scoff. "That's even worse. Because that's what Lumic does. He takes the living and he turns them into those machines."

"Cybermen. They're called Cybermen. And I'd take those ear pods off, if I were you. You never know. Lumic could be listening." I explained as Theta zaps the ear pods with his sonic screwdriver, "But he's overreached himself. He's still just a businessman. He's assassinated the President. All we need to do is get to the city and inform the authorities. Because I promise you, this ends tonight."


"What the hell?" Jake asked loudly, "What's going on?" Rose instead reaching for Theta as the people are walking like zombies. "It's the ear-pods. Lumic's taken control." I explained watching them. "Can't we just, I don't know, take them off?"

"Don't! Cause a brainstorm. Human race. For such an intelligent lot, you aren't half susceptible. Give anyone a chance to take control and you submit. Sometimes I think you like it. Easy life."

"Hey, Come and see." Around the corner are more people, and a squad of Cybermen. "Where are they all going?"

"I don't know. Lumic must have a base of operations." Theta frowned in thought causing Pete to nod. "Battersea. That's where he was building his prototypes." Pete leaned closer to Theta, "Why's he doing it?" I asked looking towards him.

"He's dying. This all started out as a way of prolonging life, of keeping the brain alive at any cost." Pete explained with a shake of his head. "The thing is, I've seen Cybermen before, haven't I? The head. Those handle shapes in Van Statten's museum." Rose insisted she know what was going on, it was one of the annoying personalities traits she had. "Ah, there are Cybermen in our universe. They started on an ordinary world just like this, then swarmed across the galaxy. This lot are a parallel version, and they're starting from scratch right here on Earth." I explained, "What the hell are you two on about?" Pete snarled in anger.

"Never mind that. Come on, we need to get out of the city. Okay, split up. Mrs Moore, you look after that bloke. Jake, distract them. Go right, I'll go left. We'll meet back at Bridge Street. Move." Rickey commanded his crew, leaving no room for anyone else. "I'm going with him." Mickey kisses Rose and follows Ricky, "Come on, let's go." Rose looks expectingly at Theta most likely expecting him to be jealous but he was paying attention to More Cybermen patrols. "There!" They run down a side street.


A group of Cybermen march down an alley near where Mrs Moore, Pete, Rose and the Doctor are hiding behind rubbish bins. Rose grabs Pete's hand. The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to transmit a signal, and the Cybermen march on.



Ricky and Mickey end up on opposite sides of a tall chain-link fence. The Cybermen are behind Ricky, "Come on! Come on! Come on!" Ricky starts to climb the fence. A Cyberman grabs his ankle and electrocutes him. "No!"
Mickey and the Cybermen stare at each other in silence, then Mickey runs.


"I ran past the river. You should have seen it. The whole city's on the march. Hundreds of Cybermen all down the Thames." Mickey runs up gasping, "Here he is! Which one are you?" Jake asks grabbing a hold of him. "I'm sorry. The Cybermen. He couldn't." Mickey spoke with tears in his eyes causing me to frown. "Are you Ricky? Are you Ricky?"

"Mickey, that's you, isn't it?"


Rose hugs Mickey as Thera subtly gave a smile to the two, "He tried. He was running. There was too many of them." Mickey tried to explained but Jake wasn't having it.

"Shut it."

"There was nothing I could do."

"I said just shut it. Don't even talk about him. You're nothing, you are. Nothing." He yelled in Mickey's face causing me to walk up at slap Jake, he paused looking at me in shock as did everyone else. "We can mourn him when London is safe. But now, we move on." I demanded as I walked away from the group.


Opposite Battersea Power Station, "The whole of London's been sealed off, and the entire population's been taken inside that place. To be converted." Theta explained with his hand tightly wrapped in mine. "We've got to get in there and shut it down." Rose instead causing me to look at her, "How do we do that?" He asked looking back towards me and Theta.

"Oh, I'll think of something." Theta muttered as he pulled me closer, "You're just making this up as you go along." Mickey pointed out with a gap in shock causing me to chuckle, "Yep. But I do it brilliantly." Theta agreed causing me to smile.

Later, Mrs Moore has joined them and is using her Cybus Industries laptop. "That's a schematic of the old factory. Look. Cooling tunnels underneath the plant. Big enough to walk through." I stated pointing down at the map, "We go under there and up into the control centre?" Theta asked her as he turned to Moore. "Mmm."

