Tamaki Amajiki x fem reader

By CharizardLady

11K 309 182

This is somewhere between fluff and smut mostly fluff. idk what I'm doing this is my first so I hope you enjo... More

hey thats you!
part 1: beginnigs
part 2: so suddenly?
part 3: nice to meet you
part 4: this is akward...
part 5: snacks at your door
part 6: I dont know what you want
part 7: thats not good..
part 8: Im sorry!
part 9: your gone?
part 10: you're my hero
part 11: why am I still scared?
part 12: you cant tell me how I feel
part 13: what is happening?
part 14: our first date
part 15: tell me about yourself
part 16:I hate summer
part 17: Tamaki what is this?
part 18: what just happened?
part 19: you're stupid
part 20: I didnt know you were so strong
part 21: friends day out
part 22: shes a pervert
part 23: even if its just wednesday
part 24: new girl in the group
part 25: were falling apart
part 27: germs are gross
part 28: Let my paint!!
part 29: A restless night
part 30: meet my brother
part 31: happy birthday y/n!
Part 32: Its been a year now
Part 33:today is a little hard
Part 34: this is our child
Part 35: summer is back baby!
Part 36: summer time snuggle time
Part 37: I'm just curious
Part 38: A new era is coming
part 39: epilogue

part 26: sweet little poems

182 6 4
By CharizardLady

It was Sunday morning, after what happened yesterday you with Tamaki you didn't want to move from your bed. He tried texting you but you turned your phone off. "I feel like I'm being petty about this.. he was just hanging out with a girl but to be fair.. what she said to him when I walked in made me upset.." you lied in your bed for awhile just thinking when there was a knock at your door. It sounded like when Tamaki knocks.

You got up from your bed and opened the door to see 4 bags at the front of your door. 2 were field with snacks the other 2 were drinks. You sighed and grabbed the bags putting them inside your room. You emptied the bags and starting putting your snacks and drinks away. Normally Tamaki would leave a note but you couldn't find one. "That's weird.. should I really trust these snacks? What if their poisoned?" You stood there staring at all your favorite snacks and a pile of onigiri.

You grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and decided to write a poem. It took some time but you did it, poems are easy if you just put what you feel on paper, also poems don't have to rhyme its a myth. You folded your paper with the poem and stormed to Tamaki's room. "I'm making a mistake doing this. He probably feels like shit because I didn't hug him or even talk to him and I've bin ignoring him! Ok y/n! Communication is key to a good relationship and you need to do that!" You took a deep inhale but right as you were about to knock Tamaki swung the door open holding a small folded paper.

You stared at each other startled by each others presents. "Umm h-hi y/n.." Tamaki mumbled.

"Hey Tamaki.. can we talk?" You said looking him in the eyes.

Tamaki didn't like eye contact but he looked you back in the eyes and seemed to get nervous. He nodded and let you inside and you sat at his tea table he had in his room. He sat across from you.

You put your poem you wrote on the table and slid it toward him. And he did the same with his paper. "I wont read yours and you wont read mine till after I leave ok?" You said to Tamaki.

He nodded and he was shaking a lot he seemed really nervous and scared but when isn't he? "Tamaki..so um yesterday made me really upset and several other times when girls talked to you I got jealous and really upset.." you mumbled loud enough to hear and you looked down at your hands.

"i-is that all you wanna talk a-about y/n?" Tamaki asked and you quickly looked up at him confused. "When y-you said you wanted to t-talk I thought you w-wanted to break up.." Tamaki chuckled a little to himself.

"No that's not it at all! I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to seem like that was going to be what's happening.. I'm so sorry" you covered your mouth and Tamaki shuffled his way over to you and gave you a big hug.

"No a-apologizing its ok y/n.. but I-I understand why your u-upset and jealous." Tamaki said pulling your head to his chest. "I-I'm going to tell the weird f-fan club I have it makes me very u-uncomfortable and if they don't stop.. I don't know really what happens then.." Tamaki mumbled.

"Thanks Tamaki.. sorry I feel like such a bother.." you said and Tamaki shook his head.

"your not, thank y-you for telling me how you felt s-so we can fix it" Tamaki said smiling at you, he grabbed your face and rubbed your noses together.

"I've always bin meaning to ask but why do you do that?" You asked and Tamaki looked at you a bit puzzled "you know the nose rubbing thing you always do"

Tamaki's face went a bit red and he chuckled. "Well, the f-first time I did you were sad a-and you seemed a-a little better after so that's w-why I do it.." Tamaki chuckled and rubbed noses with you again which made you smile.

"It does make me feel better thank you" you said giving Tamaki a small peck on the lips.

Tamaki blushed a little and gave you a kiss back then hiding his face in your neck. You giggled and planted a kiss on Tamaki's head. "I love you Tamaki" you said

"I l-love you t-too y/n" Tamaki mumbled.

~in the afternoon~

You left Tamaki's room after some cuddles and talking about random stuff. You closed your door behind you and looked at Tamaki's little note and opened it, you finally get read it.

"Y/n, you look so beautiful when you smile, do it more for me please? I get what that painting meant that you painted awhile back. Your smile makes my heart melt please do it again and again." You blushed so much, shoved your face in your pillow and squealed. Tamaki was so cute when he wrote things.

Tamaki's POV

You had just left and Tamaki sat there staring at your folded piece of paper. He wasn't ready to read it yet so maybe he will be if he stares at it? Finally he grabbed it and quickly opened it and started reading.

"Tamaki, roses are all colors but violets will never be blue. Blueberries are fucking purple. Its funny how people mix up their colors isn't it? But I know your hair is indigo, your deep eyes are dark and your face when you read this is red. You're so cute Tamaki my love."

Tamaki laughed at your poem but also blushed, he was so happy. Your poems were definitely interesting.

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