
By Mar_writer23

172K 3.7K 4.6K

The war is won. Voldemort is dead. The trio, alongside all those who were in their same year, have returned t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 32

2.6K 51 58
By Mar_writer23

A/N:- I am so sorry for the late update! These two weeks have been a mess! Enjoy this cute chapter!


After the ball ended, Blaise led all of them to their rooms. Unsurprisingly, they all had separate bedrooms. But that didn't stop Draco from sneaking into Hermione's room and sleeping next to her. It's didn't take long for Hermione to face him and rest her head on his chest, falling asleep while listening to his steady heartbeat.

They woke up hungover, but Draco had thankfully given Hermione some of the muggle pills that he keeps on him at all times. The pills worked pretty well, but that didn't stop Hermione from cringing at every noise, be it loud or quiet. That's why when they were on their way back to Hogwarts on the Express, they all decided to sit in separate compartments. Draco and Hermione didn't hesitate as they both found a compartment of their own and sat together, both taking shifts to sleep so they don't miss the stopping of the train.

They had a few conversations on their way back to Hogwarts, most of them about important topics, some of them...not so much.

One of the most important topics was about their new relationship.

"Will we tell everyone else?" Hermione had asked. Personally, she wanted to wait for a while before announcing her relationship with Draco. It wasn't as if she didn't want them to know, but she wanted to have some alone and quiet time with Draco. The beginning of the relationship is always the best part, and she would like to spend that time with Draco without having people inquire about their relationship.

Draco had pursed his lips before answering, and Hermione couldn't be happier about his answer. "I would like to keep our relationship a secret for a while. I just want to spend some more time with you. I don't want to spend my time answering questions about our relationship. People don't have the right to judge or inquire about our relationship anyways. I just want to spend my time with you, I want to spend all of my time with you. No one deserves my attention as much as you deserve it, Granger. I intend to make the best of our time together." His tone was gentle and quiet and so loving. Hermione loved it. She loved how his attention was on her most of the time. She loved how he took notice of the little things and pointed them out and talked about how much he loves them. She loved how he put a lot of effort to make her happy in their relationship.

She really loved all of it.

She had smiled and nodded at that, smiling more widely when he smiled softly back at her. Later on, he had stood up and walked towards her, sitting down next to her and holding her face in his hands while looking at her with an almost unreal expression on his face. It all seemed out of space. Out of the whole world. It seemed so heavenly and Hermione had wanted to draw his expression on parchment and keep the picture with her forever. She had wanted a piece of him everywhere she goes.

He had spoken so softly, his voice angelic and so, so beautiful. "I want to make you the happiest you have ever been. You deserve to feel so happy, Hermione. You deserve to feel special. You deserve someone to appreciate you just as much as you appreciate your books," she had broken a smile at that, and Draco couldn't help but do the same. He couldn't stop himself. He always smiled when Hermione smiled.

"You deserve everything that you have and more, and I will do my best to give you everything that I have, even if my everything isn't enough for you. I will do every single thing that I can do to make you feel whole and relieved and happy. Your happiness will always be my top one priority." He had kissed her forehead after that and threaded his fingers through her hair. Hermione had sighed softly at the touch of his lips on her skin and smiled before grabbing his face and connecting their lips together, slowly and gently.

They had melted together at that. Their lips becoming one and moving as one. Their hands moving and exploring as one. Their eyes fluttering open and close as one. They had molded together and created something that was so heavenly and divine and seraphic. They had created something celestial. They always created something when they both kissed. And that something was always out of the world.

When they arrived at Hogwarts, they had all skipped the Welcoming Feast and went straight to their common room. Draco and Hermione had wanted to go to their dorm room as fast as they could but Pansy and Ginny had stopped them.

"First party of the year tomorrow! Spread the word, seventh years!"

Hermione had sighed and tugged at Draco's hand. He didn't hesitate as he let Hermione lead him to their dorm room. When they arrived at their dorm room, Hermione had changed in the bathroom while Draco changed in the dorm. When they were both ready for bed, Draco had climbed into his bed and told Hermione to get in with him. Hermione had smiled and joined him. She had thrown her arms around him and he had engulfed her in his big frame, keeping her warm. She had felt him drop open mouthed kisses in her hair and on her forehead, and she retaliated by gently kissing his neck and collarbone. They had both fallen asleep in each other's arms.

There wasn't a place that would top this one. Them in each other's arms. Molding and fitting together like Clematis and Wisteria.

They both really loved it...


Since they all arrived on Friday, their party was going to be on Saturday, which meant that it wasn't a school night. Which didn't leave any excuses for anyone to use if they wanted to skip the party.

