The death of a maze.

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"Come on Scorpius!" Albus shouted as we trapped through the snow, twenty years before I was born. I was really worried about this Mysterious necklace that Delphinine had spun around and made us time travel to rescue a relative of hers. There was something about her that I just couldn't put my finger on, something mysterious, something unknown. 

"Okay boy's, so we need to go into this maze to rescue my uncle's son before he get's murdered okay...Any questions?" Delphinine asks Albus and I. I was shocked of what I was hearing. I loved adventures, but I had never been on a time travelling adventure before.

-Present day-

"Harriet slow down, please!" Harry shouted across the pathway. "I am not slowing down Harry I am going to find my son. He is missing we need to find him now and I won't stop until I do and I am back with my baby boy." I told Harry quite sharply, not letting his arrogance get to me.

"Sweetheart, maybe we should take a break. You must be getting tired?" Draco asked me. As a matter of fact I was getting extremely tired, but I wanted to find Scorpius so bad, I didn't want to stop. Just then I saw a shiny flicker in my eyes. It was coming from something a figure. A women. "Hermione!" We all shouted in relief. Hermione greeted all of us with a hug as well as well as Ron.

Hermione had brought Rose with her who gave us some information that she saw Albus and Scorpious the day before, snooping in the dark forest, which gave me relief that Scorpius might still be at Hogwarts and had just missed the train to go back home, but the Rose told all of us that Albus was flirting with a girl that him and Scorpius had met in the forest and the next time Rose looked they had all disappeared. Vanished into thin air.

I asked loads of questions of who this 'mysterious girl' was and Rose described her as an elegant ghost with white hair, but had blue tints at the bottom of her hair. The ringing in my ear started to come back again and fourth. I tried to block it out and it disappeared after a few seconds.

"She was also wearing a necklace like my mums." Rose told us and I suddenly clicked on and looked at Harry who knew exactly what I was thinking. All of the group clicked on. They used a time turner!

-The past-

"Okay boy's go on, go in!" Delphinine commanded. "I am not sure about this. I mean you do know how to take us back home don't you." I asked her. Delphinine put on this kind of wicked smile and murmured something beneath her breathe, but I couldn't hear it as the hissing noises and the ringing sound was back in my ear, vibrating in my ear drum. It was such a horrible pain. 

I could see Albus already starting to walk through the maze as I tried to catch up with him, but Delphinine just stayed behind like she knew that if she came into the maze, that she wasn't going to get out at all. I really started to panic as Delphinine had gave Albus and I direct instructions to find this boy called Cedric Diggory. 

From when Delphinine mentioned Cedric's last name I knew that I had read about Cedric before in my mother's diary. My mother hated him. From what I read from mother's diary, Cedric always flirted with her and then also made my father very jealous and also, Cedric did a nasty thing to my mother. 

My mother had a secret, but I had not read that part of her diary as she had taken it off me and told me not to go through her stuff again.

However, later on Cedric then got killed of by Voldemort, from a Trwizard tournament, which I guess was sad, but did not really affect my mother and father to much than it would any of the other students that knew him. Suddenly, it hit me. This was the Trwizard tournament that Cedric Diggory was killed in. Cedric Diggory died in a maze.

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