"There's another way in. Through the front door. If they've taken Jackie for upgrading, that's how she'll get in." Pete explained as he watched everyone, Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes. "We can't just go strolling up." Moore nodded her head in agreement. "Or we could, with these. Fake ear pods. Dead. No signal. But put them on, the Cybermen would mistake you for one of the crowd."

"Then that's my job." Pete nodded to himself as he stepped forward, "You'd have to show no emotion. None at all. Any sign of emotion would give you away." I told her as he watched me silently processing what I said. "How many of those you got?" Rose asked turning to Moore who frowned at her, "Just two sets."

"Okay. If that's the best way of finding Jackie, then I'm coming with you."

"Why does she matter to you?" Pete asked her with a scoff as he looked at her. "We haven't got time. Doctor, I'm going with him, and that's that." Rose insisted angrily, "No stopping you, is there?" Theta asked with an eye roll as he walked away. "No." Rose smirked at me before following behind Theta making sure to shove my shoulder harshly.

"Tell you what. We can take the ear pods at the same time. Give people their minds back so they don't walk into that place like sheep. Jakey-boy? Lumic's transmitting the control signal. It must be from over there." He waves his sonic screwdriver in the direction of the power station. The Zeppelin is parked on top, with a circle of red lights blinking on its bow, or stern. "There it is. On the zeppelin, you see? Great big transmitter. Good thing Lumic likes showing off. Reckon you could take it out?"

"Consider it done." Jake nodded, determined to finish this once and for all. Note that I blamed him one bit, "Mrs Moore, would you care to accompany us into the cooling tunnels?" Theta spoke as he pointed towards himself and me. "How could I refuse an offer of cooling tunnels?" She spoke sarcastically with a smile on her face.

"We attack on three sides. Above, between, below. We get to the control centre, we stop the conversion machines." Theta explained the plan as we all made sure to know our places and what we needed to do. "What about me?" Mickey asked causing Theta to jump, he completely forgot about him. I smacked him slightly causing him to clear his throat, "Mickey. You can er" He paused trying to think of something. "What, stay out of trouble? Be the tin dog? No, those days are over. I'm going with Jake."

"I don't need you, idiot." I growled at Jake causing him to gulp an look away. "I'm not an idiot! You got that? I'm offering to help." Mickey insisted angrily causing Jake to scoff, "Whatever."

"Mickey. Good luck."

"Yeah, you too. Rose, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, you'd better."

"If we survive this, I'll see you back at the Tardis." I gave Mickey a tight hug causing him to chuckle, "That's a promise." Mickey walks off, then turns to see Rose trying to hug Theta only for him to back away with a stiff smile. "Good luck." He told her trying his hardest to be nice but it only added more fuel to the fire.


"It's freezing." Moore shivered slightly causing me to nod in agreement, "Any sign of a light switch?" I asked looking around. "Can't see a thing. But I've got these. A device for every occasion." Moore spoke with a smile as she pulled out a bag.


"Put it on."

A torch on a headband, "Haven't got a hotdog in there, have you? I'm starving." I almost groaned in appreciation, I was hungry as well. "Of all the things to wish for. That's mechanically recovered meat." I gowned sadly causing Theta to chuckle an place a kiss on my head.

"I know. It's the Cyberman of food, but it's tasty."

"A proper torch as well."

"Let's see where we are." There are Cybermen ranged along both sides of the tunnel. "Already converted, just put on ice. Come on." He taps on one Cyberman's face. No reaction, "Let's go slowly. Keep an eye out for trip systems."

"How did you get into this, then, rattling along with the Preachers?"

"Oh, I used to be ordinary. Worked at Cybus Industries, nine to five, till one day, I find something I'm not supposed to. A file on the mainframe. All I did was read it. Then suddenly I've got men with guns knocking in the middle of the night. Life on the run. Then I found the Preachers. They needed a techie, so I, I just sat down and taught myself everything."

"What about Mr Moore?" I asked with a teasing smile causing her to shake her head with a laugh. "Well, he's not called Moore. I got that from a book, Mrs Moore. It's safer not to use real names. But he thinks I'm dead. It was the only way to keep him safe. Him and the kids. What about you? Got any family, or?"