Hermione had gotten ready with Daphne since Ginny and Pansy had both gotten ready earlier so they could spend some time getting everything ready for the party.

Daphne had chosen to wear a plum short dress that reached just above her knees. Surprisingly, she had curled her hair, and Hermione wished that her natural curls looked just as good. Hermione had chosen a black leather skirt with a black turtleneck and some black tights. She had chosen to wear some black boots as well. She had left her hair down. Draco had told her that he loves her natural hair when they were about to sleep last night, so she didn't use any spells to make it look more superficial.

Someone knocked on the door when they were both ready. Daphne was in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror, so Hermione opened the door.

Draco stood there, his hands in his pockets. Hermione smiled when she realized that they were matching. He was wearing a black cable-knit sweater and black slacks with black shoes. His hair was in his eyes and Hermione wanted to reach out and brush it away with her fingers. His cheeks were a little flushed, probably from the alcohol. His eyes trailed down her figure before resting on her face. He smiled slightly and reached down to kiss her softly on the lips. He pulled away slightly and whispered. "You look devilishly divine."

Hermione smiled cheekily. "That was my Intention."

He gave a little laugh. "Well then, little devil, let's get going."

She narrowed her eyes playfully at him before calling for Daphne. "Daph! You done yet?"

"Just a second! Go on without me, I'll be there! I'll close the door behind me." Daphne said, her voice loud enough for them to hear.

Hermione replied with a quick 'Okay' before taking Draco's extended hand and following him out of their dorm.

Black balloons were floating in the air, almost like the candles that were in the Great Hall. Hermione could see a table set for drinks in the corner. Black glitter was covering the floor and the leather couches. Most of the attendants were Slytherins and Gryffindors, but Hermione spotted some Ravenclaws sitting on the couches and even some Hufflepuffs who were stood in their own corner, drinking some firewhiskey and looking like loners. Hermione turned to Draco and whispered in his ear.

"They hate us to the point that they accept our invitations."

Draco smirked at that and shook his head. "Pathetic badgers."

"Granger! Come down here!" Hermione heard Pansy call.

She looked at Draco and he shrugged before tugging on her hand. They went down the stairs and approached Pansy who was sitting on a couch with Harry's head in her lap. He was looking up at her face with a fond smile, and Hermione couldn't help but smile at the couple.

"You and Ginny have done an amazing job!" Hermione exclaimed, her eyes trailing over the common room.

"Thank you," Pansy said with a proud smile. "We have spent a lot of time trying to make this place look acceptable."

Hermione nodded with a smile before asking. "Where is Ginny?"

"Probably shoving her tongue down Blaise's throat somewhere."

Draco rolled his eyes while Harry just cringed. Hermione grimaced. "Thank you for the visual."

"No problem! Oh, right! You should get a drink before McLaggen drinks all of them. He has been all over the place and it's disgusting." Pansy said, grimacing as she said so.

Hermione cringed at his name before nodding and turning to face Draco. "Enough drinks for you tonight," he was about to interrupt when she spoke again. "Your cheeks are already flushed, and I don't want you to have a headache tonight and a hangover tomorrow. No more drinks for you. I'll go get one, you can wait for me here if you want."

Draco frowned but nodded nonetheless. Hermione gave him a small smile before walking towards the drinks' table.

She choose an unopened bottle of firewhiskey and conjured a glass for herself before pouring some of the firewhiskey in it. She didn't want to risk drinking a spiked drink again.

She quickly drank the firewhiskey, feeling the scorching taste go down her throat. Raw and hot. She put the glass on the table and leaned against the table, surveying the people around. She was just about to head back to Draco when a voice came from her right

"Granger," she groaned when she realized who was next to her.

"Look, McLaggen, I am really not in the mood to deal with you, so get your drunk arse away from me." She said with a smile that looked too sweet to be sincere.

"What? Think you're too important to associate with me? Perhaps the golden girl title got to you." His tone was menacing and she could tell that he was annoyed. She didn't know why he was annoyed though. He was the one wasting her time with his drunk arse.

"No, I just think that associating with you is a waste of my time. Now if you don't mind, I have to go back to my friends."

She started to walk away but then a hand grabbed her elbow. She rolled her eyes and turned back, glaring at McLaggen with a look that could melt ice and freeze oceans.

"Perhaps you need someone to remind you that you're not that important anymore," he seethed, and Hermione just blinked, bored and annoyed with him.

"I will hex you to the forbidden forest if you don't get your hand off of me right now, McLaggen." She hissed, her eyes narrowed.

"What? Gonna make me eat slugs?" He laughed, as if he just made a joke.

