The Newest Ranger

By NiallJHoran22

865 12 1

Penelope Tyler is recruited as the Purple Power Ranger along with her schoolmates, Jason Lee Scott, Zack Tayl... More

Chapter 2: High Five
Chapter 3: Teamwork
Chapter 4: A Pressing Engagement
Chapter 5: Different Drum
Chapter 6: Food Fight
Chapter 7: Big Sisters
I, Eye Guy

Chapter 1: Day of The Dumpster

337 3 1
By NiallJHoran22

"It's a stupendous Saturday in Angel Grove. And a big hello goes out to Ernie and the kids at the Angel Grove Youth Center Gym and Juice Bar. Keep those fruit shakes flowing, Ernie." A voice says over the radio. Penelope was painting in the corner, Kimberly was doing some gymnastics moves on a balance beam and Trini was doing some Martial Arts moves.

Zack's practicing karate moves with Jason. "Nice recovery, Zack," Jason said.

"Yeah, thanks for teaching me, Jason," Zack says, as he and Jason claps hands. "No problem," Jason says. Kimberly sticks the landing as Trini applauds. "That was awesome, Kimberly." "Thanks, Trini," Kimberly says. Penelope finishes her painting and puts her brushes and paints away after cleaning them, then goes over to the Juice Bar. Billy walks in wearing a karate uniform. "Hey, fellas," Billy says. "Yo, Billy what's up?" Zack asks. "Well, I think I'm prepared for my first karate class," Billy says. "Hey, I'll be right back I'm getting myself a smoothie," Zack says going to the Juice Bar. "Alright," Jason says. "Hey, can I get a Strawberry Banana smoothie?" Zack asks Ernie. "Coming right up." Zack looks beside him and sees a girl from most of his classes looking at Jason and Billy. "Hey, you're friends with Kim and Trini. Penelope, right?" Penelope looks at Zack and nods. "I'm Zack." Penelope nods and laughs, "Zack, I know who you are, we have classes together." Ernie hands Zack his smoothie. Penelope finishes hers and throws it away, before going over to Kimberly and Trini. But before Penelope can say anything, Trini speaks up. "Oh no, look who's here." "Bulk and Skull," Kimberly says. Bulk and Skull approach the three girls. "Hi, girls. How about that double date we talked about?" Bulk asks. Skull laughing loud and obnoxiously, "Yeah, what about it?" "Sorry guys," Trini says. "What's the matter? We're not good enough for you?" Bulk asks. "Leave us alone, Bulk," Trini says. "Oh yeah, make me." Bulk says. "Yeah, make me!" Skull says, mocking Bulk. "They said leave them alone," Penelope says. Bulk looks at Penelope, "Nobody's talking to you, nerd!" Bulk looks back at Trini and Kimberly. Zack walks up behind the girls. "Him. Make him." Skull says, pointing to Bulk. "Hey, you heard what she said," Zack says. "Well, what do you know? The dancer wants to become a fighter." Bulk says. "It's ok Zack, we can handle these two," Kimberly says. "Oh really, let's show some karate moves Skull." Bulk says. Bulk and Skull charge towards the girls but they flip them on their backs as everyone around them laugh.

"You should join Jason's karate class," Kimberly says.

