Proving You Wrong

By Laklynn_Hanlon

162K 4.9K 459

[Completed] "Sometimes we question the choices that take us to the places we end up. How did we get to where... More

Chapter One: A New Start
Chapter Two: One Terrific Night
Chapter Three: The Following Days
Chapter Four: Propositions
Chapter Five: Requests
Chapter Six: Outside Perspectives
Chapter Seven: A New Façade
Chapter Eight: First Kiss
Chapter Nine: Secrets In the Open
Chapter Ten: Getting Closer
Needed to Say
Chapter Eleven: Another Opportunity
Chapter Twelve: A Night For The Books
Chapter Thirteen: Let Me Explain
Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Happiness
Chapter Sixteen: Last Day of Freedom
Chapter Seventeen: Its Complicated
Chapter Eighteen: Complete Preparation
Chapter Nineteen: May I?
Chapter Twenty: Tell me
Chapter Twenty One: Good To Know
Chapter Twenty Two: Sweet Treats
Chapter Twenty Three: Wanting More
Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Darkness
Chapter Twenty Five: An Even Darker Disposition
Chapter Twenty Six: A New Point of View
Chapter Twenty Seven: The End of One, the Start of Another
Book #2 is out!

Chapter Fifteen: The Night After

6.2K 184 17
By Laklynn_Hanlon

~Faith's POV~

After last nights events it was hard to sleep having all these thoughts swirling around in my mind, but with the lack of sleep, it was even worse to get up.

Partially dragging myself, I finally got ready and met Kaden outside to go to P.E. Without saying a word, he drove us to the school. Once we reached the locker rooms we went our separate ways.

By the time I got into the gym, the teacher was yelling at us to split into two teams. Apparently the next couple weeks will be focused on basketball. Hey, at least it's a sport I know how to play. As soon as the captains had chosen the teams, me being on the 'Blue Team', the ball was thrown into the air and the game had begun. I really hope I have a good team, considering I have to cooperate with them for them next few weeks.

Soon enough, I was chasing members of the other team for control of the ball. As I followed some people from the other team I watched them gently throw it into the hoop it landed directly into the hands of Shane. Oh, forgot he was on my team. Guess I kinda got in the zone. I usually do when I play basketball.

Shane had finally been trapped between two guys, one being Chase and I couldn't recognize the other by his back. But when he took the ball from Shane and turned around to return the ball to his basket, I realized it was Kaden. He was on the other team, how did I not notice?

Every one else on my team was so far behind, I was the one who sprinted towards him trying to recover the ball for my team. I reached around to try to get the ball from him but failed and fell into his back. Damn, why does he have to be so big!

"Nice try Cambina."

"Anything is worth a try." Retorting, I once again tried to reach over his large, muscular torso. After another failed attempt, I came around to his front and tried to swipe the ball, this time successfully. "Don't underestimate me." As I twirl around him, I run to the opposite side of the court and effortlessly toss the ball in the hoop with a swish.

He regained the ball from underneath the basket with me right in front of him.

"You've got moves Cambina."

"I wasn't in the junior Olympics for nothing."

"Now, don't let that make you think that you can beat me in my own game. How else would I have gotten all those trophies?" So that's what they were from. We're both basketball stars? Ironic.

After speaking, Kaden immediately darted around me and slam dunked the ball in. Once again face to face, I dribbled, slowly scooting him backwards until a teammate was in range.

"Now Kaden, let's not think that you walk right over me. I can beat you with my eyes closed."

"You want to bet?"

"Hell yeah I do." The second those words escaped my mouth, I chest passed the ball to Shane and when Kaden went after the ball I dashed in the opposite direction. Soon I met back up with Shane at the basket and he bounced it to me. Taking all my might, I hopped up to the hoop and tossed it in, leaving myself hanging on the edge for a few seconds. Slam dunk baby!

Once I dropped, I turned around to see slightly surprised faces, but they all soon focused their eyes back to the game. All except Danielle, who was glaring at me. The entire game, so far, she has done nothing but stand in the middle of the court staring at her nails, talking to her pack of rats; who were all yelling at us people who were actually playing like we were supposed to. They would call us mongrels and scream every time we ran past them.

