Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Q...

By hopesashes

19.8K 1K 2.4K

downplay- to make something seem less important than it is It's a mechanism really, a defense , no one ever r... More

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• f o r t y f i v e •

•t w e n t y f o u r •

175 16 40
By hopesashes

April 15th, 2022, the days all seemed to blend into one another. Yara moved around Jordan's Utah home with ease as she sorted out some more wedding arrangements. Ebony's big day  was coming together faster than her own but that was to be expected. Jordan had faced a trauma and she was still battling a part of herself. It was all too easy to focus on other things like her business in Nevada which Quincy was currently doing a hell of a job at spearheading and Jordan's therapy. Her heart had softened toward him during his grief because he needed her, and she cared about him, so she went the extra mile. She'd gone to Utah with him the week after it happened, and she'd remained there. Jahi now had a fully functioning nursery in two places, but she still preferred her LA apartment.

Moving to the kitchen, Yara moved some food Jordan had left out into containers and placed them in the fridge. 4 AM and she was still bustling, she decided to blame it on pregnancy, she'd slept all day, so she was left with a large case of restless energy.

"Ya, come to bed." Jordan's voice called out to her softly as he watched her from upstairs but she waved him off.

"After I clean up the mess you left here. You can't leave food all over the counters Jordan."

"I had a tough practice, I was going to get to it."

"Before or after the ants?" Yara shot back smartly as she moved a dish cloth over the granite counter tops.

"I miss you. I have to enjoy us time before you wake up one day and rush off to LA."

This statement gained him an eyeroll just as her phone went off and her stomach let out a weird feeling in its pit. She stared at the unknown number for a minute before she picked up.


"Hey Yara, this is Vashti. I work with your sister, something awful has happened and she's in the hospital."

Immediately,Yara gripped the counter top.

"What happened? Is she okay? What Hospital?"

Her mind was going a mile a minute and luckily Vashti was able to follow and deliver all the details as Yara rushed upstairs and began to throw clothes into her suitcase. Jordan watched with a mix of concern and dejection.

Aya and Devin's home had been broken into by two very notorious men who were looking for their brother. When they didn't find him , they decided that Aya was collateral and shot at her .

"What's going on?" Jordan  queried in the background but Yara was moving faster than she or he could comprehend. When Vashti hung up, she immediately began to look for available tickets. She was lucky enough to find one that left in three hours and she booked it with no hesitation.

"Yara, talk to me."

"My sister was shot at and she's in the hospital Jordan. There was a home invasion and I have to go."

"Yara, you're seven months pregnant, do you really think it's safe to fly right now?"

"Actually, six and a half months and well, what's the alternative Jordan? Phoenix is an 11 hour drive from here roughly but it's a 1 and a half hour flight. That's a no brainer."

He grabbed her hand to stop her flurry of movements and gather his thoughts.

"Maybe we should call our doctor."

"Jordan, I'm fine, healthy as a horse and this isn't up for debate. I have to go."

"I just lost one child Yara, I'm not trying to lose another."

He sounded exasperated as he stared into her eyes, hoping to appeal to her common sense. She was so far along, she couldn't just jump and do things the way she did before she had a child to think about.

"You won't Jordan and you won't stop me from going. This is my sister and apparently this also involves my brother. When it comes to them, especially him, no one, not even you can get in my way. So, are you going to drive me to the airport or should I get an uber?"

With no other alternatives, Jordan relented and put on clothes. Apart of him wanted to tag along but he had two away games coming up that would make that impossible. Still, when he dropped her off, a large part of him wanted to forget everything and follow her just to ensure she was safe and Elijah was good.

Yara was a force, he should've known by now that he was no match for her will.


Yara arrived in Phoenix at 9:45 AM and was met by Vashti and Destin, her niece. The little girl ran into her arms and told her all about life in Phoenix the entire way to the hospital. Yara tried her best to keep up the front of happiness to preserve Destin's innocence. How could you tell a six year old that her mother's health was on the line?

"Titi, are you having a baby boy or girl?" Destin asked curiously as she rubbed Yara's belly.

"It's a baby boy Des."

