Eternal Desires - Zamasu x Go...

By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

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Cover was drawn by me (✿◡‿◡) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goku was always one for a fight. To clash and comp... More

⚜ Information ⚜
⚜ Chapter One - Conflicts ⚜
⚜ Chapter Two - Emotions ⚜
⚜ Chapter Four - Contentment ⚜
⚜ Chapter Five - Wrath ⚜
⚜ Chapter Six - Fallout ⚜
⚜ Chapter Seven - Vigor ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eight - Blessings ⚜
⚜ Chapter Nine - Regrets ⚜
⚜ Chapter Ten - Presage ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eleven - Disheartened ⚜
⚜ Chapter Twelve - Duplicity ⚜
⚜ Chapter Thirteen - Culmination ⚜

⚜ Chapter Three - Change ⚜

166 5 1
By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

Goku had remained beyond his home, simply seeking refuge elsewhere. After his encounter with Zamasu, he was caught in a multitude of questions. He'd wondered when last he'd enjoyed company. Truthfully, beyond Vegeta, Goku never appreciated anyone else. They lingered around him solely for his strengths. Solely because he saved the planet and proved his own dominance, even if it was suppressed beyond the battle of fists. It only proved to him that the people around him truly sought a pawn. He felt like a piece on a chess board, used to take out all who threatened the planet. A savior who truly didn't desire to be placed in the limelight. The company of Zamasu, though short, offered such an ease to the Saiyan. Lightened the weight that ultimately was beginning to crush him. Carrying a world on his shoulders was endless and offered nothing beyond a simple gratification. In those few hours, Zamasu had given more consideration to him than his supposed 'friends'. Those he'd grown up with. That truth alone hurt him deeply.

He'd not honestly paid much mind to the time. Even as the sun sunk in the horizon, he continued his walk onwards. No real destination, just simply exercise to settle his own thoughts. It was strange for him. To have someone who sought to harm him at a time become a sturdy foundation. To give reassurance and offer aid to his crumbling heart. It was as if in a few hours, Zamasu had mended the cracks. Sewed them together and gave a slight guidance to him. Opened his eyes to the truth around him. That some friends were nothing more than a fake. But it also made Goku ponder how many were truly his devoted allies. His friends that he'd willingly label family. Beyond his two children and Vegeta, Goku couldn't honestly claim they were as such.

Krillin had been around for years. They'd known each other and just as the rest, he too once had hated Goku. A friendship had formed, but in all the years Goku never once saw the friendship flourish. It was one sided. Goku offered and aided, while receiving nothing beyond a simple 'thanks'. It was a truth he'd choked down for years. But with all the time of suppressing his own doubts and his own sheltered truths, it was beginning to become potent. It brought his stomach into a wave of regret, to finally understand all those around him that he did call his 'friends'. To diagnose the truth as a lie. This was no fairytale and with it, his friends had lost claim to such a title. They never offered a hand toward him and even caused his need to shelter his true self. He was a Saiyan and with it came a primal instinct. Judging from Chi-Chi's past reaction, it was painfully clear to Goku how the rest would take in that ungodly truth.

Of course, Krillin was not the biggest problem in his life at the moment. His wife was top on his list. She was like a flea, annoying to get rid of and always leaching from him. It only ever made his mood darken. She spoke bitterly to anyone who dared oppose her. Which brought the Saiyan back to earlier conversations. She'd insulted Zamasu and made such a bold claim. It made Goku ponder why he didn't deny such accusations. Part of him knew trouble would follow from her allegations, yet he almost felt a joy in letting her believe such trivial truths. To remain brazen and let her choke on such lies. Not that Zamasu hadn't already accomplished such feats. His words ripped the ground from under her. It was a first for Goku, to witness someone throw her bitterness back in extra. It was honestly when Goku came upon the idea to get to know Zamasu a bit. The other seemed intriguing and much to Goku's terrible memory, he did recognize and recollect on those memories of the fight. An even fight with Goku's guise. But once that façade faded, he knew that the other had become aware of the Saiyan's choices to hold back. After all, Goku was not there to injure the other. He simply wanted to ease his curiosities. While the fight was no battle like with Vegeta, it was still one he couldn't help but remember. Every movement after all had been well deduced and careful. Far too precise and with even a slight slipup, would have cost Goku a limb should it have been a real fight.

