Unrevealed II | The Penthouse

By Lunaa_staar

16.9K 625 47

Jo Arden's adventure hasn't stopped yet. Follow her adventure as she pushes herself to win the Cheong Ah Arts... More

Jo Arden
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

1.3K 41 1
By Lunaa_staar

(I changed some things around in this chapter. Enjoy)

Seokhoon ran as fast as he could to the hospital his girlfriend was at. He pressed the floor to where she was and got out the elevator when it ding.

He grabbed the handle to her room door and opened it. Arden turned towards the door opening and saw Seokhoon behind it.

In a quick second, he engulfed her into a tight hug and she returned it.

"What happened? Where'd you go? Who took you?" He asked as tears were starting to fall down his face.

"It's a long story that you probably want to sit down" she answered as she pointed towards a chair in her room.

- • -

Arden finished telling Seokhoon the story on what happened the night she disappeared. He was angry to know that his father was involved, but was surprised to know that Mr.Jo was her father all along.

"You should call him or Haein! They'll be excited that you're found" he said as he pulled out his phone, but Arden lightly pushed it away from her.

"You know how your dad is close with mines. If he founds out I escaped, I won't feel safe in Hera Palace" she answered. "So it's best that I'm a secret."

"You have to at least tell Haein" he said as he grabbed her hand and then reaching into his coat pocket. "Here."

It was the necklace that was taken off of her. She thought Maid Mi would've taken it just in case, but looks like she wasn't so smart in picking it up.

"What a coincidence" a nurse said as she entered the room. "There's a girl your age that's in a room down the hall from you."

"Is her name perhaps Bae Rona?" Arden asked hopeful that her friend was somehow alive.

"Yes" the nurse answered. "She's considered lucky that she's alive."

Seokhoon and Arden looked at each other in shock and back at the nurse. "Can we visit her?"

"Of course! And you need to walk around" the nurse said as she sat down some things and walked out Arden's room.

Seokhoon helped Arden up from her bed and put the door to Roma's room. The two made it to her door and opened it.

The room revealed Rona sitting up at her bed and then moving her head to look at the two. "Arden? Seokhoon?"

"Rona! We thought you were dead! What happened that night?" Arden asked surprised as Seokhoon helped her get a chair.

"The person who did this to me was Joo Dantae" she answered and Seokhoon was shocked at the answer.

"Looks like your not the only one Joo Dantae has done something to" Arden said and Rona turned towards her.

"What did he do to you?"

"He made a plan with Mr.Jang and my mom to get the things that my grandfather is leaving for me" she answered. "The most shocking thing is that they lied about Jo Suho not being my father."

"Mr.Jo is actually your father?" Rona asked.

"Yes" she answered. "Enough about me. Who helped you when all of us thought you were dead?"

Just then the door opened and revealed a woman with short hair, but looked exactly like Shim Suryeon.

"Mom....?" Seokhoon asked surprised as he walked towards the woman and gave her a hug.

Arden smiled at the sweet moment between the two. She hoped when she finally sees her father, that they will have a genuine moment just like this.

- • -

Jo Suho took off her medical jacket after visiting all his patients. His muscles ache and was glad that his shift was ending in 3 hours.

He looked at the picture frame of Arden that was on his desk. He smiled sadly at it. He hoped that she is found very soon.

He heard a knock on his door and saw how a man with black clothing and black mask on his face entering the room with a document folder in his hands.

"Who are you?" Mr.Jo asked as he stared at the man suspiciously.

The man didn't say anything but sat down the documents and left out his office, ignoring Mr.Jo's calls.

Mr.Jo sighed and opened up the document photos. The papers immediately caught his eye and a handwritten note was also inside. The note read.

Your ex wife is lying to you! You shouldn't trust the men you call your good friend either!

And he saw a DNA test paper and read it. He dropped the paper in shocked, he figured out Arden was his daughter.

But the question is constantly in his head now. Why would Lim Inhye need to lie?

- • -

"There's a plan going on" Seokhoon said. "With my mom and someone else."

"There is? What is it about?" Arden asked.

"To finally get my father is trouble" he answered. "My mom said you can be involved, only if you feel healthy enough."

To get Joo Dantae in trouble. It sounded like music in Arden's ears. "I'm in."

They both snuck into Rona's room while she was sleeping and managed to get her bed out of her room and to the front of the hospital.

There was a man standing outside a white car and watched as they both rolled Rona towards him. She recognized him as Logan Lee.

"It's been awhile since we've seen each other Seokhoon" Logan said and turned towards Arden. "You too."

Seokhoon carefully placed Rona in the back of the car and stepped away when she was safely inside.

"Thank you two, but I got it from here" he said.

"Let us come with you. We really can't trust adults" Seokhoon said and Logan nodded while the both of them for inside the car.