"Really? I always wanted a baby brother but mommy's having another princess." Destin shrugged as if she was still coming to terms with the news which made Yara chuckle.

"Yeah well, you'll have a baby boy cousin. Does that make it better?"

"I guess, but he'll be far away. What's his name?"

Yara raised an eyebrow conspiratorially before she turned off the highway and continued her expedited path to the hospital.

"If I tell you, you have to promise to keep it a secret. Very few people know, only really important people."

"I promise. I want to be an important person." Destin moved her hand against her mouth in a zipper like fashion and stared at her aunt with big bright brown eyes.

"You are Des, you're a very important person. His name is Elijah, but you can call him Jahi."

"Jahi, I like that. I can't wait to meet him. I can't wait to meet my sister too."

"Me either Des, I bet she's cute as a button just like you were."

"Is she tiny?"

Destin queried as she twirled one of Yara's curls around her finger.

"Yeah she's really small Des. Smaller than you were even."

The child bounced in her seat as the lights of the hospital came into her vision. Yara shook her head at her niece and sighed. This far in her pregnancy she didn't expect for news like this to come her way especially as things were just going well in her life.

Vashti had to take care of things at the shop , so Yara took over.

Parking near the entrance, Yara eased herself out carefully before she grabbed her niece's hand and walked into the chaos which was the maternity ward where they had moved Aya that morning.

Passing the bassinets in the nursery Destin placed her face against the glass and looked at all the babies that came into her view. About fifteen little bundles were wrapped up and looking blindly around the room.

"Which one is Dior?"

Big brown eyes focused on Yara's face but a deep voice answered the question before she could.

"That little angel over there." Devin brought himself down to Destin's height for a bit before he pointed out Dior who was laying quietly at the front , a small sleepy grin on her face. Yara took this time to watch their interactions, it all seemed so natural. Like Devin had missed no time at all with the first born Booker.

"She looks like she's happy to see you."

As a smile spread across Destin's face , Yara stood still and watched Devin admire the child before he brought her in for a bear hug and kissed her forehead. She couldn't help but to see the worry that crossed his eyes. He was traumatized and she knew he wouldn't talk about it. Men never really talked about their struggles, getting Jordan to reveal his true thoughts on the miscarriage was like pulling teeth. He also got squirrely whenever Mylin's name was brought up.

"I missed you princess." Devin sighed before he released her and took her face in his hands.

"I missed you too daddy, are you okay? Where's mommy?"

"I'm great now Des." Devin cleared his throat before he stood up and gave Yara an appreciative nod.

"Thanks for coming Yara."

"No Devin, I had to be here. You should probably take her to Aya. I'll be in soon , I just need to make a call really quickly."

Yara's phone went crazy as soon as she touched down and it was only now that she felt she had the space to check it. She surveyed her screen quickly and saw three missed calls from Ebony and two from Kevin so she called back.

"Hey Eb, is everything okay, I saw that you called?" Yara spoke quickly as soon as the call went through but the voice that responded to her was not Ebony. It was low and masculine.

"Hi Yara, this is Ray, Kevin's brother. Ebony and Kevin are in the delivery room right now. She went into labor."

"Oh my gosh,, is everything alright? Is she healthy, is the baby fine?"

"Everything is okay as far as I know. We're just waiting for an official update."

"Okay, I'll call back later but please tell them I said congratulations on baby Kash's birth!"

"Of course Yara, no problem."

With that said, Yara hung up and sent a quick text to her florist and shopper to have gifts delivered to the room. She couldn't believe Ebony was having Kash already and she couldn't be there to see the chocolate drop on his first day in the world. He would be a day behind her second niece , April was bringing many blessings following a series of tragedies.

Giving one more glance to her niece's plump face, Yara smiled softly at the sleeping baby before she ventured to Aya's room where tensions appeared to be at an all time high. Police officers lined the halls and inside two appeared to be conducting an interview much to Devin's annoyance.

"This isn't the first tragedy we've had , it's just a bit too painfully familiar." Aya reasoned with them and they slowly nodded at her before looking at her husband warily.

"Well then , we should also let you know that the gentleman who saved you Alexander "Moose" Moss passed away this morning. They couldn't save him in surgery."

