A Sweet Medicine | Alexa Blis...

By QueenZain3

18.9K 645 3.9K

[ A Non Wrestling Fanfiction] The Story of a Orphan who lived a bad past and a rough life. He lived most of... More

Chapter 1: Pure Bliss
Chapter 2: Shoot His Heart
Chapter 3: Spiteful
Chapter 4: Sparkles
Chapter 5: Crystal Clear
Chapter 6: Roses
Chapter 7: The Crow at Night
Chapter 8: A New Side
Chapter 9: The Goddess
Chapter 10: Diamonds In The Sky
Chapter 11: Sweet Sugar
Chapter 12: Affection
Chapter 13: Only You
Chapter 14: Blissful Moments
Chapter 15: Never Gonna Dance Again
Chapter 16: Whiff Of Her Perfume
Chapter 17: Sleepover party
Chapter 18: Darling, My Light
Chapter 19: Confusion
Chapter 21: Volcano
Chapter 22: The Heat
Chapter 23: Her Protector
Chapter 24: Sunsets
Chapter 25: The World Has Took Its Part
Chapter 26: Dealt Its Cards
Chapter 27: Told you, I'll be here forever
Chapter 28: Said I'll always be a friend
Chapter 29: Mercy
Chapter 30: Always My Path
Chapter 31: Sweet Angel
Chapter 32: Yours and My Story
Final Chapter (33) : Under My Umbrella
Epilogue: Never Letting You Go
Bonus Chapter: A Moment With Light

Chapter 20: Unfortunate Soul

373 15 105
By QueenZain3

The entire group had alot of fun at the mall, However Desmond still has been angry at that man but he decided to let it out, He didn't really care about the man's attitude.  Hearing Alexa's name made Desmond more confused. Thinking about it while trying to sleep, It was hard.

It was finally the morning as Desmond was chatting with Alexa for sometime before he had to go back to work. He didn't really wanna go to work but he needs to work hard and get payed.

Meanwhile Cassandra and Adrian were talking to eachother.

Cassandra: Desmond keeps getting happier and happier everyday.

Adrian: Thats really true. I'm really glad that Alexa is helping him.

Cassandra was smiling until she heard a knock on the door.

Cassandra: Oh Desmond must have forgotten something.  Let me go and check.

Adrian nodded as Cassandra opened the door, She was expecting to see Desmond but instead It was. . . 

it was Lexi, She fixed her yellow sleeves as Alexa gave a bright smile to Cassandra and Cassandra was surprised.

Cassandra: Alexa, What a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect you to come over.

Alexa: *Giggles* That's what I am, I'm full of surprises.

Cassandra fixed her hair and told Alexa to get in as Alexa cuffed her hands together and looked at Cassandra.

Alexa: is Desmond here?

Cassandra: Desmond? Oh he actually just left a couple mintues ago.

( Oh, Now I know why he wasn't replying to me. )

Alexa: I see then.

Cassandra and Alexa walked towards the living room as Adrian saw Alexa and smiled.

Adrian: Oh so it's you, Alexa. Great to see you again.

Alexa: Thank you, I'm glad to see you two.

They all smiled as Alexa sat on the sofa and was smiling. However, She wasn't here just to visit but here to learn something.

Cassandra: Would you like tea, Coffee or anything?

Alexa: No thanks, I actually just had some coffee before I got here.

She gave a big smile to Desmond's parents as They smiled at her. Adrian crossed his arms and looked at Lexi.

Adrian: So Alexa, What brings you here?

Alexa was silent and fixed her hair.

( I really hope this will be okay to do)

Alexa: Haha. Well. . . . Its actually something I want to know and decided to ask both of you.

Cassandra: What is it?

Alexa: Its something serious and it's about Desmond. . .

Adrian and Cassandra were looking at eachother as Cassandra spoke.

Cassandra: What about him, Alexa?

She cleared her throat as Both of them were looking at Lexi, Feeling curious.

Alexa: I asked Desmond a question couple days ago, But he never really wanted to answer it.

Adrian: Really? What did you tell him?

Alexa: I was talking about my childhood to him and then I asked what was his childhood like. . . . He didn't wanna answer it. .

Cassandra and Adrian looked at eachother feeling a bit sad as Alexa moved her hair aside.

Alexa: I'm sorry for asking this, But what happened to him?

Adrian: You don't have to apologise Alexa, I understand that your curious about this.

