Embers in the Dark

By TheShantyBanshee

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Sequel to "When We Were Younger". Three years have past since Cahira was taken from Arthur and Lilly. Lilly... More

More Secrets
God's Day
Do We Have An Accord?
Even More Secrets
The Black Wolf
The Big Secret
The Hunting Game
All Night Long
The Bath
The Lucky Watch
Sword Swallowing
The Wolf and the Jackal: Part 1
The Wolf and the Jackal: Part 2
The Griffin
All Hallow's Eve: Part 1
All Hallow's Eve: Part 2
The Cleansing
A Cracked Soul
The Ferryman
Hoist the Colours
The Cauldron of The Dagda
Pieces of Information
I Have No Words
We Be Three Poor Brothers
The Goddess of Death, War and Hunting
Utter Madness
The Three Wives
Hey Brother
Bad Timing
The Griffin God
A Business Meeting
Rumor Has It
Is This How It Ends?
Operation Clean Slate
The Final Round
Still Lovin' You
The Rebel Army
Heads and Necks
Ménage à Quatre
The Kelpie
Arthur's Harem
It's About To Go Down
Macha the Holy

Devil Knows

18 1 0
By TheShantyBanshee

Song is, "Devil Knows" by Armen Paul.


As the crowd quieted down and Lugh set up the camera on his bracelet to record, the Irish redhead, with her back to the audience, cracked her knuckles before starting to play the piano.

A little love tonight
Johnny Cash and wine
You tell me how you'd
Cheat in school
Oh, how you bend the rules

Lights of different colors began appearing above her head.

Now you're asking me 'bout life
Girl don't walk that line
You don't know I've paid a price
Don't try to pry

Lilly's red warrior appeared on the stage, holding a hand up towards the lights as she also sang.

Girl leave those lights alone

The red warrior turned to the crowd and sang.

Signed in blood
I'll never tell
Right my wrongs
I never will
There's a side, I'll never show
Only me and the devil know

A flash of black smoke appeared to reveal another one of Lilly's projections.  A warrior with black hair and black eyes in blue and white shackles and chains.  The red warrior grasped the chain and dragged the obviously pissed off black warrior to the other side of the stage roughly.

Only me and the devil know

The red warrior yanked the black warrior across the stage again, a happy smile gracing the red warrior's face.

Only me and the devil know

With the chain over her shoulder, Red walked with a wiggling of her shoulders and wink.

Only me and the devil know

Red grasped Black by the throat and lifted her with a devious grin.

Only me and the devil know

Red tossed Black down into the stage, making Black disappear, and Red stroked fingers across her smiling face as she stood.

There's an angel in my smile
It's gentle and it's wild

Red grasped her wild red hair, brushing her fingers in it as she walked.

But don't be fooled
I still have roots
I just can't seem to tame

The red warrior changed into the red wolf, making people stand up and cheer her name as the wolf sang.

So don't rummage in a wreck
Take heed in every step
Just fight the urge to free
The demons

The red wolf's face grew big and started singing loudly.


The wolf disappeared, the music stopped and people scrambled to get away as Lilly turned to look behind her.  "What did I do?" she asked with worry in her voice.

People suddenly started laughing, especially Arthur and the kids as the others took their seats.  "Yer fine, Lilly," Lugh said.  "Keep going."

Lilly snickered with a shake of her head before turning back to the piano, resuming the song.  Her inner child appeared behind her as they both sang.

Signed in blood
I'll never tell
Right my wrongs
I never will
There's a side, I'll never show
Only me and the devil know

In a puff of black and red smoke, the black and red warrior appeared on the stage again with red holding black's chains, and they both marched to the beat of the song.

Only me and the devil know

The red and black wolf appeared with the black wolf in shackles and chains while the red wolf held them in her mouth.  The two wolves stomped in rhythm to the song.

Only me and the devil know

Black smoke appeared again and the red child held the black child's chains as they both walked in time with Lilly's song.

Only me and the devil know

The red warrior, wolf and child stomped their feet loudly to resemble a drum beat which echoed throughout the room, and in three separate flashes of white smoke, a white warrior, a white wolf and a white child appeared holding their black counterpart's chains.

Only me and the devil know

Red and white light flowed from their fingertips, flowing to take a single shape before them.

Only me and the devil know

Black smoke emerged from the black warrior, wolf and child to join with the red and white light.

Only me and the devil know

The shape of a woman with wings started forming in front of the nine other projections.

Only me and the devil know

A projection of Lilly with hair and wings of red, white and black appeared before the crowd as the other projections vanished.  This Lilly had burn marks, missing appendages and scars all over her body.

