De allthevibez

791K 12.4K 9K

She was raised to be the perfect daughter. The kind of girl who other girls were jealous of and that boys wan... Mai multe

Bad Habits
[Undergoing Editing again]
01: she's a kook ✩
02: grow up ✩
03: mouse genocide ✩
04: Milwaukee beverage ✩
05: spoiled brat ✩
06: fried Sarah ✩
07: never bailing ✩
08: virgin glory ✩
09: anytime princess ✩
10: free beer ✩
11: a summer movie ✩
12: natural born enemies ✩
13: a treasure hunt ✩
14: grand entrance ✩
15: powerpuff girls ✩
16: hawk's nest ✩
17: start of time ✩
18: lavender shampoo ✩
19: kook family ✩
20: masterminds ✩
21: hey kiara ✩
22: motion sensors ✩
23: golden sunrise ☆
24: broken memories ☆
25: crackhead wasteland ☆
26: cat's ass ☆
27: rhodes siblings ☆
28: forensic pathology ☆
30: void pope ☆
31: mama's mad ☆
32: homeland invasion ☆
33: my boy ☆
34: where's John b ☆
35: tropical depression ☆

29: runaway kook ☆

12.9K 218 145
De allthevibez

"As long as I don't have to be with you."


Emerson felt weird when she woke up in her bed the next morning. She felt like the room wasn't hers, she felt like it was all just a cover for the trapped girl it was hiding. The Rhodes girl glanced over at her clock, realizing that Pope's interview was about to start. She knew she had to get back to the pogues before his meeting finished, if she didn't she'd have to face an angry JJ and she was not looking forward to that.

The sun lit up her room as she stepped out of her bed. The young kook felt disgusting since she hadn't showered in two days, and a lot has happened in those two days. Emerson jumped into her shower, a sigh of relief falling from her lips as the warm water began cascading down her skin. She'd never appreciated a warm show as much as she did at this moment.

She made sure to finish up quickly, not allowing herself to take a twenty minute shower like she usually did. Once she was done she stood in her closet, looking at all of her clothes that were hanging neatly from their designated spots. Never before did Emerson realize that she really was a kook princess, her clothes were a dead giveaway. Her clothes made sure that nobody could question if the girl was actually a kook.

Emerson knew that she couldn't walk around purposely trying to look like a kook princess. She wanted her kook days to be over, and wearing something that wasn't color coordinated was her first step. She grabbed a pair of blue sweat shorts, that she normally only wore to lounge around the house, and white tank top. She very quickly slipped into her outfit, glancing at the clock every couple of seconds.

While she was getting ready all she could think about was Ward Cameron. She's known him her entire life, the man was supposed to be her damn father-in-law. Emerson wondered how involved Carter was, she suddenly wondered if her father was a killer too. Carter is a lawyer, maybe he's just trying to be a good friend by helping Ward.

No. No, the man Emerson knew as her father didn't tolerate violence, especially not murder. Emerson needed answers. But her father was gone and all his belongings left more questions than answers.

"Emerson," Addison called out from the hallway making Emerson curse under her breath. She had intended on making a quick exit, one where her mother wouldn't realize she was gone until after she left the house. "Emerson," Addison repeated as she walked into her daughter's room. "Ah there you are."

"Here I am," Emerson said, faking enthusiasm.

"Are you going somewhere?" Addison asked when Emerson moved past her mom to get to her white converse.

"Yeah, actually I am," Emerson replied as she sat down on her bed so she could put her shoes on.

"And may I ask where you're going?" Addison requested as she looked down at her only daughter.

"You can ask," Emerson told her as she slipped her foot into her shoe. Addison lightly tapped her foot on the floor making Emerson sigh in annoyance. Addison Rhodes did love knowing absolutely everything about her daughter. "I am going to see my... boyfriend," she said, almost hesitantly. It wasn't that she was embarrassed to call JJ her boyfriend, it was that she was worried how her mother would react.

"Oh," Addison sighed, "Why don't you just invite Rafe to come over here?"

"Maybe because I'm not dating Rafe," Emerson replied.

Addison's eyes widened as she tried to comprehend what her daughter just said. "Who is it then?" Addison asked but didn't bother to wait for an answer. "Topper maybe, I heard he and Sarah broke up? Or maybe somebody else from around here"

"It's not Topper or anybody else you know," Emerson told her.

"Well if it's not Topper or someone I know then who is it?"

"JJ Maybank," Emerson answered with a small smile on her face.

Addison gasped as she dramatically stepped away from her daughter. "You're dating a pogue?" She asked, putting her hand over her heart. 

