Not A Tool ~ A Nomu Deku Story

By TheCuteVillain

50.1K 1.3K 654

Completed story :) When Izuku Midoriya was just a child, he got wounded in a battle between a hero and a vill... More

Before You Read
Waking Up
In The Labs
The Meeting
The League Of Villains
A New Life
Meet The Parents
The First Morning
Combat Training
The Game
Going Camping With The Boys
Quirk Training
The Kamino Battle
Shie Hassaikai
Operation Save The Little Girl
You are done for
Under The Stars
Power Boost
Fun Times
Endeavor and Kurogiri
Mixed Training
The Raid
Really Just A Tool
What To Do?
Get Some Help, Please
Plans of War
Assault On The Government
Taking Them Down
Heroes VS Shigaraki Pt.1
Izuku VS Shigaraki pt.2
Symbol Of Hope


563 15 4
By TheCuteVillain


The two yelling people got quiet and looked up to the side the voice came from. Before them stood no one other than the man with the longer dark hair and the thing around his neck. What now obviously was a scarf.

"Mr Aizawa. I found Izuku"

"Who the hell are you old man. I have seen your message on the news, but I don't know you at all. And by the way, I AM A VILLAIN, AREN'T HEROES SUPPOSED TO ARREST VILLAINS???"

"Technically, yes. But you are not a villain Izuku. What have they done to you? Don't you remember us?" The man, who Izuku now knew as Aizawa asked calmly.

Izuku didn't answer. All this interacting with heroes made his head hurt. It was the same headache as at the USJ. Izuku didn't want this to be the reason he got captured. He was going to make his way out. But Aizawa noticed this and reacted faster than the boy. His scarf went flying towards the boy and captured him.


"I will not let you go again Izuku. This time, I'll be here for you" he spoke with confidence.

Izuku didn't like that idea. He probably was going to Tartarus for all his actions. Izuku grabbed the scarf and used overhaul to disassemble it, setting him free again.

"Wait, that is Overhauls quirk?!" Uraraka screamed.

"That's right. I took it from him" Izuku laughed.

Izuku then jumped away, into the darkness. Leaving the teacher and student with a questioning look.

He left the UA property and went to the roof of a tall building. His head was hurting badly. In this state, he didn't want to go back to the hideout. He wanted to be alone. The things he had heard this evening and the things he was told, it all confused him. He knew information was missing. His mind was all cloudy. His father and Sensei held back information from him. Something wasn't right. And Izuku wanted to think about it all.

He went outside the city. Somewhere he could be alone. Somewhere he could think. He walked and walked until he found a cave. Izuku used overhaul to deform the cave, making it look like it was just part of the mountain and there was no cave anymore. He only left a little hole for some light and fresh air. After that, he began to think.

Pictures floated trough his cloudy mind. Pictures of USJ. Pictures of a hospital. Pictures of class 1-A and the training camp. Flashes of scenes of villains attacking them in a forest. Scenes of making a deal with Dabi. Scenes of how much fun he had with his friends. And her, the girl who he stood against a couple of hours ago. He knew her. He knew who she was. She was his friend. She was.. the one he loved. But she didn't know that. And Izuku had forgot her, leaving her all alone. Now he misses her. He misses Ochaco Uraraka.

But he misses the blond hothead too. Bakugo oh Bakugo. Always had been Izuku's best friend. And Izuku noticed how he was the only one where Bakugo was acting totally different with. He missed his friend. Hell he missed all his friends.

Last but not least. He missed his dad. All for One had revealed that he was Izuku's father. He had even proven it. But Izuku really didn't have a connection with that man, that's why All for One still was mentioned as Sensei. All the torture, the almost suicide mission, the experiments. Why would a man do that to his son. No, Izuku missed his dad. Pro hero Eraserhead, or his normal name Shota Aizawa. The man he too had just met earlier this evening. The man he had almost fought and the man who's capture weapon he just yeeted out of existence.

But Izuku knew he couldn't go back. Not just now. Not to the heroes. Not to the League. Shigaraki would just put him back on a table and let the doctor rebuild him again. And the heroes wouldn't trust him. He would be put under control by a pro hero and always needed supervising. They would be thinking he was just a spy for the League. No, Izuku wanted to have a normal life. And for having that, he needed to kill. Kill the so called father. Kill All for One. Destroy the League, throw Shigaraki in jail. Izuku would have to make sure Shigaraki doesn't get the quirk. If Shigaraki get All for One, he would be unstoppable, or at least everything would be a lot harder to do. But Izuku was alone, and didn't have a plan. Maybe. Just maybe, the heroes can help. If they are thrusting him.