Signed in blood
I'll never tell
Right my wrongs
I never will
There's a side, I'll never show

Only me and the devil know

The projection disappeared as the song ended and everyone got up to applaud, whistle and cheer.  Lugh, however, was quite stunned at what he'd just seen and quickly turned his camera bead off.  As Lilly got off the stool and went center stage to take her bow, Lugh gave Brigid an astounded expression, which she mirrored.

Where the hell did the white aspects of Lilly come from?

"Those were not there before,"  he thought to himself.  He was seriously starting to wonder who and what Lilly could possibly be.  "She's definitely a god, but by how much?"

The golden haired god looked to his queen and motioned to her that they needed to talk.  Brigid nodded her acknowledgement before leaving her seat.


As the audience continued to clap, Corvin moved back into the shadows with a scowl on his face.  "Dammit," he grumbled before heading for the front doors. 


Lugh pulled Brigid aside of the backstage area where no one else was.  "How?" he asked.

Brigid shook her head.  "I don't know.  I didn't know Lilly was a healer."

"That's because she's not," Lugh said with wide eyes, taking a big intake of breath.  "It's impossible."

"Is it?  Healing runs in her ancestry, Lugh, but dark magic has clouded every part of her being for twenty years."

"That doesna account fer the first five years of her life, Brigid."

"Perhaps she is a late bloomer.  You must remember that Lilly is part human, and is therefore flawed."

Lugh's nostrils flared.  "Dunna talk tah me like I'm some sort of green around the gills mortal!"

"Then make your point, Lugh."

Lugh took a deep breath.  "Have ya ever heard about anyone who could project their soul?"

Brigid hummed with a thoughtful expression.  "Ah!" she said, wiggling her eyebrows.  "Loki."

"With music?"

"I don't know.  Oh, let me ask him," she said as she looked for the blue bead on her bracelet.

Lugh groaned.  "Not that arsehole!  How did he even get ahold of a bracelet?!"

"I, uh, ahem," she paused.  "I...may have seen him on my way here and...gave him one."

As Lugh's eyes went wide, his jaw dropped.  "Ya gave Loki, yer fucking ex, one of me inventions?!"

"Technically, it was my invention," Brigid corrected with an eye roll.  "Must you speak so crudely?"

"The communications and camera were yer design, but the rest of those acorns were mine!  And what the hell are ya doing talking tah yer ex?!"

Brigid cleared her throat before giving him a fake smile.  "I don't have to answer to anyone, least of all you, Lugh.  But if you must know...Odin and I have been discussing an alliance."

Lugh's eyes squinted.  "What does Loki haftah do with..." his eyes bugged out and he pointed at her.  "No!  Absolutely not!"

"I beg your pardon?" Brigid asked while arching an eyebrow.

"Ya canna marry that bastard!" Lugh shouted while waving his arms about.  "He never loved anyone in his whole life!  What the hell makes ya think he'll ever love ya?!"

Brigid snickered.  "I don't need him to love me.  I just need him to be king and give me heirs to the throne."

Lugh looked at her with disappointment in his eyes.  "Ya gave up on The Morrigan?"

"No," Brigid said while narrowing her eyebrows.  "We need a contingency plan in case The Morrigan dies and cannot resurrect herself.  Unlike some people, I've been thinking about the future!"

"But ya dunna even wantah be Queen.  Fer once, can ya stop doing things ya dunna wantah do?"

"If I did what I wanted, I'd already be married to my twin flame!" Brigid snarled before turning pale and covering her mouth.

A slow smile worked its way onto Lugh's face.  "Ya found yer twin flame?  Who is he?"  He got closer to her and smirked devilishly.  "Or is it a she?"

Brigid shoved him away.  "It's definitely a man."

"Is he a god?"

"I'm not divulging any more information."

Lugh laughed.  "Oh Gods, he's a mortal, isna he?!"

Brigid chuckled bitterly.  "No, he is definitely not a mortal.  He is a god, and he is the most obnoxious, nerve-wracking, womanizing manwhore I've ever met!" she screeched.

"Well, tell me more!" Lugh said brightly.

"No!" Brigid yelled.  "And you will do best not to ask me about him ever again!"

Brigid stormed away but Lugh followed.  "But Yer Majesty!"

"I said no!"

Lugh giggled maniacally and started messing with his bracelet.  "I gotta find out!" he thought excitedly.

As he turned on the field research bead, he aimed it at Brigid's back and imagery came into view as letters appeared on the screen.  He saw a flaming line trailing behind her and he smirked as he followed the line.  Her twin flame was close.  The line went past him and he turned around to see where the line was but it was gone.

"What the hell?" he muttered to himself.  He turned back around but the line was already gone.  "Damn."