In all her life Addison Rhodes hoped that she'd never have to hear those words coming from the mouth of her child. She had raised them to be better than the pogues, not to fall in love with them.

"Yes, mom. I am dating a pogue," Emerson replied, a proud smile on her face.

"Y-You can't date a pogue, Emerson," Her mother said in a stern voice. "It will completely ruin our reputation. What will the women at the garden parties say?"

"I don't care what they say," Emerson announced.

"You should care. You must care," Addison spoke slowly. Anger coursed through her veins as she looked at her daughter. This was not supposed to happen in the Rhodes family. A broken marriage she could handle but this... this was far too much. "Is this about your father leaving? You're lashing out, aren't you?"

"No, it's not about dad," Emerson answered as she began tying her shoes. "It's not about Nick, and it's not about Rafe."

"Then what on earth could you possibly be thinking?"

"I don't know, Mom. What were you thinking when you were cheating on Dad?" Emerson asked with raised eyebrows.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that."

"Then don't question my relationship."

Addison simply laughed at her daughter. "What you're having isn't a relationship honey, it's a lapse of judgement."

"Well Dad certainly seemed to have a lot of them. Especially when he thought marrying you was a good idea." Addison was shocked by the words that fell out of her daughter's mouth. She had never been spoken to like that and couldn't believe that Emerson even thought to say it. "Now, I promised my boyfriend that I'd come over today, so I have to go now." The young girl felt so proud of herself when she made her declaration. She is going to the chateau and nothing is going to stop-

"Emerson Rhodes!" Her mother shouted. "If you walk out that door then don't bother coming back home!"

Emerson stopped walking, she didn't know what to do. This was her house, home to her family, the people who were supposed to love her no matter what. Emerson knew that she wasn't happy here, but it was still her home. Yes, there was a part of her that wanted to run away but being kicked out is completely different.

She needed to think. She had to wonder if being with JJ was worth being kicked out of her home. They've spent so little time together, they barely knew each other. But Emerson couldn't imagine spending her days with anyone but him... or maybe Sarah. Emerson needed to think, but she didn't have the time. So without giving herself another chance to think she opened her mouth and said:

"I guess I should pack a bag then," Emerson walked past her mother to get to her closet.

"What? Emerson, don't you dare walk away from me!" Addison yelled but Emerson ignored her.

The young kook picked up her backpack and began shoving a bunch of her clothes into the bag. Anything she thought she'd need ended up in the bag. She grabbed her hidden stash of money, shoving that into the bag, piling her clothes on top of it to keep it hidden.

When she walked back out into her bedroom her mother was still standing in the spot she left her. Addison turned around and looked her daughter in the eye. "You're making the biggest mistake of your life."

"As long as I don't have to be with you," Emerson replied. Addison's next move was quick, so quick that Emerson didn't even see it coming. She was standing there and out of nowhere her mother's hand slapped her across the cheek. Emerson's head turned and she brought her hand up, covering the red mark. 

Even Addison looked shocked by her actions. She had never hit anyone in life, she never expected to hit her own daughter. Addison tried to step forwards but Emerson quickly shook her head and backed away. In that exact moment Addison hated herself, she hated she's become, she wished she could start over.

"Emerson I-"

"Don't. It won't change anything," She told her then walked out the door.

"You're leaving?" Hayden asked from the other side of the door.

"I'm not leaving you, just this house," She told him. "Just this life. But not you, I'd never leave you Hayden."

"I want to come with you," Hayden told her but Emerson shook her head. "I'm coming with you."

"You can't," She said, softly. "I don't even know where I'm going yet. You need to be here, at least for now, okay?"

"I don't like this," He admitted.

"I don't either," Emerson looked down for a second. She knew that with everything going on it wouldn't be safe for her to drag Hayden along with her. They needed to sort out the gold stuff then the first thing she'd do is get her brother back. "I'll come back for you Hayden."

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart," Emerson replied.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too," She whispered, kissing the top of his head before pulling away. She gave him one final look before walking down the stairs and leaving the house for good.


While Emerson walked towards the Chateau she had about a million different thoughts running around her head. She couldn't believe what she had done. If somebody told her that she'd leave her family for the pogues, she would've told them they're crazy. Earlier that summer she hated the pogues, now she was dating one.

Emerson was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't hear the sudden sounds of footsteps running down the street headed in the direction she was going. When the boy noticed the person he was about to run by he sped up trying to catch up to her.

"Hey!" He yelled, catching the girl's attention.


"Come on!" He yelled, still running.

Emerson gave him a confused look as he ran right past her, not stopping for even a second. "Wha- Hey wait!" she shouted as she began running trying to catch up with him. "Pope!"

