One Step At a Time

By Idontknowwhattoname4

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Arabelle Vine, a 22 year old photographer in Seattle Washington, is happy with her current life. She has frie... More

Chapter 1: Pain
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Guys Night Out
Chapter 4: Parents
Chapter 5: Him
Chapter 6: Girls Night Out
Chapter 7: Shower
Chapter 8: Eye Contact
Chapter 9: Mystery Girl
Chapter 10: Nacho Cheese
Chapter 11: Homecoming
Chapter 12: Text message
Chapter 13: Dog park
Chapter 14: Model
Chapter 15: Cooties
Chapter 16: Beautiful
Chapter 17: Skipping stones
Chapter 19: Middle Names
Chapter 20: Paparazzi
Chapter 21: Kiss Me
Chapter 22: One Step At a Time
Chapter 23: Ideas
Chapter 24: Taste
Chapter 25: Cat Scratch
Chapter 26: Crazy Bitch
Chapter 27: My girl
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Things Happen
Chapter 30: You Were Always Mine
Chapter 31: Something is Wrong
Chapter 32: I need her
Chapter 33: I'm Sorry
Chapter 34: Surprise
Chapter 35: Promise Ring
Chapter 36: Good Vibrations
Chapter 37: Thanksgiving
Chapter 38: Mr.Darcy

Chapter 18: Pretty Boy

10.8K 203 59
By Idontknowwhattoname4

Song: Ribs by Lorde

I watch as Belle floats on her back in the crystal blue water. Trees line the lake, Soon they will be different shades of oranges and reds. The leaves will fall and float on top of the water.

Fall has always been my favorite season, and I learned it's Belles as well.

I sit on the small patch of grass behind the stones that line the water. I watch as Belle stares up at the bright blue sky. I pick up a small stone and run my thumb across the smooth surface.

My mother taught me how to skip stones, it used to be our favorite thing to do. My mom, dad, and I used to take trips down to any body of water we could find. My father with his fishing pole and my mother with her sketch book.

My father would sit in the dirt or on a rock, and cast his fishing line in. He didn't catch things often, but if he did he let them go right after. He once caught one and was so excited about cooking it for dinner. As soon as I heard he wanted us to eat it I freaked out. I asked him why he wanted to kill the poor fish, and he told me, "Roman, it won't hurt him. Fish don't feel pain." And you know what I did, I grabbed the fish out of his hands, and threw it back in the water.

My dad wasn't mad, and ever since that day he's thrown every fish back. Now that I'm older, I've told him that he can bring them home for dinner, but he refuses.

My mother used to bring her sketch book, and she would sit and sketch everything she saw. She would hum softly to herself, and watch me and my father. When she didn't feel like sketching, or was done for the day, she would teach me to skip stones.

She would stand behind me, and help my hand hold the stone. She would always say, "make sure your facing the side, not forward." Just like I did with Belle.

"What are you thinking about?" Belles voice brings me out of my thoughts.

I pick my head up, my eyes meeting hers as she walks out of the water. Water drips down her body, dipping between her breasts, and down her thighs. Her body looks incredible in the bikini she is wearing. She brings her hands up to her hair, and pushes it back out of her face.

"Just thinking about my parents." She hums as I hand her a towel. She wraps the towel around her body, taking a seat next to me.

"What are they like?" She questions.

"They are the best people I know. They met in college and have been in love ever since. My mom is pretty quiet around most people, but if she feels comfortable with you, she is the most talkative person ever." I smile as I talk about her.

"She sounds lovely." Belle places her head on my shoulder as we watch the sun begin to set. "What's your dad like."

"He's got the kindest heart. He's a big softy, but puts up the tough guy front. We look almost identical, but I've got my mother's eyes."

"Well, I hope I can meet them sometime. They sound like amazing people." She tells me.

"I'd like that." I smile at the thought of Belle meeting my parents. They love all my friends, I'm sure they would love her.

Belle stands up, the towel falling off her body. I watch as she walks carefully across the stones, trying not to fall. She pulls her camera out of her bag, taking off the lens cover.

She walks over to the edge of the water, bringing the camera up to her face.

God she is beautiful.

I stare at her beautiful figure, as she stands in front of the setting sun.

I pull myself up of the ground and walk over to stand beside her.

"You were in the water for a while."

"Yeah, it was freezing, couldn't feel my body."
She turns towards me, still holding the camera, a grin on her face. "Smile pretty boy."

I smile at the nickname, a small blush makes its way onto my face. The camera clicks as she takes multiple pictures.

"Damn, what a model." She jokes as she circles me. I laugh and make stupid poses as she continues to take pictures.

"Oh I can't wait to see how these turn out." She laughs as she pulls the camera away from her face.

"Here," I take the camera out of her hands, "let's take one together."

I pull her towards me, holding the camera out in front of us. "Say Romans handsome!"

"Romans hideous." She smiles as the camera clicks. I gasp as I glance down at her, still taking pictures. She laughs as she glances up at me.

"That was incredibly rude Miss.Vine." I fake scold her.

"Did you want me to lie?"

"Damn Arabelle, no need to be so mean."

She smiles, grabbing the camera from my hands, putting it back in the bag."Come on, it's getting cold." She says pulling the bag over her shoulder.
I walk over to our pile of clothes and pick them up. I take her hand in mine as we walk towards my car.

"This was fun." She says as I open the car door for her. "We should come back here again, it can be our spot."

"I like the sound of that." I close the door, making my way over to the drivers side.

I glance over at her as I tap along to the music playing through the radio. I see her mouthing the lyrics as she looks out the window. I turn up the radio, focusing back on the road.

"But if you close your eyes." I sing along to the song, "does it almost feel like nothing changes at all."

