Tony's New Assistant- Being E...

By Mwadeh2o

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Y/n age 21 fresh out of college was having trouble finding a job until one night she was out with a friend an... More

Looking for a job
Night Out
Night out pt. 2
First Day
Date Night
I Have Proof
In Love?
In love? pt.2
I love you too
The Past
Be Mine
I need feedback
Let me help you with that-smut
It Gets Better
Where do we sign
Welcome Home
Welcome home pt. 2
Let's do it-smut
Not So Happy Anniversary
Not So Happy Anniversary pt. 2
Forever and Always
All Good Things Must End
Planning and recovery
Rehearsal Dinner
Rehearsal Dinner pt.2
Cold Feet
Getting Ready -Y/n's perspective
Getting Ready-Tony's perspective
I do
Picture time
Wedding Photos
Wedding Photos Part 2
Wedding Photos pt.3
Wedding Cakes and Toppers
Party Time-smut
Wedding Night-smut
Wedding Gift
No longer a family of four
I'm scared
Family workout
New book
It's Time
He can't hurt us anymore
Happily ever after

Getting to know each other

91 2 0
By Mwadeh2o


I feel a light shake on my arm. It most definitely can't be Lilly she would slap me across my face to wake me up. She knows I hate to be woken up so she comes up with fun ways to do so. "I need you to wake up" I hear a deep manly voice whisper in my ear. My eyes shoot open and I sit up in a panic. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream out."Woah woah woah calm down Hot stuff." He says with his hands up in the air. I sigh "I'm sorry I thought you were the guy who umm-" tears start to form in my eyes. "Hey it's ok I'm here to help" he says. His face looks familiar."You look familiar I know you from somewhere." "I helped you get your friend at the club" "No your the guy from that diner. You were with those people in the weird comic con costumes." I say pointing my finger at him. "Oh your that girl sorry but you looked like you had it ruff that day." He says. I laugh a little "Yeah I had declined a job for an asshole who thinks sexualizing woman and there bodies is good for the business" I say rolling my eyes.

"Wow really. If you don't mind me asking where did you apply at and what for." He asked surprised at what I said. "It was for this guy Michael Anderson I don't know if you know him but I wanted to become his assistant but he's a jerk." I say with while rolling my eyes once again. " Oh him, I guess you can say I know him." He replied. He looks upset."You know we have been talking for a while and we don't know each others names. Hi i'm Y/n Y/l/n nice to meet you." I say with a smile and holding my hand out for the man to shake it. " Tony stark and pleasure is all mine" he replies while shaking my hand. "Wait Tony stark as in richest man in New York Tony stark?" I ask already knowing the answer. "Yep in the flesh" he replies with a smirk. "Oh my gosh just wait until Lily finds out she is going to freak." I scream out. "Wait where is she and where am I this doesn't look nor sound like a normal hospital." I say looking around confused. I get that i'm late to realize this but he seemed so welcoming and kind. "Don't worry she's fine and your in the Avengers compound aka Stark tower. Your in our medical center and your friend is safe and sound she is in one of the spare rooms."

"Ok so she's fine." I say revealed that she's not with some stranger I mean technically she probably is with one of the avengers. I'm pretty sure she begged one of them to cuddle with her she always needs cuddles after a night out. It was her routine she would try and get me to come with her but I always decline so I can record her asking (begging) for cuddles. We are both very cuddly girls. I just don't show it very much. Let's just say I've had a ruff life. " I should probably go and see her she likes to have cuddles after a long night of drinking." I say in a worried tone pushing myself up to get off the bed. "Don't worry she got Thor to cuddle with her he seems to have taken a liking to your best friend." he says with a chuckle. "Yeah she does that, hey you wouldn't happen to be hiring are you". "Yeah I am why do think I've been on my phone you have a very good resume. " He says while looking down at his phone. "Wait how did you-" "I asked my AI system to look up your resume" he cut me off before I could finish. " I mean I'm only qualified to be an assistant i'm pretty sure you have an assistant already." "Actually I don't I fired her but also didn't really." "What i'm confused what do you mean kinda." "She was my assistant I made her co owner of Stark industries, then we started dating." He looked down at his lap. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. "If you don't want to talk about it we don't have to." I say giving him a reassuring smile when he looks up at me.

"It's fine I need to talk about it it's been two weeks any way." He takes a deep breath. "She cheated on me and guess who with." "Who" I ask. I think I have a good idea on who it is. "Michael Anderson." he says with an annoyed smirk. "Hey it's ok i'm sure she'll realize she made a huge mistake." I say with a reassuring smile. He look up at me and into my eyes. "Thank you" is all he says."Why did you wake me up though might I ask." "You have a concussion" he says with a slightly serious face. "You could have waken me up and went to bed all I really would have need would be a sketch book." "Well you shouldn't have to be the only one awake and I never go to sleep anyways." I giggle at his reply. "Wait what did you need a sketch book for?" "I like to sketch up new designs for my clothing line." "You have a clothing line?" He says with a smile "Not really I haven't sold anything yet no stores will take my designs." "Why not?" "They say they aren't today's style. But that's what I have Lily for she wears my designs when ever she can." "Why don't you open your own shop." "I need to save up money but that's the plan." "Do you make clothes for men." "Not yet I need a male mannequin or a male model." I hope he gets the hint. "Sure i'll be your model if that's what your hinting at but under one condition." "And what condition is that stark." I say lean forward resting my elbows on my thighs.

