
By heyyycatradora

6.1K 275 418

Adora is princess of the horde she is next in line to be queen but the strange thing is her adoptive mother l... More

Princess azora
Lets do this.. together
Mall time!
Dealing with jerks
A princesses first date
Do u have to?
Taking back whats mine
The dream
Getting ready for coronation day
What there wearing


361 15 23
By heyyycatradora

Adoras POV:

Today is FINALLY the day!!! I'm Going to school today and I couldn't be more excited!! I can't wait to see my friends OH AND make new ones!! And Mara is pretty excited about seeing Lonnie again if u get what I mean...

"WAKE UP!" I yelled in glimmers ear

"AHH ADORA!" She yelled then fell off her bed "OW!"

"HA" catra said coming into glimmers room

"It's not funny catra!!" Glimmer grumbled

"GIRLS! It's time for school!!" Angella said form downstairs

"Coming!" I said and ran downstairs I saw Lonnie sitting in the couch so I sat next to her

"Aren't u gonna eat breakfast?" Lonnie asked

"Oh right!" I said then I got up went into the fridge took out some milk then I got a bowl and some fruit loops the poured the fruit loops in the bowl and then some milk then I got a spoon put it in the bowl and put the milk back in the fridge then I sat down at the table and ate my cereal while scrolling on TikTok

"BOO!" Glimmer yelled from behind me and I jumped



"Girls eat ur breakfast!" Angella said then catra came downstairs

"Hey wheres bow?" Catra askex

"Awww u want him here?" Lonnie said in a teasing tone

"WHAT? No- shut up!"catra said blushing

"Mhm yeahhhh" Lonnie said smirking

(Time skip)

"Ok girls I'll see u at school" Angella said walking out the house

"Bye mom!" Glimmer said

"Bye" she said then she shut the door

"Are u guys ready for ur first day?!"

"Kinda" I said

"Oh please I were talking about it all week" Lonnie said laughing

"Ok ok fine I'm pretty excited!!" I said putting my bowl in the sink

"Well then lets go!!" Glimmer said

"Ok ok sheesh" catra said and we all walked out of the door and into glimmers car and glimmer started driving to school

After about 5 minutes we made it to school and our friends were waiting for us outside

"Hey babe!" Bow said and kissed glimmer on the cheek

"Hey guys" netossa said


"Welp that's our cue! I'm gonna show adora and Lonnie to the office now see u guys later" glimmer said and the rest of the group walked off

(Time skip)

"Hello Lonnie,adora here are ur schedules and locked numbers/combos" Angella said handing me and Lonnie two pieces of paper

"Thanks Angella!" I said and walked out of her office and made my way to my locker thankfully our lockers weren't to far away from each other once we put our stuff in our lockers we went off to class when

"Ahh u two must be the new students come in!" The teacher said

"Well I'm Mrs.Judy" she said

"Hi! Well I'm Lonnie and this is adora" Lonnie said

"Hello Lonnie hello adora! Now go take a seat where ever u like!" Mrs.Judy said thankfully Glimmer and bow were in class with us so we sat next to them.

(Time skip)

I've survived half a day of school! And it's lunch time now so YAY! I'm pretty hungry anyway I was walking to lunch but then I tripped over someone's foot

"Oops sorry newbie" he said then laughed

"Josh leave her alone" catra said helping me up 'im gonna take a wild guess and say his name is josh' I thought to myself and laughed

"What are u laughing at" josh said

"Uhh nothing?" I said

"That's what I thought" his friend said

"Cant u and ur jerks leave her and us alone!" Glimmer said

"No I don't think I will... better watch out blondie I'll be back for u" he winked and smirked then walked away

"Who was that?" I asked

"That's josh.. probably shoud have mentioned him BEFORE u came he's basically the bully of the school and those two people behind him are his "friends" jace and Michael. They basically bully every new kid that comes here" bow said

"There so annoyinggggg" mermista groaned

"Well he doesn't know who he's messing with!" Lonnie said smirking at me

"I haven't gotten them yet Lonnie!" I said laughing

"Gotten what-"

"NOTHING!" I said a BIT to quickly everyone looked at me confused but just shrugged then I felt an arm pull me back it was catra and glimmer with bow behind them

"Gotten what" glimmer asked sounding excited

"It's a princess thing" I whispered

"Which is??"

"In her family they have magic her parents has magic and so did everyone else who was apart of the royal family but adora here hasn't gotten her magic yet" Lonnie said

"ThAT Is SO CooLl!" Bow said with his voice cracking

"It would be cooler if I actually had them!" I said

"You'll get them at the right time adora chill! Now let's go eat I'm hungry!" Glimmer said

"Yea let's go!" Said Lonnie then we all walked into the lunch room got out lunch and sat down with our friends. 'My magic could REALLY come in handy if I'm gonna get tormented this year-' I thought to myself as i ate my pizza


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