"And if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like you've been here before." She turns towards me as she sings with me. Unlike me, her voice is amazing.

"How am I gonna be an optimist about this." She holds a pretend microphone out to me as I sing.

"How am I gonna be an optimist about this." She sings into my hand as I hold an imaginary microphone.

She laughs as we continue to drive down the dark road, singing along to the other songs that come on the radio. Even if we don't know the words, we still try.

"Oh you've got a wonderful voice." She jokes as we round the corner to her apartment building.

"Trust me beautiful, I know." I grin at her, "but in all seriousness, you sound like an angel."

"Oh please." She shrugs me off.

"I'm serious, did you ever sing growing up?" I ask as I find a spot to park in.

"Besides high school choir, that I skipped most times and only did for the credits, I never did. Unless I was alone in my room, or in the shower."

"Well I enjoy your voice a lot."

"Well you won't hear it often I'll tell you that." I fake pout as she tells me this. I park the car, walking over to her side to open the door for her.

"M'lady." I hold my hand out to her.

"Thank you kind sir." She says, taking my hand, closing the door behind her.

"You want to order something for dinner?" She asks, pulling out her house key.

"Sure." I follow her into her apartment. I notice as she closes the door, that she locks all three locks instead of just one.

"What should we order?"

"Well we had pizza the other day, how about we get Chinese."

"Sounds good." She walks into her kitchen, pulling a menu out of one of the drawers. She looks up noticing the questioning look on my face. "What? I keep them, it's very nice to have them all the time. I even circle my favorites."

"Smart." I say leaning over her shoulder to read the menu.

"You can shower while I order." She turns her head towards me. She's so close I can almost hear her heartbeat. "What do you want?" She whispers, her eyes moving down to my lips.

"Order for me." I say back, my voice barely above a whisper. My eyes glance down at her pink, plump lips.

"Okay." She quickly turns back around, biting her lips as she continues to scan the menu. "There should be an extra towel in the closet by the bathroom." She tells me.

"Got it." I pull away, making my way towards the closet and pull out one of the towels I see. I enter the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I sigh leaning my head against the door.

This girl is driving me crazy and I've only known her for a little over a week.

I start the shower, and strip out of my clothes. I step into the shower once it's warm, closing the glass door behind me. I tilt my head back, getting my hair wet, before looking at the products available to me.

Looks like I'm going to be smelling like Belle today.

I quickly wash my hair with her shampoo and conditioner, and lather my body up with her body wash.

God I love the way she smells, it's intoxicating.

I turn off the shower, and wrap the towel around my waist. I wipe the condensation off the mirror, staring at myself in the mirror.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I see my clothes on the couch.

"You can place your bathing suit and everything else you need washed in the washer." Belle says walking down the stairs with clothes in her hand. "I am gonna hop in the shower, I ordered our food already." She turns towards me, "so when they arrive use the money I put on the counter, not your own."

"Yes ma'am." I nod, watching her turn and walk into the bathroom.

I make my way towards the double door closet that held the towels. One side of the closet is shelving, and the other has a washer and dryer stacked on top of each other. I throw my bathing suit in the dryer, deciding I'll wash it fully when I get home.

As the dryer is going I make myself comfortable on the couch. I glance around her apartment, the brick walls are covered in framed posters and pictures that she has taken. She's got hanging plants all over, and potted plants on the floor. One wall is all floor to ceiling windows, and I can see small raindrops begin to fall on them. Shes got a floor to ceiling bookshelf right in between the windows, filled with books and knickknacks.

The railing of her loft has vines on it, and her kitchen has dark green cabinets and marble counter tops. She has a small circular table in the corner with three chairs. I can picture her sitting there in the morning, drinking her hot chocolate, or if she's feeling like it, a coffee.

Her couch is incredibly comfortable and so are the two chairs next to it. I hear the doorbell ring, and walk over to the door, undoing all three locks. I open the door to see a short brunette girl.

"I have an order for Arabelle." She holds up the two bags of Chinese food.

"Yup that's us. How much do I owe you?"

"It will be twenty-two, thirty-six."

"Alright, wait one moment." As I'm walking into the kitchen, I realize I'm still in only a towel. "Oh my god." I mutter to myself. No wonder the delivery girl was looking at me like a piece of cake. I see Belles money on the counter and I would pay myself, but I don't have my wallet.

"Here you are." I hand the money to her, and take the food. "Have a nice day."

"You too." She looks me up and down, before I close the door in her face. I make sure to lock all three locks.

"Is the food here?" I turn to see Belle walking out of the steaming bathroom, dressed in a big t-shirt and black sweatpants.

I hold up the bags, walking into the kitchen. She grabs some utensils as I open the bags up.

"I got us both chicken and broccoli, and some lo mein." I pull out the food and place it on the counter.

"It smells good." We pick up the food and sit on the couch. I adjust the towel around my waist, and pull a blanket over top of us. She turns on the t.v, placing her legs on top of mine. "What are we gonna watch?"

"Well I'm rewatching Greys Anatomy currently."

"Oh god, what is it with you girls and this show."

"Well I'll have you know it's not my favorite show." She finds it and turns it on, "but it is an amazing show."

"Then what is your favorite show?" I ask.

"It's called the 100."

"No way, I love that show."

"Really? I've watched it three times."

"What, do you not try new shows?" I laugh, taking a bite of my chicken.

"Not really. I stick to what I like, I do the same with movies."

"I'm the same way." I turn my attention to the show as it starts. "What season am I watching right now?"

"Season three."

"Anything I should know?"

"Oh man." She turns towards me, "it would take way to long to explain what's happened, no one major has died yet I guess."

"You guess. How many people die?"

"Way too many." She laughs, "now watch the damn show."

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