"Oh, I've got her and We've got the whole world on our shoulders. Go on, then. What's your real name?" Theta asked with a gentle smile, "Angela Price. Don't tell a soul." She pointed at him causing me to snort, "Not a word."

Behind them, a Cyberman is activated. It sends an alarm signal.


"Doctor, did that one just move?" Moore asked as she spots one, "It's just the torchlight. Keep going, come on." A Cyberman moves near us. "They're waking up. Run!" We run along the row, who fall in behind them and start clomping along. Getting to a ladder at the end of the tunnel, "Get up! Quick! They're coming! Open it! Open it!" Theta opens the trapdoor.

"Get up! Quick! Quick!"

"Come on! Come on!" They beat the Cybermen up the ladder and close the trapdoor again. He seals it with the screwdriver, "Oh, good team, Mrs Moore."


"You are not upgraded." The Cyberman stated, "Yeah? Well, upgrade this." She throws a small rod with copper wire wrapped around it at the Cyberman. It sticks to the metal and the Cyberman jerks, then sparks and collapses. "What the hell was that thing?" I gapped in shock looking towards her with wide eyes.

"Electromagnetic bomb. Takes out computers, I figured it might stop the cyber-suit." Moore explained with a smile. "You figured right. Now, let's have a look. Know your enemy. A logo on the front. Lumic's turned them into a brand. Heart of steel, but look." Theta removes the logo boss on the chest. Inside is not just electronics, "Is that flesh?"

"Hmmm. Central nervous system. Artificially grown then threaded throughout the suit so it responds like a living thing. Well, it is a living thing. Oh, but look. Emotional inhibitor. Stops them feeling anything." I pointed out everything that I was saying causing her to frown at me, "But why?" She asked in horror. "It's still got a human brain. Imagine its reaction if it could see itself, realise itself inside this thing. They'd go insane."

"So they cut out the one thing that makes them human."

"Because they have to."

"Why am I cold?" The Cyberman started causing us to jump. "Oh, my God. It's alive. It can feel." Moore gasped in panic as Theta pulled away in shock. "We broke the inhibitor. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologized profoundly causing me to place a hand on his back. "Why so cold?" It repeated causing tears to form in my eyes, "Can you remember your name?" I asked gently.

"Sally. Sally Phelan." It responded causing my heart to clench, "You're a woman." Moore stated as a fact. "Where's Gareth?" It asked, causing us to look at each other with frowns. "Who's Gareth?"

"He can't see me. It's unlucky the night before."

"You're getting married."

"I'm cold. I'm so cold." Her voice became weak, "It's all right. You sleep now, Sally. Just go to sleep." He puts the sonic screwdriver inside the chest cavity and switches her off,
"Sally Phelan didn't die for nothing, because that's the key. The emotional inhibitor. If we could find the code behind it, the cancellation code, then feed it throughout the system into every Cyberman's head, they'd realise what they are."

"And what happens then?"

"I think it would kill them. Could we do that?" Theta asked her with a upset look, "We've got to. Before they kill everyone else. There's no choice, Doctor. It's got to be done." Mrs Moore stands up, but before I could stop it a Cyberman grabs her shoulder and electrocutes her. "No! No, you didn't have to kill her!" I shouted angrily as he pulled me back, "Sensors detect a binary vascular system. You two are an unknown upgrades. You will be taken for analysis."


"The transmitter controls are sealed behind here, we need like an oxyacetylene or something."

"Oh, and I forgot to bring it with me."

"Well then, what do we do?"

"We'll crash the Zeppelin."

"With us inside it?"

"We could set it to automatic and then just leg it. Let's have a look." They go to the steering controls keyboard. "It's locked. There's got to be an override." Jake looked around before turning to Mickey who smirked, "Let me have a go. I'm good with computers. Trust me." As Mickey works, a red light on the back of the keyboard blinks. The Cyberman in the alcove turns.


"We've been captured, but don't worry, Rose and Pete are still out there. They can rescue us. Oh well, never mind. You okay?" I scoffed with a eye roll as Theta snorted beside me. I tried to give them the benefit of doubt but look what happens. "Yeah. But they got Jackie." Rose stated as a fact, "We were too late. Lumic killed her."

"Then where is he, the famous Mister Lumic? Don't we get the chance to meet our Lord and Master?"

"He has been upgraded."

