Guardian Angel Deku

By The_Nocturnal_Raven

46.1K 1.9K 287

Through a twist of fate, Izuku Midoriya can't do anything right... not even die correctly... but circumstance... More

Unusual Circumstances
Day 1 at UA
The USJ part 1
USJ Part 2
Recovery, Interview & Consequences
The First True Friends
Running Rivals
Opposites Clash
Spark on a Powder Keg
Hero Name
Unexpected Guests
The Bearing of Bad News
Repercussions of Tyranny
Expect the Unexpected
Hopefully Temporary Goodbyes...
Welcome to China
The Rubicon
Viraleur, Daughter of Life
A Long, Hard Road
Demons Vs. Angels
Congratulations, You have Reached Your Destination
Senior Researcher Life
Leaving China
Navigating Nepal
Leaving Asia
The Ancient Land of Heroes
The Mystery at Mykonos
Cruising to the Gates of Hell
The Vatican
Highway to Hell
The Veiled Land
Artorian, King of Hell, and Groomsman of the Dark


2.8K 130 4
By The_Nocturnal_Raven

Over the next few weeks, Izuku and Uraraka continued to work hard, completing assignments and hero studies together and becoming even more in sync. UA instituted dorms, and they transferred all of their materials into it, including a bunch of Izuku's old things, including his old computer. Ochako's grades continued to improve with Izuku's help within her head. He was a genius when it came to advanced subjects like math, hero ethics and law, and biology. As well as quirk analysis, for when profiling came up every week. It was nice to have the conversation between the two of them. This period of time definitely deepened their bond, to the point where Izuku didn't immediately faint in her mind when she was changing. For the most part. Some things didn't change quickly, but that was alright.

However, the other side of the coin, metaphorically... was their classmates. Ever since Mineta over dramaticised it, everyone had been keeping their distance, as questions were quietly forming in her classmates' heads. The obvious one is why do her eyes turn green? And what determines that? Why did she appear to have a personality change, or even a split personality like that? Every time they asked, she brushed it off, but since her answers were evasive and cagey, as if she didn't trust them, nobody believed her responses. Due to fear of the unknown, Class A subconsciously isolated her. They didn't choose to have her in a group, even if she was smart and pretty, people were afraid to be near her, and nobody even shared lunch with the poor girl.... all because they believed she was hiding something. This eventually reached a boiling point when Bakugo intercepted her one evening. The green eyes had been reminding him of Deku, they both knew it, at this point, and he was demanding answers. "Alright Pink Cheeks. You're clearly hiding something from all of us. Either tell us... or I'll beat the answers out of you."

Shocked by such a threat of violence, Ochako replied back, "What?! You can't be serious...!" She looked around the common room and everyone was waiting for an answer. "Is... is everyone agreeing with him?"
Kirishima, the paragon of 'manliness'... actually agreed with him. Then again, for someone who is supposed to be a paragon of virtue, he had been singing the bully praises after the USJ. Something about 'there's more to him than he shows'. Clearly, she was not a part of that standard, "You're clearly hiding something."
"But... I'm not..."
Tsu asked, clearly remembering the USJ herself. The shift between Ochako and Izuku was a bit too much for her. "Then why do your eyes turn green when your quirk doesn't affect them?"

Momo asked, confused by the other part, what was unsaid by the eye color change. With each time, they had noticed a certain change, this one included: "Why do you act differently when that occurs?"

Mina, however, was far more concerned with the state of her health. After all, she was the energetic one, and Ochako had been that way at the start of the year. Now though? Not so much. "Why do you look so pale and sleep-deprived?"

Panicking, the brunette tried to think, but Izuku told her plainly, There is no avoiding these questions this time...

Meanwhile, Ochako was looking for solutions to the problem at hand. There has to be something to do...

And, well, the former boy did give some advice. The only thing he could think of... even if it wasn't great. Hide in your room...?