Lost in his own thoughts, he hadn't heard his phone until the last ring. He fished it out of his pocket, quickly checking the ID. He wasn't sure what to feel upon seeing Gohan's contact appear. It truthfully made the Saiyan sigh, knowing Chi-Chi had somehow dragged him in once more. It was an annoying trait of the woman. To monopolize on other's and try to sway their view to her side. It was always her way or the highway. Redialing the number, he placed the phone on his ear before listening to the soft ringing. Nearly two full seconds passed before the phone went through, his son's voice slightly raised on the other end.

"Dad? Thank goodness you called, I was worrying..." Goku held back a short chuckle, his gaze glancing to the passing cars. "Dad? Are you there?"

"I am. Sorry Gohan, just thinking right now. What made you call?"

"Well, Mom truthfully. But I also was worried when she mentioned you never went back home. It's not like I blame you, but Goten was struggling without you heading back." Goku chewed his lip, running a hand along his chin.

"Shit... I forgot I left Goten there..."

"Don't worry dad, I have him here. I figured it was best, especially when you do decide to go back. She is fuming, so I advise just avoiding the house." There was a brief silence before Goku sighed, tapping his foot as he stopped under the street light.

"Don't worry about me. Keep Goten there for me, at least for a few days. I've got to settle this, before it gets worse."

"Pretty sure it already did. Piccolo got a call from Krillin about something Chi-Chi claimed. I took control and called the bluff, but we can only pray they believe me." A rough laugh filled the phone as Goku scoffed, his tone colder.

"It won't change a damn thing. Look Gohan, do me a favor. I have to deal with Chi-Chi, but try to convince Piccolo if Goten can stay. I'm going to be honest; this might be the end for her and I. I'm just done."

"I understand. Piccolo already said it's fine, so don't worry. If you ever need somewhere, stop by. He also offered the couch to you. Sorry you're dealing with shit like this." Goku smiled weakly, not that the other could see it.

"It's fine. I've always been the one to overcome situations. I'll let you know how things go, should it go south. By the way, what did she claim?" He had his suspicions, but wanted to hear it in words.

"Something about you cheating. She didn't say much detail, only that she caught you with someone else. I personally don't care. She may be my mother, but she's done nothing to honestly deserve your adoration. Either way, I'll let you go. Piccolo is trying to pick up dinner for Goten and I, so I need to make sure Goten gets a bath." Goku hummed, hearing Gohan speak again. "Also, should things be taken to court; know I will back you. Goten has already claimed he'd prefer to remain with you, so don't worry about custody. She'll lose that battle and I'm sure she's aware. It's probably why I kept Goten here. It's just safer, so she doesn't try to force a different outcome."

"Thank you Gohan. I'll talk soon, promise." His son laughed softly, saying a farewell before Goku hung up. The Saiyan held his phone tightly, his teeth grinding together. He was furious for many reasons, though he quickly laid peace to those irritations. Taking a long breath, he wanted this confrontation to remain peaceful.. Placing his phone back in his pocket, he used instant transmission to arrive back at the house. Truth be told, he wasn't sure whether he was more impressed she knew he was coming, or that her first words were insults. Even so, he took a breath before taking the fight inside. He only prayed he could keep his temper dampened, lest he desired to flatten the area.

Hours. Nearly four hours Gohan had remained awake, simply waiting. His silent phone and lack of messages worried him to no end. He had his fears, which loomed over him. Goku was entitled to his own rage, something he deserved to show. But it never stopped Gohan from worrying should that rage become something more. While Chi-Chi was not the most understandable mother, she was still his family. She always would be. So when Gohan heard the slight knock on Piccolo's residence, he was quick to answer.

