Life Is Full Of Surprises

By _QueenMarinette_

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Marinette is heart broken after her 2 year boyfriend tells her he's leaving her for someone else and that he... More

Chapter 1: Lies and Betrayal
Chapter 2: Comfort
Chapter 3: Spill That Hot Coffee
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: The Club's Gonna Be Lit
Chapter 6: A Night To Never Forget
Chapter 8: After A Long Day At Work
Chapter 9: I Need To See You
Chapter 10: Nothing's Changed
Chapter 11: A Night Of Friends, Fun And A Little chaos
Chapter 12: Jealousy And Tears
Chapter 13: The Way I Feel For You
Chapter 14: A Thanksgiving Dinner Pt1

Chapter 7: Work o'clock

56 1 0
By _QueenMarinette_

7:00 am Monday

Mari POV:

I groan as I heard my alarm going off for the 10th time, I should really get up but the warmth of my blankets are telling me to just stay. But If I don't than I could get fired Ughhhh I hate work mornings. The next two weeks is gonna be pretty hard since thanksgiving and everyone's gonna wanna finish early so they can go home to be with there family's. I understand that

As my alarm went off for the 11th time I decided to get up already missing the warmth form my bed. I put on my slippers and picked up my phone from the night stand. 7:09am I have to be leaving around 9:40 My job takes about 30 minutes to get there If I just drive there but I usually stop at my parents bakery and get a cup of coffee and get a Strawberry Danish.

I talk to them and ask them how everything is doing they tell me everything's fine and that If they need anything they will call me. I was in my thoughts when I smelled something good in the air. I make my way out of my room still in my pj's and walk to the kitchen seconds later I saw Alya in the kitchen making something.

She turns around and see's me, she walks over to me and hugs me

"morning gurl" she says still the hug

"good morning Alya. what are you making?" I ask curious

She breaks the hug and walks back over to the stove and flips what she's making "I'm making Omelettes and toast, as a thank you for letting me crash here" she says pouring me a cup of coffee.

"Alya you never have to thank me for that. Your my best friend what's mine is yours" I said with a smile

"Still, Thanks gurl" she says taking out two plates. she put one in front of me and put the cooked omelette on it, I drool at the sight I love alya omelettes they are heaven. I take my fork and dug into it. just as Alya asks me a question

"soooooo~ you and chat last night" she say  with a smirk plastered on her face.

"I could ask them same. You and Nino could not take your eyes off each other. And I saw you on the dance floor you were itching to get a taste at him~" I say with a devilish smile

she turns and glares at me, I just gave her an innocent smile.

"Well Nino is a great guy he's funny, charming, mysterious, hot and everything a women could ask for. He couldn't be interested in a women like me" she says with a frown

I slam my coffee mug Down on the counter as it makes a loud noise Alya turns and looks at me.

"Don't EVER say that under my roof again or anywhere for that matter. You're insane if you think Nino wouldn't be interested in you. Last night he could have danced with any girl, when we walked in I saw about four girls stare at him but he chose to dance with you and only you. All his attention was on you if you" I said

"R-really?" She said shocked placing her omelette on the Plate beside me

" yup Nino is hooked. by the way I gave him your number last night

"WHAT?! WHY!??"  She said curious and a little mad

" because he's interested and he wants to know more about you. Alya you're a really good person don't let nobody tell you you're not not even you." I said

Alya sat down beside me as she took a fork and dug into her omelette I was nearly done with mine. I looked at the clock on the wall 9:00. I should be getting ready for work I finished the rest of what I had on my plate.

"I'm sorry Alya But I have to get ready for work I don't want to be late. Thanksgiving is right around the corner so I have to be on time or I could get fired" I said getting up from my chair walking over to the sink and putting my plate inside.

"Thanks Marinette, I needed to hear that" Alya said looking up at me and smiling

" well its the least I could do after you made me this delicious breakfast" I said giggling

"Also Mari I don't go into work till 12 is it ok if I stay here till then" she asked

"Of course just make sure you lock up when you leave" I said

"OK I will" she said

I walked out of the kitchen and headed back to my room. I went inside my closet and pulled out my work clothes I then went to the bathroom and stripped out of my pajamas and slipped inside my clothes

Mari's outfit:

I looked in the mirror and applied some gloss on my lips. And than walked out, I was never really a girl Who liked wearing make up all the time I prefer natural looks so I usually just put on some Chapstick or lipgloss I only put on mascara on when it's a fancy occasions.

I walked back into the kitchen and saw Alya was cleaning the mess I walked over to her and hugged her from behind

"I'll be back from work around 6 or 9, i'll call you"
I said Breaking the hug

"Ok bye girl love you" she shouted

"I Love you too" I said as I was walking towards the front door. I grab my keys, and walked out my house. I made my way over to my garage door and opened it with button I have on my key.

Mari's car:

I walked over to the driver seat and opened it and got inside. I started to pull out of my driveway and off to my job.

Chats morning
Chats POV:
Right now it was 12:01 in the morning/afternoon I didn't have to go to work for the next two days because my boss gave me off but I heard my phone going off like crazy . I've gotten 8 calls in the last 10 minutes I don't know if I should get it or I should just sleep and just pretend I never heard it, but what if it's an emergency I groan loud as I tossed my hand over to the nightstand picking up my phone.

I answer the call and put it to my ear.

(Officer pike)
Hey Chat I know this is early in the morning and the boss gave you the day off but could you possibly come in today?

Why? Is everything OK

It be easier if you came down to the station and talked about it face-to-face

I sighed I didn't wanna go to work today I just wanted to sleep and possibly think about marinette all day but all good things have to come to an end.

OK I'll be there in 30 minutes

thanks chat you're a lifesaver

And and with that he hung out. Why can't we just live in a World where you don't have to go to work and worry about bills and everything.

I Lazily get up outta bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I just hope I don't have to work all day. Thank god I don't have a hang over from last night.

10 minutes after the shower

I hopped out and went to my closet to change. After I was changed I went down stairs and grabbed my car keys I saw that there was boxes everywhere. I know who those are for I smirked. It was 12 in the afternoon so and I told Lila that she only have a certain amount of time before I kicked her out.

A part of me felt bad but than I remember what she did to me. She left me and stole someone else boyfriend and that isn't right. She played me, used me, Manipulated me and she didn't care so why should I.

I didn't want to think about it anymore so I just grabbed my keys and walked out.

I decide to take my black car to work today. As I got in I let out a tired breath, I just wanted curl in bed with my princess. When I stayed over that one night she was warm and soft I miss that. I smiled I couldn't wait to see her again.

With that final thought I turn on my car and headed off to work

Ok sense I'm honestly just making up there jobs as I go plz let me know if I'm doing it right or if y'all wanna give me sum advice that would be helpful too. I'm also making another chapter to them criminal I fell for' ik it's been a month and a week so plz be patient. But anyways I'll see y'all on the next chapter byyyyeeee

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