5,160 Miles [Billie Eilish]

By biladdiction

268K 6.1K 4.4K

Reese is awoken by a FaceTime call in the middle of the night. She had no idea that the call would lead to he... More

Learning you
5160 miles
Its been over a month
What's an ocean or two?
First date
I know her, but do i?
Im sorry
They picked me to love
Remain calm
I love
Everything i wanted
Is this real?
In with the new
A special moment
Broken trust
He's never late
I know fear
Maniacal laughter
I'll miss you
Dont say it
She gets me
Completed checklist
Last meal
See you later
This is it
Do not overthink
new book
new book

Whatever you want

6.3K 155 84
By biladdiction

It'd been a couple of days since me and Billie said the 'L word' to each other. We're both still on a high from it.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I have work in the morning, then Billie and I have planned a face time birthday meal. We eat together all the time, but when it's a planned thing we dress up and make it special. It's cute really.

Other than that, I had no plans. I think I made it clear this year that I really don't want any parties in my honour. The ideal birthday was the one I'd planned myself.

I'd just finished up my shift, I did a close. Twelve in the afternoon til six. I told Ria I'd head down to hers after work, she wanted to give me my presents early, bless her heart. As much as she tries to keep them til the day, every single year she ends up giving me my gifts early.

"Hey!" I shouted as I walked through the door, Ria was chilling on the sofa, a pile of gifts surrounding her. "Hey birthday girl," I rolled my eyes, she was messing with me knowing I hate the fuss. "Sit down." She ordered before I could even speak again.

She handed me an envelope, which of course is the first thing I opened. The card had been personalised with a collage of mine and Ria's favourite photos.


Dear Reese,

Happy birthday to my best pal. I'm so thankful for you, and everything you do. From our handshakes to our cuddles, bullying each other to pet names, you are everything and more to me.

I really don't know what I'd do without you mate. You mean the entire world to me <3

Never stop being you, and never stop being my lil baba.

Lots of love, Ria <3


My hand cupped my mouth in awe. "Such a softie." I teased, Ria ignored my comment and threw a present at me. Literally, threw it.

I unwrapped everything. She'd bought us both a silver chain with a lock on it to symbolise best friends or some shit. It was adorable really. She'd also got me Aladdin pyjamas, my favourite perfume, a framed photo of us that matched the theme of my house. She'd bought me a few different items of clothing too. She's the sweetest.

"Thankyou so much bubs." I took her in for a hug. "You're the best." Ria snapped back with a very cocky, "I know."



Hey pretty, I'm heading out for some food with Finneas, our parents are dragging us bowling after too :( I'm probs not
gonna be back home for a while💗

It's ok, don't worry I won't wait up, just have a good time with ur family 💓

thank u baby, what time do you finish work tomorrow?💗

I'll probs be home for like 2💗

If you fall asleep before I'm home I'll call you at like 6 am my time then baby. I love you I'll text u when I can💓


I accidentally let out a sigh of disappointment. "What's the matter?" Ria immediately fell protective. "Nothing, I'm fine." I tightened my hoodie strings until the fabric closed over my face. "C'mon, just tell me so I can help." I wasn't angry at Billie at all. She's spending time with her family I could never be mad at that. Selfishly though, I want her all to myself all the time. "It's no big deal. Billie can't call til tomorrow, and I'm in work so..." Ria butted in, "so you can't talk til like two? I'm sorry babe." I loved that she understood me. Most people would tell me I'm being pathetic but Ria was more of a if it hurts you, it hurts you and no one can argue with that kind of person. She has a gift of always making you feel validated.

"Hey..." she took a breath, "I know it's a bit shitty, but she'll call you when she can, she isn't doing it to hurt you." I nodded in response. "Do you want to go get some food?" She suggested, and honestly I couldn't think of anything better than not cooking for myself tonight.