He sighed as Cassandra was starring at thr ground. Alexa was feeling nervous as Cassandra looked at her.

Cassandra: Desmond actually had a rough childhood.

Alexa: What?

She was concerned and desperately wanted to know how much has he went through, Adrian looked at Alexa as He spoke.

Adrian: You actually need to know the truth, I know Desmond won't tell you anything yet. The truth is Alexa. . . . *Sighs* I don't know how to put this But. . . We're not Desmond's real parents.

Alexa was shocked as Both of them were looking a bit sad as Alexa spoke.

Alexa: Wait what? Y-You Both aren't Desmond's parents.

Cassandra: Yes. . You can say. . . Foster Parents.

Adrian: We Adopted him when he was young. . . Poor boy was treated badly.

Alexa was feeling sad and really wanted to know what happened to him.

Adrian: Let me explain. . . Desmond never had a family, Not knowing what happened to them. He always was at different streets trying to find food and water to survive.

It shows a Young Desmond walking around, Looking through the dumpsters. He couldn't find anything and walked away.

Cassandra: He was quiet as a kid, When someone asked him a question. Desmond doesn't even respond.

Store Clerk: Where are your parents, Little boy?

Desmond was silent and took the plastic bag which had bread and a water bottle and left as The Clerk was confused.

Adrian: He looked everywhere to find anything to eat, Drink or Find Money.

Cassandra: Anytime He finds some money. . . It ends badly for him.

A Young Desmond was walking with ten dollars, He was going to buy something for himself until a man ran and snatched the money from Desmond's hand as Desmond looked at the Man.

Man: I'll be taking this, Get lost Kid!

He ran away as Desmond was standing still feeling a bit sad.

Adrian: Not only people stole his money. . . Desmond was also kind hearted.

A young Desmond stole money from a women without letting her notice as He was going to buy something until He saw a Poor women asking for money but everyone ignored her.

Desmond felt a bit sad as He looked at her then the money for a few seconds. He went towards the women and gave her the money and walked away.

Cassandra: Me and Adrian saw him many times in different streets. He doesn't beg for money at all.

Adrian: People never really cared about him.

It shows a women walking on the road while using her phone, Cassandra was on a walk as She noticed Desmond walking and looking. Cassandra was looking at him as Desmond saw a Car moving towards the womeb. She was focused on her phone that Desmond quickly ran and Grabbed her hand and dragged her.

The Women tripped and fell as Desmond was looking at her and touched her shoulder seeing if she was fine until the women got up and looked at her phone . . . Which was broken.

Women: No no no, This was so expensive!

Desmond was looking at the women as The Women gave a death stare to Desmond and grabbed her water bottle and threw it on him as Desmond was holding his head.

Women: You little Kid! Why did do this?

She gritted her teeth and walked away bumping into Desmond as Cassandra looked really sad.

Alexa felt really emotional as She fixed her hair and looked at both of them who were also feeling sad as Adrian started explaining more.

Adrian was gonna head to work as He was walking towards his car until he saw a Man shouting at a young Desmond as Adrian quickly ran.

Adrian: What's happening?

Man: Whatever! This Kid needs to learn some manners to not snoop into people's cars.

Adrian was gonna speak until The Man walked away as Desmond was holding his arm and looked at the ground.

Adrian: Hey Kid, Whats wrong? What was he doing?

Desmond: . . . . . .

Adrian: Was he doing something bad?

Desmond: . . . . He was . . . Doing something to your car.

Adrian: What? What do you mean?

Desmond: He had something and. . . Tried to get in your car.

Adrian: Really?

Desmond: And he is blaming me. .

Adrian felt really upset that a Man was blaming a kid for no reason as Adrian sighed in anger.

Adrian: Hey its okay, Don't be sad. I believe you.

Desmond nodded and walked away as Adrian was starring at Him.

Alexa: Desmond was always blamed?

Cassandra: Yes, He was blamed alot as a for people's mistakes. . .

Adrian: Until One day I finally decided to take him in.

Adrian was walking while drinking some coffee until He saw a Mother with her kids shouting at Desmond who was sitting in the ground. The Mother and Her children's started throwing sand on him as Adrian quickly ran.

Adrian: Hey!! What are you all doing?

They all jumped and looked as Desmond recognised him, Adrian went towards the women as She looked.

Adrian: Why are you bullying him? Aren't you a mother?

