Chapter 6

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Arden didn't know how to feel about Rona's death. She never felt the feeling of losing a friend, so she's been occupying herself in her school work. She felt a knock at her door and saw her dad peeking through.

"Your mother wants to meet you for dinner in a few days" Mr.Jo said with an apologetic smile. "I tried to talk her out of it, but she won't do it. So try to hang in there."

"I will" she said sending him a smile and then going back to her work.

"Also Seokkyung is here" he added before leaving her room.

Arden heard someone walk in her room and sit on her bed, she turned to see Seokkyung. "Hey Seokkyung."

"I haven't talked to you in days and all I heard that you were too busy engrossed in your school work" she said.

"Sorry about that" Arden answered as she turned her chair to face Seokkyung. "I just really want to go to SNU."

"Don't worry about that! I will do anything for us to live our dream of going to SNU together" Seokkyung said and then took a deep breath.

"Do you really want to know who killed Rona?" Seokkyung asked. "Ha Eunbyeol."

"Why would it be Eunbyeol?" Arden asked as she thought about it. Eunbyeol did disappear around the same time Rona did. But it could be a coincidence.

"Rona took some of the things she wanted like the Grand Prize and her father" Seokkyung answered. "I'm surprised you're not next Arden. I mean she still likes Seokhoon."

"Don't joke like that Seokkyung" Arden said as she took a deep breath and then stood up from her chair. "I need some fresh air."

Arden grabbed her jacket and began to walk out her room, with Seokkyung following behind her. "Wait up! I know a good place we can go to!"

- • -

"Hey Rona" Arden said as she sat near the grave. "I hope you're doing well. We have to study for exams at school now."

She stared down at the grave and opened her backpack to reveal a flower. She placed the flower on Rona's grave.

"I wonder what happened that night. I wonder if Eunbyeol was the one who did it to you. But I will figure it out myself" she said as she stared at the grave.

- • -

"You didn't come home right after school. Where'd you go?" Ms.Lim asked as she stared at her daughter across the table.

"I went to visit a friend" Arden answered as she stared down at her plate.

"Was it that girl Rona? She's dead and you accept that she's dead" Ms.Lim said and Arden tightened her grip on her silverware. "I'm more disappointed that you let her win the Grand Prize over you! Now you have to work extra hard to get into SNU!"

"Seokkyung got the principal recommendation for SNU, since Rona's dead" Arden answered as she took a bite out of her food.

"Maybe I can try to pay off the principal into letting Arden get it. Would you like that Inhye?" Mr.Jang asked as he turned to Ms.Lim.

"Of course!" She said.

"Don't interfere with my life. I'm doing fine without anyone paying for me to get ahead" Arden spoke out. "I'm also considering to go abroad for college as well if SNU doesn't work out."

"You're really going abroad?! You already messed up since you didn't win the Grand Prize!" Ms.Lim said.

"At least I won something at the festival! So you even think to consider why I'm thinking of going abroad to study? It's because of you pushing me and adding stress onto me. All because you couldn't live your life as a classical singer" Arden said as she stood up abruptly staring at the two.

"Don't talk to me or your mother like that!" Mr.Jang said as he stood up abruptly as well, holding up his hand.

"I never even knew you until two years ago, so we're technically strangers! I don't want to see or speak to you guys again! Erase my from your contacts and never approach me if you see me in public again!" She said as she grabbed her coat and stormed out the house.

Arden took a taxi back to Hera Palace, she didn't want to remember this night and hopefully this will be the last time she will see those two again.

- • -

It's been a few days since that dinner with her mother and she luckily hasn't heard from them. She was scrolling through her computer, but she felt like she was being watched behind the crack of her door. She sighed and heard her phone go off beside her.

From Seokhoon<3:
Can you meet me by the river?

To Seokhoon<3:
Sure. What for?

Seokhoon didn't answer back, which felt weird to Arden but didn't want to question it. She grabbed her coat and put it on and walked out to the living room.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo asked.

"Seokhoon wanted to meet by the river, so I'm going there" she answered. "Where's Maid Mi?"

"She went home for tonight" she answered "Well don't be out too late and when you get back, can you hang your uniform up in the living room so I can steam it in the morning?"

"I will" she answered as she walked out the door and towards the elevator.

After taking a nice walk, she made it to the river and looked around for Seokhoon.

"Where is he? He told me to meet him here" she said to herself as she looked around and put her hands in her coat pocket.

She sat down on the bench, watching the lights reflect off the river and then she felt a cloth behind put on her face. She tried to fight back the person, but they were obviously stronger than her.

She soon fainted and the person threw her over their back and smirked. "The plan is going good so far."

- • -

Who do you think is involved?

I also gave a hint on what Seokkyung is going to do for Arden in book 3 for SNU. Even thought I don't write that many scenes with Seokkyung and Arden, they're very close.

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