My Slytherin Prince-The Curse...

By DracoPotter014

73 11 2

What happens when Harriet and Draco have to go back in time? More

The beauty of the Rose.
Ones fate and ones surprise.
The Enchantress.
My magic is missing!
The death of a maze.
Turning younger to turn back time.
"Stop, Diggory!"
Take me back to Hogwarts.
I am your curse.

A mothers nightmare.

3 1 0
By DracoPotter014

It was like what I had just heard wasn't real. It was like I was having a nightmare and at any moment I was going to wake up. It only hit me that it was real when I heard Harry call my name over the phone three times, each one louder than the one before.

Suddenly, I noticed that Draco was looking at me, with a confused puzzle on his face. I started to cry and then told Harry that we would meet him at platform 9 3/4. Walking over to Draco I knew what I was about to tell him was going to break him. Draco was so looking forward to Scorpius coming back home for Christmas so we could be all together as a family.

"Draco, I don't know how to tell you this but, sweetheart, Scorpious and Albus are missing." I told him as I just stood there, shaking. Draco started to cry a few seconds after I told him, noticing that I was not joking around and that this was real life. My son, my baby boy was missing.

Scaring the living daylights out of me, Draco then said, "We need to go and find them. He is my son, Harriet and I won't stop till I find him. We need to go now!" He was so passionate of the way he was talking, but also raising his voice like it was my fault that our son was missing. 

"Draco, we are going to find him and we will not stop until we do find him...AHHHH!" My scar started to burn so deeply into my skin as Draco rushed over to me as I collapsed onto the floor. I was so terrified of why this was happening and then all of a sudden my ear started to ring like I had been nocked out and just coming back to life again. It was like poison in my own ear.

"Honey, are you okay? What's wrong? Harriet!" Draco said over and over again as my hearing came back to normal and I could hear properly without the horrible ringing in my ear hole. "I'm okay, my scar just started to hurt but come on we need to get our son back." I told Draco as we both apparated to London's train station and met Harry, Ginny, James and Lily at platform 9 3/4.

Ginny was comforting Harry as his face started to turn grey and then even paler, like he was going to be sick. I rushed over and gave Harry a hug. I couldn't believe that both of our children where missing. "Harriet can I talk to you?" Ginny asked, but I was so worried about how we where going to find my child I totally ignored her and then just said, "Not now Ginny, we have to find the boy's."

I was so broken inside as Scorpius was a special baby. After Draco and I got married we wanted to start a family straight away, however there was no luck. We tried for so long, but nothing. Both of us started to give up hope on having our own children that I then questioned Draco about adopting, which he was totally in for as he just wanted to be a father and raise beautiful children better than his own father did for him. 

However, one night after we had celebrated twenty years of defeating Voldemort and me being set free I started to fall sick. I was constantly throwing up and I couldn't stop myself and then the most wonderful magic happened.  Ginny noticed that I had been throwing up for a long time, so she told me to take a pregnancy test. I told her that it was going to be negative, however, it was positive.

I made sure that I kept the secret hidden for a few weeks so I knew that the baby was healthy and if we had problems, but when the doctor told me that everything was okay and the baby was happy and healthy, I finally announced the news to Draco. He was so happy, so over the moon and when we found out what gender we where having, that is when we new what to name him. 

Scorpious means, the creature with the burning sting. Draco originally asked if we should call him Scorpion, but I wanted the baby's name to be elegant but also fiery. Then I gave birth to our little Scorpious. He is my little miracle baby. Scorpius was also born on the 21st anniversary of Voldemort's defeating, so that day is rather special to Draco and I. 

Knowing my son was missing is a mothers nightmare for any mother, but loosing my son would break me forever. I had to find him and I was not going to let anything stop me.

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