The Fear (The Walking Dead...

By jinx1996

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Kat is the eldest daughter of Hershel and the rock of the Greene family. Through thick and thin she has kept... More

Katherine Greene
The Fear
Prologue - Never Again
Chapter 1 - A Hunting Accident
Chapter 2 - Sacrificed
Chapter 3 - Gravestone Pyramid
Chapter 4 - Cherokee Rose
Chapter 5 - F-100
Chapter 6 - Our Secret
Chapter 7 - Only A Matter Of Time
Chapter 8 - Working Things Out
Chapter 9 - Echoes
Chapter 10 - Stay With Her
Chapter 11 - You're Afraid
Chapter 12 - Finding Hope
Chapter 13 - Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 14 - Distractions
Chapter 15 - Broken
Chapter 16 - Judge and Jury
Chapter 17 - Executioner
Chapter 18 - Walking In Tandem
Chapter 19 - Plague Of The Dead
Chapter 20 - Regroup
Chapter 21 - Not A Democracy
Chapter 22 - Place To Place
Chapter 23 - Picking Them Off
Chapter 24 - Safer
Daryl Dixon... Death?
Chapter 25 - A Calf Named Abbey
Chapter 26 - Going To Be Fine
Chapter 27 - Should Be Interesting
Chapter 28 - Minced
Chapter 29 - Split Second
Chapter 30 - Three
Chapter 31 - Lil' Ass-Kicker
Chapter 32 - Beyond The Fences
Chapter 33 - It's Not That Easy
Chapter 34 - Nothing Of Consequence
Chapter 34 - Liars, Thugs, and Cowards
Chapter 35 - Gone
Chapter 36 - Retaliation
Chapter 37 - Hold On
Chapter 38 - Warm Shadow
Chapter 39 - Yes
Chapter 40 - Be Careful
Chapter 41 - The Stand
Chapter 42 - Big Spot
Chapter 43 - Raining Down
Chapter 44 - Contaminated
Chapter 45 - Fever
Chapter 46 - Elderberries
Jesus Saviours Negan and more
Chapter 47 - The Symptoms
Chapter 48 - Shock and Fear
Chapter 49 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 50 - Liar
Chapter 51 - Exit
Chapter 52 - We Go Left
Beta and Other Things
Chapter 53 - Home
Chapter 54 - Have Faith
Chapter 55 - Camps
Chapter 56 - Polaroids
Chapter 57 - Train Tracks
Chapter 58 - Vicious Creatures
Chapter 59 - Just Gone
Chapter 60 - Escape
Chapter 61 - Not Again
Chapter 62 - Peace
Chapter 63 - Missing
Chapter 64 - Amazing Grace
Season 9/10
Chapter 65 - Always Moving
Chapter 66 - Rust and Bone
Chapter 67 - Unluckiest of Lucky Charms
Chapter 68 - There
Chapter 69 - Alexandria
Chapter 70 - Shower
Chapter 71 - Have A Beer
Chapter 72 - Have Another Beer
Chapter 74 - Control Who Lives Here
Chapter 75 - This Is Them
Chapter 76 - What's Your Fear?
Cover Change
Chapter 77 - Too Many
Chapter 78 - And Then They Came
Chapter 79 - Someday It Will Be Useful
Chapter 80 - An Eye for an...?

Chapter 73 - Jump

1.8K 52 18
By jinx1996

I'd really like to keep this as one book even though I know I'm only half way through the series. The show will be ending with season 11 and I just want to keep it all in one place. That being said theres potentially a Daryl spin off happening so I guess we'll see. I don't think I'll write it. I'll see how the show ends first obviously, but I'll probably keep things with just the Walking Dead and maybe rework it if they leave something open ended for the spin off.
However Wattpad has a 200 chapter limit (I think... I've never breached it) So I might have to go back and combine a few of my short chapters and remove some of my fake chapter pages etc. I think It's perfectly doable to keep it within the limit. I won't do anything yet, just see how we go. The show gets very into one character focussed episodes and parallel stories, most of which Kat won't be there for.

If you did have any preferences over which path she should be involved with regarding any of those feel free to say.