The day keeps going, Jason is helping out Billy who's having a hard time with karate lessons. "And one...two block, three punch, four, and continue," Jason says to Billy. "Ya!" The students say. "Ba-ro," Jason says. "Billy, try this," Jason says. "I'm just not good at this," Billy says. "Billy, don't worry. I mean even I was a beginner once." Jason says. "Joon-be. All right, class what does Martial Arts help us develop?" Jason asks. One student, Billy, and Penelope raise their hands. "Billy?" Jason asks as he points to him. "Courage, Kindness, Integrity, Fitness, Loyalty, Discipline," Billy says. "That's good you memorized that quickly," Jason says to Billy. "Hey, geek." Bulk chuckles as he pushes Billy out of the way. Penelope gets up and goes over towards Bulk and Skull. "Teah us how to beat people up." Bulk says. "Yeah," Skull says. He starts doing silly karate-style yelp. "Martial Arts was not developed to hurt others," Jason tells Bulk and Skull. "We did not sign up for a geeky karate class." Bulk says. "Okay, Bulk, maybe you're ready for some more advanced techniques," Jason says. "Oh, okay." Bulk says. "Try this," Jason says doing a sidekick. "Side kick," Jason says. "Anything you can do, I can do better, baby." Bulk says. Bulk does the same thing as Jason and Skull claps for him. "Tornado Kick," Jason says. Jason shows him the Tornado Kick, when Bulk does it he falls to the ground and everyone laughs. "Class dismissed," Jason says, as his students bow. Minutes later... "Billy, I'm telling you for your first lesson, you did really well," Jason says. "I did?" Billy asks. "Yeah, we were watching you," Kimberly says. Billy sighs, "I don't know if I've got what it takes." He says. "It's all a state of mind, Billy. You don't need to be strong for Martial Arts." Trini says. "Yeah, it's all up here," Zack says, pointing to his head. Billy nods. "Drinks for you and your school pals," Ernie says handing Penelope the smoothies. "Thanks, Ernie." "No problem, enjoy your smoothies." Penelope walks towards where the others are sitting, with the smoothies in hand. "Hey again," Zack says. "Hey," Penelope says. "Jason, Billy, this is Kim and Trini's friend Penelope Tyler," Zack says. "She's in my English Class," Jason says. "She's in all of my classes," Billy says. "Lucky, she's only in two of Trini and I's classes." Before anyone can say anything, there's an earthquake as the floor shakes this causes Penelope to drop the smoothies on Bulk. "Oh no it's an earthquake, everyone stay calm," Ernie says. "Sorry Bulk," Penelope says. Everyone was running around in different directions outside while screaming. "Oh man must be the big one," Zack says. "Something tells me it's no earthquake," Billy says.

Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, Zack, and Penelope start running around but stop when something weird begins to happen to them. "Oh, my gosh! What's happening?" Kimberly asks. "This is too weird." Trini says. The six feel like they're being sent somewhere else. "Hold on." Jason says. All of a sudden they're taken into the air and end up at the Command Center. They land on the floor before standing up and looking around. They see computer controls and glowing tubes all over the place. "Whoa!" They say. "Isn't exactly the mall, now is it?" Kimberly asks. "This place is magnificent." Billy and Penelope say in unison. "I don't get it, how did we end here?" Jason asks. "I just want to know where here is." Trini says. "Maybe the answer's in these controls." Billy says. Alpha appears, "No! No! No! Don't touch that! Whoa-whoa!" Alpha says as he falls to the ground. "Whoa, a fully sentient, multifunctional automation...never seen anything like it." Billy says as he helps Alpha up. Then they hear Zordon's voice, "Welcome humans." He says. "Whoa..." Penelope says. "Uh-oh." Trini says. "So who are you?" Jason asks. "Like what are you?" Kimberly asks. "I am Zordon, an interdimensional being caught in a time warp." Zordon explains. "And I am Alpha 5." Alpha says. "Excuse me, but will, like, somebody come back to earth and pick me up because I am totally confused." Kimberly says. "It's quite simple my dear, this planet is under attack." Zordon says. "Wait, you're saying someone is attacking our planet?" Penelope asks. "Yes, which is why I've brought you here to save it." Zordon says. "Oh, yeah right." Zack says. Kimberly laughs. "Ah, a nonbeliever. Look behind you at the Viewing Globe." Zordon says. They do exactly as Zordon says and see an image on the Viewing Globe. "Your doubts will be answered in the images you see." Zordon says. They see Rita on screen. "This is Rita Repulsa, an intergalactic sorceress who is bent to control the universe. With her Henchmen and Putty Patrollers, she plans to conquer Earth." Zordon explains. "What does all of this have to do with us?" Trini asks. "You've been chosen to form an elite to battle Rita. Each of you will be given access to extraordinary powers drawn from ancient creatures you call dinosaurs." Zordon says. "Dinosaurs?" Kimberly asks. All of a sudden Morphers appear on their hips. "Behold! The keys to your power." Zordon says. "Whoa. What are these?" Zack asks as he holds his Morpher in his hands. "Those are your Power Morphers. When in danger, raise them to the sky calling the name of your dinosaur and you will morph into a formidable fighting force known to one and all as the Power Rangers." Zordon explains. "Morph?" Kimberly asks. "Metamorphosis." Billy and Penelope say in unison. "That means to change." Trini says. "As Power Rangers, you will have access to a universe of power and will command a fleet of fighting machines called Zords." Zordon says. "I don't get it." Trini says. Zordon calls on Jason first, Zack second, Kimberly third, Billy fourth, Trini fifth, and Penelope sixth to tell them which Mega Zords they command. "Jason, Bold and shall command the Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur. Zachary, you are Clever and shall command the Mastadon Dinosaur. Kimberly, Graceful and Smart...the Pterodactyl Dinosaur. Billy, Patient, and shall command the powerful Triceratops Dinosaur. Trini, Fearless, and Agile the Saber-Toothed Dinosaur shall be under your command. Penelope, Kind Hearted and Friendly...the Plesiosaurus Dinosaur is under your command. Observe the viewing globe. Just as the six of you work do your Zords...when you need only need to turn to the power of the Dinosaurs which will come together to form the mighty Megazord and whenever you are in trouble...Penelope can help you with her Zord on the battlefield." Zordon explains. "Power Morphers? Megazords? Uh...this is just too weird for me...I'll tell you what- it's been real but I gotta go." Zack says as he leaves. "Yeah, see ya." Kimberly says. Zack and Kimberly both turn to leave but Trini, Billy, Jason, and Penelope stay behind. "Y'all coming? Jason." Zack says. "What?" Jason asks as he looks at Zack. "Let's go man." Zack says. "Yeah." Jason says he looks at Zordon one last time before leaving. "Very well then, let the power protect you." Zordon says. Outside they are surrounded by miles of sand, "Great, he could have sent us back to town." Kimberly says. The six of them continue to walk back to town. While they're still trying to get back home they begin talking. "Guys, we shouldn't have left. I mean he did choose us to save the world...I say we do it." Jason says. "I agree with Jason, I don't know about the rest of you but Jason and I want to save the world." "Do you really think we can?" Trini asks. "Hey guys, I don't even know what you're talking about. We were talking to a giant floating head." Zack says. Suddenly an explosion happens around them, "Everybody down!" Jason yells. "What was that?" Trini asks as Billy helps her up. The Putties flip over the six landing on their feet, surrounding them. Billy stands in front of Trini and Penelope stands with her back towards Trini and Billy. "Look out!" Zack shouts. Two Putties grab Kimberly's arms. "Zack!" Jason shouts. Zack looks at Jason, "Right." He looks back at the Putties, "These two are mine." Zack dances toward the putties fighting them off, and Jason does the same. Soon after the others were fighting off the Putties. They try their best to fight them off the best they can, but it gives the Putties the upper hand. First Billy was thrown down into the sand, then Kimberly, Zack, Trini, Jason, and Penelope on top of them all. "This day is too weird." Kimberly says. "What do we do now?" Trini asks. Jason puts his hand on the morpher on his belt. "Zordon said these Power Morphers would give us power, lets do it." Jason says.

