Unexpected Changes. Arianaxgi...

By gxgwriter

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Hey, I'm Skyler I'm 23 years old I live in my apartment in New York. I have a pretty basic job whilst I atten... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.

Chapter 7.

258 15 3
By gxgwriter

*Skylers POV* Saturday 10th July

"Where are we going?!" Ariana yelled with excitement.

I shook my head smiling and laughing.
"It's a surprise! It's a two-hour drive so buckle up."

Ariana jumped up in her seat with joy, facing me with a large smile spread across her face.
"I've never done this before! It's so exciting."

I frowned looking at her, is she serious?
"That's no fun, I'm glad I'm your first"

"I can't believe we're driving until one in the morning, where are we staying? Please tell me you've book is somewhere, I can't sleep outside." She spoke extremely past with joy but also frowning.

"You need to chill! I've got everything sorted." I laughed hysterically.

Ariana reached for the middle compartment of my car, she turned the radio on low so we can still talk.

"Promise me it's fun" Ariana playfully laughed grabbing my shoulder.

"I mean it's fun to me. It's really relaxing? Really cosy." I smiled at Ariana who was sat so close filled with joy.

Ariana quickly grabbed the corner of my shirt.
"I love this song!!"

Jennifer Hudson spotlight came on, Ariana was singing so beautifully to it.

Ariana stroked the back of my head as she sang so passionately, looking at me singing to me. I decided to join in singing in harmony with her, I glanced to see Arianas face shocked that I can actually sing really well.

"Well I don't like living under your spotlight" we both sang together.

What felt like seconds after the song was over, me and Ariana were having a really good time together.
"I didn't think you could sing that good!"

"Ouch! Hurtful!" I laughed putting my hand on my chest pretending to be hurt.

"No! I didn't mean it like that!" She panicked grabbing my face whilst I sat at a red light.

I just stared, grinning at her.

"You're joking aren't you?" She smirked.

I just nodded laughing to myself, I just loved winding her up.

"You're unbelievable. Want a drink?" She smiled.

I nodded.
"Yes please if you could sweetheart" I spoke smugly.

Ariana started grinning to herself as she grabbed my smoothie from the cup holder. She placed the straw by my lips, but every time I went to put my lips on it she moved it whilst giggling to herself.
"What a predicament you've found yourself in."

I frowned at her whilst she was just giggling to herself, I couldn't hold myself back as I looked at her and just smiled.
"You're a pain in the ass."

"But, yet I'm here in you're car, whilst you take me to the unknown. So I can't be that bad can I" she smirked playfully taking a sip of my drink, winding me up.

She then decided to be nice, putting the straw to my lips so I could sip the drink. As I took a sip I stared deeply into her eyes, I once again felt the tension between us.

"Better?" She mumbled.

"Any longer id died of thirst" I laughed nudging her.

"So dramatic" she rolled her eyes grinning.

I leaned back into my seat, we've been driving so far for an hour and I was already starting to ache.

"Want me to take over?" Ariana spoke.

I glanced over at Ariana who was leaned back into her chair, with her head rested back against the headrest.

"You can't see" I winked.

She started squinting playfully.
"Of course I can."

I shook my head chuckling at her response, she's a giant wind up merchant and I loved it.

"I've got this, I've got to pull over soon and fill up the car." I smiled.

I turned into a gas station parking up to a gas pump, then turning the ignition off bringing my attention to Ariana who smiled sweetly just watching me.

"What?" I smirked.

"Nothing. I'm already having a good time, I'm not even there yet." She mumbled.

"Wait until we get there" I smiled.

I got out of the car, filling the car with gas. I quickly walked into the gas station paying for gas, then quickly walking back to the car. I hated leaving Ariana too long on her own, especially because she's away from home and security.

As I hopped into the car Ariana's hair was let down all messy past her shoulder, her extensions were left on the dashboard. Her jacket was off leaving her in her white lace top, her shoes were off as she had them curled up on her seat.

"Hey." She smiled tiredly.

I felt my heart melt at her cute tired face, I trailed my fingertips along her soft cheek. She began smiling like an idiot, I placed my thumb gently on her dimples.
"Go sleep, I'll tell you when we're there okay?" I whispered.

"Nooo... You'll be bored." She smiled sweetly whilst biting her lip.

"I'll be alright." I nodded.

I took off my jacket, wrapping it around her as she snuggled sweetly into the passenger's seat.

I leaned back into my seat quietly, driving off smoothly so I don't bump Ariana's head.

It didn't take her long to fall asleep she slept so peacefully in her seat. Megan was right all along, I did have feelings for Ariana, I really like her more than I thought. She was constantly on my mind all the time, a big part of me knows deep down she doesn't feel the same. But all I want is to be with her, even if it was as friends.