Daryl had spent a few days working on the bike and once it was done it was the very next day that he and Aaron set out on their first job together. Kat had done her part in trying to fix the bike, but with her strange new 9-5 job it didn't leave her much time to do so. Mostly she went there to talk to him about her day and see how much progress he had made. It felt strange talking to him like she would have before the fall. About work and about his day and their neighbours. Coming home to find him hauled up in a garage on a project as Luke passed him the tools he needed and paid attention to any information Dahl told him. He was a fast learner and he knew a little more each day Kat left work and went and found them.

"This bike has a four stroke engine." He would tell her as she made herself comfortable on the bench top she had made her sitting spot. As a result Daryl seemed to keep it clean of tools and oily rags however he did conveniently leave the tool box right next to it so she could pass him or Luke what they needed.

"Really? What does that mean?" She would ask him, knowing the answer for herself but playing along.

"Well a two stroke needs a mixture of oil and petrol to run but the four only needs fuel. The two is more powerful but four more durable so the bike is likely to last longer and be more reliable." He said right away and Kat had a feeling he had memorised every word from Daryl even if he didn't understand all of it.

Kat couldn't help smiling as Daryl looked up from behind Luke who was smiling proudly to Kat, and gave her a rather smug yeah-I-taught-him-that look. 

"And how do you tell the difference?" She then asked.

"Well... they look about the same from the outside but a two stroke has a bigger pipe that connects to the exhaust."

Kat had thought it would be difficult convincing Luke that he had to stay when Daryl left but surprisingly it went well. He liked being inside the walls and wasn't quite ready for the idea of needing to go back out there just yet.

Daryl was likely to be gone for a few days so Kat stood at the gate to see him off, opening it for them and smiling as they left through it. It was kind of strange to watch him ride off. Firstly
because they were in a new place and he was going without her. Secondly because it had felt like so long ago that they needed to do these kind of beyond the fence jobs and thirdly because even with just a few short days she had gotten used to just having him there. Especially considering they had been so much closer since arriving in Alexandria than they had in a long time.

But things had to keep moving and Kat had a job of her own to see to that day. Well... provided her assistance was excepted.

And that was how she found herself knocking on the door of Deanna's house knowing both she and her husband were out. With a hint of da ja vu Spencer answered.

"Katherine." He smiled.

"Oh, please. Kat's fine." She smiled back. There was something strangely personal about people calling her Katherine that she didn't like. Not from strangers anyway.

"Kat it is. What can I do for you? Mums not here at the moment." He said quickly.

"No, I know. Umm... I'm actually here to see Aiden. I hear they were planning on going out on a supply run today and..."

"I think he learned his lesson." Spencer said with a smile.

"No, no, no. Glenn reigned me in. Don't worry." She laughed, shaking her head. "I come in peace."

"Well... if you come in peace." Aiden spoke up, coming from around the corner that led to the living room, a cup of hot coffee in his hand. "Come in." He said for his brother and Spencer offered her a welcoming smile as she walked passed him and followed Aiden into the living room.

"You want a coffee?" He asked her.

"Oh umm..."

"It's not a fake offer. I just boiled the kettle." He joked back at her long pause of unsureness. She was still getting used to people just offering food so casually.

"Sure." She smiled, following him to the kitchen and somewhere down the line Spencer dropped back and disappeared. Aiden offered her a spot at a bar stool by the kitchen table and went to grab a mug.

"One or two spoons?"

"You have the luxury to offer two spoons?" She asked in jest and he turned with a smile. Considering their last confrontation she felt a little awkward, but he seemed to handle it fine.

"I make sure the one thing we don't leave supply runs without is coffee. Got a whole shelf dedicated to it in the store room."

"Well I guess I'll have two spoons." Aiden nodded and tipped two teaspoons of coffee into the bottom of her mug and then tipped in the water before handing it over to her.

"So what can I do for you?"

"Well... with the knowledge that I am about to choke on my own words..." She began slowly and a little reluctantly as one of his eyebrows shot up. She had never thought she would actually need to ask Aiden if she could go in a supply run in the future when she'd snapped at him the other night. "I wouldn't mind taking you up on that offer." The second eyebrow joined the first. "I don't need the experience," She said quickly. "I can shoot although I prefer a machete, it's quieter."

