Another Worldly Summons

By Mr_Rinzuri

172K 6.4K 6.6K

In the year 2021, a few months after the end of a pandemic on a global scale that claimed countless lives, th... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 2: Contact (V2)
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3: Upheaval (V2)
Chapter 4: Prelude to Fire (V2)
Chapter 5: Terror in Gim (2)
Chapter 6: The Offshore Battle of Rodenius (PART 1)
Chapter 7: The Offshore Battle of Rodenius (PART 2)
Chapter 8: Aftermath of the Battle
Chapter 9: Miscalculation
Chapter 10: Eve of the Battle
Chapter 11: The Outpost Battle (1)
Chapter 12: The Outpost Battle ( 2)
Chapter 13: Pandemonium
chapter: 14 The Southern Offensive (Phase 1)
Chapter 15: Total Offensive (Phase 2)
Chapter 16: End of Lauria
Chapter 17: Intermission of a Great Empire in another world
Chapter 18: The Empire Of Parpaldia
Chapter 19: Incidental conflict
Chapter 20: Two Escalating Conflicts
Chapter 21: Giant killing
Chapter 22: Dreadnought Mayhem
Chapter 23: Ravernal Empire's Remnants
Chapter 24: Incoming Fire
Chapter 25: Conflagrations
Chapter 26: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 27: Day of Enlightenment
Chapter 28: Technological Gap
Chapter 29: Unwanted Trouble
Chapter 30: Know Your Enemy
Chapter 31: Reckoning
Chapter 32: Appalling
Chapter 33: Fall of Esthirant (Part 1)
Chapter 34: Fall of Esthirant (Part 2)
Chapter 35: Various Perspectives
Chapter 36: Operation Decapitation
Chapter 37: Weight of Decision
Chapter 38: The Amounting Pressure
Chapter 39: Threat of Magical Civilization
Chapter 40: Prima facie
Chapter 41: Enormity of War (1)
Chapter 42: Enormity of War (2)
Chapter 43: Irnetian Campaign
Chapter 44: Frontline Support
Chapter 45: Ultimatum
Chapter 46: Operation Sledgehammer
Chapter 47: Weaving Destination
Chapter 48: Successful?
Chapter 49: Malus Finis
Chapter 50: Lull of Storm
Chapter 51: Princess of a Falling Empire
Chapter 52: The Build up
Chapter 53: The Prior Movements
Chapter 54: Campaign Resumption
Chapter 55: End of Crossroads
Chapter 56: Diminishing Light
Chapter 57: Esthirant Referendum
Chapter 58: De-escalation
Chapter 59: The Wind of Change
Chapter 60: The Hidden Mystery
Chapter 61: Forgotten World (1)
Chapter 62: Forgotten World (2)
Chapter 63: Forgotten World (3)
Chapter 64: Forgotten World(4)
Chapter 65: Enclaved
Chapter 66: Baptismal of Fire
Chapter 67: Flashpoint
Chapter 68: Requiem of Mausoleum
Chapter 69: The Shadow of Ancient Era
Chapter 70: Intermission of New Conflict
Chapter 71: Unprovokedn't
Chapter 72: The Different Side of Coin
Chapter 73: Pax Orientalis
Chapter 74: The Dragon's Remnants
Chapter 75: Sums Of All Fear
Chapter 76: Periculum Orbis
Chapter 77: Initium Belli
Chapter 78: NW Summit I
Chapter 79: NW Summit II
Chapter 80: UDEA Charter
Chapter 81: Armamentarium
Chapter 82: Göttliche Vergeltung
Chapter 83: Cards Out
Chapter 84: War Never Change
Chapter 85: Western Affairs
Chapter 86: Inconsequential
Chapter 87: The Philadean Menace
Chapter 88: Betrayed
Chapter 89: Seeds of Conflict
Chapter 90: Proxies
Chapter 91: Pitfall
Chapter 92: All Hopes Are Lost
Chapter 93: In the Shadow of War
Chapter 94: Aetherial
Chapter 95: Fade To Black
Chapter 96: Grail's Lair
Chapter 97: The Depths Menace
Chapter 98: Rapture
Chapter 99: Christmas Campaign
Chapter 100: Reign Of Fire
Chapter 101: Scorching Field
Chapter 102: Beyond Enemy Lines
Chapter 103: Air Campaign
Chapter 104: The Modern No Man's Land
Chapter 105: Own's Folly
Chapter 106: Day of Arrival
Chapter 107: Far From Expectation
Chapter 108: Reunited
Chapter 109: Rolling Thunder
Chapter 110: Burning Steppes of Philades
Chapter 111: Die Zeit
Chapter 112: Closing Danger
Chapter 113: Checkmark
Chapter 114: Out in Space
Chapter 115: To Sunder
Chapter 116: Forsakened Fate
Chapter 117: The Armageddon
Chapter 118: Epilogue

