By deey_jah

236K 43.9K 11K

A few minutes into the walk, I heard footsteps shuffling behind me. I tensed up and halted in my tracks. My h... More

1. Manal
2. Manal
3. Manal
4. Manal
5. Manal
6. Manal
7. Manal
8. Manal
9: Manal
10: Manal
11: Manal
12: Manal
13: Manal
14. Manal
15. Manal
16: Manal
17. Manal
18. Manal
19. Manal
20. Manal
21. Jawaad
22. Manal
23. Manal
24. Manal
25. Manal
26. Manal
27. Jawaad
28. Jawaad
29. Manal
30: Manal
31: Manal
32: Manal
33: Manal
34: Jawaad
35: Manal
36: Jawaad
37: Manal
38: Jawaad
39: Manal
40: Manal
41: Jawaad
42: Manal
43: Manal
44: Manal
45: Jawaad
46: Manal
47: Manal
48: Manal
49: Jawaad
50: Manal
51: Manal
52: Manal
53: Manal
54: Jawaad
55: Manal
56: Manal
57: Manal
58: Manal
59: Jawaad
60: Jawaad
61: Manal
62: Manal
63: Jawaad
64: Manal
65: Na'eem
66: Jawaad
67: Jawaad
68: Manal
69; Jawaad
70: Manal
71: Jawaad
72: Jawaad
73: Manal
74: Manal
75: Manal
76: Na'eem
77: Manal
78: Farida
79: Jawaad
Jawaad or Na'eem?
80: Jawaad
81: Manal*
82: Jawaad
83: Manal
84: Manal
85: Jawaad
86: Manal
87: Manal
88: Manal
89: Jawaad
90: Manal
91: Manal
92: Manal
93: Jawaad
95: Manal
96: Manal
97: Hala
98: Manal
99: Jawaad
100: Manal
101: Jawaad & Manal*

94: Manal

2K 410 166
By deey_jah

I left home for Farida's house very early. Her wedding was in two days. I still couldn't believe it. For some inexplicable reason, I was nervous. It seemed as though I was the one getting married. The anticipation, the fear, everything. Farida, on the other hand, didn't seem a tad nervous. Rather, she was excited. I couldn't blame her though. She was getting married to the love of her life.

Farida and I were seated on her bed when she brought up the topic of her henna ceremony which would take place the next day.

"You should better come very early tomorrow. The henna ceremony will begin immediately after fajr." Farida reminded.

I rolled my eyes. "There isn't even any program today and I came early. Don't worry, I will be here and you will probably still be in bed."

"I'm being serious, Manal." She frowned. "I need you to be here as early as possible." She sighed. "What am I even saying...sleepover, Manal. Please?"

Initially, I wanted to do that, but Ummi had made me promise to return home before nightfall. I didn't ask her what her reason was because I knew she'd just end up telling me she needed me at home to help her with the chores. "I wish I could, but Ummi won't allow it." I voiced.

"Isn't there something you can say to convince her to allow you to stay? Or should I speak to her myself?"

If Farida speaks to Ummi, I knew for a fact she was going to permit me to stay, but at the same time, she was going to feel offended, because she'd think I put her on the spot. "I will try asking her again."

"Please do. Ideally, you're supposed to have been sleeping over since a week ago, because you're my best lady." She sneered.

"I have practically been sleeping here." I pointed out.

"It's not enough. I'm not even so close to Zahra and Faiza but they're have been sleeping in this house since two days ago."

She had a point though. I couldn't even imagine getting married and not having my closest friends with me all the time. "I will go and talk to Ummi, then return."

"Alright. I will be waiting for you. If you like don't come back now." She remarked sarcastically.

I walked out of the house and to where my car was parked. I was about to get in when I remembered I hadn't even spoken to Jawaad for the whole day. He had pleaded with me to notify him when I'm at his house but it totally skipped my mind. "I hope he doesn't get upset," I mumbled and got into the car.

Immediately I brought out my phone from my bag to call him, his call came through.