"You have to get close." He argued back.

"I'm used to getting close. Look... I don't like being idle. Denise and Pete don't need the extra hands at the moment and before I start going out and looking for livestock I'd like to learn the terrain a little more. Although I would like to head back to that farm Aaron showed me the other day as soon as possible but that can wait until we have some sections expanded. Abe tells me that's what they're doing in the construction division at the moment and it's estimated to take 3-4 week. So... I got a little time."

"You said you don't follow orders well." He stated.

"I'll follow Glenn." She stated simply. "And he says you two are passed your differences... for now anyway. Besides... your mum wanted me going on a couple of supply runs. Combat medic she called it."

"Yeah, she mentioned it." He nodded and was silent a moment before nodding. "Alright." He said. "You can take the machete. Take them out however you're comfortable with, but we still carry fire power. Do you have a gun of choice?"

"Sniper." He nodded. "There is one thing though." He looked at her warily before sighing.

"Go on."

"I don't mess around out there, Aiden. I shoot them to take them out. I don't play around. I don't take things personally where walkers are concerned, but people.... I don't fucking mess around with them either. But I do make a point."


They were getting ready to leave an hour later; Glenn, Tara, Noah, Aiden, Nicholas, Kat and potentially Eugene who seemed undecided so far.

"Oh, no thank-you." He said to Noah with a head shake as the younger boy tried to pass him a gun.

"Just take it." Nicholas said, sounding amused as he walked by the two of them.

"You gotta protect yourself." Noah argued.

"Not if I don't go." He shook his head.

"We're not driving all that way so we can just drive back with the wrong shit." Aiden stated. Eugene had been a big part of the reason why they were going. There was a warehouse about forty five minutes away that would stock the parts he needed to fix up the power grid. The one they had installed was apparently only a prototype and it was beginning to be unreliable. The trouble was, only he knew what to look for.

"There's a dozen of these. They're consistent in appearance across manufacturers. The shit will be right." He tried to argue. "I will install said shit and that grid will be fully operational."

His fight was lost and Noah handed him the gun.

"Got everything?" Reg was asking his son as they finished loading up the last of their supplies that they might need on the run.

"First aid kit, yellow pages, Glenn made a checklist and we've got mum's combat medic." He joked as Kat walked passed, grinning over to Deanna. "We're good, I swear." Aiden nodded with a smile and tone one would use towards a worrying parent without being rude.

"I know I'm just a worrier. That's how that wall ended up around us." Reg answered before Aiden lent down to place a quick kiss on Deanna's cheek in farewell.

"Love you." She stated.

"Take care, dad." He then said to his father.

"Suppose to be saying that to you."

Kat moved over to Maggie after her and Glenn had a quick kiss goodbye and knelt down in front of Luke. "Stay with Maggie and remember the rules about the horse, yeah?" She had put a few boundaries in place where Nelly was concerned, not wanting Luke to go running up behind her unattended or anything. She was hardly a vicious animal, but accidents could happen and both she and Daryl were away.

Luke nodded agreeably before reaching up to give her a hug that she smiled into on reaction.

"Can I visit Eric?" He wondered. He'd been spending a bit of time at Aaron and Eric's place while working on the bike and he and Daryl ate most lunches with them and as a result he'd grown to quite enjoy their company. "He's still injured and Aaron's left."

Kat smiled and nodded. "Of course."

It didn't take them long to get going after that. They piled into the back of the van, Aiden and Nicholas in the front with the rest in the back, sitting down and spread throughout the van. The music that pumped out of the speakers was disco club music. It was loud and the base had the floor of the van vibrating underneath them. But Kat couldn't help but smile, looking to Glenn before the two laughed without needing to say a word.

45 minutes later they arrived at the warehouse, piling out the back and collecting the guns and bags they needed inside.

"Looks like that doors our fastest way in and out." Aides nodded to the back entrance.

"We should know all the exists first." Glenn stated. "So there's a plan B in case things go south."