Chapter 1: Ignition

6.4K 104 93
By Mr_Rinzuri

Note: this is the beginning of my rewrite, generally for retconning and smoothening of my grammar and to reinforced and correct my inadequacy in my early months of writing.

Here is generally grammar correction, removal of photos, that I deemed generally unnecessary by now, I didn't add anything as it's overly spoiling the situation in Parpaldia for new readers. Chapter 2, I might deemed them to revise completely, but following chaps that carbon copies will be either completely rewrite, or added with depths basically copy-paste that with added lore or information as not to compromise the ongoing plot that I failed to stop from tweaking and going overboard, doing 2 rewrite straight with over 30k and 17k word respectively of Lauria in first arc being an interwar or industrialized country surpasses Napoleonic era parpaldia, bruh, also, this will be my final republish, I won't do it like my chapter 0 and 1, only notice I'll give the moment I finished my rewrite is the published chapter 89, that's it, my rewrite of my early chapters have completed.


July 17, 1640

In the west of the fortified city of Naisles in the Parpaldia Empire, multiple armored silhouettes accelerated, kicking up dust under the cover of a small composite flight machine observing the surroundings. This city is located 150 kilometers northeast of the Esthirant imperial capital within the Parpaldia Empire.

Their objective was plain and simple: to harass enemy forces and neutralize as many as possible in the designated target area to deplete their combat potential. The plan was to pin them down in one point and force them into submission.

Initially, when the war began, initiating attacks against large concentrations of enemy forces with just a few dozen tanks, armored vehicles, and some utility vehicles without air cover was relatively suicidal due to the presence of Wyverns. However, the situation changed. The complete air dominance enjoyed by the combined forces of ASEAN allowed attacks to be carried out without air support. The Parpaldian wyvern forces were either decimated or forced to flee to colonial territories or to the western part of the empire that had not yet been attacked. Nonetheless, there remained a problem.

"Why is the upper management so unreasonable? For Pete's sake, we belong to the escort groups of the Logistics and Transport Battalion, not frontline units to be sent into hostile grounds," complained a Vietnamese Colonel, who served as the commanding officer of the 41st Logistics and Transport Battalion. This battalion was part of the multinational task force known for its foreign legion-esque style, comprising Malaysian, Filipino, and Vietnamese forces. This task force was aligned with the 2nd ASEAN Combined Expeditionary Eastern Forces to Philades (2nd ACEEF-P).

"They said we've got tanks," the adjutant retorted.

"What kind of logic is that? Ordering us out of nowhere to attack and harass that insignificant place, not to mention deep behind enemy lines," the Colonel continued.

The upper management considered cities and fortified bases without strategic value or possession of sufficient forces and weapons to threaten the combined army as insignificant targets with no potential gains. Orders were given to ignore and isolate such places and focus on securing cities with greater strategic importance, resembling the island hopping tactics employed by the Americans in the Pacific War against Japanese forces during World War II.

The adjutant could only sigh. "Can't be helped, Sir. That's what the brass ordered us to do. Moreover, the decision came from the ASEAN council to gain a better grip on our newly acquired territories in the Philades. Additionally, we have an excess of forces, with nearly three dozen tanks, including some brand-new T-90s, and around three to four dozen operational armored vehicles. They argue it's wasteful to leave this equipment unused in actual combat operations."