"I was just about to call you," I informed.

"I'm sorry for not calling earlier. I had so many things to do, and right now, I'm on my way to Minna. I just called to inform you."

Bemused, I asked; "To Minna? What are you going to do there?" I was really worried for Jawaad because, for the past few days, he had been overworking himself. He was so invested in Farida's wedding preparations that we hardly had time to see each other or even speak on phone. I couldn't even get angry even if I wanted to because I knew he also didn't like the way things were going, but because his father was dead, his responsibility towards his family had increased. He wanted to make sure everything went well. I respected him for that. He had become much more responsible than he used to be. Farida was lucky to have an older brother who was so protective of her. Many times, I wished I had an older brother too. I just like the feeling of someone being overprotective of me. Even though I was thankful for having Imran, I wouldn't deny the fact that he was annoying most of the time.

"Ummi sent me on an errand." He responded.

"Are you going to return today?" I asked him not because I wanted to see him, but because I wanted to know when he'd have time to take a rest. I was afraid he'd fall sick. Deep down, I wanted him to spend the night there. It would save him the stress of driving back home.

"Of course. I still need to check if the reservation I booked for the wedding reception is still intact."

I hummed. "Why don't you talk to them on phone instead of going there?"

"I can't, Manal. I need to be there to ensure things don't go wrong. They might assure me that things are well, but end up making mistakes. I want everything to be perfect. I need to be present there."

I sighed. "Alright then. Please drive safely and make sure you have something to eat."

"Thank you."

"...and please don't-" before I could finish my sentence, I realized he had already ended the call.

I felt bad because it seemed like he was eager to get off the phone with me, but I knew better.

I got into my car and drove off.

When I arrived home, I went straight to Ummi's room. I met her folding some clothes in her closet.

"Assalamualaikum," I mumbled.

"Manal?" She turned to me, surprised. She must have wondered why I was back so quickly. "Wa Alaikum Salam." She responded. "You're back so soon?"

I hummed. I didn't know how to begin to ask for her permission, but I knew I had to do it regardless. I sat on the couch and waited for her to finish folding the shirt in her hand.

Ummi finished and came to sit beside me on the couch. "why are you back so soon?" She repeated her question.

"Ummi, Farida's wedding is in three days. I want to start sleeping over at her place..."

Surprisingly, Ummi was calm. "Why do you want that?"

"It's what friends do, Ummi. Farida considers me her best friend. She wants me to be there for her."

"Doesn't she have other friends?" Ummi narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yes, she does, but I'm her best friend."

"It doesn't matter, Manal. Who do you expect to do the house chores while you're away?"

I sighed. This was one of the times I wished we had a maid. I knew Ummi was strictly against it because of what happened with me a few years ago, and I couldn't blame her, but sometimes, I couldn't help but wish. The chores may not seem a lot, but they were exhausting.

"Tell me," Ummi cajoled. "Do you expect me to handle everything here myself while you stay over at your friend's and have fun?"

"It's not like that, Ummi," I tried to make her see where I was coming from. "If I don't stay with Farida right now, she will be disappointed and probably angry. Who will now come and stay with me during my own wedding? You know I only have a few friends, Ummi. It's just for three days, Ummi. I will beg Imran to not allow you to do the chores alone, and it's weekend tomorrow, abi is going to be home. He's not going to assist you."

"Left to me, I'd have allowed you, but I don't know what your father is going to say about this. He might not allow it."

"I just need your permission, Ummi. He's your husband. I'm sure you know what to say to him to convince him that it's the right thing to do."

Ummi rolled her eyes. "you want to go there this much?"

I nodded. I really wanted to.

"But isn't three days too much?"

I groaned, exasperated. "It's not too much, Ummi! It's two days even. Ideally, I'm supposed to have been sleeping there since a week ago."

"Because you're that jobless, huh?"

I chuckled. "Thanks, Ummi."

"Why are you thanking me? I haven't even said you could go."