The sight before him was grotesque and made Gohan choke down his own vomit. That horrid smell of iron and crimson hue layering the Saiyan's garments. He wore his fears outright, though it was noted by Goku. The father simply sighed, entering before holding the bridge of his nose.

"Is that blood?" Goku scowled, his tone slightly venomous. It wasn't meant to be directed toward Gohan and the other knew that.

"It's not Chi-Chi's so don't worry. She's at her house; alone." Gohan let out a breath, bringing another question to the open.

"Who's blood is it?"

"A few animals I found in the woods. They weren't the only target of my pent up rage. You should see the forest and what is left..." Those words alone were enough, Gohan dismissing his remaining questions. He sighed weakly, glancing over his father.

"I get you're enraged, but a bath would do you wonders. I don't think Piccolo will appreciate a bloody floor." Goku glanced down, giving a low growl.

"Can you show me where the bathroom is? A bath might even ease this tension." A nod was given as Gohan led the way. Each step was greeted by an icy silence, one that tore a violent shiver along Gohan's spine. He'd seen many things, but never this side of his father. To anyone else, they'd feel threatened. Yet Gohan felt a slight protection, knowing his father bore such an aggression. It was calming while indeed terrifying.

Once the bath was done, Goku left the confines of the space before lingering beyond the kitchen. He could hear slight chatter, leaving him to ponder whether to interrupt. In the end, he did so. His footsteps, though light, easily notified the others as the talking ceased momentarily. It drew his gaze before a sigh left him, his hands tossing the orange Gi into the trash. Normally he'd be fine to attempt to remove stains, but there were too many. Not to mention Goku didn't have the patience or concern. It wasn't like he didn't have backups as well.

"Dad. Glad to see you looking better!" Gohan's cheery tone lifted the tension slightly, Goku giving a partial smile as he leaned on the counter. His constant stream of sighs was beginning to worry both individuals. It simply wasn't a Goku thing to do.

"I already set the couch for you as well as made sure Goten was asleep earlier."

"Appreciated Piccolo. I'm not sure I'm tired, but I'll probably lay down. The silence might help me a bit..." Piccolo nodded, speaking more boldly.

"Be aware that gossip spreads fast. I'd try to correct what Chi-Chi was claiming." Gohan nodded in agreement before Goku shrugged.

"What's the point. I try to defend the way I am and no one would believe it. I personally don't care anymore. I've told her I'll be sending her divorce papers soon, so technically what I do is not her concern anymore. Who I hang with, she does not get to gripe. Not to mention, she didn't give me the chance to explain what she saw." Both raised a brow, giving a questioning look as they spoke in unison.

"What did she see?"

"Well, beyond me above someone, not much else. I ended up being attacked by someone for strange reasons and ended up pinning them down to stop them from trying to take my head. She happened to arrive and started running rampant about how I was "Cheating!". I got fed up and didn't try to deny the claims, which was followed by her targeting the other individual. He went hard on her, pretty much spoke her pride and ego into the ground before stepping on it. Quite amusing, truthfully." There was a drawn out silence before Piccolo spoke to shatter the annoyance and tension the silence gave.

"So she jumped to conclusions without real evidence. Seems like a Chi-Chi thing to do." Gohan gave a sideways glance, sighing.

"Either way, I can get the divorce papers for you. I'm going to call it a night, cause I'm tired. See you in the morning dad." Goku nodded, watching Gohan pull Piccolo away. It made him snicker before his expression changed back into a dull appearance. He left the countertop's sturdy hold before shifting back to the living room, where he too called it a night.

A couple days of dread had passed before Goku drifted back into the confines of the house where his happiness had once seemed so real. With every piece of history, it all melded into an unrealistic fantasy that had a bitter and dark outcome. Once inside, he had instantly been ripped into a heated joust with his previous wife. Her words were far too venomous and layered in spite and disdain. It only backed his main feelings that had become true to him over time. He loathed his past wife with every fiber of his being.

He wasn't sure what to expect, but it was no shock to him when papers were launched his way. They fell slowly to the floor before her feet stepped on them, crumpling each sheet below her shoes. It didn't take long for Goku to understand which papers they had been, his expression falling slightly to overlay his rising agitation with the human before him.