"So he's just like you?" Theta asked with a frown and a cock of his head. "He is superior. The Lumic Unit has been designated Cyber Controller." A door opens and a Cyberman is wheeled out in an upgraded wheelchair.

"This is The Age of Steel and I am its Creator."


"Almost there."

"Not bad work." The Cyberman flexes its hand, "It's moving! You said it was dead!"

"Yeah. But a robot's still a big robot. Wait a minute. Hey, Cyberman, over here. Come on, you brainless lump of metal. Come and have a go!" Mickey stands in front of the panel labelled Transmitter Controls and beckons to it. He ducks as the Cyberman smashes its fist into the panel and electrocutes itself. "The transmitter's down!" The people push their way past the Cybermen and get outside.


"That's my friends at work. Good boys! Mister Lumic, I think that's a vote for free will." Theta laughed as I cheered in excitement, Mickey the brilliant! "I have factories waiting on seven continents. If the ear pods have failed, then the Cybermen will take humanity by force. London has fallen. So shall the world." Lumic snarled.


"Hold on, I've logged on to Cyber Control." A monitor shows the scene with Mickey and Jake, "They're alive! Kate, The Doctor and Rose, there they are!" Mickey laughed and cheered. "Never mind them, what the hell is that thing?" Jake pointed out with a look of disgust. "Shush. Has this thing got sound?"

"I will bring peace to the world. Everlasting peace and unity and uniformity."

"And imagination? What about that? The one thing that lead you here, imagination, you're killing it dead!" I snarled angrily at the ugly man. "What is your name then beautiful?" I scoffed in disgust as Theta stepped in front of me. "I'm the Doctor."

"A redundant title. Doctors need not exist. Cybermen never sicken." Lumic pointed out proudly as he looked at them. "Yeah, but that's it. That's exactly the point! Oh, Lumic, you're a clever man. I'd call you a genius, except I'm in the room. But everything you've invented, you did to fight your sickness. And that's brilliant. That is so human. But once you get rid of sickness and mortality, then what's there to strive for, eh? The Cybermen won't advance. You'll just stop. You'll stay like this forever. A metal Earth with metal men and metal thoughts, lacking the one thing that makes this planet so alive. People. Ordinary, stupid, brilliant people." Theta tried to get his point across but Lumic wasn't having any of it. "You are proud of your emotions."

"Oh, yes." I spoke with a nod an a smile, "Then tell me, Doctor. Have you known grief, and rage, and pain?" Theta's eyes grew sad with tears as I placed my head on his shoulder blades. We both have, "Yes. Yes I have." He spoke quietly his mood suddenly dropping, "And they hurt?"

"Oh, yes."

"I could set you free. Would you not want that? A life without pain?"

"You might as well kill me."

"Then I take that option."

"It's not yours to take. You're a Cyber Controller. You don't control me or anything with blood in its heart."

"You have no means of stopping me. I have an army. A species of my own." Lumic smirked smugly at us causing me to roll my eyes and groan. "You just don't get it, do you? An army's nothing. Because those ordinary people, they're the key. The most ordinary person could change the world." I speak to the camera with the flashing red light.

"Some ordinary man or woman, some idiot. All it takes is for him to find, say," Theta started before looking towards me as I steeped forward, "The right numbers. Say the right codes. Say, for example, the code behind the emotional inhibitor. The code right in front of him. Because even an idiot knows how to use computers these days." I explained.

"Knows how to get past firewalls and passwords. Lnows how to find something encrypted in the Lumic Family Database, under er. What was it, Pete? Binary what?"

"Binary nine."

"Binary Nine."

"An idiot could find that code. Cancellation code. And he'd keep on typing. Keep on fighting. Anything to save his friends."

"Your words are irrelevant."

"Yeah, talk too much, that's my problem. Lucky I got you that cheap tariff, Rose, for all our long chats." 6879760 appeared on the monitor, "On your phone."

"The phone."

"You will be deleted."

"Yes. Delete, control, hash. All those lovely buttons. Then, of course, my particular favourite, send. And let's not forget how you seduced all those ordinary people in the first place." Rose's phone beeps. The code has arrived as a text, "By making every bit of technology compatible with everything else."

"It's for you."

"Like this." Theta puts the phone into a docking station, which it miraculously fits. The code is transmitted and the Cybermen cry out in pain. The code appears on every computer screen, "Yes!" Cybermen everywhere clutch their heads in pain. One near us catches sight of itself in a shiny piece of metal. "I'm sorry." I whisper sadly at it.

