You Interest Me \\L x F!Reader

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"Would you mind if I asked for your assistance?" She looked up from the ground to meet his eyes that were alr... Více

1: Pandas In A Candy Shop
2: Sweet Coincidences And Home Sweet Home
3: Ever Met A Candy Man That Hates Sour Candy?
4: Reaper of Death? Is that You?
5: Confess Your Sins To The Detective And You Shall Be Free
6: KIRA (Japanese); Meaning: Biggest Pain In The Ass
7: Ironically, Death Is Not An Option
8: Apple For Your Thoughts?
9: Mother Dearest That Was Sent From Hell
10: Realizations And Sugar Rushes
11: They're The Yagami's, Apparently
12: Nice Guys Get Shot
13: Watari's Loyal Helper
14: Solving Crime and Looking Good While Doing So
16: It's The 31st Of October, Can We Prepare For Christmas Now?
17: Cuffs and Kicks, It All Makes Her Sick
18: Welcome Home, My Precious Child
19: Date Nights, Romance and Murder
20: Forgive Thy Enemy, But Only After They Have Been Hanged
21: Walk With Hope And You'll Never walk Alone Again
22: Memories In Your Photograph
23: If Ghosts Aren't Real, Then What The Hell Is This?
24: Do You Believe in Eternal Happiness?
25: The Harboured Tales of Grief And Fear
26: That's Our Mello Alright
27: Terrifying Situations And Terrifying Phone Calls
28: Don't Stand Too Close The Heart, Plastic Melts
29: Young Kids And Stupid Mistakes
30: Whoever Said 'Communication Is Key', Fucking Lied
31: Tears Come From The Heart, Not The Brain
32: Party Time and Past Times
33: "If I Can't Have You, No One Can"
34: He's Just A Soul Whose Intentions Are Good
35: Anxiety Is A Reminder Of What You Have Done Wrong
36: The Greatest Detective's Hardest Case Yet
37: Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
38: Leave No Stone Unturned. They're Gonna Get You
39: She's A Human With An Independent Will. Freedom? Not So Much
40: Welcome To The Club, Pal
EPILOGUE: A Fairytale Prince Wears A Crown, Ours Wear Jeans

15: It's Not Home If Matsuda's Stupidity Is Not There

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"This place is neat!" Matsuda awed.

L had a headquarters built, it was under construction since he first met the task force and it's finally finished.

"No more hotels. Oh how I'll miss that." Y/n said sarcastically.

"Y/n and Misa have their own floor so do I but I won't being using it all that much since I'll be staying with Light."

"We have our own floor!" Misa squealed, clinging onto Y/n's arm

There's a retina scan outside in order to get into the establishment, once in you'd be greeted by the main room where all the files, monitors and where everyone would be working.

At both sides there're steel steps that's lead to the rooms. There were even two couches and a coffee table at the right side of the main room.

Each room floor is like a mini apartment. There's a kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom.

Y/n assumed everyone's floor was like that.

"Ryuzaki, this is actually amazing." Y/n laughed, looking at the design of the main room

L shoved his hands in his pockets, "I got that thing you requested on your floor."

Y/n's face spun to face the detective and instantly lit up, "You actually got the vending machine!"

Light jerks his head back, "Y/n gets a vending machine?"

L nodded slightly.

"No freaking way!" With that she ran up to her floor.

Light scoffed at L, causing the detective to focus on him, "Why don't you spoil me like that?"


"Kira is definitely among Yotsuba."

Mogi gathered information overnight on each member.

"You did this over night? That's incredible Mogi." Y/n praised.

"He's been incredible efficient from the start." L added.

Matsuda stood from his seat, "Is there anything I can do?"

L gave in some thought, "Could you get me a cup of coffee and for our guests over there." he pointed to a bright blonde female who looked like she was approaching her 30s and a male with dirty blonde hair who looked to be a couple years older than the woman next to him.

"Who are they?" Mr. Yagami asked.

"I'm Aiber. I'm a con man, how's it going?" He seemed confident and friendly. Aiber looked like he was proud of the reputation he had. Y/n could tell he was good at what he did for him to look that smug.

"And I'm Wedy, a thief by trade." This lady also beamed confidence, she wasn't like any other female Y/n had met. S he looked like she didn't take shit from anyone, like anyone who got in her way would become the ground she walked on.