I was finally ten minutes away from my parent's old cabin, we were in a small town called Lake Wood. My parents when they were together year's ago when I was young, used to stay here for vacations. My mum never wanted to get rid of it as it held so many memories, me and megan stay here every couple of months to get away for a bit.

Even the drive towards the cabin on the lake was beautiful, or was surrounded by really old trees. My parents even owned the land around it and part of the lake, just so it wouldn't be chopped down or polluted. As I pulled up the cabins sensor lights turned on revealing the entire driveway, this place is so peaceful and beautiful. It was away from all society, even the drive up was a couple of miles long away from the roads. I pulled up in front of the cabin parking up gently snd slowly so I don't wake her up, then turned off my ignition.

I gently shook her awake, she rolled around a moment in her seat refusing to wake up. I rolled my eyes just smirking at her stubbornness, I guess I have no choice but to get her out. I got out of the driver's seat walking towards the passenger's side, gently shaking her.

"What..." She groaned.

I knelt on the edge of the car floor by her, talking quietly.

"We are here, come on." I laughed quietly.

Ariana slowly sat up properly in her chair, her eyes darted around she looked genuinely shocked.

"This place is so beautiful! Where the hell are we?" She gasped.

"My parent's cabin, we're at Lakewood, well a little out of Lakewood. It's super peaceful and quiet here, you'll like it." I smiled.

"So beautiful" Ariana beamed.

Held her hands as she got out of the car, she was still a little sleepy. I carried her heels in my hand, as I helped her across the driveway to the front door. I pulled out the old key on the keychain of my car keys, unlocking the front door. Both me and Ariana took a step inside, flicking the lights on.

"This place a huge for a cabin, this is amazing. It's like one of those cute cabins you see on social media, are you sure I'm okay staying here?" She smiled excitedly.

I nodded, throwing her heels by the front door. The cabin was huge in the centre of the room was the large living room, there were two large comfy sofas in front of a fireplace and flat-screen tv. Around the outskirts of the living room was raised with stairs in a square. On the opposite side of the cabin was our large rustic kitchen, with a large long dining table and chairs. It was very much old cabin vibes you see in the movies, I love it here.

I walked down the two steps into the living room area, I was closely followed by Ariana who was still in shock with the place.

"Imagine watching a horror movie here." She spoke whilst holding onto my arm.

"I'd shit myself" I glanced at her laughing.

"I mean you really would." She laughed hysterically, she pulling on my arm from laughter.

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell you, you're sleeping in the woodshed outside tonight" I winked.

She narrowed her eyes, talking in her playful tone.
"Make me!"

I turned to face her, standing really close to her.
"And how would I do that?" I grinned.

"I'm sure you can get creative." She smirked holding onto the edge of my crop top.

The tension between us is once again high, we were back to teasing and flirting again. But this time nobody is around, so nothing is stopping us.

"Well?" She smiled moving closer almost closing the gap between our bodies.

I suddenly got really super nervous, this never happen to me like ever! I couldn't ger the words to come out, my body was just frozen from nerves. I just wanted to kiss her so badly, heck I even wanted to just rip her clothes off right here and now. Ariana did a good job around people at being subtle, but now we're alone she's so indirect and confident catching me completely off guard.

"Would you like a drink" I blurted nervously.

"Oh, yeah sure." Ariana shook her head, she looked a little disappointed.

She made her way to the curved couch in the middle, she threw herself onto it getting comfortable.

"So. We only have water." I laughed.

"We should so do a cute little shop early in the morning, do you reckon there's one of those cute farmers markets and little shops?!" She beamed.

I nodded.
"Yep, it's a twenty-minute walk or like a five-minute drive up the road."

"Oh my God! Can We walk it!" Ariana shouted across the room, her hands were pressed together doing a puppy face.

"Of course." I laughed.

"Yay," she raised her arms on victory.

I carried two glasses of water to the couch, plonking my body beside hers.

"So what made you bring me here?" She smiled curling her legs up on the couch.

"You're going to find it cringe... But when we were at the restaurant, you just looked worried the entire time about being interrupted. So I wanted to take you somewhere you can relax, and not have to worry about people." I nodded.

The biggest smile spread across her face, she had a little tear in her eye as she spoke.
"That's probably one of the most sweetest, considerate things anybody has ever done for me. Literally, where have you been all my life?"

"Hiding from you" I burst out into laughter.

Ariana gasped in shock at my comment, but also finding it quite funny as she giggled. She jumped on me causing me to fall back, and she was chest to chest with me.

"You bitch! I was nice to you" she giggled.