Outside, a Cyberman's head explodes. "What have you done??" Lumic shouts in anger, "I gave them back their souls. They can see what you've done, Lumic, and it's killing them!" Me, Theta, Rose and Pete run out. "Delete! Delete! Delete!" Things start to explode, the emergency exit is blocked by writhing Cybermen. More explosions and fire breaks out. "There's no way out!" I scoffed before grabbing his arm, "Do I need to slap the stupid out of you too?!" I asked loudly as I pulled him along.


Rose's phones rings as we ran down the halls, "It's Mickey. He says head for the roof." The four of us run up a metal staircase as fires break out behind them, Rose is on the phone. "Mickey, where'd you learn to fly that thing?"


"Playstation. Just hold on, Rose. I'm coming to get you." Mickey replied back as Jake turned to him, "You can't go any lower." Jake insisted causing Mickey to shoot him a look. "I've got to."

"You're going to crush them."

"There's got to be something. There's got to be. Oh, yes." In case of emergency pull lever. So he does. A trapdoor opens up in ZEP148 and a rope ladder falls out.


"You've got to be kidding." Pete scoffed as Rose fell down, "Rose, get up." Theta scoffed as she whimpered and waited for him to help her up.


"Hold on tight, we're going up! Welcome to Mickey Smith's Airline. Please enjoy your flight. Woo!"


The Zeppelin rises into the air, "We did it! We did it!" Something heavy pulls at the ladder, nearly making them lose their grip. It is Cyber Lumic. Theta gets the screwdriver out, "Pete! Take this! Use it! Hold the button down! Press it against the rope. Just do it!" Theta shouted up at him. "Jackie Tyler. This is for her!" The rope finally gives way and Lumic falls, "Argh!" He is engulfed in the exploding Power Station.


Theta puts the power cell back into the console, and the Tardis starts to light up causing me to smile brightly. I so missed her! "Hello, my Queen!" Theta turned to me causing me to sigh as he held his hand up, "Really? Every adventure?" I asked causing him to give me a stern look which immediately shut me up. He always knew how to get me to quit complaining, although I don't think he ever knew what it really did to me.

Placing his hands on my temples, he shifted through my memories of the adventure before pulling away. "She shoulder checked you?" He scoffed with an eye roll causing me to snort. "Yep, but I can handle myself honey. I promise." He rolled his eyes as I gave him a quick kiss before making my way back outside with him grumbling behind me.

"Rose? We've only got five minutes of power. We've got to go." I spoke causing her to frown at me. "The Doctor could show you." I scoffed at her as she offered Theta up to do something he didn't even know she was offering him up to do. "Thank you. For everything." He gave her a tight smile causing her to whine, "Dad."

"Don't. Just, just don't." Pete leaves and Rose immediately rushes to Theta's arms making sure to keep her grip tight and her glare on me colder than ice. He grunted with a disgusted shiver trying to get her off, "Here it is. I found it. Not a crease." Mickey laughed as he brought up a suit. "My suit! Good man. Now then, Jake, we've got to run. But one more thing. Mrs Moore. Her real name was Angela Price. She's got a husband out there, and children. Find them. Tell them how she died saving the world." Theta spoke finally getting out of Rose's death lock grip.

"Yeah, course I will." Jake nodded backing up, "Off we go, then." Theta started towards the Tardis with Rose as me and Mickey stood staring at one another. I gave him a smile and nod causing him to take a deep breath, "Er, thing is, I'm staying." He told them causing them to turn back. Jake watching with a frown of his own but not saying a word about it.

"You're doing what?"

"You can't."

"It sort of balances out, because this world lost its Ricky, but there's me. And there's work to be done with all those Cybermen still out there."

"But you can't stay." Rose grabbed his arm trying to tug him close but he refused. "Rose, my gran's here. She's still alive. My old gran, remember her?" Mickey said with a smile and laugh, "Yeah." Rose frowned at the thought, "She needs me."

"What about me? What if I need you?" Rose demanded not angrily but more needy, "Yeah, but Rose, you don't. It's just you and him, isn't it. We had something a long time ago, but not anymore." Mickey watched sadly as she nodded with a smile, not even remotely sad. "Well, we'll come back. We can travel anywhere. Come and see you, yeah?"