Aizawa had called Nezu once again. They had accomplished to make an searching party with some pro heroes. Aizawa knew it wasn't worth it because the problem child probably was vanished long time. But something was off when they had their conversation. The boy didn't know anything after USJ. That was wat Uraraka had told him. Still, and even Uraraka had noticed, after their talk the boy seemed confused. It looked like he actually was getting memories back. Just what did All for One use on him. However, the fact that Izuku had the quirk of Overhaul, was worrying.

A week had passed on and the searching party had spread across the city. Aizawa himself was still going to teach his students. Today, they were going to an nearby forest. They went there for some mental training. Aizawa was learning his students to clear their mind. They needed it. It was under the motto: By discovering nature, you discover yourself.

The students were instructed to go and find a quiet place to meditate. Of course the students also were having just fun, because that too is a must sometimes.

Eventually, they found a perfect spot. It was near a steep part of the mountain, it looked like a collapsed cave. Nearby was a small lake. It was a beautiful place to study, have fun, and just calm down.

The students were gathering on the spot. They placed down the stuff they had brought with them. They were going to make dinner together. Aizawa was there for safety, All Might, Present Mic and Midnight were with them too.

"Hey Bakubro! You want to see if the collapsed cave has maybe a way in?" Kirishima asked while walking up to Bakugo.

"Hmm maybe I can blast the shit out of it. Sounds like a good meditation" Bakugo answered.

A little later there was a small group of students who wanted to explore the collapsed cave. They went walking over to it. Kirishima looked around. Eventually, he found a small opening.

"Hey guys! Over here!"

Mina walked up to him to check it out.

"You won't fit trough that, but maybe with my acid I can just melt the stone away. Then you can punch it to make it a bigger hole"

"Sounds like a plan!" Kirishima cheered.

With that, they began to reshape the rocks around the hole. In the meanwhile, the others joined in helping them. Eventually it was a full on teamwork session. Aizawa looked from the distance with a small smile. It was a good initiative to go here.

Eventually, the group had dug out a hole big enough to walk through. Bakugo was the first to walk into what looked like a bigger cave. Bakugo looked around, but it was way to dark to see anything. He used his explosions to make a source of light, but it wasn't constant enough. He walked back outside.

"Hey dunceface and spiky hair. We need to find Icy-hot, to use his flames. There is no light in there"

And so, they went on their search for Todoroki. First logical place to go was by the main area. But besides Midnight and All Might, nobody was there. When the students asked the teachers, they didn't know where he was. But All Might suggested to take a look at the lake.

Eventually, they had found Todoroki at the lake. He was meditating on a ice platform floating in the water. It took a while to get his attention, but nobody could escape the shouting of Bakugo. Once they got his attention, they asked if he would help them.  Todoroki then agreed to come with them, because he now was out of the meditation mood. And after a while, they were back at the central spot. More students got curious now and wanted to explore the cave. The remaining students started cooking with the teachers.

Now Todoroki walked up front, using his left hand to make a flame. The group looked around the cave to see if there was something special. But sadly, the cave was just simple with nothing special in it. It was until Kaminari mentioned the others that there was another path further down into the mountain. Some students were against going further into the mountain, because of the safety. But Bakugo and Kirishima didn't care, and neither did Todoroki. The three went going on, following the path. The path was about 50 meters deep and went down in drops. But the hero students had experience with this kind of terrain so they went further with ease. When they were at the end of the path, they found a big cave with a small waterfall to the side and a little lake beneath it. Todoroki walked towards the lake, while Bakugo and Kirishima walked along the walls to see how big the area was. They followed the walls until Todoroki had mentioned them to come over.

"Did you found something?" Kirishima asked while walking towards the bi-colored boy. Bakugo didn't walk with him because he didn't care.

When Kirishima saw it, his jaw dropped. "Uhhh Bakubro. I think you need to see this" he shout wispered.

"Tch" Was the reaction he got, echoing through the cave. But they could see Bakugo walking towards them. Then his eyes got visibly wider. "Oh My Fucking God!" He spoke loudly.

Before them was Izuku lying on the ground. Around him were small animals and insects who probably were living in the cave. They were all dead, but not eaten. It were just corpses and skeletons. Izuku himself was sleeping and in a deep sleep too, so did it look like. It didn't look like he was starving or something, he looked healthy. There were no signs of a fire or any form of light. How long has the boy been here?

Bakugo tried to wake up his best friend. Softly pushing him, waiting to see if it would wake him up. But it didn't. "That guy can sleep trough everything" Bakugo muttered. "If there was a nuclear war going on right now Izuku wouldn't even know" Todoroki said in a response to the muttering. They were amazed with how he could sleep like this.

The three decided to take him out of the cave, by carrying him on the back. Bakugo was the one who was carrying Izuku. Kirishima went first and Todoroki was behind Bakugo to give some light. And so, they went back to the entrance of the cave. Back to the rest of the class.

Once Kirishima was outside, he sprinted towards the teachers. He got questioning looks from other students on his way but he just ignored it. He had to tell Aizawa. He had to tell Aizawa his son was found. And yes, just because it wasn't officially his son, everyone knew Aizawa saw Izuku that way.