Those glorified Barbie dolls.


By now, the class was almost over. Kaden and I were so competitive and determined to beat the other, we dominated the game. Almost no one else even touched the ball. That kinda made me happy. I still got it!

I had just taken the ball from the other team and was defending it from Kaden. As I dribbled, I stuck my rear out to push him farther away. So far, it was working, but there's always gotta be something that goes wrong.

Looking for an 'escape route', I heard his husky voice speak into my ear. "I love it when you grind on me baby." What he said nearly gave me a heart attack. I froze, giving him the perfect opportunity to steal the ball and score another point for his team. Still in shock, I chased after him and only to see him laughing at me.

That perverted little- I'm going to have to get back at him for that later!

I knew class would be over soon and there was no way I was letting him have the last laugh. In control of the ball once again, thanks to Shane, I made way towards the hoop. I had to do something big to return the shock Kaden imposed on me. Ugh, I gotta think fast. That's when it hit me.

I'm not going to get Kaden back.

Managing to sneak some looks and mouth a couple of directions to Shane and Jamie, who was also on my team, I dashed off to the center of the gym. A guy I didn't even know was trying to cover me and retrieve the ball. Sorry guy, but you are exactly what I'm looking for.

While Shane took Chase and Chris, Jamie was making sure Kaden wasn't able to get near me. One thing I know for sure right now is that Kaden is watching my every move.

Perfect timing.

I did exactly as I had accidentally done with Kaden to this unknowing boy. Difference being that this time it was on purpose, I felt him tense up and I took the chance to launch the ball from half court. As it flung into the basket I glanced over at Kaden and his expression was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. It was mix between shock, anger, and what seemed like jealousy. It couldn't be jealousy though. He has no reason to be jealous.

The coaches whistle blew loud and clear as soon as Kaden started to descend towards me, but he didn't stop. Frozen, I stood there watching him speed walk to me.

"Blue Team, as a result of winning, head to the showers early. Red Team, let's do some workin' out." Just before he could reach me, I followed coaches' instructions and scurried off to the locker room. Leaving him to do the work out.

THANK YOU COACH! Kaden coming at me like that has yet to end well for me so I'm glad I could avoid it for now.

After putting my hair up to avoid getting it wet, I slipped into the showers to wash off all this sweat. Once I was done, I tugged on a new outfit that I bring everyday, and headed out. As soon as I was out of the back door that lead outside from the locker rooms, a tall dark figure stood in my path causing me to jump back a little. When my eyes met their brown ones, my heart accelerated an I muttered a 'crap', underneath my breath.

"Cute little stunt you pulled back there."

"Thanks Kaden, I thought you'd like it." I grimaced. Gosh I really hope he doesn't do anything.

"I do hope you realize that if you do something like that again, I will make you regret it. Don't forget that we are still playing our game and for the time being, you're mine." He finished growling out.

While he was talking, I had been steadily inching backwards with him slowly coming in my direction. Now I was being pushed up against the wall and he had trapped me between his muscular arms. This is the side of Kaden that scared me. Cold eyes, low demanding voiced, and his whole body was tensed up like he was ready to hit something. And it frightened me dearly.

Going against my better judgement, my mouth started forming words and there was no way to stop it. "Possessive much? You don't own me. Dating or not, I can and will do anything I would like to."

"For your sake, let's hope you're smart enough not to."

"And if I don't?"

"I've got friends in high places."

"As do I." At this point I was speaking through my grinding teeth.

He just stared into my eyes, fury written all across his face. There's no way he can be more mad than I am right now though. That brat can't just tell me what to do. Anyway, it's not like I would listen to him. Like I said, I do what I want, when I want.

Some people might think me a stubborn little *female dog*, but I just don't like being pushed around. Gosh, sometimes I wish I did cuss so I'd have better words to describe my feelings... Well kind of. No one walks all over me anymore because I learned to stand my ground.

Being brought back out of my thoughts by Kaden's intense glare, I realized his stance hadn't changed and I don't think it was going to.

"What are you always thinking about so intently in that thick little head of yours?"