"I know you won't say no to me because you understand me more than anyone else." I smiled. I couldn't believe I was the one saying that. If a few years ago, someone had told me I'd say this, I'd have called the person a liar. I had grown up not understanding Ummi and thinking she didn't understand me either. Abi was always the one taking my side, while Ummi seized every opportunity to scold me. To be sincere, I used to think she didn't like me. I used to feel like an outcast in our own house. I was just glad things had changed for the better. My relationship with Ummi was much better. I could practically tell her everything now. She had become my best friend, advisor, and everything in-between.

"You can go ahead and pack your bags. I will speak to your father on your behalf when he gets home. Pray he doesn't get mad at me."

"He won't," I reassured. "And even if he gets mad at you, I'm sure you two are going to resolve it easily. I hardly ever see you disagree on something." It was true. Abi and Ummi's relationship was almost perfect. I wondered how they did it. Perhaps, they don they were just too good at hiding their disagreements from their children.

When I walked into Farida's room with my suitcase, she practically pounced on me.

"Yes!" She threw her arms in the air. "Thanks for doing this for me. You don't know how much it means to me."

"Why are you thanking me?" I asked, disentangling her arms around me and pulling back a little. "We're friends. Isn't this what friends do? Be there for each other when the need arises?"

"I know...I just didn't think your parents would agree." Farida voiced. She already knew how overprotective my parents were. Sometimes, it gets on my nerves, but most of the time, I was grateful to have such caring parents who are always there to look out for me and my sibling.

"Well," I shrugged. "I talked to Ummi once and she agreed."

"That's nice. I should call her and thank her."

I chuckled. I couldn't believe how excited Farida was. "No, don't..." I said before she could pick up her phone and call Ummi. "There's no need to thank her. When next I speak to her, I will extend your greeting to her. That should be enough."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded in the affirmative. "Yup." I then looked around. "Where are your friends?"

"Oh! Zahra and Faiza? They're running an errand for mum." She walked to her closet and returned with a small box.

I was curious to know what was in it. "What's inside?"

"It's the dress I'm going to wear today. I want to show it to you. I haven't shown it to anyone else, except mum of course."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. The mustard yellow dress was beautifully sown. The decorations were of course extravagant. I didn't expect anything less from Farida though. "It's so beautiful," I commented, even though I had already seen the dress in the pictures she sent me."

"I know right." She beamed, putting the dress back in its place.

"Why don't you hang it instead?" I suggested. I didn't even know why it was still in a box. Weird. "You're going to wear it tomorrow."

"True." She agreed. "I will hang it and the rest too. Help me, please."

After we were done hanging her wedding dresses in her closet, we sat on her bed and continued our gist about her wedding accessories.

A little while later, her friends returned, alongside three other people I wasn't familiar with. I later learned they were her coursemates, and that they also came to sleepover. I wondered how seven people will share a bed. As if Farida heard my thought, she asked one of their maids to bring in one of the mattresses they had bought the previous day. Since her bed was king-sized, all five of her friends could use it. Farida suggested that she and I use the mattress.

Initially, I thought we would spend the whole night talking about her wedding preparations, her fears, and stuff like that, but we didn't have the chance to. Farouq had called and they were speaking on the phone for hours. I kept on tossing and turning on the bed because Farida's giggles wouldn't allow me to sleep. I wondered what they were talking about for three hours. The longest I had spoken to Jawaad over the phone was an hour, and, it was because it had to do with Farida's wedding preparations.

I was about to fall asleep, finally, when Farida poked me. "Manal?"

I ignored her and pretended to be asleep. I didn't know what the time was, but I was pretty sure we were at the wee hours. The next day was going to be very busy. I wanted to have the little rest I could.

"Manal!" Farida whisper-yelled. "I know you're not sleeping. Please open your eyes, let's talk."

I groaned. "What do you want to talk about, Farida? Let me sleep!"

"Fine!" She sounded upset. "Sleep then. I won't disturb you anymore. I will just sleep with my thoughts."