Lilly suddenly popped into view from behind the curtain with a big smile.  "So that's where ya been hidin'," she giggled.

Lugh blinked as he looked at the screen, writing appearing as he scanned Lilly.  His eyes went wide suddenly and he fiddled with the bead some more.  More information popped up and his eyes went even wider.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

"Um..." he began.  "I was looking fer Brigid's twin flame and...now I'm looking at you."

"Oh.  What's a twin flame?"

"Well, it's like a soulmate."

"Oh.  Do I have one?"

Lugh smirked.  "Yers is Arthur, of course."

Lilly smiled brightly.  "No surprise there.  Does he know?"


Lilly grinned and looked at Lugh's bracelet.  "Do I have one of those...acorns that does...that?"

Lugh turned his field research bead off and approached Lilly before lifting her wrist and clicking on a red and white bead.  A screen appeared above her wrist and she took a step back to aim it at him.

"Hmm, master of all arts, god of nobility, justice, storms, kingship...wow, ya got a long list of titles."

Lugh turned his on again and examined her.  "Wait'll ya see all of yers."

Lilly looked at his screen and blinked as all sorts of information appeared.  What was very interesting, however, was the very long list of blank slots.

"Um, is that normal?" she asked while pointing at said blank slots.

"Well, it just means ya have powers that ya havena unlocked yet.  But the fact that ya have so many is...strange."

"There ya are!" Sean barked as he appeared behind them.  "Yer missin' the party!"

Both Lugh and Lilly turned off their beads and sighed.  "Alright, we're comin'," she said.

The three walked off the stage and went to join the rest of the guests for the party.  Lilly spent a good portion of that time with Dutch, Hosea, the kids and her brothers.  Other people came up to speak to her and ask for autographs to which she obliged them.  As she finished off a set of autographs, Brian got her attention.

"Lilly?" he said.

She glanced at him with a grin.  "Yes?"

He sighed.  "I apologize fer earlier, deirfiúr beag.  I..." he lowered his head.  "I was a real gobshite."  [little sister.]

Lilly scratched the top of his head and kissed his cheek.  "It's alright, dearthair mór.  I woulda been furious, too."  [big brother.]

"Is Rose the reason ya stayed away?"

Lilly nodded before looking around.  "Let's go talk somewhere more private."

Brian inclined his head and the two walked through the room to find the exit.  As they went out on one of the patios, Lilly found a chair to sit on and Brian sat next to her.  Suddenly she groaned.

"I need to go get cigarettes from Arthur, hold on," she said while getting up.  "I left mine back at the hotel."

"I have some," a familiar voice said.

Lilly turned her head and looked at a man in a tuxedo with long, black hair, dark caramel skin and brown eyes.  "Anubis?"

He chuckled as he pulled out a cigarette and matches.  "Yes, Mrs. Morgan."

Lilly quickly rushed up to him and embraced him in an excited hug.  "Oh, it's so good to see ya!"

Anubis laughed as he returned the hug.  "It's good to see you, too."

Lilly pulled back with a giant smile and bright blue eyes.  "What are ya doin' here?"

Anubis lit a cigarette and handed it to Lilly, so she took a puff.  "Enjoying the brand new Red Wolf festival."

Lilly smoked again and laughed.  "Yeah, that...I wonder how all that was kept secret from me."

"Oh, Lugh just told everybody to keep their mouths shut and not to say a word to you.  He and Arthur wanted it to be a surprise."

As she did an eye roll, she handed Anubis the cigarette and he took it.  He sucked in smoke and gave Brian a playful eye.  "Who's he?"

"I'm Brian, Lilly's brother," Brian said as he approached the two.

"Huh.  Another werewolf?"

"No.  He's an Ethereal Wolf," Lilly explained.  "So is my little brother James."

"Hmm."  Anubis walked around Brian, studying him.  "Impressive.  And they both talk?"

Lilly giggled.  "Thanks to my daughter Aoífe, yes."

Brian nudged Lilly.  "Lilly, we were going tah talk," he reminded her.

"Oh, we can talk in front of Anubis," Lilly said.

"Alright," Brian sighed.  "Go ahead."

Anubis offered Lilly the cigarette and she took it, inhaling smoke before breathing it out.  "After Rose attacked Dublin, she said she'd kill all of ya if I went home."


Somewhere south of Dublin, Ireland, Summer of 1901

Lilly ran naked through the forest as a storm began to form above her.  Rain fell and soaked her to the bone, the mud, blood and black gunk slowly being rinsed off her body.  She was terrified of what had just happened and she didn't understand any of it.  What the hell kind of monster was she?