Aya's heart dropped as the information washed over her. A cold chill crept down her spine and she held her daughter closer. If he hadn't jumped in front of her she wouldn't be here for Destin right now.

Devin snorted at the news rudely before he shrugged shocking Aya just as Yara decided to walk in and the officers made their way to the door.

"Have a good day Mr & Mrs. Booker , little Ms. Booker."

The offices bent their hats before they exited but Aya was still staring at Devin. Yara could feel the tension between them and cleared her throat to dissipate some of the negative energy in the room.

"Yara?" Aya's eyes widened as she took in her sister's pregnant stomach and huge engagement ring. "What the hell?"

The woman in question chuckled before she walked over to Aya and held her hand. Her smile was bright with relief and compassion. They'd been through a lot together and despite their differences as well as Yara's childhood trauma, she was grateful they still had time to go through some more.

"The ring or the baby?"

"Both , I thought you didn't do commitment and now you're sporting two huge ass ones. Wait is it Jordan's?"

Aya's face remained trained on Yara's grin as she simply nodded.

"Yeah , it is and it's a long story that's not important right now. How are you feeling?"

Cutting her eyes at her sisters , Aya laid back , Destin folded into a new position on her mother while Devin now occupied a chair in the corner of the room. His eyes were trained on the white wall past them, and his index finger was tapping soundlessly against the arm of the chair.

"Like all my friends are pregnant, you , Zolee and Kaia."

Yara chuckled before she shrugged "Well we always did everything together, at least they'll grow up together too."

"True but damn , is Tea pregnant too?"

Aya queried seriously as she began to look around for her friend. Vashti hadn't left her side until Aya had forced her to but knowing Vashti she'd be back at any moment as well as Marquese and Tyler as soon as they got out of practice. Yara laughed before she held Aya's shoulders in order for her sister to focus.

"No she is not , she missed the bug. Now seriously Aya how do you feel?"

"I don't know how to feel honestly Yara. A lot could've happened and I'm just glad it didn't."

Letting out a huge sigh , the young mother and wife kissed her daughter's forehead before she looked back up at her sister.

"I can't believe this has to do with Mari either. I can't believe he didn't say anything. Why wouldn't he tell us he was in trouble?"

Yara was at a loss. She'd also struggled to wrap her head around how Amari had even found these guys or gotten himself in this mess to begin with. Whilst they were growing up he was the stable one , the glue that kept them together whenever she and Aya couldn't see eye to eye. He did have a penchant for knuckle head trouble but it never was this drastic. Why didn't  he tell them?

"Aya I-"

Yara began somberly as Devin's voice cut over hers.

"Because he's a selfish asshole."

The room fell silent as Aya's head snapped over to Devin. Her face began to turn red as she stared incredulously at him. Yara couldn't even meet his eyes, she knew he was going through a lot but Amari was her closer sibling so she was fiercely loyal to him. She had to resist the urge to cuss Devin out in his defense because in all honestly, she understood his anger. He'd nearly lost his wife and child because Amari had gotten into this mess and then supposedly ran away.

"Destin come look for food with me? Your mom needs something to eat."

Needing space to think and to shield Destin from the drama, Yara quickly grabbed her niece's hand and led her out of the warzone , closing the door behind her. She understood Aya's indecision and Devin's anger but she hoped they both could make sense of what each other was experiencing before another tragedy occurred.

Finding the cafeteria was easy enough. Yara managed to grab some breakfast and a cup of jello for Destin. She sat with her niece for a while to allow the child time to eat. She didn't think Devin and Aya were done conversing either.

In that time, she allowed her mind to wander. What the hell had Amari done and where the hell was he? Scrolling through her phone, she landed on his number and dialed, hoping that he'd pick up. Miraculously he did on the third ring.

"Is Aya alright?" His voice was fraught with dread and the background was noisy, almost like his phone was right next to a fan.

"She's fine, a bit shaken up but injuries are minor. To be honest , I think the mental trauma will be the obstacle but do you want to explain to me what the hell you've got to do with this?"

Amari sighed heavily on the other end.