They drove off to the cottage and when they arrived. Seokhoon helped get Rona out the car and Arden followed both him and Logan.

Once she got inside, she was surprised. It wasn't the woman she met at the hospital, it was Shim Suryeon.


(Clarification: just in case if some of you guys are confused. When Seokhoon told Arden it was his mother, she thought it was Na Aegyo helping, not Shim Suryeon.)

- • -

"Any luck?" Mr.Jo asked as he walked inside his home.

"No, the police told us that it gets harder to find a missing person as the days go on and on" Jisoo sighed as she placed some dishes on the table.

"Dinner is ready. Go wash up and I'll tell the girls" she said and Mr.Jo nodded, walking towards Hyunjoo's and Haein's room.

Dinner was quiet, except the clatter of their utensils hitting their bowls and plates. Then, there was a knock on the door and Jisoo stood up to answer, when she opened the door, two policemen entered the room. "Jo Suho, you're under arrest."

Mr.Jo widened his eyes as one policemen put handcuffs around his wrist. Haein felt tears stinging in her eyes and ran towards the two men. "w-why is my father under arrest?!"

"It's not your business as a child to know this" he said as they began to walk Mr.Jo out of thier house.

"Why is my husband under arrest?! Tell Me!" Jisoo said as she followed the two policemen outside.

"Do you know why he's possibly being arrested?" Hyunjoo asked as she approached Haein.

"I don't know! I seriously don't know. First Arden, now my dad. I barely have anyone left" she said as her voice cracked.

"It's okay, Haein. Everything will be ok."

- • -

Arden was now in basement laying beside Rona, as Ms.Shim pretended to be hurt. When Arden first saw Ms.Shim again, she was very shocked at first and then learned what she needed her help with.

"Arden, I'm glad you're helping. I knew Seokhoon chose the right one" Ms.Shim said with a smile and then her eyes fell on Arden's necklace. "I remember I told Seokhoon to give that to you and it's touching that you still wore it."

"It was pretty hard wearing it when word got around that you had passed" Arden answered as she fiddled with the necklace.

They then heard ruffling beside them and turned to see Rona waking up. "Ms.Shim? Arden? What are we doing here?"

"It's a lot to explain, but you two can help me."

Arden was laid down on the same mattress as Rona. Ms.Shim told her to act hurt along with Rona, until the proper people arrived.

She heard people fumbling with stuff upstairs indicating that people were inside the house. The door the the basement was being fiddled with and Arden's heart began to beat rapidly.

Suddenly the door opened and police officers came inside the basement.

"Please don't hurt me! Please!" Ms.Shim pleaded. "There's also two young girls over there as well!"

"Ma'am calm down. Everything is fine" the police officer said and started to motion towards his other officers. "Call an ambulance as well."

Now Arden was transported towards another hospital. Once she was settled in, Seokhoon came inside, along with some others.

"You're Jo Arden right? The teen that went missing a couple of days ago? Who did this to you?" The reporter asked as he held his notebook.

"Joo Dantae" she answered shortly as he wrote into his notebook.

Arden felt Seokhoon place his hand over hers, squeezing it lovingly. She just hope to put Joo Dantae behind bars for a very long time.

- • -

Arden was now in Seokhoon's room after being discharged from the hospital a day later. All she had were the pajamas the hospital gave her when she was found.

She heard a knock and Seokhoon came inside his room with a couple pair of clothes folded. "Luckily since you Seokkyung are the same size. I picked out some clothes for you."

"Thank you, Seokhoon" she said with a smile as he nodded and walked out the room to give her privacy to change.

Once she felt refreshed in some new clothing, she walked out the room and Seokhoon was waiting outside the door.

"Seokhoon! What happened to my clo-" Seokkyung said walked towards Seokhoon's room and stopping in her tracks when she caught sight of her best friend. "A-Arden?!"

Before Arden could process what has happened, she was engulfed into a hug by Seokkyung. "Where'd you go? Who took you! Was your crazy mother?!"

She felt hot tears on her shoulder and returned the hug. "It's a long story, but for right now I'm glad I'm back."

"Have you been home yet?" She asked and Arden shook her head. "You have to go! Haein has been so worried for you."

"I was just about take her" Seokhoon said as he grabbed her hand. "Let's go."

The two walked out the penthouse and pressed the floor to where Arden's house was located. Once the walked out the elevator, Arden started to feel nervous, but Seokhoon squeezed her hand reassuringly.

He rung the doorbell and it took awhile, but the door opened.

"Seokhoon, what are you doing here?" Jisoo asked. Seokhoon moved out the way and revealed Arden right behind him. "Oh my gosh."

Arden engulfed Jisoo into a hug, tightly. "I'm home."