"MR AIZAWA!" He yelled while running in.

The teachers looked worrisome at the boy. Something has happened? Did someone get hurt?

"What is it, Kirishima?" Aizawa said calmly, he was the only one not looking at the boy.

"You need to come with me. We have.. well.. You just should see it yourself" Kirishima told while panting. He needed to take a breath.

This made Aizawa look too at the boy. Then he felt something weird in his stomach. "Okay. I'll follow, hurry and take me there. Nobody better got hurt or I expel everyone"

"Your overdoing it, Aizawa" All Might spoke, only to be glared at by Aizawa. Then the teachers followed the boy, running.

When they were at the entrance of the cave, Bakugo came walking out with Izuku on his back. The boy was still sleeping. The other classmates had gathered around because they all had seen the teachers hurrying, and got curious.

Everyone except for Kirishima jaws dropped.

"Wh-What, H-How?!" Was the only thing the Aizawa could say.

After a while everyone was calmed down a bit. The boys had told the others about how they found him and they could see the parent instincts of Aizawa and Present Mic kicking in. They had walked back towards all the stuff and put Izuku down on a big pillow someone had brought. They decided to let him rest while silently eating dinner. And when dinner was over, Izuku woke up.

Izuku woke up and began to stretch a bit. His eyes were still closed because the cave was just dark. What was the point of opening his eyes. He could hear voices. Voices of his former classmates, friends, the ones he loved. But Izuku knew it was all in his head. He just misses them a lot. And then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Izuku screamed as loud as he could , jumped into the air and opened his eyes abruptly. The cave has never been blue and green, and the golden light of the sunset. He then realized he wasn't in the cave anymore and there were people around him. He didn't see who it were, the light was way to bright. His eyes weren't adjust to it yet. But it slowly came in, he tried to stay strong and took a fighting stand.

"Izuku. We are not going to fight you" The familiar voice of Aizawa told him.


"Yes Izuku. I'm here for you. We all are"

Then Izuku could see it all clear. Before him stood 1-A and some teachers.

"Hey nerd" Bakugo smiled. Ochaco didn't say anything and only waved a bit. Kaminari waved too and Kirishima wanted to fistbump Izuku. But instead of fistbumping back, Izuku began to cry. Tears rolling over his cheeks, he collapsed to the ground. Ochaco was the first to react and ran towards him to hug him, followed by the two parents. They sat like this for some time, and others were joining in.

"I'm sorry. To all of you. I let you all down. I made you worried. I am a burden on all of you. I'm sorry" Izuku spoke while crying.

"It's okay Izuku. You have done nothing wrong" Aizawa answered. "He is right" Izuku heard others say. This calmed down Izuku a lot.

"What about eating something Izuku" All Might spoke after a while.

Izuku nodded at this and got a plate of food pushed in his hands. He began to eat like he never had. He was hungry. Life force helped him with staying alive on his low energy, but he needed food to not be hungry.

Then Todoroki walked up to Izuku, and went sitting beside him.

"Hey Izuku. What was with all the corpses in the cave?" He asked

Izuku began to laugh a little. "Whoops. That's my life force. I used their life to feed my energy, to survive". This got Todoroki curious and they began to talk about how it worked and stuff. After a while, Izuku asked him a question.

"Who is the skinny guy who is with you all?" Izuku asked dead serious.

"What you mean? That's All Might!" Bakugo told while joining in to the conversation.

Izuku spit out a little water that he was drinking. "THAT'S ALL MIGHT? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM" He almost shouted.

"Well. He used the last of his power with trying to defeat All for One" Todoroki answered.


With that the three got silent. Izuku was sleepy because of all the sudden people around him, what had made him anxious. But he wanted to have some silence too. Maybe a walk trough the forest was a good idea. He went towards Aizawa and asked him to walk with him a little. Have some silence with just him. His other dad was too loud to have him with them. Aizawa agreed and they started to walk.

They had a deep conversation. Izuku has thought a lot of things the last week and was now questioning everything towards the older man. Aizawa in his turn asked all about what happened to him, and how he got his memories back. Izuku said All for One probably didn't did the job good enough, and that he was very glad for it. They talked about Izuku wanting to bring down All for One. They talked about how life will go from now on. Izuku asked if he still could go back to UA and if Aizawa and Hizashi still want him to live with them. Aizawa's answer was that he of course could go back to UA. And that he was going to live in the dorm with his class, where Aizawa would be there for him if Izuku needed him. This made Izuku smile. He wanted to have his friends around him. Hopefully the would forgive him for his actions.

When the two walked back to the others, All Might told them it was time to leave and go back. Izuku hesitated at first, but when some classmates went up to him and putting their arms around him, he could feel he was still loved and went with them.

It was time to go home.

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