Like Tom and I, me and Ria had a favourite place to go out for food that wasn't the cafe. It was a cosy boho themed, hidden away restaurant. It wasn't overly priced, meaning you could get away with going in your comfy clothes. The food there is just insane.

Without bothering to change we both jumped in my car, listening to music and singing as we drove.

"I need to tell you something." I confessed once we were sat down. She was examining the menu, trailing her acrylic nails up and down the vegetarian section. "So a couple days ago me and Billie were on face time..." she kept her attention on the piece of paper in front of her, probably expecting me to come out with some boring bullshit. "She asked to play a game and started listing off things she loves about me..." Ria still didn't look up at me. "She said she's in love with me." With that her emerald green eyes shot up at me, her mouth opening widely in shock.

"Shit... she said she loves you? Did you say it back?" I nodded shyly, throwing my hands over my crimson red face. "Oh my god baby!" Her arms reached the air in excitement, inevitably coming back down and wrapping around my body. "Only you could get someone to fall in love with you over face time."

We decided on a veggie platter to share, it's just a variety of vegetarian foods all on one board. "So Josh finally admitted he likes me, but I also have a confession to make." Ria nervously tapped her fingers together, "something's missing, I don't know..." I kind of guessed that myself, she hadn't spoke about him much lately. "That's ok. That's completely ok." I reassured her, knowing she was feeling a shit tonne of guilt inside. "I don't get it though Reese. It happens every single time I get to this point with a boy, something just begins to feel wrong."

Ria has a lot of trust issues herself, she'd never been cheated on but I think hers stems from her parents moving away to France with her auntie and cousins. In her head, they chose to leave her. I guess my parents had no choice, but hers did and I can see why that would hurt. "You aren't doing anything wrong. You just need to tell him you aren't feeling it, precious." I grabbed her hand, hoping to comfort her. "I know, I need to break it to him. I just wish I didn't do this every time." I felt for her. She can't let anyone but me in, it must be hard. I've always been one for vulnerability, but Ria refuses to let her guard down. I guess some could say it's a blessing, others a curse.

"Shall we go do that now?" Ria simply nodded, exhaling a deep breath she must've been holding in. With that we jumped in my car and made the trip over to Josh's house. As close as I was with Josh, and as much as I cared for him, I also loved Ria and I could never encourage her to be in something she doesn't want to be in. Josh and Jules are good people. They won't be mad at her, they love her to pieces. As long as shes honest she has nothing to worry about.

Ria text Josh and told him to come outside, I parked around the corner to give them some privacy. I could tell this was eating away at her, I don't know how long she's been feeling the weight of it on her shoulders for but it was clear to see that she needed to close it off before it completely engulfed her.

Their meeting was a short one, and Ria returned to the car with mascara stained cheeks. "Hey it's ok." I wrapped my arm around her as she buried her head into my chest. "I hated that. I hate hurting people." I let her cry it out on me for a moment, her little sniffles being the only sound present. "I wish I could rewire my brain, I just don't understand it." I remained silent, gently stroking her arm.

Eventually we made the drive back to Rias, I decided to stay for a cup of tea, I didn't want to leave without knowing she was completely ok.

Ria was lay on the sofa whilst I grabbed two mugs from her cupboard and began boiling the kettle. "Do you feel any better?" Her kitchen and living room were separated only by thin walls, and the door between the two was open so she could hear me clearly. "I feel relieved, I just feel so bad for hurting him." I nodded as I sat next to her, our hot drinks in my hand. "It would've hurt him more for you to go along with it knowing your head wasn't in it." She sent me a thankful smile, "I'm sorry for making today all about me." I laughed quietly, "shut up."

I finished up at rias and headed home. It was late in the evening at this point and no word from Billie, so I decided to stick friends on the tv and pass some time on my phone.



u will never know how much you truly mean to me, i'm so blessed🥺

i love u so much ria, i'm the blessed one💗

i love u too💗


I smiled as I read the text. We'd always been best friends. There was one point I thought I'd lost her, that was when she was with Alex. Her one, and only boyfriend. She was younger then though, only about fifteen. He had her completely under his control. He threatened to show everyone her nudes if she ever thought about leaving him. I can't say I didn't want to kill him.

