
By Mar_writer23

172K 3.6K 4.6K

The war is won. Voldemort is dead. The trio, alongside all those who were in their same year, have returned t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 33

2.4K 47 68
By Mar_writer23

"Hello, students!"

"—Remus?!" Harry's voice came from the back of the class, sounding confused but delighted all at the same time.

"Ah, yes, Harry. I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Remus smiled, his dimples clear and brilliant on his cheeks.

Hermione smiled as well. Remus has been so busy with Tonks and Teddy and hasn't been able to leave them alone for certain reasons. Hermione was overjoyed that he was finally able to leave the cottage, and she was more overjoyed that he finally had his job back. He was the most suited person to teach them anyways.

"Well, we will keep the questions for the end of the class. Since you all are a bit behind, we will jump straight to the point." Remus —Professor Lupin now— announced before rounding his desk and reaching for something from beneath it.

Draco looked at Hermione and lifted his eyebrows slightly as he said. "Very serious about this, isn't he?"

Hermione smiled and nodded. "It's been tough for him. He is just excited, he loved teaching us in third year. He gets to teach us now without the risk of someone wanting to kill us."

Draco smiled and nodded. "You have a point."

"I always have a point." Hermione said, acting smug as she did so.

"Shut up, Granger."

Hermione lifted her eyebrows expectantly.

Draco rolled his eyes playfully and held up a hand to silence her. "Don't respond to that."

Hermione laughed and Draco smiled.


After class, Hermione had sent her friends to the library, well, forced her friends was more accurate, but that didn't matter. She had told them that she would meet them there in a few minutes. When they had asked why, she had just told them that she wanted to ask Professor Lupin about something regarding their newest assignment.

She didn't, and Harry saw right through that. So now, she was standing in front of Professor Lupin with Harry next to her.

"How have you two been? Last year of school treating you well?" Remus —thinking of him as Professor Lupin was too much for her head— asked, a permanent smile on his face. A smile that started appearing more casually after the war ended.

Harry took the lead and answered. "Pretty good so far. It started weirder than usual, though." His tone was filled with suspicion and curiosity.

Hermione followed Harry's lead and furrowed her eyebrows at Remus while crossing her arms. He just stood there with an abashed smile.

"Okay, look, she told me to keep it a secret. And you know how strict Professor McG— Minerva is." Remus said, correcting his habit of referring to her as his Professor. Hermione couldn't blame him. She wasn't used to calling Remus Professor either.

Hermione and Harry both gave a laugh at that; they certainly knew what he meant. Professor McGonagall was not someone you would want to cross...ever. Remus had done the right thing of not telling them about the binding thing that McGonagall did at the beginning of the year.

"Well, it didn't turn out as bad as we thought it would," Harry gave Hermione a little punch on her shoulder and she smiled as she corrected herself. "Well, as I thought it would."

"Certainly," Remus remarked. "I have heard that you spent Christmas with the Malfoys, which was a total shock to Tonks and I, considering that we thought that you would jump at any opportunity to stay away from Draco; since the binding spell was removed for the Holidays and all."

Hermione tried to hide her smile and shrugged. "Well, it turns out that Malfoy is not as bad as he appears to be."

"Mhm, yeah. That was proved correctly today. You two worked really well during class time." Remus remarked, smiling pointedly at Hermione.

She ignored his purposeful smile and shrugged again. "We do have our moments."

"Hey, how is Tonks doing? Her leg better?" Harry asked, the concern in his tone hearable.

During the war, Tonks was hit with a particularly nasty spell that almost took her whole leg off. Remus had taken her to a lot of healers and they had done their best, which wasn't enough. Hermione had suggested that he take her to a physical therapist in the muggle world, which Remus agreed to. Tonks didn't mind as well, and so Remus had taken her to a muggle, physical therapist. He had been taking her there for a few months now, and from the letters that they had received, Tonks was getting better and better.

Remus smiled and nodded. "She has been getting better these days. She went on a walk with me before I left for Hogwarts. The therapist said that her leg was going to feel as good as new in just a few more weeks."

Hermione grinned before asking another important question. "What about Teddy?"

"Good, thankfully. Andromeda will be spending some time with Tonks so she could help with Teddy while I am here." Remus answered.

"Well, that's really good." Harry said, a smile still on his face.

"Do you want to have some tea?" Remus asked as he sat down.

Hermione shook her head before Harry could agree. "No, we can't. We have to study for our N.E.W.T.S."

"Ah, yes. Well, enjoy." Remus said sarcastically at Harry's direction and Hermione kept a laugh lodged in her throat at the look of misery on Harry's face.

She took Harry's hand and pulled him out of Remus's office. She started walking towards the library with purposeful strides.


Hermione and Harry both entered the library and joined their friends at the back table. They have been studying for a while now, and Hermione had just noticed the absence of Ron. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Have you all seen Ron?" She asked, looking around; trying to see if he was around.

