By heartsfromclo

5.8K 277 293

A disease has spread from child to child. Infecting all children. If you do not die from this disease, you s... More

1- A New Life
2- Camps
4- Monster
5- This Is The Law Now
6- Let's Do This
7- Not Everyone Pulls Through
8- Mike Short For Michael
9- New Acquaintances
10- This Could Be Okay
11 - Promises
12 - Secrets Spilled
13 - Jealousy Jealousy
14 - Talk It Out
15 - The Story Of Cinderella
16 - Friend or Foe?
17 - That Feeling
18 - Discovery
19 - Teachings
20 - Security Alerts
21 - Oh Hey, Who Is That?
22 - Techno and Wilbur

3- Erased

423 18 14
By heartsfromclo

My parents were fighting again earlier and they've only just calmed down.

I think they're asleep but they never said good night to me.

I flung my legs over the end of my bed and pressed them against the cold wooden tiled floor.

Hauling myself up with my hands against the end of the place in which I sleep, I managed to start walking down the hallway.

Peeking my head through my parents door, my assumptions were correct. They were asleep.

Silently, as to not wake them up, I walked over and sat at the bed. Making sure I wasn't touching either, I began to speak so quietly you could barely hear me.

"I know you're asleep, but I just wanted to talk to you. You never have time for me anymore because of you're own problems but I just want you to know that I'm here if you ever need talking too,

I know it might be weird to talk to your son of all people about problems but I just wanted to put that opportunity out there, I might not be much help but if it makes the two people who care for me happy then I'm willing to try.

You don't have to do this all alone, I'll tell you some of my secrets right here right now. I want you to know I lied.

Not about this but about school. I said I was really popular with loads of friends so that you would think I was happy but that's not the case, I don't have friends and I'm far from happy. That's why I never go outside to hang out, I don't have anyone to go with.

You are the only people who care for me but if you need a break I understand. You don't have to put on this fake facade for me like I did for you. I can't help but think that if I did tell the truth then I would be happier. Maybe the same will be for you."

I paused taking a deep breath, "I love you."

I got up to give them both a hug, starting with my mum.

When our skin made contact, I felt a wave of electricity come over me, like one of an electric shock.

It just startled me but as I went to pull back, I started seeing my memories with my mum, except they weren't from my perspective.

They were from my mothers.

I could see the way my face used to crinkle when I laugh, the way the sun shone lightly into my face making it glow, the way sand was all over me on the beach, when I refused to go into my swimming lessons for the first time unless she came in with me.

Everything. It was like a whole opened in my heart but I don't know what happened and how to refill it.

When I pulled away, I put a hand up to my forehead, feeling a little dizzy. I thought nothing of it though as I leaned in to give my dad a hug.

The same weird electric sensation filled my hand were our hands had been touching, it felt weird.

I could see memories of me again but from my fathers perspective.

Some were from when he used to take me to get ice-cream every Friday for a fathers and sons activity, or when he tried teaching me archery. Laughter filling each memory, but instead of laughing along like laughter normally makes me do, it weirdly made me feel sad and alone. I don't know what's happening but I don't like it.

I felt extra dizzy as I tried to stand up to make my way over to my bedroom.

After falling a few times, my goal was eventually met.

Not even shutting the door (which I would normally be so fussy about), I collapsed onto the softness of my mattress and blacked out.

When I awoke the next morning, I had forgotten about what happened until an unfortunate encounter at breakfast.

I went down the stairs still tired from the night before and heard my parents chatting happily together as if they hadn't just been fighting last night.

I smiled a little, it made me happy. If they could be happy, maybe I could be too. For them I would try.

Maybe some problems do go away overnight.

When I walked into the kitchen both heads shot up and looked at me.. Confused? No wait, scared?

Okay that's weird. Not even a good morning, oh well.

My father cleared his throat and I looked at him, into his eyes while he stared back at me.

"Uh hi? I'm sorry but- who are you?" He spoke slowly, that was the moment that my heart shattered.

"Me? I'm- I'm Theseus! Your son?! Theseus Innit?" I spoke frantically, this has to be a stupid prank because Christmas is almost here. It has to be. They couldn't possibly have forgotten me.

"We don't have a son? I'm sorry- Theseus was it?" This time it was my mother that spoke, I couldn't keep the tears from flooding my eyes.

Had I done this? Is this why they are happier? They can't remember me.

"This isn't a prank?" I managed to choke out with a cough at the end.

"No it's not, I'm so sorry hon but we really don't know who you are. If you could go back to your proper parents before we have to turn you in that would be great." She spoke again, her same natural soft voice making me want to cry harder.

She was always so kind to everyone, no matter what they did she tried to keep others happy. It breaks me that this might be our last time talking to each other.

"I- I don't have anywhere to go." It's true, I would go to my Gran mother's but she lives in another city.

She would never forget me.

But then again, I thought my parents would always be with me.

"Alright well I'm going to have to call authorities, alright sweetie?" I couldn't do anything but nod as I turned back to look at my dad's face, who was looking at me as if I might kill him any second.

I'd never seen him like this, even when we went camping and there was a huge bear attacking our tent.

I didn't even realise that my mum had called authorities until the doorbell rang, how long had I been standing thinking about nothing?

When the door opened I expected a social worker or police officer, not whoever they were.

Men and women dressed in all black with guns tucked into a belt, which was wrapped tightly around their hips.

I heard my mother scream, can I even still call her that?

One of them gripped me tightly on the shoulder, escorting me out of the house and into a grey van parked just outside.

The others followed behind and held their hands on their guns as if ready to take them out immediately.

I went to ask a question but was silenced when I received a look from one of the men in black. Noted, no questions.

I was pushed into the van and made to sit in the back while the rest climbed in.

The only windows were the ones the driver needed so there was a board put up behind the front seats so I couldn't see where we were going.

So that's it.

The last time I'll see my parents- probably ever.

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