"Let's move!" He shouted at her.

The young brunette had no idea why she and Pope were running but she could see he was determined to get to the Chateau as quickly as possible. By the time the house was in sight Emerson was almost completely out of breath.

"Guys!" Pope yelled as he ran down the dock, as Emerson started to slow down. "Guys! Oh, god," he panted out. His boy was covered in sweat and he tried to catch his breath. "Oh! I ran all the way here."

"I ran halfway here," Emerson announced as she leaned on JJ, trying to catch her breath. He wrapped his arm around her, holding her upright. "God, I hate running."

JJ smiled, his grip around her tightening. He'd only been away from her for a couple of hours but he hated every second of it. It was safe to say that JJ Maybank was falling in love with Emerson Rhodes.

"You all right?"

"How was the interview, Pope?" JJ asked him.

"Don't ask," Pope panted out then turned to John B who was still laying carelessly on the floor. "JB... Look, I'm sorry, dude. About everything."

"It's fine."

"But- but I don't have a lot of time, and- and I have information that is tactically relevant," He informed the group. "So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Rhodes' big plane."

"Wait, wait," JJ held up his finger then looked over at his girlfriend. "You have a plane?"

"Uh... well yeah," Emerson answered, somewhat embarrassed by the answer.

"And you guys let Ward Cameron use it?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah," Emerson told them all. ""Our family has the plane and they have the house in The... you know it doesn't really matter," She shrugged.

"Guys!" Pope yelled, bringing them back to the point. "Because the plane was too heavy, and it needed a longer landing strip to take off." He continued, making the interest of the pogues peek slightly. "So, I'm there sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, "Hm. Why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off?"" He asked then John B sat up in realization. ""What could be so heavy to weigh it down?""

"Gold," JJ realized as Emerson's head snapped up. She knew there was a large chance that her dad was involved but it was still hard for her to believe.

"That's right."

Pope dramatically pointed to JJ, flailing his arms like a mad man. "Exactly. Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go."

"Guys, we can't give up," Kiara agreed.

"What's the plan, big man?"

"We're gonna steal that shit back," John B told them, making all three of them smile.

They all started running up the dock, leaving John B behind for a moment.

"Let's do this!"

"Come on, boys!" Kiara cheered.

John B looked out at the water one last time, nodding to himself. This wasn't just for him and his dad anymore, this was for everyone Ward Cameron screwed over. He smiled briefly then ran up the dock, following his friends to the twinkie.

The group of five jumped into the van, ready to steal their gold back. JJ pulled Emerson into his lap, only now noticing the bag she dropped at her side.

"What's the bag for?" He asked her.

"Oh..." Emerson hesitated for a second, not knowing if she actually wanted to answer the question. "I... well I told my mom about us," Emerson told him. JJ's head tilted to the side, waiting for her to continue. "She gave me an ultimatum, either leave you or get out of the house. Hence the bag."

"She kicked you out? Because of me?"

"Because I wasn't the kid she signed up for," Emerson corrected. She absolutely did not want JJ to feel guilty over her mother's decisions. "I've wanted to leave that house for years, but I was always too scared. My mom, well she doesn't know it but she just gave me a nudge in the right direction."

"I never wanted you to get kicked out of your house," He said quietly. "This is my fault."

"Hey, don't do that," Emerson said as she reached her hand up, putting it on JJ's cheek. "Don't blame yourself. My mom gave me a choice, she just never expected me to actually leave."

He smiled at her then pulled her closer to him. JJ had to be honest he thought that if someone gave Emerson a choice, like the one her mother gave her, she'd choose kook life. But she didn't. Emerson Rhodes, kook princess, chose JJ Maybank.

JJ grabbed her cheek and pulled her in. His lips light grazed over hers, teasing her just enough to make her lightly kick his foot in annoyance. JJ smirked then put his lips on hers, making Emerson smile as she kissed him.

All the pogues silently laughed as they looked at the new couple. They were all excited that JJ finally found someone he could be in a relationship with. None of them had expected it to happen, at least not in this lifetime.

"You're really not mad?" JJ asked, wanting to make sure that he wouldn't get blamed for her getting kicked out.

"I promise I am not mad," Emerson assured him. "In fact, I don't think I've ever felt better," she smiled.

"Not even after you and I-"

"Hey! Hey!" Pope yelled, stopping JJ from finishing his sentence. JJ smirked, then whispered quietly to Emerson, making her put her hand over her mouth, trying to hide her smile while the rest of the pogues rolled their eyes. "I hate you both," Pope told them.


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