Best chance I have... Starting to speak, Ochako led with a diversion. A pretention of going to admit why her "quirk" was so strange. "I..." However, when the front door opened, due to Mineta arriving back at the dormitory, they saw their chance. Before the others could react, Ochako ran up to her dorm, nearly flying up the stairs. In shock, the duo souled person was soon followed by the entire class. Even with Iida or Bakugo racing with their quirks, the gravity girl was able to reach her room before them. Locking the door, she rested against it, panting heavily. Her class had indeed placed the fear of god into her, especially with what Bakugo threatened to do to her to get "the truth". That kind of interrogation would only make it painful, with no garuntee that he'd accept anything. However, she could not stay calm. They will keep pestering me...

And it was just after she thought that, when some of the stronger of them started to bang against the door. Holding it in place with her own weight, Ochako's eyes darted for any kind of solution. Izuku thought as well: Your door won't hold. I think Kirishima & Sato are going to break it down... you should contact a teacher.

Quickly sending a message to Aizawa, she thought at the same time: I have to leave out the window! It's the only way! After sending it, Ochako quickly opened the window and used her quirk to descend down to the field below. Looking around, she searched for the tired teacher's form. Even though he wasn't as cute and cuddly as teachers went, he was reliable. And that would have to be enough.

Though... one of them, the one she had been trying to avoid, had expected her actions. "I knew you'd be driven to fucking leave, Pink Cheeks."

Turning slowly, she found Katsuki Bakugo standing alone on the grassy field. Fear laced her eyes as she observed the boy's every action. Every detail. His sinister grin, his eager, angry, prideful red eyes, his muscles, tense for combat. It was clear he just wanted the excuse, and the class had given it too him, unwittingly or not. Continuing his shpiel, he stated, "I am going to get those answers out of you, one way..." he exploded the sweat in his palms for show, his grin deepening, "Or another."

Ochako readied herself. Aizawa had to be coming. He wouldn't refuse a call for help, right? All I have to do is stall.

Izuku agreed, his voice calming her down slightly in the process. Aizawa's probably on his way... let him attack first!

Should I let you take over?

Probably not... he'll probably suspect something...

Bakugo launched himself forward and swung with his characteristic right hook. Dodging to the side, she didn't strike back, and just continued to counter. This wasn't just a training spar. They had seen Bakugo do those. He used his quirk with absolute precision. This was not that. This was an attempt at murder, at hospitalization. After 10 minutes, Izuku could tell she was exhausted, but Bakugo would not let up. Ochako screamed as he launched her back into one of the windows of the dorms with a devastating explosion. Shattering the glass as she hit the wall behind it. He entered the building and held her up by the collar. "What are you hiding?!" He punched her in the head.

"Please..." She weakly tried to stop him, trying to crawl away. It tore Izuku up to see this, because he couldn't feel her pain, nor could he help her without making things worse. Through her eyes, he could see that the rest of the class was a mix of horrified and stone faced. At least he knew which still had morals at this point. Even Kirishima was... disturbed by this.

However, the blond was finally pulled away from the battered and beaten Ochako. A familiar metal scarf wrapped around him, dragging him back, and his explosions ceased. "Bakugo, enough!" Barely able to stay conscious, the two were able to hear him demand from his students. "What the hell were you all doing?!"

Asui, not Tsu, just started to explain, "We just asked..."

However, Aizawa was not in a forgiving mood for any kind of thing like that. He may be a borderline terrible teacher, but he at least cared about this year's students. All of them. Enough to directly lie to them about the quirk assessment test. Because according to Izuku, he had the highest expulsion rate of any teacher. The fact he confused Momo about that showed his true nature. Besides, he had a point to prove. "Beating her up is a villain's style interrogation! Heroes don't do that! What would cause you all to resort to that?!"

The class ramained silent. How could they respond to that? Mina and Kirishima were particularly horrified, especially since their goals were not to be bullies, and they stood by as bystanders. 

Continuing, he gave a simple orders. "Iida, take her to Recovery Girl, and no questions. The rest of you... Go to your dorms. Bakugo, I am contacting your parents to help pay for the property destruction, and a strict discussion on attacking students with your quirk."

The blond glared bloody murder at his teacher, while Ochako passed out in Iida's arms as he ran her to Recovery Girl.

All Izuku could do was whisper to her unconscious mind: I'm sorry.

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