"You expect us to work with criminals?" Mr. Yagami folded his arms.

"Like it or not Mr. Yagami these 'criminals' can help us a lot." Y/n defended the two.

"She's right dad."

"All we can do now is try and narrow down the suspects in Yotsuba so we can begin looking into them." the slouched man explained.

The h/c girl beside him side sighed, leaning back in her chair, "That's going to be a while."



"How the hell do you summon a shinigami?" Y/n mumbled

She drove to the woods, Y/n didn't want to but she had to. This investigation was certainly making her do things she'd never do.

"Ryuk!" she yelled on the top of her lungs

"Ryuk! I know you can hear me you bastard!"

She sighed, "I have apples!"

Y/n felt a breeze behind her, she frantically turned around to see the one and only.

"Where's the apples kid?"

"Hello Ryuk, I need a favor."

The punk shinigami groaned over dramatically, "I don't like doing people favors."

"2 crates of apples for piece of the notebook that the person in Yotsuba has. I know you know about it." She smirked, knowing she's got him where she wanted him.

Without hesitating he gave an answer "Fine, where are the apples?"

"Behind that tree." She pointed. Ryuk awed at it, picking up two and started eating.

"Why do you need piece of it?" Ryuk asked, chomping down on the apple

"So I can see the shinigami attached to that one."

"Smart." he said, his voice being raspier and rougher than usual, "I'll bring it by once I get my hands on it."



Y/n had been spinning in her chair for 10 minutes

Matsuda was accompanying Misa at her movie she was shooting. Aizawa and Mr. Yagami were conversing whilst Light and L looked over the Yotsuba members files, leaving Y/n to look out for any emergency signals from Matsuda.

Y/n wasn't really paying attention because she doubted very much he'd being trouble but she was very much wrong.

"Oh no."

L turned to face her, "Is everything alright?"

"Emergency signal from Matsuda's belt,"

This grabbed everyone's attention.

L sighed, sightly annoyed, "Where is he?"

She cleared her throat then sighed, "Yotsuba head office."

Light groaned "Matsuda you idiot."

"Light hand me the phone." L demanded. He dialed Matsuda's number, holding it up to his ear using his pointer and thumb finger.

It rang once...twice...then three times before he answered.

"Yo Matsui!" L said putting on this voice that didn't suit him, Y/n wheezed breathlessly as she found it kind of funny, "What's up buddy?" he paused, "Are you alone?" another pause, silence filling before L spoke again "You wanna go out drinking tonight?"

Y/n snickered at the voice, this time getting L's attention as his eyes never left her, "Awe, don't tell me your wallet is in trouble again." there was silence before he spoke up "Alright, I'll drag you out some other time, see you later buddy."

L gave a run down on what Matsuda said, basically saying Misa wasn't with him and he was in big trouble.

"We need to get him somewhere so we can get a visual." Y/n stated.

Light agreed "It's going to be hard to get them to leave there."

"They need to keep an eye on Matsuda so they'll follow him."

L stood, putting his hands in his pockets, "Here's what we'll do."

He explained his plan.

Light would call Misa to get Matsuda and the people that had him to a party that Y/n would arrange in Misa's room. Y/n would invite the girls from the agency Misa was a part of.

Matsuda would have to fall of the building and land on a mattress that Mr. Yagami would put in place from a lower floor.

Aiber would play Matsuda's corpse on the ground whilst Light, L and Aizawa would play the paramedics taking him away.

Wedy would play the eyewitness the happened to be nearby.

Y/n got dressed in a skirt that was way too short and a short tight shirt that showed off her cleavage, she had no other since the other girls had it on.

She made her way to L's floor and knocked on the door.

It opened and she immediately laughed. He was in a green paramedic costume.

"I look stupid." he looked sad almost.

"No you don't." she fixed his clothes a bit better, straightening it out and fixing his jacket, "You look rather cute if you ask me."

L smiled for a second but Y/n didn't realize since she was too busy fixing his clothes, "There you go."

She pushed him in the direction of a full length mirror.

"It is too big." He complained.

"L, it's fine." she giggled, placing her hands on his shoulders from behind. He turned eyes meeting hers, he couldn't help but look down at what she was wearing.

Y/n didn't feel disgusted when he did it, as a matter of fact, she wished he did it more.

"What you are wearing looks uncomfortable." He mumbled after he snapped out of it.

