His Light - General Kirigan (...

By Gerlithequeen

3.8K 70 5

"you could have had i all" Odessa More

1.1 The Fold
1.2 General Kirigan
1.4 "I'm Here"
1.5 Black Heretic
1.6 "There Could Have Been An Us"
1.7 "You Chose Power Over Me"

1.3 Baghra

439 12 1
By Gerlithequeen

Next day. morning. At my room. 

I sighed and sat up. There was still dried up blood on my since i didn't take a bath last night. And to my defense, i wanted nothing more than to sleep last night. 

My door opened and a red headed girl walked in with some other people.

She walked over to me and gasped "Saints! Have you ever bathed? And what happened to your face? This is going to take more work than I expected."

Then she snapped her fingers "Fetch my kit."

Suddenly i was pulled into the bathroom and they took my clothes off and guided me into the bath tub while the red girl sat down on a chair and watched me. 

The two maids started to rub me with a sponge, ranting about how i was reeking of horse. 

I pulled away "okay okay okay. I am perfectly capable of washing myself. And yes, I smell like horse. I was on one for 200 miles. After nearly being killed. Twice. And I understand Old Ravkan, and that was really quite rude. "

The red head "In an hour, you'll be presented to King Pyotr, and General Kirigan has asked that I make you look presentable."

I froze "I am to meet the King?"

The red head "In an hour."

I sponged myself before standing up. 

Me "You know, this is all a bit much. I really don't need any of this."

Then i put on a robe and gasped surprised "Oh, Saints! Is this velvet?"

A maid whispered "I'd start by making her less Shu, Miss Safin."

I raised an eyebrow at her. I barely even look like a Shu which is why people never believe that Alina and i are siblings.

The red head clapped her hands "Everybody out. "

Everyone left the room. 

Me "Thank you."

The red head "Happy to get rid of the miserable shrews. I don't pick my staff. The Queen assigns them. Mostly so she can spy on me."

 Me "i barely even look like a Shu"

She put her hands on my face and looked me in the eyes "I don't care that you're part Shu. I care that you look terrible. Some of this is surface, but some of it runs deeper."

I eyed her as she healed my cheek "You're a Healer."

She gave me an amused look "I'm a Tailor. I can fix, but I can also modify."

I shook my head, shocked "I've never met a Tailor before."

She eyed me "I'm almost as rare as you, though I'd hardly say saving the Queen from sagging tits makes me as important as you. Important to the Queen, of course, and she does not like to see cracks in her porcelain."

I chuckled.

She nodded "But for right now, sit."

I sat down in front of the mirror.

She stared to play with my hair and turned it black. 

Me "How old were you when you knew?"

She started to pick out earrings "Testers found me when I was 11. That's when General Kirigan gifted me to the Queen. But I've been working on myself since I was three."

I asked surprised "Since you were three?"

She nodded. 

My eyes widened "Saints! I can't go in front of the King. I need more time. I've only been a Grisha for a day. "

She nodded and moved behind me "Maybe you've only been aware for a day.But you've been a Grisha your whole life.And now you're here, to tear down the Fold."

In the hallway. 

Me " No army uniform includes a veil."

Genya " You look fine."

Me "Say one wanted to leave the Little Palace-"

Genya "But everything you need is here."

Me "I've got some things I've forgotten back at the camp. I could just go back."

Genya shook her head "Don't be ridiculous. This way."

I stopped when i looked into the mirror.

Genya "No one can see you until King Pyotr does."

Me "It's just as well. This outfit is ridiculous."

Genya grabbed my hand and we walked through the door "Sadly, this is how the King sees the First Army. He cares little for mud, blood or sacrifice."

I asked confused "Shouldn't I be in a kefta?"

She shook her head " Oh, no. The King expects to see a humble girl plucked from the ranks of his army. He'll want to take the credit for you. You'll get a kefta once he's witnessed your power."

I nodded "Right, my power."

We walked down the stairs. 

Genya " By all accounts, it'll be King Pyotr, the Queen, Crown Prince Vasily, and the King's spiritual adviser, the Apparat. He's this greasy rat..."

