Love Me Like a Love Song

By LilMissRoughneck

159K 3.7K 240

They met at a party being held out in the middle of Mcreery's field. He was sitting on the tailgate of his tr... More

Wine and Whiskey
Famous in a Small Town
Church Pew or Bar Stool
Blame it on Your Truck
Daddys Girl
Running Out of Air
Sittin' Pretty
Country In Ya
Boys 'Round Here
Authors Note
You'll Think Of Me
.Gone Enough
I Wish I Could Break Your Heart
I Could Kick Your Ass
Hands On You
Hands On You
County Line
American Kids
Close Your Eyes
Prayer For The Road
What Hurts The Most
I Need You
I Know These Hills
Make Things Right
Stupid Boy
Play On
How She Rolls
Wanted You More
I Run To You
Party For Two
Call Me Old Fashioned
I Swear
Good Friend And a Glass Of Wine
I Don't Dance

Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not

3.4K 85 9
By LilMissRoughneck



Friday rolled around quicker than I expected it to, and soon enough, there were four guys waiting in my living room, and there were three girls in my room

"Daniel said dress 'nicely', so I'm guessing dress." Sarah muttered as the three sorted through my closet

"Okay, but not too tight, or short. Basically screams slutty." Kira added, twisting her mouth to the side

"Okay, we're running out of time, I'll deal with the dress and shoes, you two do get her prettier." Ace grinned at me, knowing I'd hate this

"I hate you all." I sighed as I sat down in front of my mirror. Sarah started on my hair while Kira sorted through my makeup. I could hear Ace sorting through my closet, making me kind of nervous. After about half an hour, Sarah finished my hair, Kira finishing a few minutes later

"Done, and done. Ace, what've you got?" Sarah asked, as she and Kira blocked my view

"Perfect." Kira squealed. They handed me the dress and I quickly stripped down before sliding the dress on. It was a peach colored lace dress that was tight around my torso, but fell strait passed my hips. She'd also handed me a pair of white wedge heels, and a white clutch bag

"Okay, you can look in the mirror now." Sarah smiles, leading me to my mirror

"Oh my god..." I whispered. I didn't even look like me. My hair was curled softly, falling just below my shoulders, and Kira had made the makeup so natural looking you could hardly tell the difference, but I seemed brighter than I usually did. The dress made me look shorter than I usually did, but at the same time, made my legs look longer. My thoughts were interrupted as a knock sounded downstairs

"She's not allowed to go out tonight." I heard Josh grumble before the door was slammed

"Piss off Josh! Come on in, Daniel, she's just about ready." I heard River tell Daniel

"I think that's our que." Sarah smiled as she and Kira walked downstairs

"Just breathe, and be you. If he doesn't like it he isn't for you." Ace smiled, hugging me before walking with me downstairs

"Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting Daniel." She apologized before stepping out from infront of me. Daniels eyes raked my form from head to toe before a smile lit up his face

"You look gorgeous." He grinned "You ready to go?" He asked

"Wait a minute." Steele ordered, the four of them standing in front of then door, dwarfing Daniel

"Oh my god." I muttered, rubbing my for head

"We want her back here by 10, no later, or we'll find you, and hurt you." River smiled, a hard look in his eye

"If she comes back hurt, or touched in anyway, we'll find you and hurt you." Luke smirked, though you could tell he wasn't joking

"If you say something that upsets her, we'll cut your tongue out of your face." Steele growled, not bothering to try to look nice

"If that dress, or her makeup is disheveled, we'll kill you." Josh growled darkly. He might have been the shortest of the boys, but in this instant, he was the scariest

"If that dress and makeup end up ruined by your lips, your hands, or her tears, you'll be dealing with us first." Ace smiled cheerfully, walking over to Steele and shoving them all out of the way "And just so you know, the boys make things quick, I know how to hurt you so bad you'd wish I was that merciful." She smiled, but you could tell she wasn't kidding around "now, go. Home by 10, love you Lex, and have fun!" She chirped as she shut the door

"Are they always like that." Daniel chuckled as we walked to his car; a Prius

"Uh, yeah. They are." I smiled, chuckling lightly as I thought of my friends

"I don't care if you don't like chicken Luke! Eat your damned food!" I heard Ace yell from the house

"Steel contain your girlfriend!" I heard him shout back

"Let's go." I laughed, opening the door and climbing into the small car

"Prius?" I asked, looking at him

"Yeah, its good on gas." He grinned, turning the key. It purred to life, it didn't roar the way a truck would; the way Josh's truck would. I quickly shook all thoughts of him from my head. I didn't need him anymore than he needed me

