Sanders Sides AU One-Shots

By zflakefanderpai

3.6K 151 131

I have too many Sanders Sides AU ideas and I can't stop thinking about them until I write them down so yeah w... More

Met You by Chance, Loved You by Choice
Sanders Sideskicks AU
The Birth of the Sideskicks (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
1- The Prince and The Fox (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
2 - A Puff and a Pop (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
3 - The Calm Before The Storm (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
4 - A Bird's Brain (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
5 - Snake on the Stone (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
6 - A Royal's Thief (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
7 - The Missing Sash (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
8 - A Little Nudge (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
9 - The Great Crofter's Heist (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
A Team Effort
Challenge Accepted
Remember Me
Modern Day Tangled AU (Sneak Peek)
Just Roll With It

A Little Side Secret

111 5 0
By zflakefanderpai

Summary: Joan finds out about the Sides.


"Why don't you make our relationships canon, Thomas? We would love to play our own selves in the Sanders Sides videos! I'm sure the Fanders will love seeing their ships sailing!" Roman suggests joyously, a cuddly little Emo Nightmare between his arms.

"That would make a lot of people happy, Princey, but we have to consider that not all Fanders ship Prinxiety and Logicality. I wouldn't want them to be disappointed." Thomas explains lightly.

Logan nods in agreement, "Thomas is right", adding in, "We must take each and every one of our viewers' preferences into account. Not to mention, there are a few people who find it weird having Thomas ship himself with, well, himself. Although we are more than just parts of Thomas, we are still him ."

"Plus, outing our existence to the world would cause a massive outbreak in the media. How would Thomas explain how we came to be when he himself has no idea?" Virgil sends a pointed look to Thomas.

Patton rests his head on his logical boyfriend's shoulder, humming contently when he feels Logan wrap an arm around his waist, "Our very purpose is to help Thomas in all the ways we can. Maybe we came to exist so as to serve as our dear Thomathy's guardians?" The moral Side shares his opinion with the group.

Logan hums, taking his lover's words into recognition, "If that is the case, it still wouldn't explain how we all manifested into the real world as real life individuals. We are able to "sink down" into Thomas' mind as portrayed in the series, us being "imaginary" and all, yet we are also able to interact with him as though we, too, are living human beings. It frankly does not make any sense."

"Maybe it doesn't have to make sense." Patton shrugs cutely.

"I agree with Padre." The fanciful Side smiles at the fatherly figure, "what matters now is that no one finds out about our existence-"

"Uh.. Thomas?"

Everyone in the room freezes except the person standing near Thomas' kitchen, holding what looked to be a snake-

"Joan!/Janus!" Thomas and his Sides shout in unison.

"Uh... I can explain?" Thomas lets out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as his Sides try hiding behind him but are failing miserably. He totally forgot Joan was coming over and didn't even hear the door open and shut behind them.

"Explain what? The fact that my theory of your Sides being real was right, or the fact that you have a pet ball python and never told me?"

"Er.. Both-? Wait, you had a theory about my Sides being real?!" Thomas exclaims, appalled by what he just heard from his best friend.

"I may or may not have overheard you talking to them on several occasions where I helped you make the Sanders Sides videos. But it's chill, at least now I know you're not going crazy." Joan laughs and holds out the snake in their hands, "I'm assuming this is Janus?"

In a blink of an eye, the snake shapeshifts into said Side, a small blush coating his cheeks, "you are definitely incorrect."

Logan places a reassuring hand on Janus' shoulder when he shuffles to join the group behind their host, letting the lying trait know that everything's fine.

"You're not like, gonna flip out? Nothing?" Thomas asks skeptically.

"Thomas, buddy, c'mon. I've always known there was something special about you. Sure, you may look like a normal homosexual adult, but sometimes you can be a bit...-"





Roman, Logan, Virgil and Remus (who finally decided to drop in) pipe up at the same time, making Joan chuckle and nod at all their descriptions of their host, "Knowing about your Sides won't change my mind or the way I see you. Having real life versions of yourself may be beyond the ordinary, but hey! You're Thomas Sanders! The Story Time guy! That YouTuber who has one of the best fandoms! But most importantly, you're Thomas Sanders, my dearest gay best friend, and I wouldn't have you any other way no matter what."

By then, Thomas was silently crying tears of joy from Joan's sweet and touching speech, immediately pulling them in for a hug.

"You're the best, Joan."

"Yeah yeah, I know." the non-binary fella pats their friend's back comfortingly, "Now that I know though, I'm not allowed to tell anyone else, correct?"

"It would be for the best, yes. " Logan nods, shooting Joan a thankful smile.

"It can be our little secret!" Patton declares, giggling when the twins gesture to Janus, earning a hiss from the slightly shorter trait.

"Our Little Side Secret ." Virgil confirms, smiling at his famILY.

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