"I won't take it back!" I laughed in her face playfully.

"Yes, you fucking will!" She began tickling me.

I panicked as I was being bombarded with tickling in my neck and arms, I quickly and swiftly flipped her over onto her back, with my hands pinning her down.

She quickly wrapped her arms and legs around me, causing me to be unable to get up.

"What now?!" She giggled.

"I guess I'm held, hostage." I tried wiggling out of her grip.

I tapped on the back of the couch.
"I tap out you win!" I mumbled into her neck.

She released my neck, but her legs remained around my waist. As I lifted my back I looked down at Ariana, she was breathing heavily from using her strength from holding me down with her.

"Youre stronger than you look" I laughed.

"Don't mistake my shortness for weakness" she winked.

"Man I'm tired." I laughed sitting myself beside her.

"Show me my room" she laughed.

I got up walking Ariana upstairs, the main bedroom was an open plan room at the top of the stairs. It had a balcony overlooking the entire living room, it was so nice.

"This is your room" I smiled throwing a large thick duvet at her.

"And where will you sleep" she raised her eyebrow.

"That small room through that door beside your bed, I won't make you sleep in the small room youre a guest." I smiled walking towards the bedroom.

Ariana quickly grabbed my arm, not letting me leave.
"Sleep in this bed with me, I don't mind."

"I don't want to invade your personal space" I held my hands up.

"I'm inviting you to join me because I want you to, I'm not gonna kill you" she giggled.

I nodded.

Ariana went to the other side of the bed, taking her jeans off. As I glanced over at her I saw her stretch up revealing her entire body in her bra and underwear, she turned to face me smirking.

"What? I'm not going to sleep in my clothes." She giggled.

She wore black laced underwear, along with a black lace bra that matched. She turned her back to me as she sat on the edge of the bed, her back was so toned.

She was right, we can't sleep in clothes we have to wear the next day. I decided to do the same I pulled my crop top off, revealing my sleeve tattoo and my rib tattoo completely. I had a really toned stomach and toned back, then I sat on the edge of the bed removing my jeans. I wore a black thong with a plain black bra. I turned back to see Ariana staring at me laying above the covers, she was biting her nail staring none stop at me.

"What?" I smiled.

"You have a gorgeous body, little glad we didn't bring anything " she giggled playfully.

"I could say the same to you" I smirked.

Got under the covers with Ariana, we both nudged up a little closer.

"I love this already." She mumbled facing me smiling.

I turned to lay on my back, getting all comfy into the thick cushy mattress.
"Yeah, this is nice." I smiled.

Ariana shuffled up closer to me resting her head onto my shoulder, then wrapping her arm around my stomach.
"It's so silent and peaceful here." She whispered.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, then resting my other hand on her arm.
"I know so weird isn't it?" I sighed.

"You know that game we played the first time we hung out? Wanna play again?" Ariana smirked looking up at me.

"What talking about ourselves?" I looked down smiling.

She lifted herself slightly so she arched above me slightly, so I could see her full face and chest.

"Yes, I wanna go first. What're your biggest fears?" Ariana spoke whilst she gently moved a strand of my hair from my forehead.

"Oh we're going deep" I smiled looking up at her, my heart was beating so fast in this moment.

"Mhm" she mumbled as she stared down at me, her eyes would occasionally end up looking at my lips as I spoke.

"Hmm, I guess falling for someone who might not feel the same. But, the biggest one for me is knowing they have total power to hurt me, then just trusting that they won't." I mumbled staring into her deep brown eyes.

"Mines actually a little similar, I'm worried I'm gonna end up giving into every ounce of temptation. Once I give In to that temptation, I could ruin a lot as the other person might not feel mutual." She whispered grinning to herself.

I shook my head.
"What do you mean?"

Ariana closed her eyes resting her forehead against mine, our noses brushed softly against each other. I closed my eyes feeling nerves all over my body, is she going to kiss me?
"I can't it's a secret."

I rested my hand on her shoulder, as I became so nervous I felt myself trembling. If she doesn't kiss me now I feel like I'm going to explode, this is insane.

"I'm good at keeping secrets" I whispered softly.

Ariana's fingertips softly glided against my arm slowly up and down, causing goosebumps all over my body. My breathing got a lot heavier as my body was trembling underneath her, my body was calling out for her lips, her body, everything.

Suddenly she kissed my cheek gently.
"Thank you for being here for me."
She whispered separating from me. I could hear in her voice something was bothering her, I knew she wasn't okay.

I mean I am kinda pissed she teased me that God damn bad, but I don't even think she realises she did? I don't think she even knew how badly I just wanted her to kiss me.

