Plus Ultra! (Male reader x Bo...

By Xhira956

139K 3K 3.9K

Your dream, was always to become the best hero in the world. To save people, to bring them hope, to help when... More

Y/N Info.
Chapter 1. A humble begining
Chapter 3. The Entrance Exam.
Chapter 4. First Day.
Chapter 5. Heroes against villains
Chapter 6. Aftermath.
Chapter 7. Explosive nut πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 8. The hangout.
Chapter 9. The fight is on.
Chapter 10. An eye for an eye
Chapter 11. Trouble in Mid of the Night.
Chapter 12. Song of fire and ice.
Chapter 13. Shopping time!
Power's reminder.
Chapter 14. The Festival begins.
Chapter 16 Team fights.
Chapter 17. Gravitational love.
Chapter 18. Ice V.S. Explosions
Chapter 19. The semi-finals.
Chapter 20. Against all Odds.
Chapter 21. Winner's reward πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 22. Remember. πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 23. BY FIRE, BY TRAINED.
Chapter 24. To those who fight further.
Chapter 25. The Grand Couturier
Chapter 26 U.A Hero Exam.
Chapter 27. A moment of rest πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 28. The campment.
Chapter 29. The revelation.
Chapter 30. Pure Evil.
Chapter 31. The new Symbol of Hope.
Chapter 32. Notice me, Y/N
Chapter 33. Halloween.
Chapter 34. Lady Satsuki's needs
Chapter 35. Needs fullfilled πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 36. Decay.
SIDE CHAPTER. U.A's first attack.
Chapter 37. Infiltration.
Chapter 38. Not only heatπŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 39. My people.
Chapter 40. Interruption.
Chapter 41. The enemy of my enemy...πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
FINAL BATTLE. Force your way.
ENDING 1. Vengance.
ENDING 2. True hero.

Chapter 15. Y/N VS Shoto

2K 69 23
By Xhira956


Izuki:"S-sorry Todoroki, I failed..."

Shoto:"No, you did good. Now, Y/N. I'm going to show you..."

Shoyo lights up in flames. Oh, this is gonns be fun.

Shoto:"How good I am."

Y/N:"Wow, your speech gave me the chills. Now, let's roll, ok?"

I got into a fight stance. Momo created an iron spear, and got ready to fight. Shoto was whispering something to Izuki.

Yeah, fuck that.

Y/N:*Whispering* "Momo, create some smoke and force Todoroki to make a move."

Momo:"Got it."

Momo created a smoke grenade and threw it towards them, the smoke hiding our position.

Momo hide behind a trash can, while I reinforced. She has a plan.

As expected, Shoto cleared the smoke by making big waves of fire. The entire alleyway burned. If Momo didn't get into cover, she would be in danger.

Y/N:"Not bad."

Shoto:"Give me the crown. You may be able to block that, but I doubt Momo can."

Momo:*Whispering*"Oh, really? Then block this!"

Momo threw a gas grenade. The plan, is on.


She threw me a gas grenade with a filter. I put it on, while rushing them. The grenade exploded near them, making them cough.

Izuki was fast enough to react, and kicked the grenade towards me. Thanks.

I grab it mid air, and threw it at them again.


She created a pillar of ice, hitting me in the gut. It didn't do damage, but it pushed me back.

Izuki rushed at me, pointing her fingers at me. Momo got out of the trash can, and started attacking Izuki with the spear, forcing her to dodge her attacks.

Shoto tried to protect Izuki by throwing fire at Momo, but I started throwing explosions at Shoto, interrupting her attack.

Using one hand to attack her, and the other to boost myself, I was getting close to her. She created more ice, spikes and pillars alike to try and push me away. Yeah, keep doing that.

In a desesperate attempt to get me away, she created more and more pillars, eventually, pretty much trapping herself with me.

I create another gas grenade, and threw it in the middle of all the pillars.

Now, she has to use her fire, and melt the pillars, making me able to get close to her, or run towards me.

Tick tack, Shoto.

She decides to rush me, using the fire similar to Katsuki's and my way of flying. She placed ice on her leg, and spinned on the air, throwing a kick. Predictable.

I grabed her leg and threw her towards the building on my right. She her back hitted the cold stone, hurting her.

