It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 20

12K 293 47
By sleepingpup


Harry wanted to pospone the concert? Was I hearing this right? He went over to Paul and told him he wanted to pospone it. Paul looked at him like he was crazy but he nodded. Guess Paul was gonna take care of another one of Harry's problems. Liam was about to speak when Harry ran off in the other direction.

"Harry wait up!" Niall yelled chasing after him. We all looked at eachother uncomfortably.  We were all probably thinking the same thing. He had seen Tiffani, and now he was a mess. 

I groaned to myself. Why did I make him go through this? I knew this was going to happen and so did he. Now he's just going to be more depressed than he was a week ago. 

Andrew called us in the room, checking down the halls for Niall and Harry. He raised an eyebrow at us but we just shrugged our shoulders. 

We walked back inside and took our spots. I made sure nobody sat in Harrys spot. I was going to have a long conversation about this with him later.

"Right!" Christie said cheerfully from across the table. "Lets get back on focus. How about we start with-" She looked at Harry and Niall's empty chairs.

"Where are Harry and Niall?" She asked Zayn, Liam and I. We all looked at eachother, unsure what to answer.

"Dunno Chris, guessing they had to talk in private." Zayn said to her. She rolled her eyes.

"And they couldnt have done this while we were all on our break?" She scoffed. 

I looked over at Zayn who was making a sour face at her. 

So we sat there for a while, waiting for Niall and Harry to get back. Which they never did until the meeting was pretty much over. 

5 minutes left into the meeting we saw the door slowly crack open. Harry slid through, Niall following after him. Where did they go? 

They stood there by the door as if they had been there the whole time. I dont know what Niall did or said but Harry looked much better. It was weird because Niall wasnt really all that supportive when it came to advice. How come Niall made him happy and I couldnt? Some best friend I am huh?

"Alright, meeting ajurned." Christie said folding her binder and placing it in her bag. We walked up to Niall and Harry. They both had cheeky grins on their faces.

"Okay," I said nervously. "Who did you kill, kidnap or plot against?" They all laughed. 

Niall raised an eyebrow at Harry and smirked. 

"Well, we do have a plot." Niall said.

"Its more like plan." Harry corrected him. Niall shrugged leisurely. 

"I call it a plot." Niall said under his breath.

"Its not a plot." Harry reassured us. Niall sent him an irritated face. 

"Who cares what its called!" I whined loudly. "Tell us what it is!" 

Niall and Harry looked at eachother then pulled us into a seperate room. I wonder what these lads were up to now.

***LUCY POV***

So I was sitting around in Tiffani's living room, flipping through my new J 14 magazine. You know, the usual. One Direction here, One Direction there, One Direction everywhere! I laughed at silly pictures of them, flipping on towards the end. 




Larger pause. 

Extreme pause. 

I flipped the magazine off my lap and started doing desperate circles around the sofa, screaming "Waaa!" 

I raced my fingers through my haird so hard I thought I would go bald. Then I heard my phone ring.

I thought it was Tif so I picked up.

"Tif you wont believe what I just read. Well maybe you would considering you're just as obsessed as I am over Harry and his mates. But listen-" 

I was cutt off by laughter from the other end. And it was defiantly not Tiffani's laughter. I pulled the phone away from my ear and noticed the caller was 'unknow'. Oh well this was awkward.

"Oh," I said feeling my cheeks get red. "I thought you were somebody else. Who is this?" I heard tossing and turning from the other end until everything went silent. Did they hang up?

"Hello?" I asked. Then I heard a loud 'boom'. 

"Hello, is this Lucy?" Asked a guy from the other line. I looked back at the caller ID. Unknown. Then how did they know my name?

"Uh, yeah. Do I know you?" I asked curiously, starting to walk around the house. 

I heard more snickering from the other line. It was clear there was more than one person present. 

"Yeah actually we met about a week ago." Said the deep voice. I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Maybe this was prank call, so I decided to go with it.

"Oh really? And how exactly did we meet?" I asked anxiously. 

I heard the person shuffle around, along with more silent whispering amung him. 

