A Demon King's Guide On How t...

By DrLightsaber

17K 878 549

THIS IS FANFICTION. Please go check out the original work 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint '. This is a story a... More

Living together
Getting Closer (2)

Getting Closer

2.1K 127 105
By DrLightsaber

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . Right now, to Yoo Jonghyuk, Kim Dokja was the most beautiful individual to have ever graced these lands. His ruffled hair, his inky black eyes, his cute little lips, his graceful build, his thin waistline, his very squisable-looking rear end- Ehem. Putting that aside, he had to escape from this situation. Pronto. With ironic timing, Kim Dokja spoke to him.

" Yoo Jonghyuk, can I move a bit? There's something in my rear end.''

The hero's face burned as Kim Dokja reinstalled himself more comfortably on his lap. Yoo Jonghyuk was a man of a few words, however his friend down south turned out to be quite the outspoken fellow when it came to Kim Dokja. . If he didn't flee now, the atmosphere would get awkward (or maybe a cloud of lust would cloud Yoo Jonghyuk's logical mindset) real quick. He needed to think fast.

" I'll make us breakfast. ''

Yoo Jonghyuk carefully raised Kim Dokja by the upper parts of his arms (like a cat) and laid him down comfortably on the bed. Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but notice how absolutely adorable Kim Dokja look of surprise had been.He needed to horny-grip something, didn't he?With his last remaining self-restraint, he made his way to the kitchen. Heart-racing, face burning and hand in his face, he hurriedly left the room.

Huh? Was the hero embarrassed?

Then the thing he had felt before was- at the thought, his face flushed, his kokoro went doki doki and he horny-gripped the blanket. No, NO! What was he thinking? Of course it wasn't that after all Three Ways To Kill A Demon King had briefly mentioned that Jhk wasn't into men. If it wasn't what he suspected it was, then what was it?

As Yoo Jonghyuk exited the room, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He'd assumed that they'd gotten closer overnight. That perhaps, Kim Dokja had feelings for him or at least an attraction towards him. He wanted-no, he needed to act fast. He had blue balls (hopefully not for long ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) .

He concluded that he would need to pull out the big guns.


As Kim Dokja's thoughts wandered, a wondrous smell wafted into the bedchambers. His stomach grumbled loudly. He promptly got out of bed to investigate it's source.

When he'd finally reached it's origin (the kitchen) he felt as if he'd walked in on scene straight out of Food Wars. Yoo Jonghyuk was in a pink apron (it clashed so much with his cool demeaned and his dark clothes that he couldn't help but chuckle interiorly). He was simultaneously chopping vegetables at the speed of light, cracking the eggs and brewing some coffee for his roommate.

Yoo Jonghyuk had made it a habit to prepare coffee for his roommate every morning. He likes it black. As Yoo Jonghyuk soon came to realize as they began living together, Kim Dokja had carefully cultivated his coffee addiction in his years as an overworked office worker. He couldn't properly fonction without at least one or two cups every morning.

As the Demon King comfortably installed himself on his seat at the dining table (the one the farthest from the hero's), Yoo Jonghyuk magically appeared next to him and poured him a cup of coffee. Kim Dokja quickly thanked him before proceeding to savour his beverage.

The hero watched the Demon King beam as he drank. Huh, cute as always, he thought. He couldn't help but ruffle his hair before going back to his task.

Kim Dokja continued sipping his coffee, oblivious to Yoo Jonghyuk's display of affection.


After a few minutes, the two of them had concluded their business. As Yoo Jonghyuk brought breakfast to the table, he couldn't stop his stomach from growling loudly. He impatiently waited for his portion. However, it never came.

The hero had placed both plates before him and had started eating from the one closed to him, leaving the other one untouched.

As he watched his roommate eat, Kim Dokja couldn't help but wonder if this a new form of torture. Whatever, the Demon King was a full grown man. He could cook (?) for himself-more like fill his stomach alone. He didn't need Yoo Jonghyuk to cook for him, he concluded as his stomach grumbled noisily. He started planning what he should fill his stomach with. As he got up, his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his roommate.

" Sit down." Yoo Jonghyuk said calmly.

Kim Dokja promptly did. After all, he wasn't a fool and he wouldn't be fooled by the hero's calm voice. He could see the death glare his roommate was sending his way. He cautiously locked gazes with the hero, urging him to elaborate.

After a few moments of silence, he did.

"Open wide."

Huh? What? Kim Dokja was flabbergasted. What did he just say?

" Don't make me repeat myself, open your mouth."

Kim Dokja was feeling brave that morning, because he couldn't help but give his roommate a bold reply.

" Why?"

As the hero sent him a death glare, Kim Dokja bravado suddenly vanished into thin air. Was he going to die?

A long but meaningful silence filled the room.

" I'll only say it once more. Open. Your. Mouth."