She laid her head down back on my chest, wrapping her arm tightly around my stomach.

"Maybe one day I can tell you, I'm too scared of being let down." She mumbled sadly.

~~~~~~~~ Sunday 11th July

I woke up in the morning to find Ariana wasn't in bed beside me, where did she go? I stretch out into the bed rubbing my eyes, I woke up in pure frustration all I wanted was a kiss so badly last night.

I got up out of the bed walking to the wooden railings, I couldn't even see her in the living room. I ran down the stairs looking around downstairs to find her, I noticed the backslider doors to the docks was left open. As I approached I saw her leaned against the wooden railings look out to the lake, she wore her shirt from the other night and her underwear.

I began relaxing as I thought something bad had happened to her, I just leaned against the doorway looking over at her. It's hard to believe I could've been so close to finally kissing her, I just can't believe she backed out? I mean that's if she was actually going to kiss me.

"I thought you did a runner" I spoke a little louder so she could hear me.

She turned around to look at me, her eyes travel from my legs and up my body then to my face, she didn't even try and hide it either.
"No! Why would I run away from somewhere and someone who gives me so much happiness, I'm just overthinking everything."

She walked up to me leaning on the doorway in front of me, she always had this sweet smile on her face when we spoke.
"Sorry about last night... For making it awkward and everything."

"Only thing you should be sorry for is not finishing what you started." I whispered grinning like an idiot to myself. I'm trying to hint to her I wanted to kiss her, most importantly I'm trying to figure out if she was even going to? For all I notice she might look at me as just a friend.

Her eyes shot up to mine, she seemed to look completely off guard with my comment.

I shook my head smiling to myself.

Ariana stood speechless like I said something that shocked her, which lead me to believe maybe she wasn't meant to do anything?

I went through my dad's wardrobe full of old clothes, picking up a plain black baggy t-shirt. I threw Ariana the white one, I can't expect her to wear the same clothes these will do.

"We need to go into town, I wanna get some hot cocoa and food" she smiled catching the shirt in her hands.

"I know, I'll buy you some clothes there's a little charity shop. I know it isn't designer but it'll do? I smiled.

"Are you kidding? I love that! I feel like such a country outdoors person, I kinda want to stay one more night" Ariana beamed with joy throwing on the t-shirt that was obviously way too big for her.

"I'll stay however long you want to" I nodded smiling at her cuteness.

"Does anybody know we're here?" Ariana spoke as she walked up the stairs to the bedroom.

"Nope! Completely off the radar. You?" I called out towards her from downstairs.

Ariana quickly leaned on the railing above, her face and voice were filled with joy.
"Nope! Oh my God, this is so exhilarating, I've never done this before."

Ariana ran down the stairs, doing up her jeans.
"We should go into town pretending to be someone else, lets make this really fun" she jogged up to me with joy.

I laughed at her goofiness, I had never seen this side to her.
"Ah okay, so I'm called Tiffany brown. You are?" I smirked.

"Stephanie brown" she spoke in a British accent.

"Oh God, so you're my sister?" I burst out laughing at her impression.

"No, I am your wife miss" she continuously spoke in a British accent.

"You do realise I'm actually from Manchester right?" I laughed.

"Really?! I didn't think I heard American in your voice" she winked nudging me playfully.

I passed her sunglasses and a black cap, just to hide her identity still. People can still recognise her here, which will end up in the time here being completely ruined.

"Ah thank you my wifey" she giggled putting her hat and glasses on.

"You're so weird" I laughed as I pulled on some shorts I found.

"You love it" she smirked as she approached me closely.

"I mean, I must've married you for some reason." I smiled looking down at her playfully.

"And I clearly married you for your sweet choices of words" I rolled her eyes smiling like an idiot.

I grabbed her hand walking towards the front door, we locked up and walked down the country lane out of my property.

I felt Ariana adjust her hand, so our fingers were intertwined together.

"Is this okay? Much more comfortable" she spoke whilst walking into me smirking up at me.

"No, I fucking hate it." I grinned playfully at her.

She tried yanking our hands apart in a fake playful tantrum, but I gripped her hand so tightly she couldn't.

"You're now kidnapping a celebrity, I'll have you know that's a very serious offence." She spoke with so much laughter and joy.

"Happiest hostage I've ever seen," I smirked as I tugged on her hand causing her to walk into me...

"Hmm, I mean you aren't that terrible I suppose." She bit her lip laughing.

We walked for a while mostly winding each other up none stop, we did actually fight like a married couple.

"This is honestly the most beautiful walk I've ever been on" Ariana spoke as she took in her surroundings.

"Country lanes can be quite beautiful." I smiled looking over at her whilst she took in the environment around her.