As Lilly found a river to rinse herself off in, she cried as lightning flashed and thunder rumbled above her.  She screamed in agony and threw his fists around in the water out of frustration.  Eventually she got out of the water and started knocking down trees to vent out her anger.  As she kicked and punched down several, Lilly screamed at the storm in the sky.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOIN' ON!?" she screamed.

"Would ya calm down?" a voice said.

Lilly looked around, seeing nothing.  At least at first.  When lightning flashed, Lilly saw a large black wolf and she screamed before running off.  The wolf appeared before in a flash of black smoke and she paused in her running.  Thunder crashed loudly overhead.

"Who are ya?" she asked with fear in her voice.

"I'm you," the wolf said with a chuckle.  "But ya can call me Rose, if ya prefer."  Lilly growled before lunging at the wolf and trying to back hand it but her fist felt like it hit solid rock and she groaned and looked at her hand.  Rose laughed and shook her head.  "Nice try."

Out of frustration, Lilly cried out and sunk to ger knees as tears fell from her wet face.  "What is happenin' tah me?" she sobbed.

"Oh, dunna be sad, Lilly," Rose said as she approached the red head.  "Everythin' is goin' accordin' tah plan."

"What plan?!" she yelled.

"Someone's plan.  I dunna know whose plan, if I'm gonna be honest with ya."

Lilly sobbed more and collapsed on her side, crying loudly.  "It's probably Carman.  That wretched feckin' bitch!" Lilly snarled before getting up.  "I'll kill her!"

Lightning appeared in the sky with a loud crash and Lilly whined and cringed.  Rose blinked and got closer, licking Lilly's face.  "It's just a storm, Lilly," she cooed.

Lilly backed away from the wolf and scowled.  "Phoenix!" she shouted.  She went searching around the area calling for her horse's name.  "Did ya eat me horse too, ya fuckin' pig?!"

"Not that I know of," Rose giggled as she followed Lilly.  "What are ya doin'?"

"I'm goin' home!"

Rose laughed.  "I wouldna do that."

"Why?  Phoenix!" Lilly called out.

"Because if ya go home, they're all gonna die."

Lilly looked at Rose with a horrified expression.  "No, dunna ya dare!"

"I most certainly will if ya go back tah Darach ar an gCnoc.  Ya saw what I can do," Rose growled with a menacing look in her black eyes.  "I'll eat yer husband, yer children, yer brothers, yer fathers, and anyone else who tries tah stop me from consumin' everythin' in me way."

"Then I'll rip ya outta me!  I dunna know how, but I will find a fuckin' way!" Lilly shouted.

Rose started sniffing the air and smiled evily.  "I smell food..." she giggled before following the scent.

Lilly chased after Rose as the storm raged on.  After a while, Lilly saw Phoenix under a tree and she ran to her horse.  "Oh Phoenix, are ya alright?" she asked, stroking the horse's neck.

Phoenix neighed loudly and bucked as she stared at the black wolf with wide, terrified eyes.  Lilly grasped the reins and tried to keep Phoenix from running away again.  Rose snarled and took a step forward.

"Horse flesh tastes great, I hear," she snarled as she stalked forward.

Lilly pointed a finger at Rose.  "NO!" she belted out, making the evil wolf stop.  "I wilna go home, but ya better not touch me horse, ya understand?!"

Phoenix continued to thrash about, even when Rose's stance relaxed as she sat down.  "Fine.  Yer no fun."

The black wolf disappeared and Phoenix immediately started calming down.  Lilly shushed her Arabian and kissed her muzzle softly in hopes of calming the gentle beast further.  Once Phoenix was fine, Lilly grabbed new clothes and boots from the bags on her saddle and dressed quickly before loading up on the saddle and riding off to find shelter from the storm.


Anubis gawked at Lilly in shock after she had finished telling him about her first conversation with Rose.  He brought a finger to his lips and hummed.

"So your wolf is a soul eater, huh?" he asked.

"I guess," Lilly replied with a shrug.  "The bitch eats everythin', really.  Yer lucky she didna come out when ya was around."

Brian growled suddenly and turned around to face the gardens.  Lilly sniffed the air and narrowed her eyes, standing in front of Anubis.

"Someone is here," Brian remarked.  "And they're not friendly."

Lilly pressed the blue bead on her bracelet.  "Arthur Morgan," she said.

As imagery flashed up, something went whizzing through the air before wrapping around Lilly's throat tightly and sent her flying across the patio ground.

"Lilly!" Anubis yelled as he went to her side. 

"Where are you?!" Arthur asked hectically.

"Out back!" Anubis replied as he tried to get the black collar off Lilly's neck.