I sighed. Farida sure did know how to emotionally blackmail me. I turned around and faced her. "What is it?"

"It was Farouq I just finished speaking to." She informed.

I rolled my eyes. "It was obvious. What happened? Did he say something? I couldn't fall asleep because of you two."

Farida scoffed.

I didn't say anything. I was impatiently waiting for her to tell me what she wanted to so that I could get some sleep.

"I know told you I wasn't nervous about this wedding... but I suddenly am. Speaking to Farouq earlier, I realized I'm not mentally prepared for what's in stock for me."

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

"Farouq was telling me how much he can't wait for the wedding bla bla bla. I'm also excited, yes, but his excitement seems to be on a different level. It's making me nervous."

I burst out laughing. "You're feeling some type of way because he's overexcited? Don't kill me, please."

She hummed. "I can't believe the wedding is starting tomorrow. By next tomorrow, I will be married. It sounds surreal. I'm excited and worried at the same time. I worried because I don't know how his family would treat me after the wedding. His parents seem nice, but the sisters, I can't really tell. When Farouq introduced me to them, they were indifferent. Among the sisters, there's one that looks like a witch. She didn't even talk to me, but she should know that I'm equal to her task. I won't allow any of them to bully me. I have told Farouq already."

"I didn't know you overthink like this." I chuckled. "You've already started thinking about fighting your sisters-in-law. Ah, Farida!"

She laughed. "I'm not going to fight them myself. I'm going to make Farouq deal with them instead. They are his younger sisters after all."

"How many sisters does he have?"

"Five sisters."

I widened my eyes. "Five?"

She nodded. "Five problems for me kenan."

"I suggest you try to get along with them. Don't allow yourself to be in their bad books."

"I'm not an asslicker. If they like me, fine, if they don't, their headache."


"Seriously, Manal, you should consider yourself lucky because you have good in-laws. My mum loves you a lot, and I do as well. You won't have problems with us, and even if a misunderstanding arises, Jawaad is always going to stand up for you."

I smiled. She was right but I hoped it wouldn't have to get to that point.

"Speaking of Jawaad, have you spoken to him?" I asked.

"No, I haven't." She replied. "Why?"

"He's been too busy lately. He doesn't even pick up my phone calls sometimes...he's really invested in this wedding. He loves you a lot."

Farida smiled. "I know. I love him a lot too. Jawaad is a very caring man, but you wouldn't know if you aren't close to him. If he cares about you, he goes all out for you." She paused for a while. "I can confidently tell you that Jawaad will treat you not less than a queen. We were having this conversation some years back, and he told me the girls he had dated always complained about him not being romantic and all that. He then went ahead to tell me that he'd only show his romantic side to his wife. I was like 'how will you get a wife if you keep acting cold towards them'. He simply shrugged and told me that he would, and when he does, she'd be the luckiest in the world."

Farida's words sent a chill down my spine. I couldn't help the smile that curled up against my lips. My heart swelled in happiness. I looked away, shy.

"He may not show it to you because of the kind of person he is, but believe me, he loves you a lot." She added.

His actions proved it to me. I knew he loved me, but the fact that he had never uttered the words to me disturbed me. Actions indeed speak louder than words, but it would be nice to hear him say the magical words to me. I just wanted to hear him say it. It would fully convince me that the relationship wasn't one-sided.

"And he always speaks so highly of you." She finished.

Wordlessly, I smiled.

We continued talking about random stuff until morning arrived.

We offered fajr prayer together. I couldn't believe the day we had waited for, for so long had finally arrived-Farida's henna ceremony.

"It's today!" I squealed and wrapped my arms around her.

"You seem even more excited than I am." Farida chuckled.

"Yes! Yes, I am!"


Long chapter to make up for the delay 😬

Who else is waiting for Jawaad and Manal's wedding?

Do you also think Jawaad is unromantic? 🤣

Whose POV are you anticipating?

Please vote, comment, and share for an update tomorrow.

250 comments, 150 comments is the target.


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