I was so fixated on her beautiful face, she had no makeup, her hair wasn't done. She was just bare, she wore plain baggy clothes. I couldn't think of anything more beautiful, I've never seen her smile so much before.

"What?" She held onto my arm with her other hand looking at me.

"Call me cringy, but I don't think I've ever seen you like this. You just look so happy and beautiful." I smiled trying to avoid eye contact as I was nervous as fuck.

"I am happy. I have no worries, nobody knows where I am who I am. And I'm with you." She squeezed into my arm.

We reached the little country village outside of Lakewood, it was such a small cute farm town. We went into a farmers market, putting loads of different vegetables into a basket. Well, in all honesty, Ariana did most of the shopping whilst I followed her around carrying, she knew exactly what she wanted as she went around.

"I wanna make us a cute homemade meal tonight, super cute." She squealed with joy.
"Oh my God, they sell paddy Scotts instant hot chocolate!" She beamed grabbing a big bag.

"A what what?" I laughed

"It's this rich vegan hot chocolate, use pure ingredients." She smiled.

We finally finished shopping as the basket couldn't get any more full if she tried, she has enough food here for fucking weeks. Ariana paid for the food using her fake British accent, occasionally glancing at me giggling to herself.

"Thank you. Me and my wife will whip up a peng meal!" Ariana laughed so hard she leaned her face into my arm laughing at herself.

The cashier looked so confused but amused by Ariana's weirdness, I can't believe the said peng.

As we walked out Ariana still couldn't contain herself, as she was still laughing like a fool.

"Peng really? Peng?!" I laughed.

"I can't! I had to I'm sorry, I'll stop being a bitch now" she spoke whilst laughing and crying.

We stood outside the shop a moment whilst Ariana tries to gather herself, she was so cute with her random weird outbursts.

I put my hands on her cheeks bringing her attention to me.
"Nobody says peng!"

"I know I don't know why I said that! I just had a funny ten minutes ill be ok" she giggled in my hands.

"Oh my God, this shop is cute!" Ariana called out whilst dragging me with her.

We walked into this really small clothing shop, nothing was designer it was a local clothing shop. Ariana picked up a flowery crop top, then a wide cream straw hat. She then picked up some fluffy slippers and a dressing gown. I feel like she wants to stay awhile jeez.

I picked up a red and black checkered shirt and black jeans. Ariana ran up to me excitedly, as she held these black country boots.
"These would be cute with your outfit!" She beamed.

I rolled my eyes taking the boots from her hands, she was just filled with this cute chirpy energy today.

Ariana picked up several other clothes, she was also shopping for me also which I found quite sweet.
"I got you this super sexy see-through dressing gown!" She winked.

What?! I feel like she wants to see me in my underwear?.

Ariana put all the clothes on the counter, it literally took up the entire long counter.
"I'm paying!" She smiled.

"You've paid for everything let me get this." I laughed trying to take over.

Ariana kept standing in my way not letting me past, she just kept giggling to herself as she frustrated me.

"You guys are adorable" spoke the young cashier behind the till, she was smiling ear to ear watching us play fight over who's paying.

"We're married. Ten years today." Ariana laughed eyeing me.

"It definitely shows, have a beautiful day you guys!" She called out as we lugged all the bags outside.

"Ten years? Seriously?" I'd be thirteen!" I nudged Ariana laughing.

"I panicked!" She leaned into me laughing against my shoulder.

"You're a pain in the ass " I smirked looking down at her on my shoulder.

"You love it!" She smiled ear to ear looking up at me.

"Come on you, let's get home before someone thinks we need locking up." I rolled my eyes grinning like an idiot.

We both carried four bags each, I really didn't expect her to buy this much stuff, otherwise, id took the car. I purposely moved the bags around so she carried everything light, I took the heavier ones. We both had extremely bad coordination as we kept bumping into each other, I mean she has an excuse but I don't. We just kept continuously apologising all the way home as we kept bumping into each other.

After twenty minute walk we finally got home, I ran the shopping to the counter then leaned against the counter out of breath.
"Fuck! We brought so much!" I laughed.

Ariana already started putting groceries away, and organising cups for our hot chocolate.
"I'm so excited so today I have so many plans! I wanna snuggle up with hot cocoa. I also noticed you have a rowboat on your docks, can we please go on that" she spoke fast and enthusiastically.

"Yes! We will do everything, especially because this is our last night." I raised my hand smiling at her.

"Does it have to be" Ariana pouted.

"Unfortunately we have a life back home, people will know you're gone, same with me." I sighed.

Ariana turned around putting spoonfuls of hot cocoa in a mug, she seemed really upset this time. I took a saucepan out to help her, I put water in a saucepan ready to boil.

