Clementine x Fem!Reader | TWDG

By _ahoythereladies_

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After coming to Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth, you were faced with the apocalypse. After aroun... More

𑁍Y/n and Clementine's Playlist𑁍
Prologue | "New girl, right?"
Done Running (Part 1) | "Meet...Swade!"
Done Running (Part 2) | "There's survivors."
Done Running (Part 3) | "We have injured!"
Done Running (Part 4) | "Badass?"
Done Running (Part 5) | "I'm right here."
Done Running (Part 6) | "No matter what?"
Done Running (Part 7) | "Use your manners."
Done Running (Part 8) | "It's not a real thing!"
Done Running (Part 9) | "Why thank you, love."
Done Running (Part 10) | "Tangerine."
Done Running (Part 11) | "Look who has an ego now."
Done Running (Part 12) | "He is a *historian*."
Done Running (Part 13) | "The oldest game around."
Done Running (Part 14) | "You made your masterpiece."
Done Running (Part 15) | "That's the safe zone."
Done Running (Part 16) | "There is no kissing to tell of."
Done Running (Part 17) | "Break a leg."
Done Running (Part 18) | "What the fuck does that mean, Brody?"
Done Running (Part 19) | "Y/n, you're a fucking traitor."
Suffer The Children (Part 1) | "A match made in heaven."
Suffer The Children (Part 2) | "Our own little way of leaving this nightmare."
Suffer The Children (Part 3) | "Maybe."
Suffer The Children (Part 4) | "You're not my type."
Suffer The Children (Part 5) | "A very dysfunctional family."
Suffer The Children (Part 6) | "See. Pyromaniac."
Suffer The Children (Part 7) | "The most legitimate of dares."
Suffer The Children (Part 8) | "We didn't finish the game..."
Suffer The Children (Part 9) | "That's my girlfriend, you dickhead!"
Broken Toys (Part 1) | "He's gonna turn..."
Broken Toys (Part 2) | "Minerva?"
Broken Toys (Part 3) | "It seemed like the world stopped."
Broken Toys (Part 5) | "Hey, sweet pea."
Broken Toys (Part 6) | "It's happening."
Broken Toys (Part 7) | "Don't fucking point that at him!"
Broken Toys (Part 8) | "Bang."
Broken Toys (Part 9) | "You remind me of someone I used to know."
Take Us Back (Part 1) | "You ruined everything!"
Take Us Back (Part 2) | "I need you to trust me."
Take Us Back (Part 3) | "Texas Two."
Take Us Back (Part 4) | "The night will be over soon."
Take Us Back (Part 5) | "You have to kill me."
Take Us Back (Part 6) | "Their kind of happy ending."

Broken Toys (Part 4) | "You are the life of the party."

1.7K 63 47
By _ahoythereladies_

TW: mentions of suicide

I left Clem and AJ at the school gates, telling them I needed to go get something and I’d meet them in their room. I rushed to my own dorm, bringing out a stereo that I had found in some trash by the greenhouse. I had managed to fix it up and had put a cd in it. It had a bunch of slow songs on it and they were a bit romantic, but I thought maybe me and Clem could hang out and listen to it. I picked it up and headed to their room, but as soon as I got to their door, AJ came rushing out with his gun.

Y/n: Uh, hey, little dude.

AJ: Hey, Y/n/n. I’m gonna patrol!

Y/n: So, not lookout?

AJ: No. I’m walking.

I nodded and walked into the room, closing the door behind me.

Y/n: Hey, beautiful.

Clementine looked up from the dresser, blushing at my nickname. 

Clementine: Hey, you.

Y/n: So… I thought we could talk…

Clementine: Okay…

I put the stereo down next to her and sat down on the bed, she followed, sitting beside me.

Clementine: Why do you have a stereo?

Y/n: That’s for later. But I thought we could talk about something before. Uh, Minnie…

Clementine: Shit. Yeah. How are you holding up?

Y/n: Good, good. It’s just, kind of, a scare. Seeing her… after so long of thinking she was dead. And now, she doesn’t even want to come home. She’s too far into the delta and the thought that we can’t save her from it… I just don't know what’s going to happen. Not just for me. For Tenn, too. I mean, he’s her brother and she seems to care, but not like she used to. 

The girl grabbed my hand, giving me a reassuring smile.

Clementine: You know, we’re all going to be fine, right? Even Minnie, if that’s what you want.