"Our dad had debts Yara, when I moved to Arizona they fell on me. I lost mostly everything but the house trying to pay them back. I just wanted to get a break so I left, I went to a casino in Mexico to try to get some more money and bide time. I had no idea they'd go after Aya. You know that my worst nightmare is anything happening to either one of you."

The despair in his voice was palpable. Once again, their father was finding ways to mess them all up beyond the grave. The sins of the parents unfortunately always fell upon the children.

"I know that and Aya does too but Mari this is a lot of damage. How much do you owe?"

"I got it Yara, even if they have to kill me. I'm coming back now and I'm settling this because this can't happen again."

Her stomach lurched at the thought of him losing his life. Immediately her protective mode activated.

"Amari don't be stupid. Come and check on Aya and we'll figure this out. This is bigger than all of us now, this is a police case and you'll likely be arrested because of suspected involvement. I'm not letting anything happen to either of you, we're all we've got."

"Yara, everything doesn't fall on you. I made this mess myself. Let me clean it up."

"No, you did do this but if you'd come to us in the first place this may not have gotten this far. Amari I'm not taking no for an answer. Now, man up and in the mean time I'll try to find a way to save all our asses legally."

Despite his sadness, Yara could feel that he had a small smile by the tone of his voice when he sighed and told her "Always so bossy, you do realize that I'm supposed to be the protective big brother right?"

"Yeah, I never really cared about tradition Amari. I'm always here for you, Aya is here for you too despite what she's gone through, Devin may not be your biggest fan right now though. Still, we're family and we look out for each other."

"I can't blame either one of them if they're pissed."

"Me either but where there's life, there's hope. I know I keep myself away and do my own thing but I always think about you and Aya. I'm grateful to have both of you and that'll never change. We'll handle this."

Yara hung up from Amari with a heavy heart and fired off a text to the only person she knew who'd have connections to some of the best lawyers money could buy, Quincy Brown. Like always he obliged with little to no questions, but he'd request the story at a later date. She was okay with that, in a strange way she missed talking to him. She also knew that Jordan could barely help himself right now so there was no need to trouble him with what was happening or who she'd had to turn to for aid.

"Yara, did you get the food?" Devin's voice startled her into reality as she nodded.

Mere minutes later they entered the room with Destin and little Dior followed by all their friends. As soon as the little girl was placed in Aya's arms she melted. Destin couldn't stop touching her little fingers.

"Mommy why is she so white?"

Scrunching her nose Destin compared her brown sugar complexion to her sister's pale red-splotched one and Dior let out a sharp whine in protest as the room chuckled.

"Looks like she took too much from your daddy Des" Tyler chimed in as he tickled the palm of Dior's hand and she gripped his finger "I told you to look like your mother but you are your daddy's child , you don't listen do you angel?"

Tyler shook his head while Marquese patted Devin's shoulder with his hand that wasn't wrapped around his girlfriend Vashti.

"She's beautiful guys." He chimed in and Vashti nodded in agreement.

"Her name fits too , Dior , it means golden and I have a feeling she'll live up to it."

Vashti's observation made Aya smile as she looked down at the little girl again before she kissed her forehead and then Destin's.

"My little blessings." Aya mused as Destin began to play with Dior's hands again.

"I'd say so."

All attention was brought to the door where Lucas Coly stood with a bouquet of sunflowers. Tyler and Marquese passed Devin a questioning look at they stared at the familiar face they couldn't place. Especially as Destin raced toward him and jumped into his arms. Vashti looked at the scene as she patiently waited for someone to clarify who he was. Yara felt nothing, Lucas' presence was something she actively ignored but she caught the quick glance he gave her and the raise of a brow at her belly.

"Lucas , what are you doing here?" Aya asked just as Lucas had hugged Destin to his chest before setting her back down.

"You're getting so big Des." He commented as he looked at her , she'd changed so much in the time he'd been away. He remembered when she was a little fluffy bright-eyed baby that laughed every time he rapped to her.

"Well duh Uncle Lucas I'm growing." Destin chuckled as she grabbed his hand and brought him towards Aya "This is my baby sister , Dior."