"Do you ever wonder what life could be like if we met under different circumstances, like could we always be together." She spoke with her back turned sounding upset.

I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her stomach, she leaned back into me not saying a word.
"We're here now, live in the moment" I whispered.

"Why do you do this to me." Ariana sighed heavily

"What?" I shook my head.

Ariana turned to face me, my arms were still around her. We stood so closely our bodies were touching, we stood in silence staring into each other's eyes.

The saucepan starting sizzling and boiling over, I darted quickly to the stove, taking the pot off the hob. I glanced over at Ariana who looked frustrated, her lips were pressed together with frustration.

"What's wrong." I spoke softly.

"Just... Something always gets in the way!" She rubbed her temples.

I leaned back onto the counter.
"What do you mean?"

Ariana just shook her head, turning her attention back to the mugs.

"Tell me!" I smiled.

"Sky, honestly it's nothing." Ariana mumbled.

Ariana reached across pouring boiling water into both the mugs, she began stirring the mugs quickly getting rid of lumps. She then picked up her drink heading outside to sit on the bench by the lake, I followed behind with mine and sat opposite her.

"Talk to me! Come on. We've had such a good day." I smiled taking sips.

I could see by her face she was battling with so many thoughts in her head, it wasn't nothing but she just wouldn't tell me.

"Please, sky. Can we drop it?" She sighed.

I nodded, I don't want her to be uncomfortable. I just really care about her, I don't want her upset I brought her here to make her happy.

"This is fucking amazing!" I smiled pointing at my hot chocolate.

"I told you, I'm never wrong" she winked playfully.

"I'm going to get ready for boating" she smirked.

As Ariana walked through the sliding doors she threw her shirt off, so she's in just a bra and jeans. I took sips of my drink just taking in her body, God, she's so fucking pretty. She put on her brand new flowery crop top, grabbing her large straw hat. She then put on brown boots, to match her outfit.

I shrugged my shoulders throwing my shirt off joining her, putting my checked jacket on leaving the top unbuttoned revealing a little cleavage. I pulled on the black boots Ariana picked out, I saw her in the corner of my eye eyeing me smirking and biting her lip.

"Can I help you" I laughed.

"You look good." She winked playfully.

"Not so bad yourself, I mean we have to fit in right?"

"Come on!" She giggled grabbing my hand.

She walked me over to the docks where the boat was sat, and she eyed it up.
"Hold onto me, knowing my luck it'll sail away with just me in it." She laughed nervously.

I sat on the floor holding onto the boat, whilst holding her hand as she got in. I then quickly jumped into the boat, sitting opposite her.

"Thank you." Ariana spoke sweetly, she did this really dead cute nervous smile.

"You've never done this before have you?" I smiled placing my hand on her knee.

She looked up at me for a moment, she didn't say a word just smiled at me staring into my eyes. All I desperately wanted to do was grab her face, kiss her lips. We had this undeniable tension between us, it wasn't something you could ignore it was like a drug. All I ever wanted to know is if she feels the same way as me, I can't just blurt out hey do you like me the way I like you.

"Have I ever told you, I love the way you look at me" She eyed me curiously.

I began smiling and edging slightly closer in my seat.
"And how do I look at you?"

Ariana leaned back starting to smile like a crazy person, as she looked me in my eyes not breaking a single second of contact.
"Whenever you look at me you just have this massive smile, your eyes are always on me. I feel like no matter what I do, you just find everything I do interesting. I can talk about anything, you'd find me interesting."

I squinted my eyes forcing a serious face, trying to catch her off guard.
"Do I?"

Ariana face quickly turned, she looked shocked.
"You don't...?"

I tapped my hands on her knees, leaning forward.
"I'm joking! Of course, I find you interesting."

"I know you are such a terrible liar" she smiled shrugging her shoulders all smug.

I shook my head laughing at her big headedness, of course. I pushed off the docks rowing slightly down the lake. Ariana took her two oars, rowing down the stream with me. I rowed further down the lake until we got to the large wider part of the lake. The sun was beating down on us, we both got extremely hot and tired so we decided to take a break.

"This is amazing." She spoke leaning back.

It was honestly breathtaking we were surrounded and hidden by tall trees, rays of light would beam through the cracks of the tree. It was silent, all we could hear was water rocking against the boat.
"So, do you ever come here often? Obviously apart from now, like before me would you come here." She smiled sweetly.

"I occasionally come here with Megan, not very often maybe a couple of times a year. I definitely have to come here more now." I smiled.

"This is an old topic but, if Alex texted you asking for another date, would you go?" Ariana eyed me curiously.

"Honestly, no I wouldn't." I smiled confidently.

Ariana crossed her legs balancing on her seat, her hands were in the pit of her lap.