She really thought she was never getting away from him, but luckily he ended their relationship himself. Ria didn't have so much as a sad expression on her face, she was so happy that he ended it. She never loved him, the only reason she got in a relationship with him was because of peer pressure.



Hey mate, can we have a chat?

yes of course u ok?

Yeah I'm good, worried about Ria but I'm good. Is she ok?

yeah mate, she's good i'm looking after her don't worry

Thanku Reese, u know ur a sister to me and I care abt u and Ria so much, I don't want it to cause an argument or anything. I don't wanna message her, just wanna let her get her head around it u know? Next time u see her can u just let her know I ain't mad at her at all, I think she's an ace girl and I do love her to pieces, us 3 were good mates and I don't want that to be ruined

ur a big brother to me joshy, don't worry she knows ur a good guy. i've already told her u won't be mad, it's a lot to take in for both of u. i promise i'll tell her when i see her, as for u, u know ria... it's nothing to do with you she doesn't even understand it herself, she's going thru some shit. i'm sure she'll figure it eventually, lots of love mate

Thanks Reese, sending u all my love. See u tomorrow at some point to wish u happy birthday


It was midnight now, I finally accepted that Billie wasn't calling. I wasn't mad at her, I just missed her. She's my comfort blanket at the end of the day.

I cosied myself up in bed, Aladdin on the tv, Aladdin on my new pyjamas. What more could a girl want?

I felt fucking lonely. I hadn't gone to sleep on my own since me and Billie began talking, even when we had that argument, I had Ria. She was upstairs, and I was on her sofa but I knew she was around.

I lay for a minute debating calling Ria until I came to the decision that unless someone was with me, I wasn't sleeping tonight. "Hey, you ok?" She asked in a sleepy voice. Her screen was dark, I must've woke her up. "Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to..." Ria cut me off, "Billie didn't call?" I shook my head as Ria turned her bedside lamp on. "Don't apologise, it's ok I'm here." She propped her phone up against something on her night stand. Immediately I felt better. "You always are." Rias eyes remained closed but a smile appeared on her face as she nodded with pride. "Now get some sleep girly."

It took a little longer than usual, but at some point I did drift off.

"Morning Princess!" My dad cheered as he burst into my bedroom at seven in the morning. Mum closely followed, a single cupcake with a lit candle in her hand. They began singing the happy birthday  song to me. This had become a tradition. Every birthday they'd do a mini celebration, just the three of us. Then later in the day we'd have family over, there'd be a huge cake and everyone would chant the song to me.

"Morning." I groaned, still half asleep. "Your mother has made breakfast. All of your favourites." I couldn't even be mad at them for waking me, they were just excited. Dad pulled the covers off me and picked me up bridal style, knowing I wouldn't get out of bed willingly. We headed downstairs where the pair of them had decorated the lounge with balloons, banners and presents. The dining table was presented with the most amazing looking breakfast buffet, unfortunately it was way too cold to eat outside.

The sound of my alarm clock snapped me out of my day dream. I had set it last night, not expecting to wake up earlier than it. I had asked to work today. Jules was sceptical, she attempted to talk me out of it but I genuinely wanted to. I wasn't backing down. We came to the agreement that I'd work a ten-two.

Three loud knocks at my front door startled me. I quickly searched around my room with my eyes, soon landing on a hoodie Ria must've left here. I grabbed it and threw it over my head before rushing downstairs, not without stopping to blow my parents photos a kiss on the way of course.

I opened the door to a happy old man holding a couple bags, a bouquet of flowers, and a collection of floating balloons. "Happy birthday Reese!" He cheered, waving his hands about. I laughed, making way for him to come inside.