"Yeah, already got one. It's called going out the front." Nicholas said back as if it was an unnecessary step. Kat's eyes narrowed.

"Noah, heads up." Tara called, nodding to an incoming walker.

"Got it." Noah raised his gun with the attached silencer fired, hitting it between the eyes.

"Look at you with the aim." Aiden complimented. "Glenn's right. We should do a perimeter check. Know our exists just in case." He nodded. He at least didn't seem like a complete lost cause. Much better than Kat had been expecting based on the story Glenn had told. Getting his ass beat by Glenn seemed to go a long way.

The group split up into three teams. Aiden and Nicholas went together, Eugene and Tara and Glenn, Kat and Noah. Kat had tried to argue that she was fine on her own, but Glenn wouldn't have it and she had agreed to follow his rules for this run.

"Good aim back there." Glenn was saying to Noah as they walked.

"Target practise helped. Actually last week I was pretty close to practising on Aiden." He joked as Glenn and Kat both chuckled.

"Me to, man."

"Nicholas is worse." Kat added.

"Yeah." Glenn nodded. "Now. Aiden's come around."

"You hear that?" She then asked, the sound of a large group of distant walkers grabbing her attention.

Around the next corner they came to a stop at a fence covered in chicken wire. On the other side was a hundred or so walkers, wandering around with no clear purpose.

"Well, we're not getting out the front." Glenn stated.

They met all back at the van by the back entrance. Glenn took the lead to the door, opening it up and banging on the inside loudly. The sound echoed through the warehouse as they waited in silence for a reply.

"Give it another second." Glenn whispered. "It's a big place. There could be some inside."

"So, let's say there are. Let's move. Let's be safe." Aiden argued.


Glenn silently pointed for Tara, Eugene and Kat to take one aisle while the others went for another, walking down and looking through the shelves for any walkers.

"Shh." Aiden said after a moment. They all stopped walking, barely breathing as they listened closely. There were walkers in the building.

"They're stuck behind something." Glenn said.

"How do you know?"

"I don't, but they aren't here. Alright. Let's go. Eyes up." Glenn motioned them on.

They continued on down the aisles until a thud surprised them and a walker slammed itself against a wire fence inside. They were locked behind a gate, closing off a whole section to the warehouse that was likely in place to seperate the area for the general public and the store room where they were now. A quick sweep of the gate showed that it had no signs of wanting to fall down any time soon.

"Clear." Glenn informed.

"You know your stuff." Aiden completmented.

"We were out there a long time." Tara explained.

"There could be more." Noah added. "Lets get the stuff."

"You're up." Tara said, shining the torch in Eugene's face.

"I'll keep watch." Kat stated. "In case something gives way here."

"Aiden you stay with her." Glenn said.

They split up again to fan out down the aisles, looking for the part Eugene had showed them. It took about ten minutes before they heard Tara's voice call.

"We found them."

"About time." Kat muttered.

"You got somewhere you need to be?" Aiden asked, grinning over to her.

"I don't know about you, but I'm getting damn hungry and I seem to remember seeing a few protein bars in that van."

He chuckled. "Yeah, lunch break does sound good before we hit the next stop."

Kat moved to the end of the aisle to wait for Glenn and the others to reach them. They hadn't wanted to split up when not necessary so they would back track and meet up with Aiden and Kat who were watching the walkers then fan out down the next lot of aisles on the way to the front door while looking for anything else that might be useful.

"Walker." Kat nodded down the corridor for Aiden as she moved towards Glenn. It was just a single walker she faintly saw the silhouette of and Aiden raised his gun confidently.

"Sure it's the right part?" She asked, walking up to the others.

"Eugene's positive."

Aiden fired a round. And then another. Kat glanced over as he fired a third curious as to why it was taking so many shots. The walker was dressed in armour with a full face shield. They had dealt with these back at the prison, but Aiden clearly never had to.

"It's got armour. Let it come closer." Glenn said to him.

"I got it." He reassured before firing more rounds until the walker hit the floor, but it was still moving.

Glenn moved to have a look, peering through the boxes on the shelves before he suddenly spoke.