"So where are we going?" I asked, glancing over at him

"There's a nice tavern in town, nice seats, live music. Foods pretty great too." He explained as we turned onto the pavement

"Oh, fun." I smiled. A 'tavern'? He was taking me to a fucking bar? Wow, classy. Soon enough, we pulled into a quaint little establishment named "The Aurora" there were picture windows to the front, and you could see tables inside filled with people laughing and having fun. The 'music' he'd mentioned was some trashy pop band that was popular for the town kids. By the time I'd found the door handle on this damn car, Daniel was already in the bar

"Wow, such a gentle man." I scoffed as I walked in. After looking around for a moment, I found him sitting at a table near the stage

"What took you so long?" He asked as I sat down

"Sorry, I had to go to the washroom." I lied, feeling him chipping away at my patience. He made a face before watching the band

"Hey, what can I get for you?" A barbie doll chirped, bouncing up to our table. Honestly, as Ace would say 'I could wipe her beauty off with a wet wipe'

"Can I have a Jack and Coke with some fries please?" I smiled, watching her scoff and write it down

"Would you like a side of obesity?" She smiled sweetly, looking down at me

"How about a big order of slut with a side of fake?" I smiled back, just as sweetly. Daniel watched with a frown, but said nothing

"Fatty. And you, what could I possibly get you?" She asked in what I think was supposed to be a sultry voice

"I'll have whatevers on tap, and a garden salad." He smiled, sending her a wink as he handed her our menus

"No problem honey." She smiled as she trailed her fingers across his shoulder on her way past

"She was nice." He commented as he watched her wake away

"For a stripper." I muttered incoherently


"I said I love this song." I lied "excuse me, I'll be right back." I muttered, walking towards the washroom, pulling out my phone as I went. I closed and locked the door as it rang

"What's going on? Aren't you on your date?" Josh asked after answering my call

"Is everyone still at my house?" I asked, sitting on the counter

"No, Kira, Sarah, River and Luke all went watch a movie at Sarah's, and Ace and Steele went to that pond they're so fond of." He explained, ignoring the fact I'd changed topics

"Where are you?" I asked, curious

"Waiting for you to get home. Lovely movie collection by the way." He teased "But what's up? You called for something." He pointed out

"I need you to come get me. You were right, this is going horribly." I sighed, rubbing my jaw

"Where are you, I'll come pick you up." I gave him the name and address before going back to the table, sitting down just as the waitress brought our stuff to the table

"You okay?" He asked, not sounding like he really cared

"Fine." I muttered, taking a gulp of my drink

"His can you drink that?" Daniel asked, his face scrunched in distaste

"Its smoothe." I grinned, sipping it this time

"Gross." He mumbled, sipping his beer

"Fancy seeing you two here." A deep voice said from behind me a few minutes later

"What are you doing here?" Daniel scoffed

"Same as you, needed a drink." Josh smirked, leaning his hip against the chair I was sitting on

"I think they've got standards here, no hillbilly's." Daniel smirked viciously

"My cousin owns this bar, I come here a bit. I helped build it, so I drink for free." Josh grinned "how's your date going?" He added, already knowing the answer

"Great." Daniel smiled, trying to piss Josh off

"Not so well, can you give me a lift home?" I asked Josh

"Sure." He grinned, the same time Daniel asked

"What's wrong with the date

"1) I'm sorry, but I hate places like this 2) most guys wouldn't let their date take a verbal bashing from a waitress 3) you're really not my type of guy." I muttered as I took Josh's offered hand and stood

"Excuse me?" Daniel asked, pissed

"You heard her, she prefers men, not boys." Josh grinned viciously before leading me out

"What's this about a verbal bashing?" He asked, looking back at me

"The waitress was a slutty bitch." I explained shrugging. Suddenly our course changed and he was leading me through a narrow hallway and up a flight of stairs

"Come in." A voice called once he'd knocked on a door

"Hey Zac, got a minute?" Josh asked as he led me in

"Yup, what's up?" This Zac person asked, not looking up

"Its about one of your waitresses, actually." Josh told the man, sitting down and pulling me into his lap

"Oh, what's the problem?" Zac asked, looking up

"There was a 'verbal bashing' given to my friend, she was on a date, a horrible one, but a date non the less." Josh frowned at the word date

"Which waitress?" The man asked

"Tall, blonde, orange. I think her nametag said Bridget." I muttered

"Ah, her. Her last warning was already given, she's as good as fired." The man grinned before having her brought up

"Hey Zac, oh, Josh. Haven't seen you for a while." She winked, not noticing me yet