"That's not the point. This is a matter of security. Insufficient numbers will lead to unnecessary casualties, and our supply convoys are our lifeline in this war. We also need to consider the frequent sneak attacks by remnants of the Parpaldian army and the guerrilla resistance targeting lightly defended supply convoys."

"Sir, it's a direct order. We can't refuse," the adjutant added.

The commander's expression twitched upon hearing the adjutant's frank response.

"Couldn't they just bomb it with attack aircraft or use converted bombers, like what happened in a place called Duro?" the commander questioned.

"That option was considered, but it was vehemently opposed by politicians due to the destructive potential. The area is primarily made of wood, and unleashing fire could lead to unintended civilian casualties. Furthermore, in Duro, the civilian and military manufacturing complexes were separated, allowing them to obliterate enemy forces with minimal civilian loss," the adjutant explained.

After hearing the adjutant's response, the commander could only manage a bitter smile before replying, "Well, we'll launch an attack at the gates of Naisles. By noon, we'll reorganize our forces. We'll line up like this and that... That's the plan. Relay it to friendly forces. I doubt if something goes wrong, but if it does, try to organize a tactical retreat to the rendezvous point. At the first sign of significant danger that could cause casualties, our objective remains harassing and depleting the enemy's war potential, not dying in this place. Understood?"

With the assault and decoy forces organized, targeting Naisles, and the separate rendezvous point lookouts in place, the adjutant nodded, his gaze serious as he relayed the battle lineup for the operation. The forces consisted of several tanks, armored vehicles, guntrucks, and self-propelled artillery units.

The remaining forces, comprising around two dozen tanks, two dozen armored vehicles, and over 50 gun trucks and utility vehicles, were to be put on standby. Their mission was to safeguard the transport trucks, tankers, bridge layers, ARVs, and other equipment at their makeshift base near the invasion base in Esthirant. The adjutant's voice carried the weight of responsibility as he communicated these critical instructions to ensure the success and safety of the operation.


Central Calendar year 1640, July 17th
12:20 PM

At a distance of 10 kilometers west of the fortified city of Naisles, the decoy forces consisted of a single 2S1 Gvozdika, 2 M113 mortar carriers, and an escort force comprised of a lone M113, 2 ACV-300, 3 ATVs, and 2 gun trucks.

They moved slowly in a single battle line, aiming to taunt the enemy by bombarding the walls of Naisles from a range of at least 5 kilometers, if possible as close as possible. If this initial attempt wasn't successful, the plan was to entice the enemy to attack them due to their numerical inferiority. Once the enemy was lured out, the assault force, currently in hiding, would intercept them. The goal was to eliminate a significant portion of the enemy forces, causing their morale to plummet. This would be followed by intermittent bombardment with outranged attacks, eventually leading to an offer of surrender through loudspeakers.

"Doesn't this seem kind of... well, easy?" The Filipino lieutenant, who was also in charge of the decoy forces, spoke with a dumbfounded expression.

"Easy, right?" The sergeant chuckled, though his face showed no amusement.

"Can we initiate the attack? We're already within firing range. Are they ready?"

"Yeah, it appears so," the sergeant replied.

"Contact the assault group, Sarge. We're going to attack."

"Yes, sir."

The lieutenant grabbed the radio and addressed all units, "Can you hear me?"

After confirming responses, he proceeded to give the order.

"Our target is the outer walls of the hostile target. Range: 4,200 meters. Mortar team, prepare half-load spotting rounds. The SPG will fire horizontally, but wait for my signal. Mortars, ready... FIRE!"

After the impact, which narrowly missed the target by 20 meters, the mortar crew loaded the next shot.

"Adjust the angle... Fire for Effect! Fire for Effect! SPGs, fire at will! Blast those walls to pieces!"

After two minutes of continuous fire, a significant portion of the wall had been demolished. The order was given, "All units cease fire... I repeat, all units cease fire!"

A few minutes later, the lieutenant ordered a single mortar round to be fired again, and an unexpected event unfolded. The gates on the opposite side opened, and a lone person on horseback came running out. This prompted a temporary halt to the attack, and extreme caution was exercised.

