Till The End |✍︎︎

By _koolkats

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She was loud and carefree with no filter and he was quiet and composed never letting anyone see behind the ma... More



2.1K 51 6
By _koolkats

"Leaning side to side(to side)

emptying my mind (my mind)

loyal as they come (they come),

I've been down to ride

when you feel alone

I'll hold you down"

Fantasy~Kali Uchis,Don Toliver

After I left the room ,I ran to Bella and we drove back to the house.I found out some stuff from her.She loves the colour purple,enjoys vollyball and painting and doesn't want to be apart of the mafia.In fact the only reason she's coming with us to Vegas is because she begged Riccardo and tricked him.

I asked her how she came to the warehouse and found out that she drove here in a black BMW,she didnt tell me why and I didn't push. 

When we got back it was 11pm so I headed to bed.Now I am laying in the covers and thinking.Kinda funny when you think about it,a week ago I was just dealing with irritating customers and helping Mrs William and now I'm here,in a mansion, with the mafia.

I miss the good ol days,but I know that it's in the past and I shouldn't stay in the past.I miss my family, my close family.My mother, father,abuela and sister.They all died horrible painful deaths, my parents and sister when I was 10 or something and my abuela when I was 16.

Drifting into the dreamy oasis, my mind drifts off to my family.


"Abeula where did mama, papa and sissy go?"10 year old me asks as we sit in the middle of the field. There's my abuelita's favourite flowers and a bit of my mama's, white daisy's and pink tulips.

Abeula turns to face me,her caramel skin glowing in the night sky.Her dark and grey hair shining and her olive green eyes staring at me.She looks almost like mama with her jet black hair,just like me,besides the brown highlights, she told me I got that from my father.

"Ay mi amor.You see when our loved ones die,they go to a wonderful place called Heaven and they look down and watch us."She says and looks at the sky.

"But why can't I see them?"

"Mjia they are watching us through the stars. The stars are our loved ones that we lost, sparkling in the sky.Your mama,papa,my amor and your sissy are those stars watching us."She says pointing to the sky.

I snuggle closer into my abuelita's arm and we both watch the night sky. We see all the tiny stars."Everyone is there watching us."I whisper to myself.

Its only been 6 months since they died,6 months without them laughing and smiling and even crying.

"Te amo mi amor"My abuela whispers to me and places a kiss on my forehead.
[I love you my love]

I slowly start to drift off to sleep,"Te amo abuela."[I love you gran]


I jolt up and look around,"Abeula?"

She's gone ,it was just a dream well more of a memory.I run a hand through my hair and tie itup into a bun.I hate having those kind of dreams,why can't I dream of fairies or some other kind of shit.

They remind me of the good times and I would rather want to push all of those feelings aside.I never really griefed,more of distanced myself and buried my head in books and work.Remembering those times make my eyes well up but I don't let them fall.

I stand up from my bed and put on some slides.Walking to the mirror,I take a look at myself.I could do with some water, but are these pyjamas okay for leaving the room.A red thin tank top that reads 'coffee is the love of my life' paired with red shorts that barely cover my ass.But then again who would be awake so late, tomorrow isa busy laypeople must be asleep.

With my mind made up,I leave the room and head down to the kitchen.I never got to take it in,I was very distracted.Turning on the dimming feature,I notice how big it is.A wooden counter in the middle with roses in the middle, white cupboards everywhere with a double fridge, that looks like it can hold 4 people.Next to the fridge is two ovens and next to that on the white countertops are two microwaves.The stove is opposite it all and the sink is by the window.

It's homey yet lacks the warmth I know there once was.

Walking over to the fridge,I scan the stuff inside, lots of leftovers and drinks and food and when I finally see a bottle of water,I squeal in achievement and grab a hold of it.Closing the fridge,I yelp in fright when I spot Riccardo leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen, watching me.

"What the fuck dude?"I say, glaring at him as he rakes his eyes over my body, not looking ashamed and taking his sweet ass time.

I do the same and see that he is half naked,wearing grey joggers that reach  the V line and his chest bare.There's a tattoo of a daisy on his left shoulder,a snake on his hip bone that says something plus the rose on his forearm.And lets not forget that this guy is packing, all muscles and everything.

"Holy shit."I mutter to myself but I guess he heard because he smirks and pushes himself of the doorframe and walks up to me.Nope,not tonight not today, this dude is off limits and not because my life is on the line butttt he kills people for a living so I'm alright thank you.

"What are you doing awake?"Riccardo asks when he is a step away from me.Fuck,there's that feeling again."Ever heard of personal space"

His smirk only widens and he takes a step back so now there's the stool between us."What are you doing awake at 3am in the morning?"Riccardo asks again and I turn my head to check the time.3:04am.

Well I had no idea,that sucks."I should be asking you that?"I say crossing my arms.But that only makes his eyes trail to my chest so I follow and check what's up.Only then do I realise it, my breasts are pushed up making them more...noticeable.Oops?