Daphne answered first. "He said he was going to go to the bathroom, that was before we entered the library."

"Mhm," Hermione hummed before standing up. "I am going to go look for him."

A warm hand clasped around her wrist. Hermione looked down and met Draco's eyes. He spoke quietly. "Want me to come with you?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No, you should stay. I'll be back in a bit."

He nodded and she rounded the table before walking towards the exit of the library. She walked outside and looked around, but the hallways were empty. She was going to try checking the bathrooms, but that would take forever. She decided to go get the marauders' map and check for his location. Harry didn't mind it when Ron and her borrowed it.

She was about to round the corridor when she heard a sniffle come from around the opposite corridor. She furrowed her eyebrows and followed the sound.

A gasp escaped her once she rounded the corridor, and she quickly fell on her knees next to a curled mess of ginger hair and freckled skin. She spoke gently and softly. "Ron? Are you okay?"

Of course he wasn't, but she didn't really know what to say.

He looked up and met her eyes, and Hermione frowned when she noticed how swollen and puffy his eyes looked.

"Ron, what's wrong?" She asked, concern evident in her tone. She grasped his cheeks with both of her hands and looked directly into his eyes.

He sniffed and said. "I saw Myrtle."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, and it took her a moment to understand what he meant. Her eyes widened when everything became clear.

"You— you saw him..."

He smiled bitterly. "Yes. I saw him."

Hermione took a deep breath and moved so she could sit with her back against the wall next to him.

"Did Fred tell you about what he is planning on doing?" Hermione asked tentatively.

A tear slid down his cheek and he nodded, barely able to keep a straight face on. His hands were clenched so tightly and looked so pale. Hermione reached a tentative hand and clasped it around one of his clenched fists. His hands slowly relaxed.

He spoke so quietly that Hermione almost didn't hear him. "He said that he didn't want to cause us any pain, he said that he wanted to give us closure." He spat bitterly at the end.

"But he is already hurting us. His death hurts so bad, Hermione," he looked at her then and Hermione frowned when she saw his facade cracking. "He is not giving us closure, he is torturing us. I can't take it anymore, Mione. I c-can't—"

Hermione gasped slightly when a sob escaped his mouth and when the tears started falling like waterfalls, Hermione wrapped her arms around his curled body. She brushed his hair aside and whispered affirmations in his ear while he kept shaking and crying. Hermione felt splinters scorch her heart, and she didn't know how she was alive when the pain of her friend was hitting her like a freaking tornado. She wasn't sure what to say, so she just kept whispering those affirmations. She knew her best wasn't enough, but she was glad that she was there to give Ron anything that she could.

"I miss him, Hermione. I miss him so, so much..."

"I know, Ron. I know..."


It has been a while since that eventful day, and Hermione didn't know how to feel about the fact that all of the Weasleys now knew about Fred being a ghost. Fred certainly wasn't happy, but George was above the clouds. He came to Hogwarts just to see him, and Fred wasn't one to say no to his other half. Mr Weasley cried for hours when he saw him while Mrs Weasley reprimanded him for not telling them sooner before crying as well. It seemed like everyone was crying that day.

To lighten the mood, Theo decided to throw Luna a birthday party. It wasn't really a party, but just a gathering of friends. Just their small group. They have been sitting in the room of requirement for a few hours now, most of them drunk. Hermione had been careful not to drink a lot, and she paid attention to Draco as well; making sure that he didn't drink as much.

Right now, they were playing never have I ever, even after Pansy told them how childish that game was. Right now, it was Blaise's turn.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping, I will probably do that soon though." He said, taking a sip of his drink even though he didn't have to. Blaise seemed to be drinking the whole time.

Pansy was the only one who took a sip of her drink.

Harry looked at her and raised his eyebrows. "You went skinny dipping?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! It was so fun! We have to do it together sometime!"

Harry's face turned crimson and he cleared his throat before speaking. "Okay, enough of that one. My turn."

"You have the floor, Potter." Pansy said coyly, leaning her head against his shoulder.

Harry gave a small smile before speaking again. "Never have I ever traveled to a foreign country."

"Boring." Pansy muttered, indicating his question. No one seemed to hear her though, since she was almost asleep and all.

Draco, Daphne, Blaise, and Theo drank.

Hermione looked at Draco expectantly and he shrugged. "I go to France a lot. Other places too, but I am too drunk to name all of them."

"What about you, Daphne?" Hermione asked.

"France as well. All of the visits were for my parents' work though." She answered, a smile evident on her face.

Hermione looked at Blaise and Theo expectantly.

Blaise answered first with a smirk on his face. "Italy, you would love it, Ginevra. Might take you there sometime."

Ginny smiled and gave his cheek a quick kiss, Ron cringed in return.

"I went to Italy with Blaise a few times." Theo shrugged.

"My turn!" Ginny exclaimed. "Never have I ever had a one night stand."