Y/n laughed, " Very, I hate it."

She saw him take a deep breathe whilst looking at her, "We should get going."


L, Light and Aizawa stayed for a while, looking at the cameras before they would leave. After all they had to stay at the party for a while before Matsuda had to fall.

L's first instinct was to find Y/n on the monitors.

There she was with Misa, taking a sip out of her drink when Misa left to do something.

Then she was approached by a rather tall man.

"Higuchi, right?"

"That's right sweetheart."

Oh how she wanted to go to her floor.

L saw the two talking when he placed a hand on her thigh. L couldn't help but feel jealous and angry, the fact he thinks he could just lay his hands on her.

His attention was now directed to his ringing phone.


"Ryuzaki I'm so sorry."

"There's no time for that Matsuda." The crouched man said rather sternly.

"Listen I heard the 8 of them talking about who to kill next, Kira is among those 8." Matsuda felt proud he was able to obtain that information.

"If you heard them and they caught you, they would most certainly be trying to kill you."

L explained the plan to Matsuda, he would have to fall off the balcony and fall off onto the mattress.

Matsuda thought it was crazy but he had to.

Y/n wondered if Higuichi would ever keep his hands to himself. She felt absolutely disgusted with every touch and gaze sent her way by that man

She was relieved when Matsuda came out the bathroom, slamming it shut, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"I'm so drunk!" He swooned with a huge grin on his face and half lidded eyes, "Everyone, come see this!" Matsuda beckoned with his hand excitedly.

Y/n took this opportunity to slip away from the pervert.

"It's time for the Taro Matsui show!" He giggled. He did a handstand on the edge of the balcony.

Everyone yelled at him to get off except Misa who was encouraging him

"You can do it! Go Matsu!"

This whole thing was too crazy and amusing for Y/n, she laughed silently at Misa hyping him up. Then he did it, he fell off.

Every soul there looked over the edge to see and there was a person laying on the street. They all gasp and chatted among themselves .

Y/n heard the ambulance in the distance, knowing exactly who it was.

"I think everyone should just leave! We'll handle this!" Y/n shouted over the loud conversing.

"Think of me for your next campaign okay?!" Misa yelled.

One by one, they left hurriedly till finally they were all gone.

"I'll help you clean up here." Y/n sighed looking at the mess in Misa's floor. Cups, bottles, napkins and a whole bunch of junk.

As an hour passed they finally finished and they headed down to the main room.

Y/n didn't bother to change because if she did, she would've gone to bed immediately. Misa didn't bother to either.

Every eye turned to the two entering together.

Y/n sat down in her designated chair next to the detective while Misa sat on Light's lap,

Y/n sighed and leaned back in her chair.

L gazed at her, "How was it?"

She looked at him, "Terrible."

"How so?" Light asked.

The detective seemed like we wasn't paying attention but we was well aware, he took a forkful of cake into his mouth.

"Every guy there was all over Y/n." Misa laughed, "I felt bad for her!"

"Not possible." Light joked.

"They are literally old enough to be my dad." Y/n shuddered in disgust.

Light chuckled, "Don't you like older guys?"

L took a forkful of cake and brought it to Y/n's lips, in which she accepted

"When they're like 5 years older not 17." Y/n loosen her hair from the pigtails it was in .

"I'm off, I'm exhausted." Misa yawned, getting off Light

This made Y/n yawn as well, "Goodnight Misa." she said through her yawn.

"Aren't you going to bed as well? It is pretty late."

Y/n yawned again, "You would think that wouldn't you."

The detective looked at her slouching over some papers she was looking over, "Y/n go to bed. There's nothing to do at the moment."

"So you don't mind heading to bed too right?" she smirked.

"You're really something aren't you?" he muttered to himself. He gave her another forkful of cake which she gladly complied to.

"You're playing fire with fire, pandas." Y/n laughed.

L picked the strawberry off the cake, "Fine, you win." then he ate it.

The girl's eyes widen, "Are you okay, L?" she inched closer to him, placing her hand on his forehead and neck to check for a temperature, which he found pleasant, "Did you just say I win?"

"Yes, I suppose I did."

He surprised he said that himself.

"Are you feeling sick or something?" Y/n giggled, "The L I know hates losing, remember?"

"Yes but I suppose I'm okay with losing if it's to you."

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