She blinked and rolled her eyes before wandlessly and unverbally casting a spell. A black cloud appeared above him, and rain started pouring out of it on Hermione's command. McLaggen looked at the cloud then lowered his face once the water drops hit his eyes. He started walking away, but the cloud followed him everywhere he went. Soon enough, he forgot about Hermione and started running around in circles, embarrassing himself and causing several others to laugh at him.

"You looked hot doing that, little devil." A raspy voice said from behind her, and Hermione smiled before facing Draco.

"You were here all along?" She asked, walking towards him and holding his hand.

He nodded, a gleam in his eyes as he said. "Yeah, saw you get into action."

"Why didn't you interfere then?" She didn't want him to help her, she wasn't a damsel in distress. But Draco was overly protective, so she couldn't really believe that he just stood there while she took care of McLaggen.

He shrugged. "You are more than capable of taking care of yourself."

"What if I weren't?"

"He didn't touch you, did he?" Draco inquired, lifting an eyebrow as he did so.


"That's good then, because if he touched a strand of your hair, he would be six feet under, love." Draco whispered, his voice deathly calm. He brought his arms to wrap around her waist and pulled her closer towards him. "Now, want to dance?"

She smirked. "No need to ask."

He smirked back and pulled her towards the makeshift dance floor. His hands rested on her hips and the both of them started moving together. Their eyes fixed on each other and a dangerous gleam in them. They were in the middle of the crowd, which made them look almost invisible in the middle of all of those people. Draco's hands started roaming up and down her body, pulling her closer towards him and tilting his head so he could place open mouthed kisses on her neck. Hermione sighed and threaded her fingers through his hair as she tried to hold back the sounds that she would have let out if they were alone.

"Let's go somewhere else." He whispered and she nodded eagerly.

They both exited the common room, and the door barely closed before Draco connected his lips with Hermione's lips. Her back pressed against the wall behind her and Draco's hands found her backside. She groaned into his mouth and Draco smirked at the sound.

"Eager for me, little devil?" He whispered in her ear, his voice raspy.

"What's with the nickname?" She asked, her voice breaking when Draco started biting at her neck softly.

He breathed against her neck as he answered her question. "It's pretty accurate."

"I beg to differ."

"Mhm, shut up and kiss me, love." He said, his tone demanding.

She rolled her eyes playfully at that and grabbed his face before crashing their lips together. She groaned at the contact. Draco bit her bottom lip, causing little butterflies to swarm in her stomach. Draco's hands stayed at her waist, pulling her closer every five seconds. Hermione snaked her tongue into his mouth, and Draco did the same. She moaned quietly when one of his hands slipped to her backside and the other wrapped around her neck. Her hands started roaming his body, feeling his chiseled chest through his sweater. His hands slipped under her skirt, grabbing her thighs and lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

Just when he was about to travel from her mouth to her neck, a voice came from their left.

"Who is there?"

Hermione's eyes widened and Draco groaned quietly before putting Hermione down and grabbing her hand. He quickly tugged her behind a column and they both waited there until the person who interrupted them left. Hermione was pressed against the wall, caged between Draco's hands on either side of her. Her breathing was quick and shallow, and she put a hand on her chest, trying to slow down her breathing. Draco's head was in the crook of her neck, his breath coming in short pants.

Draco looked around the column and when he saw that no one was there anymore, he sighed in relief and looked back at a flushed and wide eyed Hermione before smiling smugly.

"Don't smile creepily at me." She joked, narrowing her eyes playfully at him.

"Do you want me to frown when I look at you?" He asked innocently.

She narrowed her eyes further but then smiled. "We always get interrupted."

He rolled his eyes. "Always."

"Well, we won't have to worry about that when we announce our relationship." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close.

"And when will we announce our relationship?" He asked, kissing both of her cheeks.

"Mhm, how about if Slytherin wins the next upcoming match, you get to choose how and when we announce our relationship. But if Gryffindor wins, then it will be on my own terms. What do you think?" She asked, placing a kiss on both of his cheeks.

"Mhm, sounds good to me."

"So, deal?" Hermione asked, pulling him closer.

"Deal." He said before connecting their lips softly again.


It was their first day of classes, and according to the students who went to the Great Hall for the Welcoming Feast, the DADA professor was going to be introduced today.

Luckily for them, their first class was DADA. All of them had that class together so they all walked with each other.

When they reached their class, they entered and sat in their seats before waiting for the professor to come.

Hermione was discussing with Draco the identity of the new professor when he came in.

"Is that—?"

"Hello, students!"


Follow me on my tiktok for sneak peaks and Dramione videos! Username is mar_writer.

I really wanna do a double update next time so I'll y'all know what will happen! In the meantime, don't forget to check my new dramione one shot "You Before Me."

Twelve more chapters + the epilogue left! That's so crazy!

Thank y'all for reading! <3

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