I immediately put my arms down and decide to put them behind my back."You shouldn't walk around like that."Riccado says as his eyes come back to my eyes, the green more noticeable but the grey darker.I have never seen anyone with eyes like his and not only colour wise but the feeling you get when you look at his eyes,their intense almost as if he can see right through a person, its intimidating.

I tilt my head to the side and raise an eyebrow, tilting my chin up despite how fast my heart is beating.."I can wear whatever I want,where ever I want.I can even walk around this house butt naked if I really wanted too."

Riccardo takes fast steps to me and me being a smart person ,notice the sarcasm,I walk back but then my back hits the counter and Riccardo is right in front of me,eyes darker and filled with so much yet so little.Damn you counters,I thought we had something.

"If I were you,I'd watch that mouth of yours Miss Miller."Riccardo says and I hold his eyes as if its a staring contest."You aren't me sir."I respond as I nibble my lip, making his eyes flicker there then back.I'm really thirsty ,like my throat is parched.

"That I am not."Riccardo mutters under his breath.

He smirks at me,face inches apart."You have such a daring and big mouth."He says ,his thumb on the side of my mouth and slowly moving to my bottom lips.His fingers are so soft yet rough, the feeling sending a wave into my stomach and even further down making me cross my legs.

How does he keep doing this?I don't just fall at some dudes feet, no its the other way round.

"Like I said,this mouth can do a lot of things."I say breathlessly, and I punch myself 50 times in my head.

"I'm sure it can,would love to see that huh."Riccardo says making my breathing stop.We are wayyy too close and yet I make no effort to move.I should,I should get my water and run up the stairs.

Like a force pulling me closer,but he won't win.I grin and move closer to him,our lips so close now,his minty coffee breath fanning my face."Should I show you?"I ask innocently while batting my eyelashes at him, making his smirk flatter for a second.

Thoughts run through his mind and I wonder what he must be thinking.His hand moves to my cheek and rubs it so softly before he takes it away and walks away from me, leaving me cold.

"Go to bed sunshine, we leave in 3 hours."And with thatch turns the corner,leaving me all cold and bothered.

I just wanted water.


Waking up from my little 2 hour nap,I head to the shower to be quickly mind drifting to not only one but two encounter sixth Riccardo that left me to deal with my frustrations alone.I just know he does it on purpose.

After my shower I went to check what I should wear. Since we are flying to America ,Vegas to be specific from Italy, it's gonna us a really long time, almost a day so I sickout something that I can sleep in.

Taking out a very large oversized short sleeved black top plus grey sweatpants and some black all stars and pack a black hoodie into a backpack.I'm too lazy to style my hair so I grab a black cap and place it on.

Taking a look at the mirror my smile widens,I am looking like a snack and do two fake shooting guns with my finger.Pew pew.

"What are you doing?"I turn around to face the door and see that it's just Antonio watching me."Looking hot, its a hard job."I respond as I walk to my 1 suitcase.Now that I think about it,I haven't worn any of the designer clothes Riccardo bought for me,I should probably ask him to return them.

I'm not ungrateful but when I was younger I was taught that if someone gives you something, they definitely want something in return so I won't indent myself to a dangerous man.

"People are coming to get that ,just get your hand luggage."I turn to give him a look but he is already gone.Antonio's name reminds me of a pizza place, Antonio's Pizza.That's a good pizza place.Now I want pizza,thanks brain for making me hungry.I roll my eyes and take my back pack over my shoulders.

Placing headphones in my ears with the wires sticking outs problem for another day,I scroll through some songs.

Coincidence,I think not.I triped and fell onto the bottom of the steps."You know what,I will murder these steps."I promise to no one in particular but then I hear giggles and chuckles coming from my right which is in the kitchen and some from my left which is the living room.

I get up from the floor and dust myself .I look to my left and see that Bella and another girl are sitting on the couch and on my right the boys are in the kitchen."Well,I think that it's best for everyone to forget that this ever happened."I say and walk carefully to the kitchen.

"This is your second time tripping on air."Louis says in between laughs so I do the one thing any other civil person would.

I grab him by his shirt and look into his eyes,"Listen here pendejo,the next time you bring up any of these incidents,te destripare como a un pez and feed you to my cat."I say and let go of him but give him a very kind smile."I don't know what you said,but I know for a fact that you don't have a cat."he muttered.[I will gut you up like a fish]

"Louise,I will buy a cat."I glare at him and the other guys laugh,for what reason,I don't know.But all I know is that Louise looks a little shaken up but it's fine,he is a tough boy.

"Anyways,what took you so long love?"Looking away from Louis and to the owner of the British accent and  see a new person,I think that's Liam.He has white platinum hair,blue-green eyes and tan skin.He looks good.But not as good as Riccardo over there,my subconsious says.Shut up sub.