Jisoo returned to hug and smiled. "I'm glad you're safe."

Haein and Hyunjoo came into the view after hearing the commotion and saw Jisoo hugging Arden.

"Arden!" Haein said giving her a big hug and started to tear up. "Don't scare us like that again! Please!"

"Don't worry I won't" Arden said as she added Hyunjoo in the hug. Seokhoon smiled at the moment and Arden pulled away from them. "Where's dad?"

2 Months Later

That moment when Arden finally reunited with her family. She learned that her dad was arrested the night before. Her mother was also arrested the same night as well. She wished she could've hugged him, because she knew both of them needed it.

It was now the court date. Mr.Jo and the other Hera Club members were being charged on many things, and even Min Seola's murder.

She walked into the courtroom and sat by Rona, while her family sat behind her. The beginning of the trail went by slow, Arden felt a pair of eyes glaring at her and she looked up and saw Joo Dantae glaring at her, along with her mother.

She felt herself trembling and she started having shortness of breath and feeling sweaty. Rona noticed the girl and turned towards her. "Are you okay?"

Arden shook her head and quickly left out the courtroom before it got worse. She found herself a bench outside the courtroom and sat down, trying to calm herself.

"Arden, are you okay?" Seokhoon asked as he walked towards her. "Rona alerted me about you."

"Oh...yeah I'm fine" she said nervously.

"Hey! Don't let your mother or my father intimidate you. They're going to be lock away for awhile and I'll be here to protect you" he said as he knelt in front of her and held her hands.

"Thank you" she said a small smile. "I feel guilty that my dad is being charged with the murder of Min Seola. I don't want to believe it and I still feel extremely guilty for the way I treated her when she was still alive. I could've been the friend she needed during that time."

"Hey, hey. You're just feeling remorse for what you did and our parents thought we pushed Min Seola down and tried to cover for us" he explained as he now sat besides her. "Let's sit out here for awhile until you're comfortable going back in there."

The two sat in comfortable silence for awhile, until they both decided to go back in there. And when they went in there, it was sentencing time.

"Jo Suho, you're sentenced 2 years in prison."

Two years would feel long without her father. She really didn't care what sentence her mother got, she's done bad things to Arden ever since she turned 11.

Once the trail was over, Haein and Arden chased their father to the bus where they were going to export the others to jail.

"Dad!" She said as she put her hands up to the window. "I'll wait for you! I promise!"

Mr.Jo felt tears inside of his eyes and put his hand up against the window. He smiled at his two daughters.

Reporters quickly crowded the bus and they managed to get out the crowd without getting hurt. It was going to feel empty in the Jo household.

- • -

Seokhoon and Arden helped Rona unpack her things, and dragged Seokkyung along to help.

"We came here to help and Seokkyung wanted to come along" Seokhoon said and Seokkyung stopped and shook her head silently, knowing that they dragged her there and then Rona turned around.

Seokkyung cleared her throat. "Did you hear about Eunbyeol? She ran off and no one has heard from her."

Before Rona could say something, they heard banging from outside her front door and the four of them went to investigate.

They walked outside and saw Minhyuk and Jenny throwing things at her front door.

"What are you two doing?!" Seokkyung yelled as she glared at the two.

"Why are you hanging with her? She's responsible for our parents being in jail!" Minhyuk said angrily.

Arden rolled her eyes. "Do you hear how ridiculous you sound, Lee Minhyuk? Rona didn't tell our parents to seal up Seola's murder or those other things. It was all them."

"Yoo Jenny" Rona said as she walked towards her friend, but Jenny glared at her.

"Don't come close to me! When my father comes back you will pay" she said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Along with my grandfather" Minhyuk said and then Seokkyung pushed him towards the wall.

Arden couldn't hear what she said, but it sounded like something serious by the look of Minhyuk's face.

"Seokhoon, Arden come on. We all promised our mothers that we'll be home when we finished helping Rona" Seokkyung said, exaggerating the word mother just to make Minhyuk and Jenny feel bad.

"Rona" Arden said. "If you need help cleaning that up. Call me."

Arden got off on her floor and said goodbye to the twins before walking into her home. She took off her shoes and walked into the kitchen.

"Perfect timing. Lunch is ready" Jisoo said with a smile and Arden sat down.

She knew things were going to feel weird without her father being around for a couple of years, but she knew she had to prepare for the big audition coming up.

The Seoul National University Audition.

- • -

Unrevealed II is now finished and into Unrevealed III.

I had major writers block when writing the chapter, but I pushed through it and managed to finish it. I'm sorry for anyone who waited this long.

I'm excited to finally start book three and I already have some things plan, so the first chapter won't be a Jo Arden chapter, it'll go straight into chapter 1 to avoid some spoilers in the end.

Bye! <3

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