"Well actually I stopped by your house." He said. My mind was racing faster for some reason. What he was saying sounded oddly familiar yet so blury. 

"I met you and you wanted to call the police because I walked in unexpectadly." He laughed a little and I let out a nervous laugh. 

"Uh, more detail?" I asked stupidly. I knew I sounded like an idiot but I couldnt shake the feeling this was real. I remembered what he was saying but I couldnt remember who he was. 

"Lucy, I dropped off Tiffani that night, remember? You thought she was drunk? You asked to take a picture with me?" His voice trailed off and I stopped pacing. My heart started racing as fast a jet engine. 

"Lucy? It's Harry." I covered the speaker with my hand and let out the biggest scream I had ever let out in my life. Harry Styles was calling me! I fangirled then remembered he was still on the phone.

I regained my cool. "Oh, okay well hi Harry."

He started laughing. "You can scream pretty loud, you know?" He said cheekly. My cheeks turned bright red. 

"Uh, thanks." I said shaking. This was the best phone call of my life. "What can I do for you?" 

There was a pause then he kept talking. Or I thought it was him. 

"Hi, Lucy its Niall." said an irish accent from across the line. What?! Niall was talking to me! On the phone! Right now! Is this for real?

I covered the speaker again and screamed. I did this pathetic little dance to myself and was just purely over joyed.

"Hi Niall!" I said extremely happily. He laughed. Oh my god he had the most adorable laugh. Lucy snap out of it. 

"Hi," he said agian. "So me and Harry have to ask you a favour."

"Anything." I said a little bit too quickly. 

"We need you to take Tiffani to the Lotus Party. I'll text you the information. We have uh, a package waiting for her." He started laughing along with some others. I let out a giggle. 

"Okay, sure! Can I ask what the package is?" I heard him shuffle around and voices go back and forth.

"Its a very handsome package. It'll have a bow and everything." I raised my eyebrows impressed. 

"Fancy package you've got then." I said and laughed. 

"I try to keep my deliveries class, thank you." We both giggled. "Oh and Luce," (I usually never let people call me that, but when he said it I was 100% alright with it."

"Yeah?" I said dreamily.

"Please dont tell Tiffani about this phone call? Let it be our little secret?" He said cheekily. At this point  I felt my cheeks boiling. 

"S-Sure Niall." I managed. 

He thanked me for doing this favor for him and gave me his number. When he hung up I swore I was in heaven. I just had Harry Styles and Niall Horan call me on my cellphone and we actaully shared a dialogue. 

I laid out on the floor and just stayed there and replayed the conversation over and over again in my head. 

Then I sat straight up. 

"I have to get Tiffani." 


Lucy called me up a few minutes ago saying she got exclusive tickets to a party. But it was a very elite party I guess. Since she worked with the Cosco magazine as the main photographer, she worked with some very important people. 

She called me and told me, and I quote "get my butt over here." I swear, its like her catch phrase. 

Once I got to her house she was extremely bubbly and happy. She had a grin from ear to ear.

"Hey Lucy, what's' got you looking so cheerful?" I smirked at her and she just giggled.

"Oh you know, nothing." She talked like she was in a day dream. Swooying back and forth on her heels. 

"Lucy?" I asked snapping my fingers in front of her. She looked up startled. 

"What?" She asked regaining consiousness. "Oh, I'm just super pumped for this party! It's in an exclusive hotel and it's very VIP." She said winking at me.

"Then lets get ourselves looking fancy!" I laughed pulling her to her room. 


Once we were decked out, looking fabulouse (if I may say so my self) we drove off to the party. Lucy was reading off the directions from her phone.

"Didnt they give you like an invitation?" I asked curiously. 

"No you say your name and they let you in." She said like it was obvious. "This is a VIP party remember?" 

I rolled my eyes. "Well sorry." I said rolling the 'r'.  

Once we pulled up to the hotel Lucy stepped out and flagged over a guy. 

"Vallet parking hun," she said grabing my hand. "They take care of the car." With that she dragged me out of the car and into the line.

Well there wasnt really a line for us. Lucy walked up to the man, whispered something in his ear and he un hatched the velvet rope. 

Lucy raised an eyebrow at me and pulled me inside. 