Brian charged at someone coming from the gardens but a black collar was immediately wrapped around his neck too.  He whined and went down.  Lilly reached for him as she cried out.

"Brian!" she sobbed.

More men appeared on the patio, with one familiar man coming to the front.  "Hello, Mrs. Morgan," Mr. Pierce said.

Lilly narrowed her eyes as she got up while part of the Van der Linde gang came running outside.  "You!" she snarled, pointing an accusatory finger at him.  "I'll kill ya!"

Lilly tried to shift into her wolf but couldn't which made Mr. Pierce laugh.  "Good.  The collar works."

"Mr. Pierce?!" Arthur barked as he stood in front of Lilly.  "What the hell are you doin' here?!"

Others stood in front of Lilly protectively as Brian slowly stood up with a whimper.  "Lilly Morgan is being placed under arrest by order of the Freemasons," Mr. Pierce explained. 

"On what grounds?!" Vu barked.

"For heinous crimes against Ireland, Belgium, Nigeria, Thailand, Transylvania, China, and Russia."

"It's not her!" Brigid yelled.  "You don't know what's going on!"

"According to my sources, she is the Black Wolf and she's been slaughtering entire towns across several continents."

Anubis' shape changed to that of the jackal headed God that he's known for and he stalked up to Mr. Pierce.  "You want Lilly?  You will have to go through all of us first, human," Anubis said, spitting out the last word like it was a curse.

"Yeah!" Junior shouted.  "Yer not taking Mummy!"

More men appeared from the gardens and from inside the building, armed with guns and special types of bows.  They encircled their group with their weapons raised.

"Don't force us to take you all in," Mr. Pierce said with a rolling of his eyes.  "I only require Mrs. Morgan."

Lilly brushed past everyone and got in Mr. Pierce's face.  "Take the collar off me brother, Mr. Pierce, then I'll go with ya," she growled.

"No!" the gang shouted all at once.  They tried to attack but Freemasons stood their ground, one of them firing at the group's feet before a white cage formed around them and locked them in.

"Yes!" Lilly barked at them all.  "Ya all wanna get...what the hell is this thing around me neck anyway?" she asked as she tugged at it.

"Enchanted collar.  We've upgraded since the iron one," Mr. Pierce replied.

Lilly arched a brow then sighed.  "Well, at least it's more comfortable than that clunky iron bullshite.  Now take Brian's collar off!"

Mr. Pierce snapped his fingers and the collar around Brian fell off.  He coughed and breathed with a wheeze before showing his white teeth.  "Ya aren't takin' me sister!" he barked angrily.

Lilly held up a palm to silence everyone in the gang who was in an uproar about Lilly being taken.  "Enough.  What exactly do ya plan tah do with me, anyway?"

"We'll keep you locked up until we can figure out how to...deal with the problem," Joseph Pierce answered casually.

An exasperated huff expelled from Lilly's chest.  "Can I at least participate in my husband's tournament?  Because as long as I wear this," Lilly pointed to her bracelet, "Rose can't get out."


"That's the black wolf's name."

Mr. Pierce raised a brow.  "So is she you, or...?"

"Yes and no.  I'll explain on the way, let's go," Lilly said, holding both her wrists out.  "Shackle me if ya want, but any funny business and yer gonna find that an enchanted collar ain't gonna stop me from killin' all of yas," she threatened.

"I'd expect nothing less from you," Mr. Pierce said with a soft smile as he pulled out shackles and placed them around her wrists.  "Mr. Morgan, Lugh, Your Majesty, I suggest you three come with."

The shield opened and Arthur, Lugh and Brigid all stepped out before the shield closed.  Brian took a step forward but Lilly made him stop. 

"No, you stay and keep an eye on the children with James," Lilly said with a sigh.

One of the Freemasons grabbed Lilly by the arm and yanked her away but Arthur shoved the guy off, sending him flying into a wall.  "Keep your god damn hands off my wife!" he warned.

Weapons were raised again but Lilly put Arthur behind her.  "Ya shoot me husband and yer all fuckin' dead, got it?!"

"Mummy!" Aoífe cried.  "Dunna leave us again!"

Lilly ran to the shield and put her hands on it.  "I'm sorry, my loves.  I love you both so much," she sniffled.  "But it's gonna be okay."

Junior cried and Aoífe put her hand to the shield.  "How do ya know, Mummy?"

Lilly gave her daughter a sad smile.  "I have faith."  She looked at everyone in the shield.  "Look after them, please," she said before getting up and walking away.

Everyone in the shield was yelling and screaming to be let out but their pleas went unanswered as the rest of the group and the Freemasons went walking to the street.

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