
By heyyycatradora

6.1K 275 418

Adora is princess of the horde she is next in line to be queen but the strange thing is her adoptive mother l... More

Princess azora
Lets do this.. together
Mall time!
Dealing with jerks
A princesses first date
Do u have to?
Taking back whats mine
The dream
What there wearing

Getting ready for coronation day

252 13 10
By heyyycatradora

Lonnies POV:

Me bow and glimmer woke up at like 7am and we walked into catra and Adoras room. And by the way it's been a year since the whole shadow weaver thing- and adora and catra are now 20!! Now they can officially be queens!!

"There so cute!!" Bow whispered

"I know right!" I whispered back

"Ready? 3..2..1.." glimmer whispered

"ITS CORONATION DAY!!" We all yelled and we saw adora and catra jump

"Wha- what?" Adora said

"It's coronation day u dummy!" I said as me and bow walked to the side of there bed

"OMG IT IS!!!" She yelled

"SHUSH!" Catra yelled

"We have made out queens breakfast" glimmer said handing adora and catra pancakes

"Pancakes!!" Catra said then started shoveling the door in her mouth

"Chill out babe it's just pancakes"Adora said laughing

"Pancakes are LIFE." Catra said finishing her pancakes

"ARE U EXCITED?" Bow yelled

"Calm down crop top it's not that big a deal" catra said laying back down

"Not a big deal ha NOT A BIG DEAL?? THIS IS HUGE!" Adora yelled

"Ok princess whatever u say"

"It's queen now" Adora said crossing her arms and closing her eyes "I GET TO PICK OUT MY OWN DRESS THIS TIME!!!!" Adora said jumping out of bed

"Yes yes u do" glimmer said laughing and adora started jumping up and down

"Well Coronation is tonight! So make sure I have ur outfits and we're gonna go help set up" I said then me glimmer and bow left the room

Adoras POV:

"Are u exciteddddd?" I asked turning to face catra

"Kinda" catra said playfully rolling her eyes and I raised my eyes brow

"Ok! Maybe a little" she said smiling

"So ur sureee u 100% want to be queen?" I asked

"Yes adora... as long as I'm doing it with u I'll be fine" she said then I smirked

"U like me that's so embarrassing for u" I said shoving her

"This is not because I like u" she said

"Mhm sureee! Anyways I picked out the perfect outfit!" I said walking over to my closet i took out the dress that my mom gave me she said she wore it to her coronation and that she wanted me to wear it when it was time for mine

"What do ya think?" I asked

"It looks beautiful adora" she said smiling

"Thanks... BUTTTT" I said then out the dress back into my closet "what are u gonna wear!" I asked sitting on the bed

"Do I have to wear a dress?" She asked

"Not if u don't want to" i said

"Ok then I have my outfit" she said sitting up and leaning her head on my shoulder

"I love u" I said

"I love u to" she said then she kissed me and I kissed her back then we pulled apart and she put her head back on my shoulder

Ik this one is short! But don't worry the next chapter should be longer!!! I'm having some writes block but the next chapter will be out shortly!!❤️

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