Y/n: That’s the problem… I don’t know if I want her to come back. I feel horrible for saying that, but she’s different. She’s not the same as when she left. I don’t know if she’ll ever go back to the person I knew. But this Minnie, the one who’s in the Delta, is not the Minnie who used to want to make a band with Louis and Marlon, or asked Violet out by singing to her. She’s not the Minnie that loved her brother and sister. 

Clementine: I get it. Seriously, I do. It doesn’t make you a horrible person to think that. You’re just looking out for everyone in the school, you’re being you. The person who would do anything to save their friends from child-snatching assholes that want them to fight in a war. The person who I fell in love with.

She gave me a smile and I leaned my forehead against her’s.

Y/n: I love you, too.

Clementine: So, now can you tell me what that stereo is for?

I blushed and got up, pressing play on the stereo and a song began to play out as I held a hand out.

Y/n: May I have this dance?

She chuckled, raising her eyebrows and placing her hand in my own.

Clementine: Of course.

I put my hands on her hips as she entwined her own hands around my neck. We swayed to the music as both of us didn’t seem to know how to actually dance, but it was fun either way. I leaned forward and pressed our lips together and we both smiled.

Clementine: This is perfect.

Y/n: Our first date?

Clementine: Our first date.

The song finished and I leaned back and held on to her hand, giving it a kiss.

Y/n: Thank you for that dance.

Clementine: You are most welcome.

The door sprung open and AJ ran in, throwing a beach ball at Clem and she quickly caught it. She started laughing.

Clementine: Wow, where did you find a beach ball?

AJ: It was in some garbage behind one of the dorms. I had to blow it up, and… that was pretty gross, but look! It works!

I chuckled at AJ and then gave them both a wave.

Y/n: Well, I best be off. Should go help Ruby with this supposed party.

Clementine: Okay, I love you!

Y/n: Love you, too!

I closed the door and heard AJ through the wood.

AJ: Ew. Love.

I laughed to myself and got to the music room, where they were all setting up the party and I stood around a bit, helping set up and then Clementine and AJ walked in. I started to help with the record player with Violet, while Tenn was setting up different coloured jars of candles.

Clementine: It looks like things are coming together.

She handed her heater to Ruby and came to stand near me and Vi.

Ruby: We still need to figure out lighting, music, and… something to write on that banner.

Clementine: If we’re gonna die, we should have some fun first.

Y/n: You are the life of the party.

I said this sarcastically and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She gave me an amused look and then looked down to AJ.

AJ: Music? But Louis isn’t here.

Violet: See that?

She pointed to the record player.

Y/n: It’s Louis in a box.

AJ: He’s in the box. Why aren’t we letting him out?

Y/n: No, no. Not actually in the box. It makes the same sounds that Louis could make on the piano.

Violet: C’mon. We’ll both show you how it works.

Ruby: Pulled out the old headmaster’s gramophone so we could play some records. Not much of a selection, but it should do. Just tell me what you wanna listen to.

Clementine: Um, maybe something country?

Ruby: That’s my favourite.

Violet: Shocker.

Y/n: Yee-haw!

I turned back to Violet and AJ as they both watched the gramophone.

Violet: So, you take one of those black things that look like plates, and put it on here.

AJ: And then it plays music?

Y/n: Yeah. Now just turn the crank on the side.

AJ: That’s really cool.

As the country music came on we all walked over to the candle jars that Tenn had put down.

Ruby: Wouldn’t be a party without some kind of mood lighting. I’ve been going back and forth between colors for ages. Green’s calming, but purple might be nice… Room gets natural moonlight, so something to complement that, maybe?

Clementine: Let’s use green. Y/n’s favourite.

Y/n: Aw. You remembered.

Clementine: Of course. I also remember that you are super afraid of spi--

I put a hand over her mouth.

Y/n: Shh. I don’t want Willy to overhear. You have no idea what that boy will do.

She laughed as I let go of her mouth and we walked over to the plain banner.

Clementine: Are we using the banner for some kind of… party theme?

Ruby: Not exactly. It’s meant to be more motivational. I’d keep it short, though. There’s not as much room as you’d think. I was thinking something uplifting, like, ‘We’re gonna get through this.’ Just… trying to instill some confidence, you know?

Clementine: AJ, why don’t you come up with something.

Ruby: Really?

AJ: I have an idea. It’ll be a surprise. I promise not to swear all over it.

Y/n: Dammnit. I was hoping you would.

Ruby elbowed me in the side and I smiled, unsurely, at her.

Ruby: Okay. We’ll have Tenn break out his paintbrush and write it out.

Once everything was being set up, Ruby turned to me and Clementine.

Ruby: This place is gonna look great. Oh, and Willy was asking for you two. He’s up in the headmaster’s office, said he had a surprise for the party, but he wanted to show it to you two first.