Both Pansy and Blaise drank.

Harry widened her eyes while Ginny grinned.

"You what?!" Harry exclaimed, surprised.

"What? I am a woman who has needs." Pansy shrugged.

Harry looked at her for a while before cracking a smile and shaking his head.

"Well, at least we have something to talk about tonight." Ginny said, looking at Blaise expectantly. He smirked in return.

"Okay okay, enough flirting. My turn." Ron announced before continuing. "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo."

Blaise took a drink. Ginny smirked at that.

"Why are you smirking?" Ron asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"No reason." Ginny shrugged, barely able to contain her laugh.

"I want to see the tattoo." Pansy said.

Blaise smirked. "You don't want to know where it is. Trust me."

They all furrowed their eyebrows for a while before understanding dawned on them.

Pansy groaned. "Blaise!"

He shrugged nonchalantly before looking at Luna. "Enjoying your party so far, beautiful?"

Luna smiled softly. "The best one yet."


After the party, they all went to their dorms. Draco and Hermione took a quick detour to the kitchens and they got a treacle tart before continuing on their way to their dorm. By the time they were in their dorm, the treacle tart was almost finished. Draco led Hermione to his bed where the both of them got comfortable and warm in each other's arms. The unfinished half of the treacle tart was on the bedside table next to them.

"That was fun." Hermione said as she leaned her head against his chest.

Draco shrugged. "This is more fun to me."

"What is this?"

"You laying in my bed, in my arms. That's more fun to me." He spoke softly before kissing her forehead. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Well, I think the same. But, I would really love to go to sleep now. It has been a long day." Hermione said, her eyes closing slowly.

"Mhm, goodnight, love."

"Mhm, goodnight."


A tear slid down her face as she shook him awake. He has been muttering in his sleep for a while, and Hermione couldn't take it anymore. The pain was too much, and she couldn't stomach him feeling that much pain. She didn't want him to feel anything but happiness.

He finally opened his eyes, and when he did, Hermione engulfed him in an embrace.

"You were having a nightmare." She muttered against his skin.

He swallowed and nodded. "I had an intuition."

"What was it like?" Hermione asked tentatively.

She thought he wasn't going to answer when he stayed silent for a long while, but then he surprised her and spoke.

"It— it was dark. It was like drowning in an ocean with the tide against you, like falling off the edge with no one there to hold your hand and save you from falling into the darkness. I felt like— like I was followed by the darkness, it followed me everywhere I went. I felt suffocated, I couldn't breathe. Dying felt like an escape from all of that darkness. It was too much. Too much, Hermione."

Hermione frowned sadly and kissed his lips softly before brushing his hair away from his eyes. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling and looking at her again.

"Tell me something. Distract me." He whispered.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows.

"Tell me about your nightmares." He spoke quietly and so, so softly.

Her eyes widened slightly. She didn't mind talking about her nightmares with Draco, she just didn't know why he would want to know about something as harsh and raw as that.

He shook his head quickly and grasped both of her cheeks in his hands as he spoke. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I want to." She smiled softly before laying on the bed again. She tangled herself with Draco before starting to speak.

"My nightmares are...well, I would say they are something like yours. I always feel suffocated. I always think that death is easier. It's hard to wake up from nightmares because I usually don't know if it's real or just a nightmare. It's always that same day...that same horrible day." Draco took a deep breath at that.

"It's always me under her eyes that were filled with so much scrutiny and disgust. It's always her with that same knife. It's always the same sentences, the same insults, the same movements. Even the torturing spells are always the same. Even if I wanted to die at that moment, my memory never failed me. That's why my nightmares are so crystal clear and real. I relive that day every time I have a nightmare. Sometimes it's worse...way worse. Sometimes it's you who gets tortured, and I always don't do anything, because I can't. Because I am weak and can't overcome a nightmare." She gave a quiet sniffle at the end.

"You're not weak." Draco spoke softly before kissing her forehead.

"I am."

"You're not." His tone indicated that he wasn't going to change his opinion, so Hermione moved on.

"Want to know something about my nightmares? The ones where I am the one who is getting tortured." She asked, her fingers brushing his hair softly.


"You tried to save me, in every single nightmare that I had, you always tried to save me." She said, her voice quiet and soft.

"But I failed." He said, but it sounded like he was not talking about the nightmare.

"You still tried to save me."

The conversation ended here, with both of them in each other's arms. It didn't take long for the both of them to fall asleep, and this time, only dreams followed the both of them.


Follow me on my tiktok for sneak peaks and Dramione videos! Username is mar_writer.

I couldn't wait to finish the second chapter so I decided to postpone the double update and instead try to update as quickly as I can. Don't forget to check my new dramione one shot "You Before Me."

Eleven more chapters + the epilogue left! I am going to be doing a countdown cause I am so excited! <3

Thank y'all for reading! <3

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