My magic is missing!

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"Harriet please hurry up, he will be home soon!" Draco told me as I quickly rushed applying my red lipstick onto my lips and then ran down the stairs. "I am coming, hang on." 

Draco was so excited to see Scorpious back home from Hogwarts. I could tell how much he had missed him. He started to act upset and most nights fell asleep on the couch as he always thought that Scorpius would come running through the front door, but it never happened.

I loved how much of a devoted father Draco was and I was so excited to see Scorpius either, but seeing Draco smile again was also going to make me very happy knowing he would have a few weeks with his son and would return to his normal self again.  

There was a knock on the door and I could see Draco rushing over to it, only to find out that it was the noise of a pile of letters hitting the door as the owl had delivered the post. I noticed that Draco was disappointed knowing that it wasn't Scorpius, but I knew that he would see him soon enough and we would have an incredible Christmas as a family together, before having to get Scorpius back to school again. 

Suddenly I heard the phone ring so I went and picked it up while I let Draco wait at the door encase Scorpius arrived. "Hello, this is Mrs Malfoy speaking." I said. What I heard next made me die and come back to life in two seconds. I was so shocked. "Harriet, this is Harry. I wanted to know if Scorpius had got home yet?" I answered back, a little confused. "Hi Harry. No Scorpius is not home, why?" I asked. 

"Well the thing is James is home but Albus is not. James Albus and Scorpius was not on the train and they where not at Hogwarts." Harry told me, I was so much disbelief. I was confused, but scared t the same time. 

My son was missing. Scorpius is missing!

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