"You hot stuff have to work for me as my new assistant." he says with a huge smirk plastered on his face. "Ok we have a deal." I say with with a smirk back. "Oh and don't call me hot stuff" "I think it's going to stay" he says with a smile. I roll my eyes.

8:00 am you and Tony have been up talking the whole time

"Mr.Stark Captain Rodgers would like to see you should I send him down here to the Medbay." "Yes thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y" "Your welcome sir" " Did the ceiling just talk?" "Yes it did" he says nodding with a smirk. "Couldn't she be your assistant?" I raise an eyebrow with my question. "Yes but someone has to tell her to my schedule to remind me." Just as he said that a man walked in. He had on jogging pants and a very tight t-shirt. Let's just say he was fine as hell but most men like him are jerks. "Good morning you two" " Ok what could  you possibly want or need Capsicle" "Capsicle?" "That's my thing nicknames" "Really Stark, anyways Hi I'm Steve Rogers pleasure to meet you." He holds out his hand to shake mine and I oblige."Y/n Y/l/n nice to meet you as well." I've never been treated with such respect from a man since I met these two. Wow now my expectations are really high. "So Stark what did the cops respond to the problem at hand or do we have to deal with it ourselves." He crossed his arms with a very serious look on his face.

"You do know I can hear you " "Sorry." " It's ok Steve it's not my first Rodeo with this type of situation it always ends the same way he gets a slap on the wrist I get suggested to got to therapy to "cope" with the pain." "Wait you've been through this before?!" They both ask at the same time. "Yeah let's just say I've had a ruff past but I don't like to talk about it I'll do a police report but I know the whole routine they are going to try and blame me for it. They always do." "Ok so we are handling this ourselves then right Stark" Steve nods at Tony. "I already have his address." "This is something we can handle ourselves right Cap." Tony says as he walks to this random platform in the room. Then these robot arms come in with pieces of red and gold metal. They attach it to Tony and then they put on what I'm guessing is the helmet.

"Now I get to meet Ironman" " But you have met Ironman" Tony said the helmet opening up to show his confused face technically the suit is Ironman you are just the guy who moves the parts." I say with a smirk. He knows I'm messing with him. "Ok love birds Stark we need to go if we are going to do this." Steve somehow left the room with out us knowing and put his suit on. Do they really have to suit up. "Ow" "What's wrong!?" Tony ask with a worried face. "I have a huge headache I hadn't realized it you kept me distracted Tony" "Oh don't scare me like that I thought we missed something." "No you didn't I feel fine just a huge headache" "That should go away in a little while but I could have Bruce get you some pain killers for it." "No it's fine I've been in worse pain." "Stark let's go" Steve yells from down the hall. Tony gets up and walks out the door with a quick goodbye. "Ms.l/n Mr.Stark would like me to inform you that you will be starting work as his assistant as soon as you get the all clear from Dr.Banner." "Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y" "Your welcome Ms.l/n would you like me to inform you on how I can assist you in your job of working with Mr.Stark" "Yes please" "In your job of working with Mr.Stark you will have to log in any and all of Mr.Starks plans into my computer system while also keeping a paper copy for yourself. Mr.Stark needs two different reminders of what is on his schedule. I will tell him his schedule of the day as soon as he wakes up and you will inform him though out the day. He hates being told all at once. Most of the time you will find Mr.Stark in his Lab but the building is fairly large, he also wanders around admiring his success. You will have to meet Mr.Stark at his at home Mansion here in New York though most of the time he stays here in the Stark tower. Mr.Stark might also be in one of his many other homes. He mostly visits his home in Miami.Either way you must at all times be with Mr.Stark. Mr.Stark does like to have space so I'd advise you do your own until Mr.Stark ask for you." "So basically he is a big smart baby who needs to be babysat." "Yes pretty much Ms.l/n" "Oh and F.R.I.D.A.Y please call me Y/n" "Mr.Stark hasn't programed me to follow your every command all you can ask me to do is call Anyone of the Avengers and you best friend Lily Woods." "Ok well can you tell me who's awake." "Well Ms.Romanoff, Sargent Barnes and Dr.Banner are the only ones awake in the building at the moment." "Well can you pls ask Dr.Banner to come down for me please." "Also Ms.l/n Mr.Stark has asked me to do routine check ups on you with the help of Dr.Banner until further notice and will not be aloud to stops these checks." "Thank you for informing me F.R.I.D.A.Y"

Banner comes downstairs to check up on you

"Hi I'm Bruce banner nice to meet you." He walks over to you shaking your hand. "Y/n l/n nice to meet you Mr.Banner" "I take it Tony told you about your concussion." "Yes he did I have headache he said you could give me a pain killers for it." "Yeah I'll get those for you now." He goes to one of the cabinets and pulls out a bottle of pills he puts one in his hand. He walks over to the minfridge in the corner of the room and pulled out a water bottle. "Here you go" He says handing me the pill and bottle. I take the pill and it almost instantly works. "Wow this works fast." "Yeah it was a pill me and Tony invented to help the team after missions for some reason out everything we have we don't have enough ice baths for everyone." "Cool" I mean that is completely understandable. "Tony told me before he left that he hired you to be his new assistant."