I made a quick glance to Momo and Izuki. Izuki can't get close to Momo, or run away from her. Her plan is to tire Izuki out by forcing her to dodge all the attacks. If Izuki gets hitted once by the spear, Game Over.

Shoto stands up again, heavily breathing. Her flames lights up again, brighter than later. She threw a stupidly amount of fire towards me. It's like a fucking tsunami, but made out of fire.

I can't dodge that... but we can't lose here!

I placed my arms in front of me, and focused on making my armor as tough as I can. When the "tsunami" eats me, I'm hitted with a burning sensation, like I was about to melt.

I keep moving forward, even if my legs told me to stop moving. I can see a figure ahead of me.

I threw one of my arms behind me, and launched a punch to the figure's head. I punched Shoto right on the face, throwing her again to the building.

Y/N:"You lost. Stop it."

Shoto:"N-No... I must prove him... and you..."

She gets up again, breathing even harder than before. Her flames were dying out.

Shoto:"I can... be the best hero..."

She tried to freeze my legs, freezing the ground. She failed, but it was part of her plan. She created an ice spear, and threw it at me.

Too slow.

I grabbed it, and crushed it on her head

Knocking her out.

Izuki realised her partner's condition, and runned towards her, avoiding Momo's attack. She threw the spear at her legs, attempting to stop her, but Izuki jumped, dodging the attack.

I tried to grab her by the neck, but she slided under me, grabbed Shoto, and escaped the alleyway...

That was fast as fuck... what the hell?

Momo catches up with me, standing right next to me.

Momo:"S-Sorry... we almost got them..."

Y/N:"Yeah, but they now our gas strategy. We must make another one."

Momo:"That's my fault. If I didn't let Izuki escape-"

Y/N:"And if I didn't fail my grab, I would have gotten her. We both failed."

I look at our watch. 5 minutes, and the game is over.

Y/N:"This match is almost over. Let's get out of here."

Momo:"Were do we go?"

Y/N:"Outside the city. Everyone should be inside right now. They won't expect us to be there."

Momo nodded, getting on my back without asking me first. Am I her mount now or something?

I start boosting ourselves out of the city. My expeculations were true. No one is here, only knocked out students who can't pass.

But, there's something weird out here. There's a big amount of students, surrounding a girl with purple hair. Ochako was a part of them

The girl looked at us, and widened her eyes. She touched something on her mask. Suddenly, we hear Ochako's voice.

Ochako?:"Hey, you two! Can you come down, please?"

You...two? Something's wrong.

Momo:"And why would we-"

Suddenly, Momo stops talking. I look behind me, to see Momo's eyes completely lifeless.

Weird girl:"Get the crown."

Oh, now I know what's happening!

I turned around, and grabbed her arms, forcing her to stop moving. After that,I land, and slapped her cheek lightly. Momo came back to her senses. Before she said anything, I closed her mouth, telling her to be quiet.

The weird girl touched something on her mask again.

Ochako?:"Hey! Would you come here, please?"

That's totally not Ochako. I turned around, moving my lips, mouthing the words "that's not her"

Momo is good reading lips. She understood it, and nodded.

I aimed my palms at the center of the students, and shooted an explosion. All of them, including Ochako snapped out of the mind control. Some of them were confused, other's started figthing between themselves, and poor Ochako, started crying.

Momo:"I'll go and... have a chat with Miss Brainwash over there. Go and take care of Ochako, she is our friend, after all."

I nod, and walk towards her. She was on the ground, crying. I kneel next to her, patting her back. She hugs me, not letting go of me.

Ochako:"Why?! I just wanted to work with her! To be her friend! Why is she like this?! What did I do to deserve being used?!"


Sigh. Even if it's seems her reaction is childish... this was an opportunity to prove ourselves as heros. Being brainwashed by your partner, and being forced to stay completelly still, acting like a wall... is something no one is willing to see.

I checked the watch. All the students counted as knockouts for my score once I hitted that explosion. We were thirds. There's no need for the crown...

Momo carried the girl to us. Momo, Ochako and I didn't want to look at her.

Weird Girl:"'s not my fault I was born with this quirk..."

Ochako:"It's your fault when you use it like that! I only wanted to team up with you! That's all!"

The purple hair girl seems... actually guilty. Well, gotta do something.