"Aiden stop." He continued to fire. "Stop." Glenn tried again but it was too late. A bullet hit the grenade on the walkers vest and the group went flying in every direction. Tara and Eugene who had been coming up in the row over were blasted back, Nicholas who was heading for Aiden at the time was thrown in the wall. Aiden was also blasted back in the same direction while Glenn, Kat and Noah were further away and fell over from the force and heat of the blast but ultimately came out alright.

Kat's ears rung as she shook her head and began to stand on wobbling legs. "G-Glenn." She sputtered, catching herself with a dizzy spell on a nearby shelf.

"Yeah." He replied, clearing his throat. "You alright?"

"I think so, but I'm not entirely sure. You?"


"Oh god." Nicholas' voice drew their attention over as they looked between a pile of boxes that had been scattered from the explosion. "Oh god." Aiden was pinned on the far wall against the collapsing frame of a shelf. A bloodied piece of shrapnel stuck out of his right shoulder and he wasn't moving. "He's dead." Nicholas said.

"Where are the others?" Kat whispered.

"Noah, Tara, Eugene?" Glenn whispered.

Noah was found nearby. He snuck up quietly so as not to draw the attention of the walkers they could hear. The gate was open, the chain was broken and for the time being they hadn't attracted their attention.

"Cage is open, they're getting out."

"Over here." Eugene's hush voice called to them. Quietly the three, with Nicholas catching up behind them, moved further down the aisle to peer through another spot and see Eugene. There was a huge pile of collapsed boxes and shelving and on the other side was Tara, laying on her back with a visible amount of blood coming from a gash in her head.

"Is she breathing?" Kat whispered over to Eugene.

"I can't tell from right here." He shook his head, unable to make it through to her.

"They're getting close." Noah commented.

"Glenn, can you get to her?" Kat asked. Glenn nodded and moved to make a passage to Tara with Noah's help while Kat helped Eugene clear a path for him. There was an office space nearby they piled into, closing and locking the door behind them. Glenn laid Tara down on a table and Kat moved to have a look at the cut on her head.

"I hate head injuries." Kat mattered to herself.

"Can you help?" Eugene asked desperately.

"Get me a cloth. All we can do is stop the bleeding. Where's the medic bag?"

"Aiden had it in his pack. It got blown to hell." Nicholas answered.

"There's another one in the van." Noah added.

"Help!" A voice suddenly interrupted them. "Please..."

"Is that..."

"Oh, Jesus." Nicholas breathed.

"He's alive?" Glenn questioned as the lot of them looked out the office window to see Aiden coming to and beginning to panic.

"I-I checked him - I thought..."

"You checked him or you thought maybe he was probably most likely dead?" Kat snapped.

"We gotta get him." Noah stated.

"It's gonna take at least three of us." Glenn added.

"If we pull Aiden off that we could kill him." Nicholas argued.

"If we leave him, he'll definitely die." Kat snapped. Nicholas was getting on her last nerve.

"Why risk it for someone who's going to die anyway."

"So, you're saying we should just leave him?" Noah said to Nicholas.

"That bar is through his shoulder. I can't see any other damage from here. He was likely just unconscious from the blast... if that's all there is... he could live." Kat shot back.

"Go." Eugene spoke. "Save him. She'd do it, I know she would." He nodded to Tara. "I'll stay with her, I'll keep her safe. I assure you I will." Eugene said determinedly.

"Alright." Glenn nodded. "We'll knock them back. You still have that flare?" Glenn asked Nicholas.


"You fire the flare over the shelves. It'll draw some of them over. We're gonna hit the rest hand to hand. You ready?" There was no time for much more of a plan. The walkers were closing in on Aiden. Glenn opened the door, Nicholas fired the flare and they ran towards Aiden, taking out the remaining walkers as they went, clearing a path to the injured man. Eugene stayed behind with Tara, waiting for the walkers to be drawn by the flare and the rest taken care of before carrying her out tot the van and readying it for the others.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Glenn said when they reached Aiden. "We're gonna get you out of here. Everything is gonna be okay, but we need you to stay quiet. Can you do that?"