"It's a secret." I remarked smugly, showing a slight grin on my face. "Where did you go last night?"

"It's a secret." He repeated, smirking at how he stole my words. Guess he couldn't think of a better comeback, nice one Faith!

"Let me know when your ready to exchange secrets." I don't think either of us knew exactly what to do next. We just kind of... Stood there. Looking into each other's eyes, unmoving. Until his face softened and he pushed off the wall.

"We should get going, the guys are waiting for us."

Nodding in agreement I followed him around the back of the school and to the parking lot. That's when realization dawned over me and I blurted out another question. "How did you get out so fast?"

"Our 'workout' was like fifty push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. That only took about four minutes for the guys and I. Plus you take forever to shower." Four minutes? But how? That workout would've taken me at least fifteen. Granite, I'm not in the BEST shape, but it's not like I'm out of shape either.

When we arrived at the pizzeria, all the guys including Christian were lounging in and around our usual booth. We slid into the booth, but not without Kaden doing the 'bro shake' with half of them. You saw them like tent minutes ago!!! I give up on boy logic.

Kaden's arm draped itself over my shoulder as he leaned back. I could feel his gaze on me as I listened to the story Chase was explaining. I tried not to acknowledge it though. Hesitantly he faced the boys again and we all went on with our usual routine.

***Large Time Skip***

I can't believe summer went by so fast.

Most of it was spent hanging out with Lexi at each other's houses. I wouldn't take back a single second of it. Quite often when we were together Sterling would come and join. After all, three's a party. Who better to party together than the three musketeers? The three amigos. Three blind mice.

Okay I took that a little to far, but it was quite relaxing to have a summer with just me and my best friends. .

Of course, the second Lexi got back, I spilled the beans on all of the Kaden drama. She looked like she was going to pass out, but then went into full on girl mode. Squealing and everything. She loved that I was 'going out' with Moreno High's hottest bad boy. Maybe I shouldn't have told her about the game, that girl has no filter. All I know was that she was jealous, even though Kaden is the most pig headed, conceded guy on the planet.

It was annoying to be considered his girlfriend all summer, but he had times where his compassion came out. Those times were my sliver of hope that he isn't as horrible as I thought.

I enjoyed getting to know all of his and Christian's friends. They were all like mushy gushy marshmallows with a hard outer shell. Some of the sweetest people I know and I can't even remember why they're pegged as bad boys. They are so exuberant and full of life. And full of themselves, but it was easily overlooked due to their wonderful personalities. They treat me like a sister and I feel like they would protect me like one if need be. Honestly I don't mind being with them anymore, they played around with me like I was one of their own.

Teri and I had also grown to be really good friends, but who wouldn't have guessed that. Though I was never able to pry out of her why she was at my house that one night, kissing Christian. Neither would speak a word about it.

Does school really need to start back? School means homework, bad food, and people I don't want to deal with. Such as Danielle. All she did this summer was complain and try to get Kaden from me.

Nice try, but you don't always get your way.

I just wish I knew why her whole life mission is to take everything I have. We used to be so close and then one day she just shut me out. No reasoning. She just started ignoring me and Lexi until she thought she could push us around. It still doesn't work, but she keeps trying. To be honest, sometimes it still gets to me. I want to know what I did wrong, but I'm sure if I asked she would give me a smart comment and strut away. Her insults are empty, but an insult is still an insult and it hurts either way. No matter who you are and how big a wall you put up around your heart.

On a happy note, school starting back means it's time for our homecoming festival. Most schools have a homecoming parade and dance. Not us. The whole town comes together to have a three day festival. It's kind of the biggest part of the year and my favorite.

Day one is the talent show and if you win, you're a pretty big deal for the next year.

Day two is the carnival. Games, rides, prizes, and a whole lot of fun.

Day three, the ball. Literally the biggest part of the festival and everyone gets all dressed up to attend. It's the final day, therefore the most important. To keep to tradition, a king and queen are chosen and crowned. They are automatically involved in all school activities. No if, ands, or buts.

Overall it's a big deal. Not that anyone could notice...

The buzz of my phone beside me brought me out of my daze and I picked it up and answered the call.

