Surprise Is Waiting Ahead: Se...

By SnehalShukla

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Gibbs and Sloane went to Fornell's house to celebrate Christmas to give him some company. But they were unkno... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

170 10 30
By SnehalShukla


"What do you want?" Gibbs asked her.


"You had your chance to get me. But you took Sloane instead of me. Why?"

"Where is fun in that Agent Gibbs! Now listen to me very carefully. If you want Agent Sloane alive then come alone to the address that I will send you after our little talk. You come alone and unarmed otherwise I will not think before killing your lady."

"Why would I believe you that she is not dead already?" Gibbs asked her.

On another side of the phone, Gibbs can hear Sloane's voice she was shouting.


"SHUT UP!" Sasha slapped her and start again talking with Gibbs on the phone.


"Don't forget ALONE and UNARMED! And if you won't come I will kill her like you killed my father! So don't be late her life depends on it."

"JUST SEND ME THE ADDRESS AND I WILL BE THERE," Gibbs replied and then the line went dead. After that, he received one text message with the address.

Interrogation room

Gibbs slammed open the interrogation room's door and walk toward the corner of the room and disable the camera. Then he turns around and walked toward Vladimir.

"No cameras. No recording. Now it's just you and me. So, now speak where is Jack?" Gibbs asked calmly.

"Aah... Sasha called you, right? Why she didn't tell you?"

Gibbs didn't reply to his question. But he knows that Vladimir came here on purpose and now he knows why.

"You can't hold me here. You have to release me. And you WILL." Vladimir replied.

"Last time I'm asking you where is Special Agent Sloane?"

"Why Sasha didn't send you an address? C'mon agent Gibbs you are wasting your time. I thought you might have left to save your lady by now! Do you want to know where she is? Ask harder!" He replied.

That makes Gibbs angry and he grabbed Vladimir by his neck and slammed him against the wall. Vladimir grunts in pain.

"No more games! WHERE IS AGENT SLOANE? And this time I want the damn answer. Where is she?"

Before he or Vladimir could say anything his cell phone started ringing again.

"Pick it up agent Gibbs, seems like an important call to me. Or maybe someone might be in trouble because of you."

"Yeah, Gibbs." Gibbs answer the call.

"I forgot to tell you one thing, agent Gibbs." It was Sasha.

"Yeah, and what is that?"

"Do as Vladimir says without asking too many questions. Or else you know what will happen if you cause any trouble. Right, Agent Gibbs?" and then Sasha disconnected the line.

Vladimir started laughing at Gibbs. And suddenly he pulls Gibbs's hand away from his neck.

"You can't kill me, hell you can't even touch me. Because you know what, if I won't reach the address with you within in hour that Sasha gave you she will kill agent Sloane!"

"I don't believe you. If you already know everything then why did you waste your time before?"

"Because..." He took one step closer to Gibbs. "...I can agent Gibbs." Vladimir replies.

Gibbs left the room without saying anything.


"McGee! Trace my last incoming call." Gibbs jogged into the squad room.

"What happened Boss?" McGee asked.

"Just trace the damn call," Gibbs yelled at him.

"What happened Gibbs?" Vance asked. He was still there but Gibbs didn't notice him.

"Got a call from the kidnapper," Gibbs informed him.

"What!" Bishop said.

"Boss, this call can't be traceable. The location of the call shows all over the world." McGee said to Gibbs.

"Damn it!"

"What she wants Gibbs?" Vance asked.

"Who?" Gibbs asked absently. He was thinking about Jack. Her voice was still ringing in his ears, she was shouting his name over and over again. His thoughts about her stop when someone put a hand on his shoulder.

"Gibbs, what Sasha Myshkin wants?" It was Vance.


"Excuse me!" Vance couldn't get it.

" exchange for Sloane's life, she sent me an address and told me to come alone and unarmed with Vladimir." Gibbs explained.

"You know Gibbs I can't let you do that! I just can't release him and let him take you with him! I can't help you, not this time!" Vance said but Gibbs take one step closer to him and came face to face.

"Try me, Leon!" Everyone in the bullpen is watching them.

"You refused to take the protection and I allowed that but I can't let you do this. And I don't care if I have to arrest you for denying the direct orders, AGENT GIBBS!" Vance said loudly and there was a long silence.

"This bastard is here for a reason Leon. And the reason is ME! He was sent here to get me. If I won't go with him they will kill Jack and I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN, DIRECTOR!"

After a long pause, Vance replied.

"I know how much she meant to you Gibbs but I won't allow you this. If you go with this bastard then how many chances are there that they would let her go!" Vance said

"You have no idea how much she meant to me, Leon! Not a single clue." Gibbs whispered firmly.

"This is a suicide, Gibbs. We will save Sloane. There will be another way but you don't have to do this. I can not put my agent's life in danger to save another!" Vance was trying to convince Gibbs so badly.

