High Impact || Genshin Impact...

By mattress666

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A Genshin impact high school au Welcome to a school that brings students from all over the seven nations of T... More

Table of Contents
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 1.4
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 1.6
Chapter 1.7
Chapter 1.8
Chapter 1.9
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 2.6
Chapter 2.7
Chapter 2.8
Chapter 2.9
Chapter 2.10
Chapter 2.11
Chapter 2.12
Chapter 2.13
Chapter 2.14
Chapter 2.15
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 3.3
Chapter 3.4
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 3.6
Chapter 3.7
Chapter 3.8
Chapter 3.9
Chapter 3.10
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 4.3
Chapter 4.4
Chapter 4.5
Chaptet 4.6
Chapter 4.7
Chapter 4.8
Chapter 4.9
Chalter 4.10
Chapter 4.11
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 5.3
Chapter 5.4
Chapter 5.5
Chapter 5.6
Chapter 5.7
Chapter 5.8
Chapter 5.9
Chapter 5.10
Chapter 5.11
Chapter 5.12
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 6.3
Chapter 6.4
Chapter 6.5
Chapter 6.6
Chapter 6.7
Chapter 6.9
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 7.3
Chapter 7.4
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 7.6
Chapter 7.7
Chapter 7.8
Chapter 7.9
Chapter 7.10
Chapter 7.11
Chapter 7.12
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 8.3
Chapter 8.4
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 8.6
Chapter 8.7
Chapter 8.8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 9.3
Chapter 9.4
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 9.6
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 10.4
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 10.6
Chapter 10.7
Chapter 10.8
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 11.3
Chapter 11.4
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 11.6
Chapter 12.1
Chapter 12.2
Chapter 12.3
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 13.3
Chapter 13.4
Chapter 13.5
Chapter 13.6
Chapter 13.7
Chapter 13.8
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter 6.8

66 5 0
By mattress666

Klee ran through the woods, passing by the many trees she had grown to known.  Adrenaline courses through her veins as she scans around her, remembering the secret trail she once found that connected Jean’s house to her home.

Passing a decaying berry bush, she turned and reached the trail, following the small dusty path. Ducking under tree branches low enough to hit her and jumping over tree roots, she eventually finds herself at her home.

While huffing for air, she remembers the fun times she had with mommy. She remembers the time they accidentally cut an entire tree, trying to count the rings and figure out its age. Well, they found out its age at least, being two hundred years old.

Klee wandered up to the front door, trampling over the unkempt grass lawn. She knocks on the door, a small voice inside of her begging for mommy to open the door and end the nightmare of a day.

Klee waits, her eyes straining themselves by not blinking, wishing for mommy to open the door. The little girl waits for a solid five mi uses, knocking to remind the empty insides of the house of her presence.  No one opens it and she sighs, feeling her eyes brim with tears.

She turns to a nearby rock, kicking it over and picking up the brass key. She took the brass key and jammed it into the lock, opening the door. 

The house never felt more unhomely to her, seeing the hallways and room all empty and dimly listed if not dark. She gulps, and wanders around, dragging her hands on the walls, collecting dust.

Weirdly, she never knew how dusty the rooms were, possibly due to the lack of chores that get done.

She reaches the second floor, checking every room in the sullen house. She passed her bedroom, then stopped and turned back, remembering something important.

“JUMPTY DUMPTY!” Klee exclaims, her heart soaring as she sees her most beloved possession, a stuffed creature with pointy ears. It was given to her as a baby, from mommy. She cringed to it all the time when much younger but due to going to school, she had learned to let it go a bit. Over time she didn’t play with it or carry it around as much but she still loved it nonetheless.

She grabbed it, hugging it for dear life. She breathed in the stuffed animal’s scent, smelling like mothballs and the smallest hint a familiar perfume, fruity and stingy.

Mommy’s perfume.

Klee choked out a sob, hugging the stuffed animal tighter, her hands going white from squeezing the soul out of it.

A few minutes pass, Klee’s tears spilling into Jumpy Dumpty, her face feeling wet and tasting salty. When she takes another big whiff of the stuffed animal, she finds the perfume smell gone, causing her heartache severely.