There was no way he could ever be spoon fed by anyone. Deep down, he didn't mind if it was Yoo Jonghyuk doing it (however, Kim Dokja was unbelievably dense and he didn't realize it).

With an almost comical timing, his stomach grumbled loudly.

Okay, maybe he could. Kim Dokja got to a seat closer to Yoo Jonghyuk's and expectantly opened his mouth.


When Kim Dokja had finished his first bite, he expectantly looked at the man next to him with the most neutral expression he could muster and spoke.

" Yoo Jonghyuk, please give me my plate, '' he began, '' if you don't I'll make my own breakfast."

They both knew that the Demon King was bluffing, because he had been banned from cooking. Even so, the hero could see that this charade wouldn't last long and that Kim Dokja would break their mutual agreement that involved him staying at least two meters away from the kitchen. Defeated, the hero sighed and agreed to his roommate's demand. He placed the plate in front of his roommate.

Suspicious of Yoo Jonghyuk, Kim Dokja quickly began to stuff his face with the plate's contents.


When he finished eating, the Demon King couldn't help but be glad. He hadn't eaten anything this good ever. The least he could do was thank him.

" Thank you for the food."

The hero couldn't help but be pleased.

" I love-"

Huh? Time seemed to pass at a snail's pace from the hero's perspective. What did Kim Dokja love? Did he *gasp* love him? Would they finally go on Yoo Jonghyuk's dream date? He'd often daydream about all the things they could do together. They could go to his beloved dumpling stall and act lovey-dovey in public, hold hands as they go to a classical music concert, swim in the beautiful lake next to the castle, share a passionate kiss under the sunset after he'd passionately confessed his everlasting love for Kim Dokja, then they'd go at a cozy inn in the countryside and spend a steamy night together-wait Kim Dokja couldn't leave the castle. That wouldn't matter. He didn't need to be at an inn to ▉▊▊ Kim Dokja- Yoo Jonghyuk interrupted the trail of his thoughts. He really needed to go to horny jail. Didn't he? The plans of their future dates could wait. Was he finally getting confessed to? He banished all his thoughts and looked at the one next to him expectantly.

" ... your cooking, he continued, you truly are the best cook I know. Have you ever considered a career change? Wait, no. I shouldn't have said that. That was insensitive of me. It's not like you chose to be a hero-"

Yoo Jonghyuk wanted to die. He gave Kim Dokja an expressionless stare in an attempt to mask his embarrassment. He'd gotten ahead of himself again, hadn't he? After gazing at the one before him for who knows how long, he slowly got up (while avoiding to look at the one before him) and left the room.

As his eyes followed Yoo Jonghyuk as he left the room, Kim Dokja couldn't help but notice that the hero's behaviour had been quite unusual.

That, dear reader, was just the beginning of his odd practices.


The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Yoo Jonghyuk had only started acting weirdly at night as they comfortably layed in bed . After they had a lengthy conversation about dumplings, they'd wished each other goodnight as they installed themselves comfortably for a night's sleep.

Yoo Jonghyuk knew that now was the ideal moment to set his plan in motion. After a few moments went by, he finally executed the first step of his plan and waited to see his roommate's response.

Kim Dokja couldn't sleep because he was preoccupied with something- no, someone. Wait, no more like a certain someone's something.

An outrageously handsome someone who happened to make his pulse pick up and his face flush since last night and who also happened to be sleeping next to him. Shirtless. Damn that hot bastard bastard Yoo Jonghyuk.

Before they'd gone to sleep, the hero had claimed that he had been uncomfortable all day, because the temperature in their chambers had been warmer than usual and he'd told him that he'd sleep shirtless tonight. And now, he was ogling his abs. Shame on him. His thoughts were full with Yoo Jonghyuk. His face, his body, his cooking, the cute dates they'd go on someday (hopefully), the steamy nights they could spent together-

Kim Dokja remembered the touch of his hands against his. His own had fit perfectly into the hero's. He wanted to hold those hands again.

His cheeks turned tomato red. The Demon King was grateful that the hero was asleep, so he wouldn't notice his embarrassment.

He knew this feeling-well, he knew of it. From books, that is. Love or more like having a crush. The cheesy romance novels he'd read online had described the feeling as "having butterflies in your stomach every time you see them". Huh. He'd never understand how one could know the feeling of having flying critters in their stomach before now. Did he have feelings for Yoo Jonghyuk?

No, said the rational part of his brain, anyone trapped with this smokin' hot daddy material of a man who also happened to have a face that looked sculpted by the gods would feel the same. Besides, he was the Demon King and Yoo Jonghyuk was the hero. Even if the hero did somehow have feelings for him, it wouldn't work out. The story of their love would end like a shakespearean play. However he couldn't stop his pulse from picking up when he'd imagined the prospect of dating Jhk. Them holding hands-his had fit so perfectly in his, ruffling his hair, snuggling, kissing, his cheese-grating abs, ▉▊▊him into oblivion-

After all who wouldn't want to date the living epitome of a handsome AF daddy material. He was drunk on the idea of spending the rest of his life with him. The hero slowly, but surely, took over his thoughts. He turned away from Yoo Jonghyuk and pretended to be asleep.