"I remember asking you for the first time, you didn't seem sure about her."

I cleared my throat leaning closer towards her.
"Why are you so curious? Well now I'm entirely sure, she's definitely not who I want. I literally haven't even seen her since our first date."

Ariana began smiling ear to ear, she would always fidget in her seat whenever we spoke about Alex, which always had me curious.
"Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy. I don't know I was curious, you never bring her up." She spoked playing with her fingers nervously.

"I think I got my eye on someone else, I just don't know if she likes me" I laughed nervously.

Ariana's eyes shot up in shock, with a tinge of jealousy.
"Oh, who? She can't be that important, you never speak about her."

"Actually I do. I really like this girl, she's insanely perfect." I smirked knowing full well I was talking about Ariana.

Ariana broke eye contact, her tone suddenly turned abrupt and annoyed.
"Can we go back, please? Im feeling sick on this boat."

"What?! I thought you loved it here?!" I gasped.

"Yeah, well I'm getting frustrated now." She rolled her eyes.

I can't tell her it's her! I don't get why she's acting so stubborn and irritated right now? It's not like I said anything really offensive. I mean if she's seriously jealous about me falling for her, I can't say?! What if she doesn't feel the same and it's just pure awkwardness. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

We rowed slowly back to the docks at my parent's cabin, it was so awkward and silent. Ariana didn't even look at me, at least she didn't look pissed now, I mean she looks upset more than anything, not that it's any better of course. As we arrived she just jumped quickly off the boat, she didn't say a single word just walking off.

I tied the boat back up to the docks, I just sat on the edge taking a deep breath. I've really fucked up... Why is she acting this extreme?!

I walked back into the house, as I walked in she walked past silently with hot chocolate in a mug. She plonked her body onto the couch all curled up, she still wouldn't look at me. Fuck it, I'm not gonna sit here and ignore that I've her, I have to do something.

I fell my body back into the seat beside her, I kept glancing at her but she just ignored me.

"Yes?" She mumbled not even looking at me.

"What is wrong?" I nudged her trying to get her attention.

"Nothing." She shook her head.

"Clearly. Just be honest with me!" I stressed.

"Im just shocked." She forced a clearly fake laugh.

"Why?" I frowned.

"You never told me you had feelings for someone, you never mentioned them once." She shook her head, she looked at me with such seriousness in her face and tone.

"I didn't think it was a big deal!" I called out shocked.

"It isn't!" She raised her voice in frustration.

"Clearly! Look at you, you are so pissed off!" I frowned feeling myself get frustrated too.

"I want a minute okay." She spoke quickly and stern.

She walked off quickly back outside to the docks, she leaned against the wooden railings. I glanced over at her, I felt my heart just ache at the thought of her being so mad. If I had hurt her, I feel nothing but guilt and sadness. A large part of me just wanted to run out there and tell her, just so she wouldn't be mad. I rather her tell me she doesn't like me, rather than hate me.

Fuck it...

I pushed myself out of my seat, I held my head high as I approached her beside the railings.

"Im sorry." She blurted as I approached.

"No, I'm sorry. Because I..." I paused for a moment trying to gather myself.

She stared at me curiously, she just stayed silent waiting for me as I tried to find the words.

"Ariana, I was talking about you. I like you." I rolled my eyes mumbling. I leaned against the railings, refusing to even look at her.

"Really? Im sorry I'm such a bitch! I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, I can't believe it. Do you really?" She spoke cheerfully, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I get if I've made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry." I shook my head holding my face.

"Im not uncomfortable in the slightest, please come inside with me. The sun is setting, it's getting a little nippy ill make you dinner and a warm drink." She whispered leaning on my back...

I dragged my feet inside, I felt nothing but awkwardness. Ariana hasn't said anything about it, which obviously means she doesn't feel the same. Which is fucking humiliating. I sat on the couch in silence as Ariana was darting around the kitchen cooking us dinner, I couldn't begin to imagine the situation I've now put her in...

"Why don't you pick us a movie to watch, I'm almost done" she called out from the kitchen.

I got up to get the fireplace going, it was getting a tad cold. It was an old building made out of timber and wood, with no other heat source. Once I finally got the fire going I took my place back onto the couch, I got a fluffy thick blanket with me.

"We didn't get to watch scream the other night, are you up for that." I called out.

Ariana approached me passing me a plate of vegetable stir fry, it does look delicious I admit. Ariana took her spot under the covers beside me, staring at me excitedly.
"How is it?!" She beamed.

I took a mouthful, it was amazing I rolled my eyes playfully to show her how much I loved it.