Women: I-I-I-I. . . . He was bullying both of my daughters!

Desmond: No. . . She stole my money.

He pointed a Little girl as The Mother was looking upset.

Desmond: I ran and Grabbed it from her. . .

Adrian knew Desmond wasn't lying, The Mother grabbed Desmond as He looked at her.

Women: Dont make stupid lies!

Adrian: Enough!!! Your treating him badly.

Adrian grabbed Desmond as He was looking.

Adrian: Aren't you older??? Your a grown women and your acting like this!?

The Women stayed quiet as Her daughters went behind her.

Adrian: I'm his father after all.

Desmond looked confused as The Mother was starring at the ground and walked away as Adrian was angry, He looked at Desmond and touched his head.

Adrian: Hey its okay.

Desmond: . . . Thank you.

Adrian: No problem, Your coming home with me.

Desmond was shocked as Adrian looked at him.

Desmond: What?

Adrian: I seen you alot, You don't have a family right?

Desmond nodded as Adrian touched his cheek.

Adrian: What's your name?

Desmond: . . . . . Thomas.

Adrian: Thomas?

Desmond: I used to be in a place full of kids. . . Someone always Referred me as Thomas Jones.

Adrian knew he was talkmg about about orphanage. Adrian held his ahnd and Both of them walked towards the car.

They were looking at eachother as Cassandra spoke.

Cassandra: Thats when we decided to adopt him and make him live happily.

Adrian: His Name was Thomas Jones. But We changed it into Desmond Crowe.

Alexa fixed her sleeves and was starring at the ground as She looked at them and wanted to speak but she couldn't.

Cassandra: He was happy that he lived with us. . . But He wasn't used to us.

Adrian: He never really referred us as parents.

Cassandra: And another thing was. . . . Desmond was emotionless.

Alexa: Really? . . .

Adrian: He did smile a few times when he was young. Example was when we surprised him for his eleventh birthday. It wasn't a big smile but still was a smile.

Cassandra: He sometimes did feel sad, Angry. Smiling was rare for him. He was always quiet.

Adrian: Desmond isn't used to ud that He was once bullied in school but he never told us.

Cassandra: Until we found out four weeks later. We were a bit upset about it. I felt bad that he was suffering and Didn't tell anyone.

Adrian: He never had friends. Until He was eighteen He found a Girlfriend.

Alexa: Rosa, Right?

Cassandra: Oh so he told you. Yes, It was Rosa. But I didn't like her along with Adrian.

Adrian: She was too noisy, Then They broke up and two years later He sated Jenna.

Cassandra: But it didn't ended well.

Alexa sighed and stared at the ground as Adrian looked at her.

Adrian: Thats all I have to say, Alexa.

Alexa: I don't know I feel. . .

She was really sad about Desmond, He was emotionless mostly and suffered alot.

Cassandra: I understand. . . . But we thank you alot.

Alexa: W-What?

Adrian: You changed him, Alexa. . . .

Cassandra and Adrian had a small smile on their faces as Alexa was starring at them.

Cassandra: Desmond met you is the main reason why he smiles often.

Adrian: Its also why he trusts us finally.

Cassandra: You showed him happiness and How life is like.

Alexa: *Sightly wipes a tear from her eyes* I noticed actually.  Desmond doesn't know what are relationships like. . .

Adrian: He still doesn't know whats Parents like. I don't think he still knows what love is despite dating two girls.

Alexa nodded until She saw the time as She got up.

Alexa: I have to go now actually. I have some work.

Cassandra: Its fine, Thank you for staying here Alexa.

Alexa: No problem.  . . . Thanks for telling me about this also.

They had a smile on their face as Alexa smiled at them back. She walked away and left the house as She was starring at the ground.

( I feel bad for him still. )

She was walking and looking around until She bumped into Desmond as Desmond looked in shock.

Desmond: Lexi?? What are you doing here?

Alexa was starring at him as He fixed his hair and looked at her.

Alexa: Oh hehehe. . . I was just taking a short walk.

Desmond: I see then, I hope your doing well.

He smiled at her as Alexa had a smile on her face as well and went close to him and . . .

She pulled him into a hug as Desmond was smiling and hugged her back.

Desmond: Thanks, I needed that.

Alexa: Hehe. You deserve it.

They continued to hug as Alexa was looking at his face.

( You poor unfortunate soul. . . . . )

A/N: Thanks for reading and stay strong!!! :)

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