Me "Was that a library? Is it available to all of us?"

Genya "Everything here is available to all of us. The general built this home for us so we can thrive."

I took my hat off "Has a Grisha ever escaped?"

Suddenly i heard from beside me "Planning on making a break for it?"

I froze "Uh, I didn't mean to..."

We stepped out of the building and the main part of the Little Palace was in front of us across the field. 

Kirigan "I think the Grand Palace is the ugliest building I've ever seen. How was your rest?"

 I sighed "Restless. Despite Genya's magic, I didn't-"

Kirigan shook his head " It's not magic. It's science. Or rather, Small Science. We do not conjure from nothing. We manipulate that which already exists around us."

Me "You make it sound so easy."

Kirigan "A bird makes flight look easy. But it was born to do so."

Me "When it's ready."

Kirigan "So, be ready."

Me "You're asking me to do something I didn't even know I could do three days ago."

Kirigan "Do you believe I brought you here to make a fool of you? To make a fool of both of us? "

I looked down. 

Kirigan "Just keep your focus on me, and you'll be fine. "

I looked at him. 

Kirigan "Once he sees what you can do and we have his blessing, you will remain here to train."

I asked confused  " His blessing? I thought you ruled the Grisha."

Kirigan "I may lead the Second Army, but the King is still the King."

In the Throne Hall. 

We stepped in front of the King and the Queen. people started to whisper 

King "I thought she'd be taller."

Queen " I thought she was Shu. Well, I guess she's Shu enough."

I scoffed. 

Kirigan looked at me. 

The Queen looked to her servant "Tell her... Oh, I don't know... good morning."

I snapped a little  "I don't actually speak Shu, Your Highness."

Queen "Then what are you?"

I froze. 

Kirigan looked at me before turning to the Queen "She is Aurelia Starkov...the Sun Summoner, moya tsaritsa. She will change the future. Starting now."

He killed every light in the room and turned it completely dark. 

Then he stepped in front of me.

He bend down to whisper in my ear "Now call the sun."

I shook my head, whispering "i-i don't kno-"

He grabbed my hand and my whole body started to glow. Everyone was blinded by my light but not Kirigan. He kept looking at me with soft eyes and admiration. 

The he let go of my hand and i stopped glowing.  

The room turned back to its normal light. 

Everyone started to clap. 

The King "  How long will she need? Destroying the Fold will be no easy feat. She alone may not be able to do it. She will remain with me at the Little Palace to train... undisturbed. "

King "Then train her quickly. Our wars have been a noble pursuit, but this chatter from the West about becoming a sovereign nation, that needs to stop. The sooner we are one country again, the better."

Kirigan nodded  "Agreed... moi tsar."

The King nodded.

Kirigan grabbed my hand and we started to walk to the stairs. 

I looked at our hands surprised. 

Kirigan "You were perfect."

I shook my head "I don't know where it came from."

Kirigan "It came from everywhere. Because you called upon it to come. Welcome home, Aurelia Starkov."

Then he walked away. 

A bunch of Grisha started to hug me, happily. 

Zoya fake smiled "It's such an honor to formally meet you."

Then she whispered into my ear " You stink of the orphanage, half-breed."

I growled at her as she walked away. 

Genya "You truly are one of a kind.The entire country is going to be talking about you now. "


I walked down the stairs when suddenly two Grisha girls rushed to me. 

Girl one "Aurelia! There you are."

Girl 2 "We've been looking for you."

Girl 1 "We weren't properly introduced earlier. I'm Marie, this is Nadia."

I asked confused "Why are the guards keeping me inside?"

Marie "You're supposed to be in training now. Are you really a mapmaker?"

Nadia "Were you really attacked by Fjerdans?"

Marie "How many Fjerdans did you kill?"

I asked confused "Kill? I barely got a swing off at one."

Marie "Sounds like our timing is perfect."

Nadia " Welcome to the first part of your new daily schedule."

We walked outside to the training area. 

Marie "Combat training."

Botkin " Sun Summoner. All of Ravka's foes want to kill you before you can destroy the Fold. It's a great honor to have so many enemies."

Me "A very warm greeting."