"Sorry I'm here so early, I couldn't wait to see you!" He motioned me to sit down on the dining table as he started boiling the kettle. "It's never too early for you." I replied with a loving grin. Tom made us both a cup of tea and placed them down on the table before turning to one of the two bags.

Out he pulled a selection of fresh fruit cartons and some pancakes he'd made and home and wrapped up. "This is adorable, thank you so much Tom." We both tucked into our breakfast.

Once we had finished eating Tom placed the other bag on the table. "I had no clue what to get you this year." The poor man goes above and beyond every birthday and Christmas with the thoughtful gifts, it didn't shock me that he'd run out of ideas. Inside was a small array of gifts. I pulled out the card first of course. The front read, 'Happy twentieth Birthday granddaughter.'


Dear Reese,

I hope you have the most wonderful of days. You are so special to me, I will always think of you as the light that helped me through my darkness.

I often think about the day I lost Sal, and how remarkable it was that during the saddest ending, I was blessed with a beautiful beginning.

I don't think I say it enough, but I love you as if you were my blood. You are my granddaughter no matter what. I am so lucky, and so honoured to be classed as your grandfather.

You are making me more proud every day. Never stop being yourself Reese!

I am wishing you the happiest of days.

Lots of love, Tom.


I must admit, I ugly cried at his touching words. Tom and I shared a huge cuddle before he insisted I move onto his gifts.

There were two jewellery boxes. One a little larger than the other. I opened the bigger one first.

It was a necklace. Tom knew I liked simple jewellery. The necklace was silver. I'm not a gold wearer. It had a single small oval shaped locket on it, and inside was my favourite picture of me and my parents. It was absolutely beautiful. He'd clearly thought about it for a while as it was absolutely perfect for me.

Tom pushed the second box toward me. Inside was a bracelet. The chain was the same as the necklace, but in the middle was a silver plate. Inside the plate Tom had engraved it with the words, 'you can do anything you want to do.' I don't know how I managed to read it through my tears. For as long as I've known Tom that's been his saying. Whenever I feel like somethings out of reach, or impossible to get to he tells me you can do anything you want to do.

I remember when I was trying to pass my driving test, I thought it was never going to happen. "Reese, you can do anything that you want to do."

When Addison cheated on me, and i rang Tom bawling my eyes out. I told him I wanted to end us, but I wasn't sure if I had the strength to. "What have I told you Reese, you can do anything that you want to do."

When I'd finally saved up enough of money for the car I wanted, but had doubts. I ranted at him about how much I really wanted the more expensive car, but I know the more sensible option was to save some money for a rainy day and buy the cheaper version. "No Reese, you want that one and what have I told you? You can do anything you want to do."

When I couldn't sleep in my room anymore after the accident. I wanted so badly to redecorate it but I felt awful knowing that my parents had spent so much time making it perfect for me. "I know it's hard Reese, but they wouldn't be mad. You can do anything that you want to do."

And when I told him about Billie. When I told him her and I can't be more than friends because she lives across the world, "you can do anything you want to do. Haven't I told you that enough yet?"

I wrapped my arms around Tom, attacking him with the bigger bear hug I possibly could. "You don't know how much this means to me." I paused as I wiped my face. "Thank you so much."

The rest of the presents were general things. He'd gotten me some socks, an oversized t-shirt I'd been eyeing up for some time now, a selection of sweets and chocolate. Just general gifts, nothing could compare to the gifts he put all his thought into though.

I ran upstairs leaving tom in the dining room whilst I quickly got myself ready for work. He was going to come with me since he was still waiting for his morning coffee.


Author note

Hey! I decided to split Reese's birthday into two different chapters. There's a lot of characters, and a lot to fit in. This chapter was getting far too long! I am sorry :')

I swear I'm obsessed with this book, I write as much as I possibly can. Sometimes I forget I'm a real person with my own life hahaha.

Anyway, see u soon x

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