"Not long enough." Josh cringed, leaning away

"Bridget you're fired." Zac announced with a smile. "You've been whoring and insulting to my customers, and you're fired." Her jaw dropped and her eyes got huge

"What?!" She screeched, looking at him

"You're latest 'attack' was to a friend of Josh's." He accused, motioning to where I sat on Josh's lap

"Her? She's just a fat bitch!" Bridged screamed, glaring at me

"Alright that's enough! Just because she doesn't need to become the towns doorknob to get attention doesn't mean people who do get to bash her! She's gorgeous in every possible way, and you have no right to bash her!" He yelled, gently moving me off his lap before standing to glare at her

"Town doorknob?" Zac asked me while Josh continued his rant

"Everyone gets a turn." I grinned, not looking away

"Oh." He muttered

"-and honestly, I've seen less makeup on a goddamned clown! Lexi let's go, we're leaving." Josh snarled, gently taking my hand and leading me out

"Bye." I smiled and waved on my way out

"Stupid fucking bitch!" Josh growled as he opened the truck door for me, helping me in

"Thanks." I smiled before he shut the dor and jogged to the drivers side

"So, did the date start off good, orbwas it just all shitty?" He asked, not starting the truck

"Oh my god, Josh, he drove a Prius." I sighed, leaning mg head against the window

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked, looking at me, eyes wide

"Yeah, he drove a Prius." I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose

"You got in it?!" He asked, looking disgusted

"That's what I thought, but I didn't want to judge based on what he drove. And honestly, a bar? For a first date?" I mumbled, leaning my head back against the window

"Well, seeing as you're dressed to kill tonight, why don't we hit up that new restraint in town? The Rivera, I think its called." He asked, glancing over at me

"Sure." I smiled, as he started the truck and backed out of his parking spot. We talked about what made the date so horrible until we got to the restraunt

"Can you jump out of the truck in those heels without hurting yourself?" He asked as he flipped they key and pulled it from the ignition

"Um, I'm not sure." I mumbled, forgetting about the drop

"Hang on." He laughed as he jumped out and jogged to my side of the truck and opening the door "put your hands on my shoulders." He instructed as his hands gripped my waist. Once I'd done as he'd told me, he lifted me out of the truck

"Thanks." I smiled, looking up at him

"No problem." He mumbled. Neither of us moved, despite the close proximity we were currently in

"We should-um, go in." Josh mumbled, looking away as he stepped back

"Yeah." I muttered, closing the door of the truck and following Josh, walking past him as he held the door for me.


"Do you really have a sweater that says 'Grannies littlest shrimp' on it?" I laughed as he helped me out of the truck when we got back to my house

"I do, my grandma gave it to me three years ago, and I can't throw it out because she asks to see it every time she visits." He chuckled, walking with me up to the door

"I'm sorry, but that is simply hilarious!" I laughed, taking my house key from the clutch i was carrying

"Shut up." He grinned, adjusting his cap

"Thank you, for saving me from that god aweful date." I grinned "if you could even count that as a date." I laughed as he chuckled

"No problem. But I should get home." He smiled from where he was leaning on th e wall next to the door

"Okay." I mumbled, looking at him. His smile slipped a bit, and his eyes darted over my face quickly before he smiled again slightly, turning and walking back to his truck

"Bye Josh!" I called as he opened his truck door

"Bye Lex." He called back as I stepped inside. With a sigh, I shut the door and leaned against the wall next to it, flicking on the entry way light

"Its always Kira and Ace who get the luck." I muttered, stepping out of my heels, only then realizing I still had Josh's jacket on. I stepped outside quickly to see if he was still in the yard, only to see him jogging up the porch steps

"Heres your jacket." I explained, holding it out to him

"Forget the jacket." He mumbled, grabbing my face and smashing his lips to mine. Without thinking about consequences for once, I dropped his coat to the floor and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tip toes so he wouldn't have to bend down as far. Just as soon as it started, he pulled back

"Lex, I don't want you going on dates with guys, I don't want you to flirt with other guys, to be honest, I don't want to see other guys near you. I've had this crush on you for months, since that time Steele, River, Luke and I went shopping with you girls. Seeing you in that dress made my head spin, and the thought of any guy other than me seeing you in it pissed me off! I just-" I cut him off quickly, covering his mouth with my hand

"Are you gonna kiss me or not?" I grinned, quoting the song we'd been singing along to in the truck. Without another second, he pulled my hand off his mouth and pressed his lips to mine, walking me backwards until my back was against the wall

"Seriously. No more dates unless they're with me." He muttered against my lips

"No more girls unless its me." I countered

"Deal." He grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tightly against his chest.

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