Nadia "He's always like this."

Botkin "You must learn to defend yourself fast. Do you know how to fight?"

Me "I've had some training."

Botkin "Show me. Pick an opponent."

I looked around and pointed at Zoya "I want her"

Botkin "Zoya Nazyalensky.I've been training her since she was ten."

Zoya stepped forward "Care to back down?"

Me "Not familiar with the concept."

We stepped into the ring. 

Botkin "Fighters ready? And... fight!"

Zoya and i threw some punches while dodging the attacks.

Suddenly i was able to throw a punch at her and she stepped back.

Everyone gasped.

Suddenly she attacked me with her powers and threw me backwards. 


i opened my eyes and saw a white stag above me. Wait what?

Suddenly i heard Marie and Nadia coming my way. 

Marie "Aurelia ! Are you okay?"

Nadia "Please be okay. You okay?"

They helped me up. 

Nadia "I can't believe she did that. "

Marie "She's just jealous. Can't bear the idea of anyone else being favored by General Kirigan"

Nadia "Don't know why she wastes her time pining over him when she could be with me."

Botkin scowled Zoya " What were you thinking? Against the Sun Summoner? Have you lost your mind? She's not the enemy any more than I am! Go!"

He shoved her Zoya away and she walked inside. 

Nadia looked at me " Shall we take you in to get you checked? "

I nodded "I can make my own way in. Thank you."

At the library. 

I looked at the book shelves. 

Suddenly i heard behind me "You like books? You are well-read, aren't you? Educated?"

Me "The headmistress where I grew up said because I didn't possess any physical talent, I should possess knowledge."

He smiled "Isn't that lovely of her?I'm the King's spiritual adviser. I wanted to be friends. It is important that we are friends."

I took a step back "I was just researching."

He looked at the shelf i was at "Oh, you're curious about the lore of the Stag, are you?Well, let me curate some reading for you."

He took out a book and opened it "Here, it all began with this man. One of the first Grisha in recorded history. The Bonesmith. He knew the Grisha would always be persecuted and so he worked on a plan to magnify their power."

I froze "Um, I'm sorry, did you say he was called the Bonesmith?"

He nodded "He made creatures from his own finger bones. Mythical animals brimming with power.Attuned only to Grisha. They learned killing one of these beasts and then melding a piece of it into their body would amplify their abilities. Sometimes the gain was minor, but with the right binding, the increase in power was astonishing."

I froze "They slaughter the animals to take this power?"

He nodded"Only the Grisha who takes that life can take that creature's power."

Then he handed me the book " A gift. To mark our new friendship."

I froze "The Lives of the Saints?"

Apparat "Baghra awaits."

I asked confused " Baghra?"

Apparat "Every Grisha is trained by Baghra to harness their power. It is quite brutal. Mostly the peasants hate the Grisha, but I think it is because the Grisha do not suffer. But... you have suffered, haven't you? I think you will suffer more."

In Baghra's cave. 

I walked in and looked around "Hello?"

Baghra "You're late."

Then she eyed me "Let's have a look at you. A Sun Summoner who wastes her time training with Botkin? Are you going to punch your way through the Shadow Fold? Where's the rest of you? Are you mute, girl?"

I shook my head " No."

Baghra sat down on a chair "That's something, I suppose. Where are your parents?"

I sat down, shrugging ""Dead, I assume."

Baghra "Where did you grow up?"

Me "Keramzin."

Baghra "You slipped through the cracks and stayed where you didn't belong. Where do you belong?"

Me" With my friends. In the army."

Baghra "Drawing a little home for yourself in sketchbooks?You don't belong here?"

Me "I'm told that I do."

Baghra "You have to be told a thing to believe it?"

I shook my head "Not always."

Baghra "Then what are you? A Sun Summoner?"

I nodded. 

Baghra "And can you summon the sun without the general clutching your wrist? His blood and bones amplify other Grisha. Did you know that? "

I shook my head "Human amplifiers don't exist."

Baghra "You're an expert on such things?Can you summon the power on your own?"

I shook my head " I can't."

Baghra "Everyone believes that you are the one. Come back when you believe it, too."

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