"Where do you get off trying to divorce me? The one person who has given you a home and dealt with your alien ways and traditions? Who cared for 'my' children when you fell to Death's doors?"

"You mean 'my' children? They do not respect you, woman!" Her brows raised as she chewed her lip.

"I'll be damned to let you have them. All you've done is lie, so this too is a lie. They would not choose you, who had abandoned them for years; over me, the mother that nurtured and adored them!" Goku opened his mouth to speak before falling silent as he noticed two other Ki's close by. His gaze shifted, seeing Goten peak around the door before Gohan entered with him. It brought the room silent before the youngest showed his displeasure. His tone was low, less considerate as he faced his mother. Not a moment did he let his eye contact fall.

"Dad may have missed time in my life, but he has allowed me my own choices. He's cared for me when you force your own goals and choices on me. Dad is a great person and I want to be like him. I want to remain with him; the one part of this family that will always be close to my heart. He shows kindness, something you never produce. Something you can not wield. You're rude and mean, thus making you scary in my eyes. I feel safe with Dad, compared to you." Chi-Chi stepped back, her sorrows and pain present. She wanted to speak, but watching her son run up to his father and hold on tight, it made her break further. Her gaze drifted to Gohan, who grew weary and tense at such glances.

"Gohan? Do you also agree? Do you hate me as well?" The oldest narrowed his gaze, looking away as he found his voice failed. Goku took note before scowling, his tone cold.

"Enough with the guilt trip. Gohan, get what you're here for and head on back home." There was a lingering silence before the oldest did as told, Goten following close. They went into Goten's old bedroom before closing the door, leaving the two alone once more. "You really have to play the pity card, don't you?"

"It's not pity! You are taking my children and have cheated on me! Where was I in the wrong? When did I ever deserve this resentment?"

"The moment you chose your path. You forced your kids into a life path they didn't want. Using strict methods and yelling did not help them, but made that fear for you blossom. Not only that, you spread claims with no evidence!" Her lips curved as she scoffed, leaning on her hip.

"My claims held evidence! You were above someone and never denied my accusations! Now you try to play it as a false claim? Tell me, Goku; what evidence is there that you did not cheat on me with that creature?"

"That creature has a name, something you no doubt remember. As for your answers, I fought them. You want the truth, they wanted to kill me. Strike me dead! You happened to arrive and instantly assumed the worst. Played the victim." She turned her head away as her voice fell low, though Goku had overheard every syllable. It only made his blood boil.

"I almost wish he had..." That was the final straw. Goku found his patience fell from him as he narrowed his gaze and growled low.

"Sign the damn papers and now this; you will NEVER have Goten in your house. Come near him and you'll regret every life choice you've made. I am done Chi-Chi. We're over and if you refuse to sign the divorce, I will not hesitate to take it to court."

"I'll simply involve my dad. He can easily take you down and get my child back. You'll regret making me an enemy, Goku!" The Saiyan snarled, stepping closer. Every step showed his dominance and rising bloodlust as Chi-Chi stumbled back. She kept trying to gain distance until her back hit the wall, her eyes wide and sweat trailing her face. Goku hovered above, close and dangerously alert. His hand shifted, causing her to flinch as his palm collided with the wall. The dry wall crumbled as slight dust rose up from the new draft as primal eyes stared Chi-Chi down. Goku's voice was so low, so bitter and hollow.

"Try me. Do what you think will be your win, but be warned. Make me an enemy and you'll quickly find out what happens." He leaned even closer, letting his words linger beside her ear. "After all, I'm not human, remember? As such, don't think I will follow Earth law's, should I be pushed to that point."

She fell completely silent, watching him turn as he backed off as his kids left the room. They didn't once glance her way. Goku picked up Goten before grabbing Gohan's shoulder. He took a single glance, another warning she took note of before the three vanished. Chi-Chi was left alone, in a silence that swallowed her whole. Ate her alive. She truly had lost everything. But she knew one thing. She'd not go down without a fight. 

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