"We can't. I told you, travel between parallel worlds is impossible. We only got here by accident. We, we fell through a crack in time. When we leave, I've got to close it. We can't ever return." Theta explained with an eye roll as I frowned, I knew she wasn't listening. "Doctor." Theta shakes Mickey's hand, "Take Rose's phone. It's got the code. Get it out there. Stop those factories. And good luck, Mickey the idiot." Theta teased as I wrap him up in a hug. "Watch it." Theta goes back into the Tardis with me in tow behind him.

Rose gives Mickey her phone, "Thanks. We've had a laugh though, haven't we? Seen it all, been there and back. Who would have thought, me and you off the old estate, flying through the stars." Mickey smiles at her, he didn't want any hard feelings between the two of them. "All those years just sitting there, imagining what we'd do one day. We never saw this, did we?"

"Go on, don't miss your flight." Rose hugs Mickey, then goes into the Tardis, crying. "Jake, you want to watch this." The TARDIS dematerialises. "What the hell?" Jake asked with a confused look, "That's the Doctor in the Tardis with his lover Kate and the blonde."


The Tardis materialises in the living room just as Jackie is filling the kettle, presumably to make a cup of tea. "You're alive. Oh mum, you're alive."

"Well, I was the last time I looked. What is it? What's happened, sweetheart? What's wrong? Where did you go?" Jackie questioned as Rose hugged her mom tightly. "Far away. That was far away." Theta stated with a roll of his eyes at Rose. "Where's Mickey?" Jackie asked us over Rose's shoulder, "He's gone home." I stated with a smile as Theta led me out of the loft to our own home.


I had woken up in the middle of the night because I felt sick, sitting up in bed I watched Theta sleep before getting up and leaving the room. Heading to the kitchen I heard a loud shout and the stomping of footsteps. Rose came barreling into the kitchen with an angry frustrated look. "Where is the Doctor's room?" She hissed at me causing me to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Why?" I asked grabbing a glass of water, "Because I had a nightmare and I want him to comfort me! She won't show me where his room is so you will." I almost choked on the water I was drinking at her demand.



"I said no."

She glared at me before stalking up to get in my face, "I don't know who you think you are but he is mine. I love him and he loves me, so when he gets done trying to comfort you because your the last of your kind, don't come running back to him when he leaves you for me." I watched her heave heavily as she shout me a triumphant smirk. Placing the glass in the sink, I straighten myself up and towered over her a little but it was enough to make her feel tiny.

"You can think what you want Rose, but just so you know. Crazy people live in mental hospitals so you better be careful." I spoke calm and collected as she gapped, there was a pause before she did something I didn't expect. It happened so fast, I should have known it was coming but I wasn't paying much attention for it.

The sound echoed off the walls as the Tardis hummed angrily her lights turning red as my head whipped to the side. She had slapped me. The bitch slapped me again!

"Rose Tyler!" We both jumped at his voice as he stormed over with a dark look; pushing Rose harshly away from me. She gapped at him in shock, he had never been rough with her. "She started it!" Rose shout pointing at me in anger as he seethed, he was about to explode. Quickly grabbing his hand, I led him out of the room before he could go after her but he did make sure to get his last words in. "That's a chance gone! Rose Tyler. You better behave or else I won't be so nice next time!"

I yanked him further down the hall and pushed him into our room causing him to growl in anger. I shut the door as he began panting and pacing like an angry bull. "You should've let me do something!" He shouted at me causing me to glare at him. "I already told you I can't handle myself. Now calm down before you blow a blood vessel." I spoke calmly as I climbed back in bed. He stood there staring at me for a minute before I gave a gentle smile and patted the bed beside me.

"I'm alright. Come on, let's go to bed."

He huffed again before slowly making his was over, making sure to pull me close to him as we laid together.

"I love you. You protective beast." I growled playfully causing him to chuckle and place a kiss on my head. "I love you too."


Wow guys, a bunch of shit has been happening with me lol. I just moved out, finally able to adult a little lol. Anyway y'all have fun and a great day!!

5,942 Words

Quick updated questions!

Please respond.

So who here likes the Walking Dead? If you do would you guys like to read my one shot book for Rick and Daryl? I was thinking about doing it one day of the week like this book. Don't know what day yet because I need to know what you guys want and think but plz let me know!!

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