Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►...

By Miko_Koru

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Why do you hide ? You don't love it, but I love your face. It hasn't changed for me. Tomorrow, you will be ab... More

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● Chapter 1 ●
● Chapter 2 ●
● Chapter 3 ●
● Chapter 5 ●
● Chapter 6 ●
● Chapter 7 ●
● Chapter 8 ●
● Chapter 9 ●
● Chapiter 10 ●

● Chapter 4 ●

130 4 4
By Miko_Koru

Valt's point of view:

The loud sound of my alarm woke me up. My eyes still sting from the seizure I had yesterday. I went down to the kitchen where my mother was waiting for me...

- Valt, are you okay? You didn't eat anything yesterday... Asked slightly worried my mother.

- Can I ask you a question mum? I asked her.

- Sure.

I sat across from her before answering...

- What would you do if you had just lost the person who is dearest to you because you let them down?

- I think I will try to redeem myself from my mistakes by staying with this person. But above all, I will show her how important she is to me. Now tell me, who is that person that you let down?

- It's Shu...

- Oh...

- Do you think he will forgive me?

- I think yes. Despite the mistakes you may have made, you are the nicest person I know. You and Shu have always been very close since kindergarten, you can overcome anything. I'm sure things will work out.

- Thanks Mom.

With these words, I left to get dressed before running out of the house. I don't know if Shu will be there, but I'll check anyway. I arrive in front of the park and as I expected, Shu is there. Still sitting on the swings, he looked at me puzzled. I approached him, out of breath from my running, I find it hard to speak...

- H-Hi Shu... How are you?

- It was fine before you landed... He replied without too much emotion.

- I thought so. I just wanted to tell you that I am very sorry for what I told you. I was angry and let my emotions take over. I know it's weak as an excuse, but I don't want to lose our friendship, you are my best friend... And I hope you can forgive me.

Shu looked down...

- I would like to make up for lost time, so if you allow...

I sat next to him, on the other swing. I looked him in the eye, and he asked me...

- What are you doing?

- I create new memories for us. A little happier this time.

I smiled at him which he did in return. And it is from there that our day began for both of us...

- I don't want to be indiscreet but, are you planning to go back to school soon? I asked.

- I don't know, my mother says it's up to me to decide when I'll be ready to go back, but I can tell she's panicked at the idea of ​​me going back. She says going back to school in these conditions is risky. I don't know, maybe she's right... He replied.

- Good so, today we do everything you want to do. What do you want to start with?

- I don't know, I don't really have any desire.

- Not even a tiny one? I insisted.

- Mmh... There is something I really want to do.

- Great in that case, let's go.

- Are you sure?

- If it can cheer you up. So, what do you want to do?

- I want to paint.

- To paint?

- Yes, to paint, to express what I feel through painting. I paint a lot at home since the accident... It's much easier for me than expressing myself in words... We can go paint at my place. Well, if you feel like it.

- Very well, I follow you.

We left in the direction of Shu's apartment. Like before... Once arriving at his apartment, Shu left to look for an easel, paint and a brush in his room in order to settle in the living room. I settled into a chair and watched Shu painting peacefully. Shu was in front of me, so I couldn't see what he was painting. Once his painting was finished, he turned the easel to show me what he painted. I saw a crying disfigured child hiding under a happy mask... This sight broke my heart, and I gave Shu a sad look.

- Oh Shu...

- You know it now... You see, that's what I feel right now... He told me in tears.

I didn't know how to reassure Shu. At that point, all I could do was try to distract him. Easier said than done...

- Your painting is beautiful Shu. Why is this boy hiding what he really is?

- Because he doesn't like his face, cause it's in pieces. So, he hides making everyone think he's fine and normal. I wear a mask too and I lie to everyone, it's probably easier that way... He replied, sniffling.

- You don't need to lie to me Shu, I love you as you are... I reassured him.

I approached Shu to take his face in my hands and ask him...

- Why do you hide yourself? You may not like it, but I like your face. It hasn't changed for me.

- Maybe, but I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. All I see is hurt and pain. Do you think that one day I will have the strength to accept all these painful marks? He asked me.

- I even think that tomorrow, you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror with pride. I promise you. I answered.

I dried his tears and hugged him; I know how hard it is for him.

- I know it's partly my fault what happened to you, but we're going to fight it together. Well, if you still want me... Do you forgive me?

He broke down in tears and hugged me while saying...

- Of course, I forgive you, you are my best friend Valt...

- You are my best friend too Shu...

● To be continued ●

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