Deciding to keep on moving forward, she gets up, clinging to the stuffed animal still and moving forward o the last room in the house, mommy’s bedroom. Klee internally wished for another whiff of the family fruity perfume that mommy dosed in.

She entered the room, seeing the bed being stripped of sheets. Klee winces at this, sensing that her chances of connecting to mommy via smell have decreased. She walks up to the bed, before suddenly seeing something shiny in the corner of her eye.
She frowns, glancing at the mysterious shiny object and realizing it was a box, unlocked. She had never seen the box before, its mysterious wooden structure that was shiny with its varnish. She pulled the box completely out from underneath the bed and picked it up onto the empty bed.

The box had a lock that was unlocked, and when she opened the box, she found a note written on it.

-For Klee

Klee recognized her mommy’s handwriting, feeling her heart spike a bit when seeing it. she sniffed it, smelling her fruity perfume again. She turned the note over and found more writing on it.

I’m sorry Klee, I leave you this, a way to understand and connect while I am gone

Love, Mommy

Klee whimpered a bit, holding back another sob. She wanted to feel mad at mommy for leaving her, but her body was tired and wishing to crumble from the day’s stress and exhaustion. She took another sniff of the card, wanting to remember her mommy till the day she dies, scared that with time will come memory loss.

She put the note down for once and finally opened the box. Inside were books, journals.

“Huh” Klee whispered, confused.

Taking one of the journals out, it read a certain year on it. Klee realized it as the year she was born. Opening the journal, she found an entry, a few days after the day she was born.

Dear diary,

The only reason I haven’t entered an entry was that I had the most momentous occasion. I have given BIRTH to a bundling joy; hours of pain and stress have finally produced something my heart can’t process to explain. Her name is Klee, and she is truly the world’s sun. I love her with all of my heart and I can’t wait to show her the world, let her run free like the wind, and be who she wants to be. My mind explodes with all the future possibilities, us together versus the world, Jean occasionally joining us for our loveliest adventures.

But I must go, for I have to deal with an energetic baby and also insurance.


Klee could feel her mother’s voice speaking inside her mind, emulating the emotions written. Klee looked and saw more journals, different years, and all filled with entries. Her mind raced, pulse-quickening as she desperately feels the need to read them all, learn more and see what mommy saw in the world, what made her go away.

To get a quick glance, Klee looked and found the latest journal, skipping to the last entry in it. She touched the ink, seeing it smear a bit on the page, not completely dried.

Dear Diary or I guess Klee,

I’m sorry for what I’m about to do. It’s selfish and cruel of me to abandon you, leaving you motherless. Understand that I do and will always love you, no matter what you think or what others might say, I will always love you, Klee. My mind will always be clouded with you, your smile, your laughter, and your energy all filling my brain.

So, don’t worry, you’re not the reason why I left. I left because I am selfish, I hated living in the town, feeling more and more trapped and anxious. My dream was to travel and meet new people all the time but yet I was stuck in a small town disguised as the world, meeting the same ten people every day. It became unbearable and while I wished I could whisk us away on a journey of a lifetime, I couldn’t.

While the Genshin District was small, it was also a great place of opportunity and I knew you would thrive there, so I want you to stay, graduate and go to a good college or university. Once you succeeded at that, then I will allow you to come with me on adventures, once you are grown and to feel the need to escape such a small town.

But in the meantime, I leave you my journals to remember me and maybe understand, if not connect. I will always love you, please know this, my heart does crave for you and parting is always sorrow for me. I won’t say goodbye because I know we’ll meet each other soon, so for now, I say see you later, Klee.

Love, Mommy

P.S, I ripped out some pages or censored some pages because they contain thoughts that are a bit too adult for you, I wasn’t planning on sharing these journals with you when I made the habit, so don’t fret about the blacked-out parts.
Klee giggles at the last part, once again crying still. Hiccupping, she closes the journal and sniffs at it, smelling mommy’s perfume.

Looking at all of the many journals in the box, each holding varying journal lengths and page counts, she knew that she had quite a hefty read to go through. She was excited though, curious to know more about mommy, even if she may not be here in present. She was still mad at her for leaving but she had a feeling she’ll understand a bit more as she says in her final message.

In the distance, she hears a car roar, and then a few familiar voices cry out for her.

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