He must've dyed his hair or maybe its his natural hair colour but it really does bring out his eyes.

I tilt my head to the side and look him up and down.He is okay I guess well not okay good like not a meal but a snack,you know.

"You are British aren't you?"I ask as I  walk up to him and he doesn't hide the fact that his checking me out."Yes I am love and who are you?"

"Maeve Miller,please to meet you."He takes my hand in his and kisses it."The pleasures all mine"Oh my his voice is sooo nice,I don't know but he is giving me Tom Holland and Hero Tiffin vibes,wait no Hardin vibes.

He has a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm with skulls and flames dancing on his skin.But I notice some scars on his right and lefts arms and a long cut runs down from his left eyebrow t is mid-cheek.Somehow that makes his aura more intimidating,but so far he has been nice.

"Don't flirt in my kitchen."Riccardo says,his jaw clenched.That makes no sense though wasn't he flirtig with me this morning,did rules change now?Liam let's go of my hand and smirks at Riccardo.I roll my eyes at him and get an apple.

"So,Liam,what do you do?"I ask as I take a bite of my apple, he grins in delight which makes me raise an eyebrow."I deal with threats and debtors."

"What do you do to them."I ask as I stare into his eyes then his scar then the scars on his arms then holsters on his waist."I don't think that side of the business is open to you just yet."Liam responds.What does that mean?Do they burn places when someone doesn't pay or like maybe add interest.

"Is Luther coming?"I ask.

"No, he is staying with my aunt to keep things in check."I nod my head and go to the girls."Howdy guys."I say while siting opposite them."Hey Mae,this is Natalie but Nat for short."Bella says and Nat gives a wave.

She has a small afro,looks really soft too, dark skin and hazelnut brown eyes.She's beautiful ,actually gorgeous."Let's roll out!"Antonio shouts into the room and as I look back and forth,I gasp,"You guys are siblings?"I ask and Nat and Antonio share a smile."Yep,Tonio is the eldest."Nat responds.Awww they look a likely sibling senses are on point nowadays.

I was told to go with Riccardo while the others went in a black V-class,they had to take two because of so many bags, thanks Bella.

As we drive with music playing in background with me staring out the window.Italy is even more gorgeous during the day.We sit in a comfortable silence which actually feels nice considering who I'm sitting next to until I see the others take a different turn while we continue straight."Hey princesa,you going the wrong way."I point out as I turn to face him.He looks at me with confusion written on his face,"Princesa?"

"I think it kind of gives  a hint to what it means but because I am such a sweetheart it means princess."I state as I watch him roll his eyes.One hand grips the steering wheel while the other is on the armrest.His muscles strain against his white dress top, my eyes travel to his side profile, his eyes completely. focused on the road ahead and lips in a slight frown.His hair is neat. except for one loose curl that. hangs on his forehead and I really wanna push it back.

When he glances at me I quickly look ahead,hoping he doesn't know that I was staring.But I know he did because of the. smirk that replaces the frown."I know what it means,I just don't understand why. you would call me that."Riccardo says as he looks back at the road ahead.

"Well firstly,you are a drama queen and love attention.Secondly I just know you would rock a tiara and thirdly it suits you."I shrug and glance at him as he frowns then glares at me for a second before he looks back to the road."I would rock a crown and I'm not a drama queen."Riccardo mutters under his breath with a slight pout which makes him look like an older, annoying version of Leo.

"Yeah sure."I laugh out, my. voice dripping with sarcasm making him roll his eyes.He does that often when. I'm around,he must love me already."Anyways princesa,back to. my prior question, where. are we going?"He glares at me when I call him 'princesa' making me smile kindly at him.

"Well I need to get something."

"And what might that something be?"

"A special something."Riccardo smirks making me groan in annoyance.

Ignoring him,I connect my phone to the radio.I scroll through the different songs and see a personal favourite,it's in my top 10 which means. its really good.

Fantasy by Kali Uchis and Don Toliver feels the speaker making me raise the volume and sing along as I watch buildings pass by.

When I look to Riccardo,I see him already watching me making me laugh nervously.I know I'm no Beyoncé but I can vocalise."What?"I ask.

He doesn't respondent immediacy as we wait. for the traffic light to say go."Nothing."Riccardo finally responses with a smiles proper smile. that not only. shows one dimple but two!Then he faces the round again as the traffic light says go and the music continues.

He smiled at me...I made Riccardo Romano smile,I made the grumpy asshole who seems to always have a stick up his ass smiles proper happy smile which makes my stomach do all sorts of things.Leo's words come floating by in mind that he hasn't been happy in a while and I feel like I just won an award.

Looking out the window as the beat and rhythm flow like the wind,I smile to myself.His smile brightens up his eyes and his aura, making him approachable.

That look on his face will always be engraved in mind forever and surprising enough,I don't wanna forget it.


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