Mafia's Retribution

By kangsuzy18

485K 9.9K 1.3K


I love you till the moon and back
Worst than Hell
Cruel Fate
Welcome to hell
I hate you.
Get Ready
My retribution
First Step
I Pity You
Empty and Confused
Going back
Falling Again
Once and for all
Ava's retribution
Love me Like you Want
Upside Down
New Place, New People
Heart Wrenching Fire
Let Go
New Beginnings
New Story Soon

When I Look At You

5.9K 109 11
By kangsuzy18


(Listen to the above song before heading to the chapter. But if you already know the song then you can precisely get into the chapter)


"Yes baby. I will be fine. Don't worry. Vincenzo is with me", i said to my whining soon to be husband on phone call, who got up panicking with my absence.

"That Vincenzo, I will not leave him", Aldric said from other side. The call was on speaker, as Vincenzo who was sitting beside me insisted to do so.

"Come on man. Leave your  wife to be at my disposal till your marriage today", Vincenzo said.

"Yeah, yeah. You better keep her safe or else it will be my fist and your face", Aldric commented.

"Ofcourse", Vincenzo replied rolling his eyes.

"Okay baby. I will see you at the aisle", i said.

"Okay. Be safe. Love you", he said.

"Love you too", i said and hung up.

"Come on Vincenzo. The wedding is at 2 pm and it's 7 am now. What are we going to do for that long?", I asked stretching my arms.

"What are we going to do. Is that even a question. Girl, the people are already there waiting for you", he said.

"What people?", I asked.

"Okay. Are you even a girl?", he asked.

"Do I not look like?", I asked raising my eyebrow at his lame question.

"Okay. Nevermind. So, your prince charming had ordered me to provide you with the best beauty services on the wedding day. So, I booked an entire spa for you, where it will take you almost 2 hours. After that you have to go to the hotel, where your hair stylists and makeup artists would be present and then you will be ready by 1:30", he said.

"Okay. That's fine. I guess", i said nodding my head. Like why do we need all these? I could just wear the gown I made and go to the altar. But it's fine I guess.

After that, we went to the spa where Vincenzo  left me telling, he will be back in a while.

After he came back, we headed towards the hotel where our marriage is going to take place. Oh god, I am so excited.

The hotel where the marriage is going to take place is owned by Aldric and is one of the top hotels in the world. All the decorations were handled by Vincenzo himself, as he said it is the marriage of his sister and best buddy. So he is going to do everything by himself. Also this helped me plan a little surprise for my love.

I made my dress as well as Aldric's clothes personally for the wedding. And it really turned out well.

All the renowned people in the country were invited in the wedding. From top politicians and position holders to CEOs and chairmans of top companies. After all it the wedding of the most powerful man and one of top business woman.

Currently it is 1 pm and my make up and hair is perfectly done and I am looking so beautiful. Now, time to wear my beautiful dress.

I wore my dress along with my heels and god, is it really me. I am looking so beautiful.

Infront of me is a girl who is happy and marrying with the love of her life. Looking back to five years ago I didn't thought it was possible. It seems like a dream come true. A lone tear dropped from my eyes from happiness followed my many. I never thought this would be possible.

"Oh pretty lady, why are you staining your beautiful face", Vincenzo said entering the room.

"It's from happiness brother", i said wiping my tears. He hugged me and patted my head.

"Now, it's not the time for tears. It's time for smiles", he said. I nodded my head and backed away chuckling.

"So are you ready?", he asked.

"Yes. But is Aldric ready?", i asked.

"Yes. Since an hour already", he said rolling his eyes. I chuckled.

"Okay it's 1:30. The guests would be arriving shortly. I will go and come back to talk you to the aisle by 1:50", he said and went out. I sat on the couch glancing at the clock, waiting for this half an hour to be over quickly. I can't wait to become Mrs Ava Johnson.


I am sitting in my hotel suite since 1 hour all ready. Waiting for the time to move fast. But, god damn this clock. The clock ticked 1:30 and my best man Robert entered the room. Since, Vincenzo was going to walk Ava down the aisle, Robert became my best man.

"Sir, the guests are arriving", he said. Now, it my cue to head down into the wedding hall. God, I am so nervous. I checked the mirror for the last time.

Good, my princess is so talented. I am proud of her. I headed downstairs. Six of my guards trailing behind me. Hundreds of guards were placed around the hotel. Mainly near Ava's room and the wedding hall. All important people in the country are going to be present. So, I can't take any risk with the security. This is going to be the wedding of the century. I entered the wedding hall and it was beautifully decorated.


ntering the wedding hall, I greeted some of the important guests. I was now standing at the altar with my best man and the priest. Impatiently waiting for my soon to be wife. It was 2 pm already, she would be here any time. I was waiting for the gate to be opened revealing my lovely princess.