Noah stood guard, watching for the walkers while Nicholas and Glenn got ready to try and lift Aiden off and Kat moved to have a closer look at the injury. "One, two, three."

Aiden did end up screaming and he didn't budge. "The flares burning out." Noah called.

"Again." Glenn said.

"We're not gonna make this." Nicholas shook his head.

"Yes, we are, but I need your help."

"Don't leave me." Aiden begged to Nicholas as Kat moved around him to look at the back of the wound. The rod had pierced right through his shoulder from the back. It was jammed between twisted metal from the explosion, hooking through an old rusted piece with a single screw but still quite firmly in place.

"Okay, okay, okay. Quickly." Nicholas encouraged before he and Glenn tried to lift Aiden off. Noah stood on guard with a gun, ready to shoot the oncoming walkers as Kat continued to inspect the structure.

Aiden screamed in pain and more walkers came. Glenn turned to help Noah quickly as Kat tried to pull at the rod from the back in an attempt to dislodge it instead of pulling Aiden off the end. It didn't budge.

"You left them." She then heard Nicholas whisper as she glanced up curiously to the man whispering to Aiden. "We both did. That's who we are. I'm sorry." He stated.

"Nicholas..." Kat began slowly, a warning in her tone.

"I'm sorry." He said again stumbling back as he threw another look to the walkers and then to Glenn "Sorry." He stated.

"They're coming!" Noah shouted and just like that Nicholas was at a full sprint away, darting for an opening between the herd before anyone could grab at him.

"Shit." Kat whispered angrily. "Glenn. Quick. Help me." She said desperately moving back to try and lift him off the rod. Noah was opening fire as the walkers began to close in.

"It was... it was us." Aiden whispered. "The others before... they didn't panic, we did. It was us." He said, a sob of guilt leaving his voice like a final repentance.

He screamed again when they tried to lift him up and Noah fired more shots. Glenn and Kat were forced to turn and take out a few walkers quickly that had broken out ahead of the others.

"We have to go!" Noah yelled just as Kat turned back to Aiden. With a force stronger than the last with each blow she began to kick at the shelving behind aim hoping to loosen the metal rod jammed behind.

"They're here!" Noah continued to shout as Kat continued to kick and kick and kick, yelling in frustration and the force in which her leg slammed into the steel.

"Kat! Behind you!" Came Glenn's voice and she turned with her machete slashing down hard and fast before even fully focussing on her target. The walker fell followed by another and another and then she realised... Glenn had been forced back with Noah. Separating her and Aiden from them as they moved backward to put a gap between them and the five walkers heading for them. Enough to raise a gun and fire. Their gun fire drew the attention of most of the others and Kat took down another three quickly before turning back to Aiden, using the chance to try and free home again.

"Just go." Aiden finally said. She ignored him.

"Kat! Come on! We have to go!" Glenn was screaming desperately. He didn't want to leave Aiden either but he had already been pulled away and it was all he could do to keep the bulk of their attention on him and Noah for the time being.

Noah shot two behind her and took out two more coming for him. Kat continued to use her machete knowing gun fire would mean she'd lose the opening to turn and try one last time to free Aiden. She kicked and kicked and kicked as Aiden screamed and screamed and screamed, muting all reasoning she had not to open fire.

"KAT!" Glenn's voice was growing more desperate... and further away. It all seemed to happen so slowly but she knew time was going a mile a minute. With a final scream of rage she kicked again, the creaking in the steel frame turned to a crash and a clatter as the bar came loose and Aiden fell to the ground with another cry of pain. Kat slashed up and back at the walker that fell to the ground after him and then at two more behind herself. They were still coming and now they were in tight formation. She looked to Glenn and Noah who had been forced further and further back. Glenn was trying to barge his way forward, to look for a gap but there was no safe move and tugged on his arm.

"Get up!" She yelled to Aiden as he scrambled to his feet. "Glenn! Run!"

"No!" He shouted, screamed, his voice breaking in the effort as Noah began to drag him. Kat kicked a walker back and slashed at two more.

"Here!" Aiden pulled her attention to the side, his voice barely anything above a hoarse whisper. There was a small gap wide enough for one body to slide between the wall and the shelving.