"I have to Leon. She saved my life at least I can try to repay her for what she did for me. And you still won't allow it if I have a plan?" Gibbs said softly.

"You have a plan! Then why didn't you say it before?" Vance asked with surprise.

"Because I just got it! C'mon, follow me." Gibbs turn around to his team and give them an order.

"What the hell just happened, McGee!" Nick whispered.

"I don't have a single clue, Torres."

And they started following him. Suddenly Gibbs stops and looks at Leon.

"Hey! Are you coming or not?" He yelled at him.

"On your six Gibbs!" Vance replied and start following him.

Somewhere in DC

"So, now don't worry Jack you will be free to go after agent Gibbs exchange himself," Sasha said after disconnected the call with Gibbs.

"I know what you are planning you B*tch. I know you will not let me go even after Gibbs exchange himself to save me. You are planning on killing me in front of him. But let me tell you one thing, Gibbs is going to give himself up that doesn't mean you won. He's coming here to get you. He will make you pay you b*tch!" Jack challenged her.

Sasha walk towards Jack and backhanded her. And grabbed her hair and forced Jack to look at her face.

"Shut up! I will show you who is going to pay. And don't make me regret keeping you alive. I will shoot you off the schedule." Sasha release her and tapped on her face.

"You don't even know how to hold the gun! And you are saying that you will kill me! C'mon, give me a break." Sloane started laughing.

"Who said I will kill you? And I don't have to hold a gun to kill you. I have so many people around who will kill you and your boyfriend, Gibbs. I don't even have to lay a finger on you, sweetie.''

" you are making a huge mistake, Anna or whatever your name is. Let me help you, honey. I know you had lost your father but he was running a drug business. He was a bad person." Sloane wants to help this misguided girl.

"I don't care what my father was! What matters to me is you and your friends killed my father! And now you all going to pay for it!" Sasha slapped Sloane and then left the room with her henchmen.


Gibbs was ready to leave with Vladimir. He knows Vance might be right about what he said before. There's a slim chance that they might let Sloane go after he gives himself up. But he was so sure that they will not let her go. But he wanted to take a risk for Jack.

Because he can not seat behind his desk and wait for Vance's orders. He knows they took Sloane to get him because they want to make him suffer. It was him they actually want. And to save Sloane's life he would do anything and Sasha knows that too. Now all he has to do is wait.

Vladimir and Gibbs reach into the parking lot and Gibbs started walking towards his car and put his hand in his pants pocket to get the car keys.

"We are not going to take your car agent Gibbs." Vladimir stops Gibbs.

"Yeah, then how you are planning on going to that place genius? By flying!" Gibbs turned around and replied sarcastically.

"There is a car waiting in the alley. So now let's take a little walk agent Gibbs or agent Sloane will be..."

Vladimir didn't get a chance to complete his sentence because Gibbs grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the nearest car.


Gibbs was so angry because he hates taking orders from Vladimir. He feels like a puppet right now. But he has no other choice. He let go of Vladimir's collar and started walking. Vladimir chuckles evilly and he started walking too.

After reaching the alley Gibbs noticed one SUV was waiting for them. It was the same SUV that was used to kidnap Sloane. Gibbs stared at Vladimir in anger.

"After you agent Gibbs." Vladimir says.

And Gibbs started walking towards the SUV. Gibbs noticed that there were no CCTV cameras in the alley so there is no chance that anyone could find anything.

Then one man came out of the drive side. It was the same man from the clinic. There was another guy too, whom Gibbs didn't recognise. Gibbs narrowed his eyes and walked toward him.

"I should have to kill you when I had a chance."

"Hands-on your head now!" He didn't reply to Gibbs's statement.

"What you don't trust me, Vladimir?" Gibbs said his name awkwardly.

"You have taken your sweet time before coming with me Gibbs. And yes, I don't trust you. Search him for any kind of bugs too, Pete." Vladimir instructs him.

"It's Special Agent Gibbs to you dirtbag!"

Gibbs put his hands on his head and allow himself to be searched. When they were satisfied that Gibbs is unarmed and there is no bug in him then Vladimir took a gun from that guard's holster and point it at Gibbs.

"Face the car and put your hands on the roof."

Gibbs did as he was told. He faces the SUV and put his hands on the roof of the SUV.

Vladimir nodded at the guard who roughly yanked Gibbs' both arms and tied them behind his back. And the other guy put the black cloth over his head and before putting him into the car Vladimir hit him on his back. Gibbs almost loses his balance.

Both of them put Gibbs on the back seat and then they all get into the car and that guard started driving. They turned on the music and one Russian song started playing so Gibbs won't able to hear any noise that gave him a hint of the place.

After few miles, Gibbs was getting irritated by that cloth over his head. He shook his head and try to loosen the hood, but it was of no use.