"Faith!!!" Is this girl trying to deafen me by squealing my name so loudly?

"Hey Lexi."

"What do you wanna do for our last day of freedom?"

"I don't know. Can't we just hang out like we always do?"

"No we've been doing that all summer! Think bigger!"

"I don't know Lex. Can't you think of something?"

"Ooooh lets have a bonfire!"

"That sounds like so much fun! But who else would we invite?"

"Well us of course, plus Sterling, Christian, and Moreno High's reigning bad boys."

"Oh you just wanna stare at Kaden."

"Yes, but also, I haven't gotten to see you act all coupley yet!"

"Really? But I don't wanna act all coupley." Whining was never a strong suit of mine, but when it came to trying to change Lexi's mind, I needed it.

"No. He is coming and that is final." She demanded motherly. Ugh there's no way she's letting me get out of this one.

"I hate you."

"But you love me."


"Stop being a Mrs. Grumpy Pants and say you love your best friend."

"Even if it's not true?"

"Yes. Now do it."

"I love you my crazy flamboyant best friend."

"What did I tell you about using such big words!"

"Flamboyant is not that big a word!"

"If I don't know what it means then it's too long, so yes it is."

"No it's not. If I were to use a word such as hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, that would be too long." Haha like she could pronounce that.

"Hippo- quippo- phoba what?" I know my best friend so well!

"Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, the fear of long words." I stated simply.

"Bitch! You know I cant pronounce that."

"And yet you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

"That one had a song!"

"Whatever you say. So my house at six?"

"Sounds good! See ya later babe!"


Well I guess now would be the time to start working on the bonfire prep. It's noon, but I really just don't wanna get off the couch. Ugh. I wish I could just be lazy all day. Thanks to Lexi, that wasn't going to happen.

Lazily, I stood up from the couch to get ready. After I was presentable I grabbed my keys from the counter and locked the door on my way out to my car. Yeah, I have a car but I prefer not to use it. It's too gaudy for just a ride to school or other simple places, but I usually just get someone to pick me for that reason. Either way it's a gorgeous car.

Well, let's get started on this bonfire!


Okay I've got;

Marsh mellows, check.
Hershey's chocolate, check.
Graham crackers, check.
Drinks, check.
Ice, check.
Hotdogs and hamburgers, check.
Buns, check.

What else would you need for a bonfire?

Just as I was about to leave for checkout, two hands gripped my waist then snaked around my body to pull me into their chest. What the he-

"It's ironic that I'd see you here Cambina."

As I tear his arms from me, I turn a around to face him while speaking, "It's a store Kaden, it's not that uncommon." He rolled his eyes at my smart comment and just stood there with his hands in his shorts pockets. "So Lexi is making me throw an end of summer bonfire. Do you want to come?"

"Yeah, sure. What time?"

"Six, my place. And please invite all the boys. Plus tell Logan he needs to bring Teri."

"Yes sir."

"I am not a sir!" He only chuckled in response. He followed me as I led my cart to the check out lanes. "So what are you doing here?"

"Mom wanted to take me shopping with her to help pick something out."


I soon payed for my items, but there was no way I could carry all of them. Kaden could see my struggling so he offered to help.

"Here let me take these." He took the ice that was slipping from my hands and the drinks from the cart while I carried all the bags.

When we were close to my car, I took out my keys and unlocked the door. As we approached it, Kaden's face noticeably lit up with shock.

"Woah... Is that a Lamborghini?" He asked in awe.

"Yeah... My dad had kind of a car fetish..."

"Why the hell is it pink!"

"Why not?"

"It's a fucking Lamborghini!"

"I still don't see your point."

"How'd you even get a car like this?"

"Like I said, my dad had a car obsession."

"But these cars are hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your parents must've had a really good job."

"You have no idea," I mumbled to myself.

After admiring my car, Kaden helped me load groceries into the trunk and 'assisted' me inside. My windows were rolled down and he placed his palm on the top edge and leaned his head down to me. "So I'll see you at six?" I asked.

With a nod of his head, he pushed off the car and watched me as I backed out of the parking lot.

A/N: Short and sweet filler chapter. Hope you liked it!

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