Kat ran for it having lost all sight of Glenn in the ocean of dead faces. Aiden crammed between the gap. He screamed again as the bar in his shoulder raked across the cement wall and Kat just got through after him as walkers began to tug on her clothes. She held her machete in her left to stab at any that followed but her movement were limited.

"Move. Go." She urged Aiden on. "Can you climb?" She then asked him.

Aiden didn't answer, grunting in pain as he began to step up on the first shelf, screaming as he pulled himself up further, his left arm hanging uselessly at his side in pain. Kat began to follow, climbing and climbing, pressing her back to the wall and reaching for another ledge and heaving up. Aiden tried to keep himself off the wall and as a result she soon over took, reaching down and helping him further.

"Your foot! Pull it up!" She yelled, seeing a walker down bellow beginning to reach for it. He just missed as Aiden lifted his leg, screaming as he stumbled back and the rod through his side hit the wall behind him. The walkers below growled and gurgled after them, looking and reaching up packed where they had been standing just seconds ago. More were moving in and around the shelves and Kat was worried about how long they would be stable.

"Give me your arm." She urged Aiden some more, wanting to get a little higher having seen a window just above them.

"I can't let go" He shook his head.

"Your left arm!" Kat insisted. He looked at her with wide eyes, took in several hissing breaths of pain and then swung his injured shoulder up with a scream louder than any before as she grabbed it and heaved him up and up until they stopped by the window two racks higher, shoving the items off and going to sit on the ledge.

"I'm going to break the glass." She stated. "It's a long fall, but if you try and bend your knees when you land we should be okay. Roll when you hit the ground."

Aiden's forehead was dripping with sweat, his face sickeningly white. "Aiden." She said firmly. "If you don't, you will die. Do you understand?"

He nodded. Kat pulled her hand gun from her waist band, lifted it and fired at the window. The glass shattered instantly but left broken shards all around. She tuck her gun away and with the handle of her machete smashed out the bigger pieces.

"Backpack." Aiden barely managed to whisper.


"Use your backpack on the ledge to lean on. For the glass."

"Right." She nodded, taking off the pack from her back and laying it over the windowsill. It was near empty anyway beside the jumper she had inside that provided extra padding.

"You go first. Go." She nodded for Aiden who only shook his head.

"No." He stated. "You saved me. You go first."

"Look where we are. I'm not done saving you yet." She shot back causing him to scoff with a slight smile. "I need to make sure you're not going to fall. Now go!" The structure shook and she heard a disconcerting creak. Aiden moved quickly then, knowing they had no time to argue.

Aiden did as instructed, moving forward as the shelves began to shake. He began to put one leg through first before the shelves started to sway and then began to fall forward. The top hit the wall with a sudden crash and they heard things below them begin to fall off the shelves. They were lucky to be high enough that the items above them only hit the wall and didn't fall down and Aiden managed to regain his balance as Kat scrambled away from the edge of the tipping shelf.

"Go, go, go!" She yelled. He moved quickly then, scared by the unstable shelving but helped by its extra proximity.

"There's a hedge below. It should help us." He stated.

"You won't be saying that when you hit it now jump!"

With his feet first Aiden disappeared out the window and was quickly followed by a loud scream of pain. His scream stirred the walkers on the ground even more and the creaking began again. The structure began to shake more violently now and Kat quickly moved to the edge praying Aiden had the good sense to move out of the way immediately.

She reached for the window with an arm first to stable herself. Aiden's jump had displaced the bag and she was trying to fix it up when a loud thud, thud, thud of the shelf hitting the wall again and again and again had her falling forward. The shelves began to fall back the other way and she began to fall forward, just managing to grab onto the windowsill and the bag covering it with her right arm and catching herself in the fall.

She hung there like bait, grunting in both frustration and a little bit of fear. Her legs dangled toward the walkers below and only her grip on her right hand kept her safe. Her left hand hung at her side and she looked up to see the only place she could grab at the window for a second grip.

"Fuck." She said to herself.