"Halt! If you don't, we'll shoot!"

The officer issued the command via loudspeakers. The man slowed his horse and dismounted.

"Please don't attack me! I don't intend any harm. Please hear me out."

The man shouted with urgency, causing the officer to pause and observe him. The man was heavily panting, soaked in sweat, and clearly scared to the point of urinating himself.

"I understand. I am the officer in charge of this unit. State your name, affiliation, and purpose."

The man responded, "I am the Viscount of Naisles. Please hear me out! We surrender! Please don't attack us with thunderous loud and powerful cannons!"

The officer replied, "Very well, I order you to surrender unconditionally. Drop your weapons and have your soldiers form a line outside the city."

The sergeant, looking puzzled, asked, "Is this alright?"

"Yes, we will do that. Additionally, please spare our women and children. They believe that ASEAN forces don't harm them. Please show them such generosity."

After the man's pleas, the officer could only manage a bitter smile and thought, "Yeah, we don't really care about that as long as nothing suspicious happens. Be advised that a single shot or attack on our forces from your side will nullify this talk. Do you understand?"

"Yes, and thank you for your benevolence!"

Next, the officer ordered them to proceed.

"Sarge, inform the commander, or rather, the commandant officer, that the enemy has surrendered unconditionally."

"Yes, sir. But is it really this easy?"

"Yeah, it seems that way. So get going."

After the sergeant saluted and answered, "Yes, Sir," the disarmament and occupation of the fortified city of Naisles proceeded smoothly. This was the result of an attack that terrorized the enemy into submission. The city was currently undergoing transitional procedures to become a newly acquired overseas territory under ASEAN forces.

After a hectic day, the lieutenant and his subordinates took to the streets of Naisles for a patrol.

"Isn't it rather small to be called a city?"

"Not really. It has around 20,000 residents, which constitutes a decent population. While it might seem small from our perspective, for Parpaldia, it's pretty average."

"But, sir, they surrendered without a fight. Can't we repeat this strategy in other resisting and disobedient cities?"

"That's not an option. Can't you see the residents here? They're terrified. Just making eye contact with them causes them to run in the opposite direction, hiding their women and children."

"Doesn't it feel like we're being painted as villains here?"

"Well, technically, we are invaders in their eyes. From their perspective, our army is evil, killing their fellow countrymen and trampling their nation."

"Huh? But they started the fight. It's ridiculous to hear that from a warmongering nation's people—"

"Could you guys please stop? We still have work to do, patrolling and such. So stop the pointless chatter."

After reprimanding them, the officer found a vantage point that allowed him to surveil most of the cityscape. He did so with a hidden intention to take a break and kill some time.

"Hey, Lieutenant, this world is really strange, you know?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" The lieutenant looked at his subordinate with a questioning expression.

"It feels somewhat unrealistic, like we're in a dream, being sent out here."

"What are you getting at?"

"Never mind, it's just... do you think we can return to Earth?"

In response, the lieutenant paused for a moment before answering, "I don't know. I'm not an expert in natural phenomena or other unexplainable things in the universe. So stop with the nonsense and focus on properly guarding this area."

"Well, there's nothing to do here, so it's pretty boring. And as the temporary occupying force, once the Singaporean and Indonesian forces arrive, we'll be relegated to logistical and support units. We'll be worked to the bone here and there due to the intensification of the offensive on the remaining Parpaldian strongholds in the West."

Hearing this, the lieutenant shrugged and then said straightforwardly, "Go patrol that area, then check the outer walls for unexploded ordnance clearance with this guy until midnight."

"Why?" "Hey, why me too?"

"You guys claimed you had nothing to do, so I'm ordering you to get to work. If not, I'll cut your salary for this month. Get it done. I'll send some replacement personnel before the end of your shifts."

After forcefully sending his subordinates on patrol duty, the lieutenant muttered, "Sure thing, this world is unrealistic and unreasonable."

After being transported to this new world, many unexpected events unfolded, from war to politics, to pointless matters that the country, is trying to address.


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