It was five minutes past 2 and she was still not here. I was getting panicked. All kinds of terrors hitting me. But, I was trying to stay positive.

Suddenly, all the lights dimmed out. A bunch of rays focusing on the raised platform build 10 meters away from the aisle. The music band started playing some tune.

And then, I heard the voice I was craving to hear since morning.

🎶Everybody needs inspiration🎶

🎶Everybody needs a song🎶

🎶A beautiful melody🎶

🎶When the night's so long🎶

It's my baby's voice. But where is she? I could hear her through the speakers, but I cannot see her.

🎶Cause there is no guarantee🎶

🎶That this life is easy🎶

And there rised my princess looking like a goddess, holding a bouquet in one hand and other hand holding the mic from the circular platform.

"This song is for you", Ava said pointing at me.

🎶Yeah, when my world is falling apart🎶

🎶When there's no light to break up the dark🎶

🎶That's when I, I🎶

🎶I look at you🎶

🎶When the waves🎶

🎶Are flooding the shore and I can't🎶

🎶Find my way home anymore🎶

🎶That's when I, I🎶

🎶I look at you🎶

She meant each and every word that came out of her mouth. I just can't seem to describe my happiness at the moment. She is looking ethereal singing like that. Our whole life was flashing infront of my eyes, looking and listening to her.

🎶When I look at you, I see forgiveness🎶

🎶I see the truth🎶

🎶You love me for who I am🎶

🎶Like the stars hold the moon🎶

🎶Right there where they belong🎶

🎶And I know I'm not alone🎶

🎶Yeah, when my world is falling apart🎶

🎶When there's no light to break up the dark🎶

🎶That's when I, I🎶

🎶I look at you🎶

She started stepping down from the platform. My eyes were clouding with tears.

🎶When the waves🎶

🎶Are flooding the shore and I can't🎶

🎶Find my way home anymore🎶

🎶That's when I, I🎶

🎶I look at you🎶

Vincenzo headed towards her and linked his arms with her, heading towards the aisle.

🎶You appear just like a dream to me🎶

🎶Just like Kaleidoscope colors that🎶

🎶Cover me, all I need🎶

🎶Every breath that I breathe🎶

🎶Don't you know you're beautiful?🎶

She climbed up the aisle and was now heading towards me. A few tears dropped from my eyes. It didn't bother me that hundreds of people were watching me. All that seemed to have vanished. It was just my love and me.

🎶Yeah, yeah, yeah🎶

🎶When the waves🎶

🎶Are flooding the shore and I can't🎶

🎶Find my way home anymore🎶

🎶That's when I, I🎶

🎶I look at you🎶

🎶I look at you🎶

She was now standing infront of me. A wide grin on her face. Glittering blue eyes, making her look mesmerising. Vincenzo gave her hand to me.

🎶You appear just like a dream 🎶

🎶To me🎶

She completed the song . A roar of applause erupted from the people . She handed the mic to one of the guards. After which she deviated all her attention to me. She wiped my tears and smiled. I pulled her closer by her waist. Our faces just inches apart. We got lost in each other's eyes. The priest was reciting some lines from the bible, but we were too busy to focus on it.

I was looking into her blue orbs, admiring the immense amount of love they held for me. And she was doing the same. We were lost into each other eyes but got interrupted by the priest.

"It's time for vows now", he announced.

We briefly looked towards him but then I again looked at her face, smiling widely.

"Aldric Johnson , do you take Ava Miller for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?", the priest asks me.

"I do", i respond.

"Ava Miller, do you take Aldric Johnson for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?", the priest asks Ava.

"I do", she respond grinning widely at me.


What God joins together, let no one put asunder" , the priest declares. After which the priest says some prayers to the wedding rings. And hands them to us, directing us to repeat the lines he made us remember yesterday.

 "Ava, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit", i say placing the ring in her ring finger.

Aldric, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit", she says placing the ring on my finger.

"With the power vested upon me by the almighty , I now pronounce you husband and wife", the priest says. Finally the words I longed to hear.

"You may now kiss the bride", he says and I smash my lips on her. A loud applause was heard, reminding that their are hundreds of people present here. But, that didn't bother me. I was devouring her lips passionately and she was doing the same. The kiss was slow and magical.

After a while, I parted sensing she might be out of breathe. Her cheeks were red from shyness, kissing infront of all these people. I chuckled, at her blushed up face.

"I love you my wife Mrs Ava Johnson", I said

"I love you too my husband Mr. Aldric Johnson", she said.


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