Kat took in a deep breath and screamed in anticipation as she swung her hand up and clamped it over the shard of glass that stuck out of the window frame before her scream turned to one of sudden sharp paint. The glass pierced through her palm as she gripped on for dear life. The shelves behind her were long gone, crashed to the ground and having taken several behind them out like dominos. Below her was only the walkers, snarling up and waiting for her to fall as her legs kicked trying to get a leg up but she knew it was no use. She had to pull herself up and she needed the full effort of both of her arms to do it.

"Katherine!" She heard Aiden yell from below. "Hey! Over here!" She then heard his voice and could faintly make out the sound of tyres outside.

"KAT!" Came Glenn's voice, shouting from outside shortly after.

She grimaced in pain, pulling herself up and up, letting go of her right hand first to pull her elbow up and over. It pressed her hand down further into the glass and she screamed some more as she kept going before heaving her left hand free but needing to quickly follow it with her forearm. She didn't scream again as the glass cut into her arm and instead kept going until she found herself pulling her stomach through and over the bag. Her leg followed until she sat straddling the window frame, her arms free of the glass but bleeding like all hell.

On the ground outside she saw Glenn looking up, Eugene driving the van and Aiden leaning against it.

"Come on!" Glenn shouted. "Jump!"

"Oh, god." She breathed seeing just how far the fall really was. Blood was pouring down her arm and out of her hand and if she didn't jump soon she was sure she would just pass out and fall in the opposite direction.

She swung her other leg around and jumped down, aiming for beyond the hedge as she was sure it would only cut her up more. She landed with just the right amount of bend in her knees and rolled through the movement before coming to a stop and wincing in pain. Glenn was at her side in a second, pulling her up and throwing her into the van as Aiden collapsed in the back.

Nicholas lay unconscious next to Tara, her head bandaged up. Kat pressed herself to the wall as Glenn came in after her and Eugene drove off. He moved to look at her arm.

"Where's Noah?" She asked. Glenn's look said everything she needed to know.

She said nothing and pulled herself over to Tara. The bleeding was slowing and she decided to leave it for now. Then she looked to Nicholas.

"What happened to him?"

"He got Noah killed." Glenn said. She looked to Glenn and then to Nickolas and then the gun at her side.

"Don't." Glenn breathed. She didn't.

Then she moved to Aiden.

"Kat." Glenn said softly. "Your hurt. Wait till we get back." He urged.

She only shook her head. "I need your belt." She said to Aiden who nodded. She took it off from around his waist and moved it around his shoulder to tighten it next to the wound. It was an awkward spot, but it would at least help just a little. "Do you know any songs?" She asked.


"Think about them. The lyrics. Try to remember them. Think about them and the beat not your arm, not the walkers. It'll help keep your heart rate down."

"Kat." Glenn said again as Aiden nodded. "Kat." He was more stern this time. "Sit back." He insisted, pulling her back. Kat complied and rested against the wall next to Glenn and he began to see to her cuts.

I know I saved Aiden and he's hardly the most likeable character, but... I feel like I do too much that just follows with the plot. I've got my own side stuff that happens and drama which is why you're here reading, but I also feel like Kat has no right being a badass important person to the group if her presence doesn't ultimately make any difference. So basically if she existed and if she was there they would have gotten Aiden out.


Dumb, stupid, please reel me in idea....

Should Martinez come back? haha. I mean... Kat never saw him die she only saw a torso with a scar that let's face it... could have been anyone. Like is it too far to keep bringing him back especially with how far they've now travelled (I probably wouldn't do it until season ten or eleven anyway) so he's got time. Or would it be kinda funny to have Martinez as like this immortal entity (not really) that just keeps popping up in her life.

I don't know if I'll keep Aiden around for long, but I do kind of want him to have a little bit of a crush. Originally I was going to make it Spencer, but Spencer has his thing with Rosita and I don't want to take away from her and I would have liked to know more about Aiden. In fact their whole family I wish we got to see more of.

The Negan drama is still coming and Negan is going to be a big one. He's evil, she hates him, he thinks she's fantastic and that only grows the more she hates him. Daryl despises him because of Glenn and that only gets worse because Negan's fascinated by Kat. Great stuff. I love it haha. Sorry I can't stop mentioning it.

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