"Can you turn off this shit! My former senior field agent sings better than this guy." Gibbs yelled in frustration.

His hands were tightly bound behind his back and he can barely move because of the seatbelt. And this stupid music making him more irritating.

But in the reply, he received two good punches in his gut.


"Shut up! Nobody told you to speak." the other guy hit him.

"You should keep your mouth shut agent Gibbs. This song is his favourite song." Vladimir said.

"Really! I would prefer to listen Jingle Bells instead of this crap!" Gibbs said.

"I said, shut up!" That guy put the gun under Gibbs's chin and warned him.

"Keep quiet or I will blow up your mind right now!"

"I know you can't do that or our friend Vladimir would kill you. So you shut up and turn that damn thing off!" Gibbs yelled at that annoying guy.

"Turn that off." Vladimir ordered him.

He turned that annoying music off and Gibbs signs in relief.

"Happy! Now, if I hear one more word from any of you I will shoot you by myself."

"I'll but can you remove this thing from my head?"

"Not gonna happen."

"C'mon we both know where you are taking me. Sasha sent me an address remember! So this doesn't make any sense, remove this thing off my face."

Vladimir gives a nod to the man who was sitting next to Gibbs and that guy grab that cloth and started suffocating Gibbs.

Gibbs was started shaking his head and tried to free himself but it was not helping. He started struggling to breathe but it's getting harder and harder for him.

His hands were tied up he can't move because of the seatbelt. He was gasping for air. He was about to lose consciousness but before that man loosens the grip and lets him breathe.

Gibbs was coughing harshly. Suddenly, someone grabs him by his jacket and punch him on his face.

"Do not try to play a hero Gibbs. Remember we can't kill you but we can harm you so don't try to mess with me, Gibbs!" Vladimir released his jacket but before that he hit Gibbs one more time.

Gibbs was not able to defend himself. He was on the edge of losing consciousness. And still struggling to catch his breath.

After few moments he started breathing normally. After a few minutes, the car stops and he assumed that they reached their destination.
He heard the car doors open and sensed that the guy beside him got out.

Then the door beside him was opened and he was unceremoniously hauled out of the car and frogmarched into a building. One of them shoved him roughly down onto his knees. His hands were still tied behind his back and he tried not to fall forward.

He was breathing heavily, a result of the adrenaline pulsing through his veins. Finally, the hood was removed. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the change in the light. When it did, he could assess his situation.

Sasha was standing in front of him with two other men, and he saw Jack was lying on the floor in the corner of the room. He didn't know if she's conscious or not. He stared at her for a while she had bruises on her face and blood was trickling from the corner of her mouth.

"Don't worry she is alive. She is just unconscious. She will join us in a while, but I can wake her up if you want to?" Sasha said.

"Don't you dare to touch her! You want me here I am, now let her go!" Gibbs said in a strong voice.

"I don't remember saying it, agent Gibbs!" She laughed.

"We had a deal you b*tch! LET HER GO NOW!" Gibbs shouted at her.

"I don't think so! Vladimir, please take care of our new guest." Sasha left the room with Jack. The other two men dragged her with them.


Somebody kicked him on his back and his body hits the ground face first. Then another kick him on his side and Gibbs rolled over on his back. He saw Vladimir and two other people looming over him.

"Get him up," Vladimir ordered to those men.

They roughly grabbed Gibbs by his arms and make him stand. They were holding him up by his arms and one of them grabbed him by his collar.

"Time to settle up some things agent Gibbs."

"You are going to regret it later," Gibbs said in a strong voice.

"We will see."

Vladimir punches him in his face twice and then punches him in his abdomen several times. Gibbs tried to double over but his captors hold him up. Another punch hit him on his chin. Gibbs didn't break his eye contact with Vladimir during the whole time.

One more punch was delivered on the left side of his skull. Gibbs was barely conscious. Vladimir grab Gibbs by his hair and yanked his head up and forced him to look at him.

"What's the matter agent Gibbs? Huh... How can you protect agent Sloane if you can't protect yourself? I thought you were a tough guy!"

"Untie me then I will show you how tough I am!" Gibbs staggeringly stood upon his own strength and held his head high and look directly into Vladimir's eyes. Vladimir unconsciously took one step back when he saw fire in Gibbs's eyes.

"What's the matter you cowardly son of a b*tch!" Gibbs saw the fear in Vladimir's eyes and laugh at him.

"Argh... Shut up, you bastard!" Vladimir yelled in anger and started beating Gibbs.

Gibbs took few strong punches on his face and then he lost consciousness. When Vladimir noticed that he tells those men to put him in the room with Jack.

Those men dragged unconscious Gibbs and threw him in the room and locked him up with Sloane.

Gibbs said he had a plan! But there is no sign of any kind of plan and if he had one then what is it?

What he is up to?

Did Sasha really gonna kill Gibbs and Jack or does Gibbs plan works? If he really has one.




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