"Oh yeah so good "

"I didn't say to make love to it" she nudged me giggling.

I told Alexa to turn off the lights, making the room dark. The only thing that lit the room was the fireplace and tv. I tucked into my dinner eagerly, it was so good.

"Oh wow, I didn't think you'd like it that much" she laughed.

We both finished up our meals putting our plates aside. Ariana began snuggling into my shoulder, wrapping her arm around my stomach again.

"Are you sure your feel comfortable" I mumbled.

She quickly looked up at me, smirking playfully.
"What because you like me?"

"You're loving this aren't you." I laughed shaking my head.

"Mhm, I'm loving it." She giggled squeezing me super tight around my stomach.

I wrapped my arm tightly around her shoulders, slumping back deeply into the couch.

"I never got to finish what I said.." Ariana mumbled quietly so I could just about hear her.

I looked down at her, she was already staring up at me smiling ear to ear.
"What do you mean?"

Ariana nudged up closer to me so she's head level, her hand glided against my cheek softly, as she brought her face closer to mine.
"It's just something that's been bothering me since Thursday."

"What?" I shook my head.

Ariana gently placed her forehead onto mine once again, but this time I could feel the heaviness In breath. Something was different this time, her toned was very low and very serious.

Ariana's fingertips made their way through my hair, against my scalp causing shivers down my spine.
"I've been dying to do this for a while."
She spoke in a really low hushed tone, it was super seductive driving me crazy.

Ariana's lips brushed softly against my bottom lip, I could feel the shakiness of nerves against my lip. I held onto the rim of her crop top tightly, trying to control my eagerness. I wanted Ariana to lead, I could tell by how she was acting she really likes to take it slow.

Soon enough I felt her lips pressed against mine, she mouthed me slowly but delicately. My hand traced up her thighs to her side, causing her to jolt against my touch. I felt her fingers grip slightly against my hair, she deepened the kiss keeping it really slow but deep and harder. We both began breathing heavier as the tension between us made me feel like I was going to explode, fuck this is amazing. Very quickly and suddenly Ariana was on my lap straddling me, she towered above me causing my head to be pressed against the back of the couch as I looked up to kiss her lips. My hands traced heavily up to her legs to her ass, I held on tightly causing a quiet moan against my lips. Ariana quickly broke off from my lips, then suddenly her lips were pressed against the side of my neck.

"Fuck..." I groaned.

She began kissing up my neck, trailing up to my jawline. I could feel my body trembling beneath her, she just knew every spot to touch and kiss driving me crazy. Both her hands were rested against my cheeks as she rested her forehead back onto mine, we were both breathing heavily eyes tightly shut.

"I don't think you should stop" I whispered.

Very quickly and heavily Ariana's lips were pressed against mine, she tilted her head slightly deepening the kiss even more. The heavier and deeper she kissed me, the more she pressed her body so tightly against mine. I felt myself losing control underneath her, I've let her have the lead long enough now. I lifted her throwing her beside me, I very quickly and eagerly crawling on top of her between her legs. Her hands were on the back of my neck pulling me so heavily in the kiss, whilst she pushed her body up to mine. I gently pulled on the back of her hair causing her to raise her head, I began kissing from her collar bones the crook of her neck causing a light moan to escape her lips. I felt her lightly push against my chest, signalling me to stop.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"Trust me no need to apologise, we need to stop before I completely lose it." She laughed speaking in a low deep tone.

I sat up grabbing Ariana's hands, helping her up into a sitting up position.

"Isn't that the fun bit?" I laughed.

"I never said it wasn't" she winked biting her lip.

"But...?" I smirked.

"I don't want to rush this, trust me if I let you do anymore more to me id lead you to the bedroom myself." She giggled.

Ariana gently pushed me back so I was laying down, she then crawled on top of me laying her head onto my chest gently as she laid on top of me.

"Your heart is pounding" she laughed as she snuggled into me.

"Can you blame me?! Damn." I spoke still catching my breath.

"Skyler?" She mumbled.

"What?" I replied looking down at her.

"I really like you too. Im just sorry I didn't say it back before, I was just nervous." She spoke whilst taking my hand kissing it.

"I mean I gathered that, you were literally just all over me" I laughed.

"I want to take you on a date, I want a real proper date. I want to plan it for once and take you out" Ariana spoke as she rested her chin on her hands staring up at me.

I nodded stroking the loose pieces of hair from her face, which I probably pulled loose from the tugging.


We laid there for a while, watching the remainder of the film despite missing a large fraction of it.

A/N: sorry for a long chapter, I can't wait to update more. Sorry If there is any mistakes.

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