""Yeah he did"
"Well that's cool you are the first girl Tony has ever brought back from the club in two years." "Wow that's show long him and the other girls lasted" "Who pepper oh he's know her for ten years but they dated for two then I'm pretty sure you know about what happened between them if your asking" " Yeah he told me." " Ok well you should be pretty much all done here you haven't been up the full twenty-four hours so you have to be up until 3:26 am. Do you need anything before I go" " Nothing F.R.I.D.A.Y can't help me with." "Ok I guess I'll see you around." "Yep but Bruce. F.R.I.D.A.Y is Lily awake" "Yes miss Wood is going over how she got here last night with Thor. Would you like me to assist her she seem to be showing high levels of excitement and nervousness." "No she should be fine that's a normal thing when she thinks she going to meet an Avenger or is meeting one. But can you ask her if she will come down here and keep her friend company" "As you wish miss l/n."

Lily pov

"Miss Woods miss l/n would like to see you in the Medical Bay she says can you come down and give your friend company" "Did the ceiling just talk to me." I say really confused. "Yes that is F.R.I.D.A.Y Starks AI system I think that is what he calls it" Thor deep voice said pretty close to my ear I didn't realize it but as we were talking I moved closer and closer to him. "Oh well I guess my friend wants to see me how do you get to the Medbay" "I'll take you. Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y for informing us" "Very well Thor" Thor and I get up and walk out the door He leads me down a very long hallway to an elevator. I guess he didn't realize it but he grab my hand helping me out the high bed and hasn't let it go I mean I'm not complaining. I still laugh at the fact that Y/n and I are really short I mean I'm an inch taller then her but compared to the Avenger men we are a lot shorter then I thought or are they a lot taller. When we got into the elevator he looked down and saw he still had my hand in his. He must gotten embarrassed because he let go and looked up and away from me. " You were fine holding my hand no need to be embarrassed I mean I did a lot of questionable things last night that you must've saw if anything I should be the one who's embarrassed." "No you are fun to be around sober or drunk." I giggle at his comment. As the doors Open. We walk down another long hallway. I looked to my right and I see a big room with a bunch of lab supplies on tables. I see a man in there working at one of the tables. He looks up and smiles at me. I smile back in return.We get to some doors and when I turn the corner I see my best friend.

Y/n pov

"Well hello there" I say to my very clearly hungover friend. "Hey you ok"she responds. "I'm good but do you mind introducing me to your friend here" "Well this is Thor but obviously you wouldn't know." She says rolling her eyes. "Nice to meet you I hope you will be healed quickly"He says with a smile. "Thank you Thor." I smile back "Now I need to find Captain and Stark." His voice is so deep. From the looks of it they would make a cute couple."They are out getting the guy that did this to me." " Oh I wish I was with them,I feel that it is horrible what happened to you if we were on Asgard he would have been punished with death. We are raised to treat women with the upmost respect." He says you can see the anger in his face."Well thank you for the thought." "Well I shall leave you ladies to talk about whatever earth women talk about."he says as he turns towards the door. "Oh and it was nice talking to you Lady Lily" he says slightly bowing his head at her. All she does is smile. I can tell she likes him alot. "Soooooo what happened last night between you and Thor." " Well nothing much he told me I begged him for cuddles and cried when he said he didn't want to be disrespectful." "That is something drunk you would do" " He also said that I partially sobered up but then let go of the soberness when I saw you were in good hands." "Well I see care for me alot." "Hey" we chuckle. "So anyone here catch your eye." She nudges me with her elbow. "No now is not the time for you to play match maker" I push her hand away. "Oh come on I know you are already planning my wedding with Thor I saw it in your eyes." She says pointing her finger in my face. "Fine I guess you can say Steve caught my eye."I push her hand out my face. "Oh My God yes you guys would be so cute. The only thing off is he is like ninety three but before he went in the ice he was 22 so if i'm doing the math correctly he is twenty seven technically he is ninety three-" "Ok ok your going  make me change my mind." I love messing with her when it comes to finding me a guy or girl. Yes I'm bisexual not a big deal. At least I don't think it is. "Ok ok i'll leave it only but what is it you like about him"  "Oh, did I did I tell you I got a job as Tony Stark's assistant" I say with a smile knowing I just avoided her question. "Cool but you just avoided my question" she raised an eyebrow at me. " Fine" I roll my eyes. " I like how kind and respectful he is, and his eyes I could stare into them forever he doesn't  have say anything and I mean he is fine as fuck." " Wow you like him a lot" "Yeah I mean he is sweet and gentleman like but don't go bothering him and getting him to ask me out." I give her a stern look. "Ok ok I won't" she puts her hands up in defiance. "Don't do the same to Thor" We spend the rest of the morning talking and gossiping.

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