Y/n: Oh, God. He knows about the spiders.

We both made our way upstairs, heading into the office, finding Willy reading some sort of manual and building what looked like a bomb.

Willy: Hey, Clem, Y/n/n! Check it out, I found a bunch of books on ships. There’s some awesome stuff about fires at sea and explosions and stuff. The key is the boiler.

Clementine: Wait, what are you talking about?

Y/n: Yeah, you’re making no sense.

Willy: I have an idea about how to stop these assholes coming back to the school after we’ve rescued the others. And from hurting anyone else ever again. We’re gonna blow up the boat. It’s the only way to make sure they don’t come back. Besides, it feels right. You know… for Mitch.

Clementine: Is it me or is there a bit of a bomb obsession at this school?

Willy: Oh, it’s not you, there totally is. But for good reason!

Y/n: I’m gonna keep repeating it to you. Pyromaniacs!

Willy: Okay, so, the tricky bit is timing the explosion so that it happens AFTER you get off the boat. Trust me. This’ll work. We’ll be okay.

We heard voices from downstairs float up to us.

Ruby: Okay, everyone, get ready to boogie.

The music grows louder and me and Clem start to leave, but Willy stops us.

Willy: And, uh, guys. I’m sorry for before. About how I treated Tenn. I didn’t mean to get so angry. I know it’s not his fault.

Clementine: That’s nice, Willy, but don’t tell us.

Y/n: Yeah, tell Tenn.

He nodded and we all walked into the music room together. The room had been decorated in the green candles, shadowing everything in a green hue. I watched as AJ danced to the music and Tenn petted Rosie in the corner. Me and Clem watched as Willy walked over to him and showed him the bomb. They both sat down and started talking and I looked up to see AJ’s banner that read, ‘SURPRISE, DUMMIES!’

Clementine: Wow, this looks great, Ruby!

Ruby: Couldn’t have done it without you. But just wait until you see what else I’ve got planned. Go ahead and mingle. I’ll let you know when it’s time.

I turned to Clementine.

Y/n: I guess… we should mingle?

Clementine: Mingle, we shall.

Clem and I walked over to Willy and Tenn first, who were sitting down on the floor with the bomb.

Clementine: I see you two are working together.

Tenn: Yeah, Willy asked me to help with his ‘special project’.

Y/n: Good to see you two getting along. How’s it going?

Willy: Good to go, Y/n/n.

Tenn: It’ll work.

Willy: Actually, uh… I was thinking maybe we should name it? Something cool… I mean. I think it deserves a name. All the best bombs have names.

Clementine: Yeah, we absolutely have to name it.

Willy: I thought you’d make fun of me, but… Hell yeah, let’s name this fucker.

Y/n: What about Mitch’s Masterpiece?

Willy: Yeah, I like that.

Ruby: Mitch would’ve too.

Clementine: Okay, then it’s settled.

Ruby climbed up the library ladder, reaching for a box on one of the top shelves as she climbed back down.

Y/n: Uh, Ruby… What are ya doin’?

Ruby: I found them.

She set the box on the floor and sat down.

Ruby: Okay, Clementine, these here are our official Ericson’s psych evaluations and probationary reports.

Y/n: Oh, shit.

Clementine: Okay.

AJ: I don’t get it.

Tenn, Willy and Rosie sat down next to Ruby, surrounding the box.

Ruby: Well, these explain why all of us got sent to this school in the first place.

Violet: And all the bad shit we did that kept them from sending us back home.

Violet sat down and I followed her.

Clementine: So… what’s the game?

She sat down beside me, AJ sitting beside her.

Ruby: I figured if we’re all going on this crazy mission together, you might as well know who we really are.

She pulled out one of the files.

Ruby: So I’ll read some of what the adults thought about us… and you have to guess which one of us fits the bill. I’ll make sure it’s someone you’ve actually met. This’ll be the first one.

She opened the file and started to read.

Ruby: ‘While otherwise a remarkable student, ‘Blank’ continues to be plagued by fits of anger, uncontrollable cursing, and repeated physical altercations with the senior faculty…’

Clementine: That’s gotta be Violet.

Violet: Nope. Way scarier.

Willy: That’s Ruby’s file.

Clementine: Holy shit, really?

Ruby: Guilty as charged.

Clementine: I mean, I can totally see it. The first time I met Ruby, she was all…

She started imitating Ruby.

Clementine: ‘That little motherfucker…!”

Me, Violet, Ruby and Willy laughed at her impression.

AJ: I said I was sorry.