Billy puts his glasses on, as does Penelope as they all get up. Holding the Power Morpher's in their hands they call out their dinosaurs. "Mastadon!" Zack shouts. "Pterodactyl!" Kimberly shouts. "Triceratops!" Billy shouts. "Saber-Tooth Tiger!" Trini shouts. "Plesiosaurs!" Penelope shouts. "Tyrannosaurus!" Jason says. "Power Rangers!" The Power Rangers shout. "We're teleporting again!" Billy says. "Where are we going?" Trini asks. "We're going to save the world. All right let's do it." Jason says. "Hi-yah!" The Rangers shout. Goldar and the Putties appear and begin fighting the Rangers, which they are losing thanks to the Rangers and their powers. They watch as Goldar grows huge. "Just look at him, that dude is huge," Zack yelled. Goldar was stomping around and laughing. "Back off, fang face!" Jason yells. "The good guys are here!" Zack shouts. "Get off our planet!" Billy shouts. "Cause we're the Power Rangers!" Trini shouts. "And we're not backing down!" Kimberly shouts. "Dinosaur Power!" Jason shouts, calling for the Megazords. The Megazords come to the call. "Yeah! All right! Log on!" Jason yells, jumping inside the Megazord. Then the other Rangers do the same as they jump inside their zords. "Let's do it," Billy says. "Going up," Trini says, as she, Kimberly, and Penelope jump into their zords. "Zack here! This is kicking." "This is Billy! All systems go." "Trini here, ready to rock." "Hey, nice stereo!" Kimberly says. "Penelope here, let's kick some butt." "Megazord power on!" Jason says. The Megazord comes together as a tank. "Trini here, this is amazing it's like I can drive this thing!" "Affirmative, me too. It's like second nature to me." Billy says. "All right guys, let's get him," Jason says. Goldar starts blasting at the Rangers Megazord. "Oh!" The Rangers say in unison. "You and your weapons are no match for me," Goldar says. "We'll see about that," Penelope says, pressing a few buttons. When Penelope does that Goldar goes down, but he gets back up. "Whoa!" Zack says. "Alright, nicely done Penny," Kimberly says. "All right guys, let's see what this baby can do!" Jason yells as he and the others hit Goldar again and zap him. "Yeah! Zap him again." Jason says. They zap him again. "All right! Let's send this guy back where he came from!" Jason says. "Right!" Trini and Billy say. "Right." Zack and Kimberly say. "Right," Penelope says. "All right guys, let's power it up! Activating Megazord Battle Mode." Jason says. "Megazord sequence has been initiated." The computer says. Goldar hits their Meagzord, but the Rangers hit back again and again. "Jason! That blow didn't even phase him." Billy says. "Man! He's coming at us!" Jason says. The Rangers fight Goldar again. "You fools will pay!" Goldar says. "Power Sword!" Jason says. The Megazord grabs the Power Sword. "This isn't over. I'll be back." Goldar says, before disappearing. The Rangers celebrate their victory as Goldar leaves. "We did it!" The Rangers say in unison.

Back at the Command Center, the Rangers are back in human form, they talk about how cool and awesome it was on the battlefield and their Ranger suits. "Congratulations on a job well done. Now that you have become Power Rangers, you must follow three basic rules...or lose the Protection of Power: First...never use your power for personal gain: Second...never escalate a battle unless Rita forces you and finally, keep your identity a one may know you are a Power Ranger." Zordon says. The Rangers listen, standing behind Alpha. (Billy, Penelope, Jason, Trini, Zack, and Kimberly.) "Oh, wait a second," Zack says as he steps forward. "Yes Zachary, what is it?" Zordon asks. "I'm not sure we're all up to this, I mean we were pretty lucky this time," Zack says. "Luck had nothing to do with it. The six of you have come together to make as fine a group of superheroes as there has ever been." Zordon says. "No way, really?" Kimberly asks. "You've had an extraordinary experience together. You need each other now and the world needs you." Zordon says. "Yeah, all right I'm in," Jason says. "I'm definitely in," Penelope says. "Me too," Zack says. "You can count on me," Trini says, with a nod. "Affirmative," Billy says. "I don't know you guys. I mean the outfits are cool and everything but my hair gets tangled inside the helmet...I don't think I can do it." Kimberly says. Everyone starts to protest. "Oh no, Kimberly." Trini sys. "Kimberly," Alpha says. "Kimberly," Billy says. "Kim," Penelope says. "Not! Got ya!" Kimberly says, joking. Everyone laughs and Alpah starts smoking. "Circut overload, circut overload. Ay-yi-yi." Alpha says. "Alpha, you guys, I was kidding," Kimberly says. "Oh humor--What a concept," Alpha says. "Let's do it," Jason says as he holds out his hand the others join in. "Power Rangers!" They say in unison.

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