As he was daydreaming of going on a date with his roommate, he was hugged from behind. Kim Dokja stiffened at the sudden contact. He could feel the hero's bare skin against him. The sound of the hero's breathing was a massive turn-on.

Why the hell was Yoo Jonghyuk hugging him? There were only two options he could think of:

One, Jhk could be a person that tends to hug things in his sleep. The Demon King highly doubted this was the case, because he'd slept next to Jhk for a while now and he'd never done this.

Two, he was doing that really cliché thing that only happens in fanfiction (Hey! Don't call us fanfiction writers out like that. We try our best!) : the accidentally-hugging-his-crush-while-pretending-to-be-asleep thing.

The latter seemed like the most plausible option. However, there was no way that was the case. (If it was, Kim Dokja would be very glad-and lustful ). There was simply no way that Yoo Jonghyuk felt the same way as he did. (Yes. He did have feelings the same feelings as you. Stupid Kim Dokja, get it into that thick skull of yours). Even so, the Demon King couldn't help but like the way Jhk's wrapped around him. He felt at peace. Perhaps, they could stay like this for a little longer-

Kim Dokja never finished that thought. He fell asleep before he could.

When Yoo Jonghyuk had hugged Kim Dokja, he'd known he was awake judging by the way he'd stiffened at his touch. Uh huh, cute as always, he thought fondly. He wanted to tease him more. He enjoyed the chase almost as much as the reward. He impatiently waited for what seemed like forever to see his reaction. Nothing happened. Huh? He was losing his sanity and self-restraint at the speed of gay. He tried harder. He put his head on Kim Dokja's shoulder, tilted his head in a position in which his rhythmic breath would alluringly caress his ear, he wrapped his arms around his roommate's waist and waited some more. Once more he waited. He was surprised by the discipline he showed in this situation. Nothing happened. Again. That was when he'd noticed his roommate's slow breathing. He was peacefully sleeping. Yoo Jonghyuk sighed and gently, careful not to wake his companion up, murmured in his ear.

" Kim Dokja, you've won the battle, but don't expect to win the war."

He installed himself comfortably in view of a good night's sleep while canoodling his roommate. Luckily (?) he still kept his last string of logical thinking intact.


When the hero woke up, the memories of the previous night came back to him. His ear turned tomato red and his normally neutral expression was shattered. His head was comfortably lying on Kim Dokja's shoulder and his hands were around his waist-It was then that he'd noticed that he was still hugging Kim Dokja. He blushed harder.

Perhaps, if they got married, they'd wake up like this every day. Wait, no. They'd wake up like this naked. At the thought, Yoo Jonghyuk smirked.

He jolted out of bed, dressed himself and headed toward the door. Before leaving, he checked on Kim Dokja to see if he was sleeping. He was. Good. As he left the room, he wondered what he should make for breakfast.


That morning, when Kim Dokja went into the dining room to eat breakfast, he noticed that there were no more chairs. Well there was one: the one Yoo Jonghyuk was sitting on. The Demon King frowned. What was this? Did the chairs enter a rebellious phase and walked out their chambers? Wait, no. That couldn't be it.

"Author-nim, you have too much imagination. " remarqued the Demon King.

Shut up Kim Dokja. Having a rich imagination is a quality.

Then what was it? His thoughts were interrupted by Kim Dokja's favorite voice.

" Good morning Kim Dokja. Take a seat. " the hero greeted him.

The Demon King was bewildered. Why did he always get so lustful when his roommate said his name? He wanted him to say it again. (Not that he would ever admit that.) Instead, he questioned the hero.

" Where? "

The hero silently glared at his roommate. Kim Dokja suddenly started to get worried. Was he about to have a nice little chat with the Grim Reaper again? This would be the second time this week.

" Allright., he sighed, I'll eat breakfast on the throne."

" No. " said Yoo Jonghyuk as he scowled at his roommate.

Wait-What did he just say? You dunderhead son of a sunfish-

" No. You'll sit here. "

Kim Dokja wondered if Yoo Jonghyuk finally lost his marbles. He stared at him waiting for him to elaborate.

" You. Will. Sit. Here. " he said menacingly.

Where's 'here'?, wondered Kim Dokja who had started to fear for his life.

A long and meaningful silence filled the room. It was broken by the hero.

" You'll be sitting on my lap. "



Hello everyone! Thanks for reading. 

I know this is a dumb question , but I'll ask it anyways. Do I have readers overseas?  I often receive notifications from Wattpad at insane hours in the day (or night). For example, somoene voted on my previous chapter at 1 am. Dears readers, do you have an insane sleep schedule (not like me *looks away*) or do you just live abroad? 

 I'm canadian, by the way. 

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