Violet: Yeah, you shoulda seen Ruby back in the early days. She was like a… you ever seen those Tasmanian Devil cartoons when you were a kid?

She chuckled.

Violet: That was our Ruby. Used to have a mean streak a mile long.

Ruby: Don’t worry. That was a long time ago.

Willy: You guys want to know why I got sent here?

Y/n: Please, just no. Not again.

He did it anyway.

Willy: Chronic masturbation.

Violet: Trust me. Nobody wanted to know that.

AJ: What’s that mean?

Clementine: Uh-uh. Don’t you dare.

She pointed at all of us with a glare, but Tenn ignored her and whispered something to AJ. The boy didn’t seem to understand, however, because he just looked confused.

Ruby: Uh… anyway… Maybe we should change up the music?

AJ: I like all kinds of music, I think.

Tenn: There’s a lot of them.

AJ: How many?

Y/n: A lot.

Clementine: Sure. We’ve heard enough of this. Break out the jazz.

Willy did that and Ruby continued to rummage through the files.

Ruby: I didn’t realise how many of us we’d lost…

Willy: Remember that Justin guy?

Y/n: Daisy…

Tenn: And Therissa. And Jasper. That one girl with the colored braces. And Joey… Maddie. Lamar.

Violet: Erin. Yeah, I used to make fun of her braces. Why did I do that?

Willy: Alex, Dewey. Trey. Stephanie. Holy crap, how many of us died?

Ruby: 34.

Then the red-head takes out another file.

Clementine: Whose is it?

Ruby: Louis.

Willy: Should we read it?

I came to a quick decision in my head.

Y/n: I… I mean, I could tell you guys how I got here. You know, why I’m here and all that. Only if you want to hear it… it’s sort of… sad. Probably won’t lighten the mood.

Clementine: I was hoping you’d tell me.

Y/n: Okay, so… it all started when I was five. My dad died, it was sort of… traumatic. He committed suicide and I just remember watching him walking into his room and shutting the door. I sat outside, knocking on the door, asking something stupid, probably. I just didn’t have the strength to open the door myself back then, so I just sat there. I think it took like… three hours? But my mom finally came home from work. She was a nurse and she worked like 24/7, but it never seemed like she had enough time for me. But now, I guess I didn’t even think that she was working to make sure I had a better life. So, anyway, she asked me where dad was… I pointed to his room and sat on the couch as she walked in. I remember her scream, when she saw it, I just… I just sat there. Even after my mom walked back out, tears streaming down her cheeks and she was yelling and screaming… and I just did nothing. I had no emotion. I suppose I didn’t even know what was happening. I was just… confused. Then my mom called the ambulance and the police and I remember them carrying my dad’s body out. I think that’s when it clicked in my brain and I don’t know… something in my brain just told me, he did that. He chose to leave. I don’t know why, but I just immediately blamed him. After the funeral, I was angry, always angry and my mom ignored me, it was like she wasn’t even present anymore. She didn’t go to work, she just sat at home, watching tv and she didn’t speak to anyone. Not even me. And then it came around to my ninth birthday, and I think she just gave up. She picked me up and put me in the car. We drove for what seemed like hours and then we were here. She gave me to the headmaster, explained the circumstances and left. Never saw her again. And then I lived here, and it was when I was packing my stuff away, when the apocalypse started. And that was it.

There was silence as I looked around the room at everyone’s face. I felt a hand hold on to my own and I turned to Clementine.

Clementine: I’m so sorry, Y/n/n. I can’t even imagine what that was like… what you went through.

Y/n: It’s fine. Everyone’s gone through a lot of shit.

Violet: We weren’t good people, Clementine. But it still doesn’t mean that we should’ve been left here to die by the people that were supposed to take care of us.

Ruby: Sorry. This was supposed to be fun. I’m just not the ‘game’ type like Louis was, I guess.

Tenn: You mean ‘is’. We’ll see him soon.

Y/n: Tenn’s right.

Tenn: Hey, I… um, I’ve got an idea. Do you guys remember when Minnie would sing us ‘Don’t Be Afraid’ when all of us used to get scared?

Violet: Too bad I can’t play it. Lou would’ve known how. He liked that one.

Tenn: You could just sing it to us like she used to. Your voice is really pretty.

Violet: Okay, okay. Yeah… Alright. I, uh, I can do that.

Violet stood up before us and began the song. Tenn was right, again, her voice was extremely pretty. I felt Clementine move beside me, placing her head on my shoulder and I leant my own head on top of her’s. She intertwined our fingers in her lap and I took a deep breath. This was it.

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