Y/N:"Look, if you are here, it means you want to be a hero, right?"

She nods, staring at me. I grab the crown, and give it at her. She was completely shocked, not expecting that.

Momo:"Y/N?! What are you doing?!"

Y/N:"We alredy made it through, we don't need it. If you really want to become a hero, you must learn to work with someone. Use your quirk along side Ochako's one to prove me, how good of a hero you can be."

The girl had stars on her eyes. She nodded, and got up, helping Ochako get on her feet. She then cleaned Ochako's tears.

Girl:"I'm sorry, Ochako. Let's win this tournament, together, okay?"

Ochako nodded, smiling. They both turned to me.

Ochako:"Thank you, Y/N. For saving me."

The other girl removed her mask, showing me a sweet smile.

Girl:"My name is Hirashi. Hirashi Shinshou. Thanks for the help."

Y/N:"Don't make me regret it."

An alarm sounded. Time's over...

Timeskip brought to us by Hirashi, apologising to Ochako over and over again.

After our match, the results were shown. Ochako and Hirashi were 1°, Katsuki and Jiro were 2° and Momo and I were 3°.

Momo stayed on our personal restroom, getting some rest since she created a lot of items, some of them hard to do like a cannon, and a metal detector. She also started eating to regain the lost fat.

I decided to visit Shoto and Izuki. They made it into the 5° position, behind Tokoyami and Tsuyu. It seems they work well together.

When I got close to Shoto and Izuki's room, I can hear shouts. They were arguing?

I placed my ear next to the door, and started listening.

Izuki:"Can't you see we made it through?! There's still more chances to defeat Y/N! Why are you so focused on that, tho?! Don't you want yo win the tournament?!"

Shoto:"I do. Yet, we can't lose to him. We must win. I will not be defeated by him."

Those words hurted me a bit. The way she said him... is she angry at me?

Izuki:"Who cares, Shoto? Our focus should be wining, not defeating Y/N!"

Shoto:"If we can't defeat him, we won't be able to win the tournament."

Izuki:"And if we don't focus on defeating the others too, we won't either! I don't understand why you are acting like a child over this tou-"

Shoto:"Because if I can't defeat him, how can I protect him from those monsters, huh?!"


Shoto:"That's why I want to defeat him! Because I need to make sure, I can protect him! When he was in bed, the only thing I could think about, was how useless I was. I couldn't do anything to save him, because I was not fast enough to reach in time!"

Izuki:"That's unfair! We were there too, and we couldn't do anything to protect him either! How do you think the other's felt?!"

Shoto:"At least you were there! When I arrived, Y/N was alredy falling to the ground!"

Izuki:"Me being there didn't change anything, can't you see it? We couldn't do anything against Nomu!"

Shoto:"Then maybe you should start training harder than me!"

Okay, that's enough.

I entered her room. Both of them were shocked to see me. Izuki was in the verge of tears. Shoto turned her head, avoiding my gaze.

Y/N:"Shoto. Apologise to her."

Shoto:"What?! I said-"


She shuts up, shocked at my sudden outburst.

Y/N:"You feel weak? Powerless? Imagine what I felt when I was in bed, in a fucking coma when my parents were getting murdered. I couldn't do jack shit."

Shoto:"Y-you couldn't have done anything to-"

Y/N:"Yeah, I couldn't. And I'm not mindlessly seeking revenge for it, or hurting my friends, even if I have more than enough reasons for it."

Shoto looks down. Some tears start to fall on the ground

Shoto:"I just... want to protect you... to be able to be there for you when you need me..."

I hug her, placing my arms around her. Shoto starts crying, getting my hero outfit wet. Izuki hug her back. Shoto turns around, hugging her.

Shoto:"I'm sorry, Izuki... I truly am... I don't mean all the things I said..."

Izuki:"It's okay. You promise, we will stay together, no matter what?"

She gave her pinky finger to her. Shoto smiled, making a "pinky promise" with her.

Shoto:"I promise..."


I kissed Izuki's head, and Shoto's lips. After that, I went for the door.

Y/N:"One more thing, Shoto."

She looked at me, blushing a little from the kiss I gave her.


Y/N:"That was a good fight. You better make it to the finals, so I can beat you again... babe."

She smiled.

I will win this time.

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