Destin introduced but Lucas' eyes focused on Aya's and not the baby that was lying peacefully in her arms. Devin moved closer to his wife and rested his hand on her shoulder gently while he watched Lucas.

"I asked you something." Aya blinked at him as he stood there speechless.

"Uhm, I heard about what happened it's all over the news. I came as soon as I could. I'll never get used to seeing you like this."

His rambling revealed his state of shock at where they stood when they met again. He hadn't seen her since he'd left Colorado and he would've preferred to see her any other way but this.

"Well thank you for coming , it's good to see you. You remember my husband?"

Breaking eye contact with his former flame and best friend Lucas met Devin's eyes and although they exchanged polite smiles, Devin's expression made it clear that they were not friends. Yara enjoyed the animosity, she was more than certain that Devin could hold his own.

Lucas couldn't blame Devin for his hostility, he wouldn't trust him either. History had a way of repeating itself.

Lucas looked down at the baby in Aya's arms and smiled.

"She's tinier than Destin was." His hand lightly brushed the mess of black hair standing up around Dior's head before he took her tiny hand "Hey Dior."

Her head moved slightly in the direction of his voice before she began to fuss with herself until Aya propped her into a new position.

"Is someone going to say who the hell he is?"

Vashti's voice rang through alerting Aya and Devin to the questioning faces around them and Devin smirked a bit. Yara had to stifle a laugh as she thought to herself He's nobody Vashti, nobody at all.

"This is Aya's best friend Lucas. He lives in Vermont now." Devin explained breezily.

"Actually it's Vegas, Vermont's all the way on the East Coast. I'm closer than that."

"What a shame."

Devin supplied casually before he reached for Dior, sweeping her carefully out of Aya's arms before she could give him one of her signature looks. Tyler and Marquese exchanged amused looks while Vashti shook her head at the scene. Yara watched Devin's tight expression and exasperation, as much as she wanted to see them spar verbally, she knew that her sister couldn't take much more.

"Anyway, I think it's time Aya got some rest, she looks pretty tired."

Always the savior, Yara chimed in before she began to usher everyone out. Well, everyone she could, Devin insisted on staying so she let the family be.

Once in the hall, Yara shot a text to Jordan and ignored the feeling of an all too familiar gaze on her back.

Got in safely and Aya as well as baby Dior are doing alright. How's everything going in Utah J?

"I heard you got engaged, I didn't know you were pregnant too?" Lucas spoke up and Yara rolled her shoulders to release tension before she glared at him.

"Why would you? We haven't talked in years Lucas."

"Don't be like that Yara. We were kids back then; we're grown now and we've got history. A lot of good memories too. Are you going to hate me forever?"

Yara snorted before she took him in, he looked the same just a bit more tired like life had hit him with back-to-back work assignments and he was running on coffee or monsters.

"I don't think about you enough to hate you, Lucas. I simply don't care for you. Don't come in here and try to mess with Aya or Devin either. She's married and happy with two kids. Let it go, let her go and grow the fuck up Lucas."

His face straightened out immediately before he rolled his eyes at her.

"Aya and I have a connection you never understood. Don't act like you care so much Yara, we all know you want everything she has. You always have, that's the only reason you wanted me, isn't it? Aya had a basketball player and a baby, so you got you that too. If anyone needs to grow the fuck up, it's you. After all this time you're still the pathetic second-best sister. Stay out of my business Yara Elizabeth."

Lucas smirked as he looked Yara up and down victoriously but soon her hand skidded across his face with a force neither one of them expected. Shocked, he held his red cheek and stared at her but she was already walking off, looking more than satisfied.

She didn't need to explain herself to him, she never did.

Yara stayed an additional two days after Aya was released to ensure that her sister was fine and manage Amari's charges. Due to Quincy's lawyer and her brothers' honest approach, charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence and coercion and Amari was a free man. Still, a lot of damage had been done and he needed some form of reprieve. Yara offered for him to stay with her but he opted to go back to Colorado instead and she didn't dissuade him. Home was where healing occurred after all.

With her sister back on her feet and Amari beginning a new chapter, Yara returned to LA with a clear conscience and hope that her family would be alright.

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