I found myslef gawking at the incedible hotel. Marble walls and chendeliers. Catering all around. Women in fancy dressed and men in nice penguin tuxedos. 

We walked around some more, talking with people here and there. Then Lucy stepped away.

"I have to make a quick call." she said pointing to her phone. "I'll be 5 minutes." She walked off.

I saw down at a table by myself. A few minutes later a waitor came up to me and lowered a tray to my level. 

"Care to eat anything?" He asked. His voice sounded familiar but it was probably just me. 

"Oh no thanks." I said standing up. But I stood up to fast and bumped into his tray. Knocking over all the appetizers and drinks on the floor. Glass shattered everywhere.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelped sadly. "I am so sorry! Please let me help you."  I tried reaching down to pick up some things but he pulled me back up.

"No, its alright love I got this." Love... who usually calls me love? My mouth widened and I pulled him up to look at his face. He looked rather startled and took a step back.

It wasnt Harry. This guy had brownish hair and hazle eyes. Couldnt see much of his face because all the workers were forced to wear silly make up and hats. Embarassing much?

"You alright?" He asked continuing to pick up the mess I made. I sighed.

"Yeah, sorry I thought you were-" my voice trailed off. "Nevermind." 

He raised an eyebrow at me curiously then shook it off. He tried picking up the tray and some cups but it fell again. He groaned loudly and looked at me. 

"Here I'll help." I picked up the tray and some cups. He smiled appretiatlively at me. He grabbed the remaining things and walked me to towards the kitchen. 

When we walked in we heard an older womans voice.

"What happened?" She shrieked. "Did you break my dishes?" The waitor lowered his head sadely.

"No! No, he didnt." I said, looking over at him. "I accidentally did. I'm so sorry. I'll help with the mess." 

The lady grumpily crossed her arms and huffed. "M'alright then. First off, you go get a mop and start cleaning up that mess." She pointed to the waitor and he scurried off. 

"You," she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Tiffani. My names Tiffani." she nodded carelessly. 

"You go to the twelth floor and pick up an extra crate of the appetizers. Here's the elevator key." She took it out of her pocket and handed it to me.  She nodded in the direction to go in and I went. 

***LIAM POV***

I scurried out of the kitchen. I was so nervous Tiffani was going to recognize me when she spun me around. Thankfully she didnt. 

I took out my phone and texted Louis.

"Tif is on her way to the elevator, get going!" I hit send and waited for a response. 


I walked around a few corners until I finally found the elevator. I scanned the card against the plastic part on the side and waited for the lift. 

I heard a sneez from behind me, thinking someone was standing next to me. I turned around but no one was there.

That was odd. I heard the elevator ring and I walked inside. 


Sure, they put me the one on patrol. Meanwhile everyone else is doing cool spy things, I'm forced to just stand around and make sure the plan or plot or what ever its called is in order. 

I watched out for the elevators. Then I finally saw her stand there. I took out my phone as it buzzed.

"Just got to the control room. Tell me when she's on the twelth floor." Louis texted. 

I waited for the elevator to ring. Then I felt a sneez coming on. Oh no please not now. But I couldnt help it. I let out a loud sneeze but I turned around just in time. 

I heard the doors from the elevator close and I started typing.

"She's on her way up!! Elevator 3, I'll text you when she leaves the 12th floor!" I saw the check mark appear by the text meaning Louis read it. Good enough.

It was time to run all the way up the stairs. Man, the boys must hate me or something.  


Man I hated elevators. All the way up on floor 12?! Seriously?

As the elevator beeped I walked out to the floor. And to my luck it was pitch black. I took out my phone and searched for a light switch. 

A bit further down the hall, I thought I heard footsteps. Which only made me walk faster. I finally found a switch and the lights flickered down all the way down the hall. 

I walked some more, this dress was startingto get uncomfortable. I was wearing a tight white dress with bold red heels. You know, to make a statment. 

I found the room that said "cattering supplies". I opened it and stepped inside. I walked down a few shelves until I finally found the box that had todays date on it. Not sure if its the right one but oh well.

I picked it up, heavier than I thought it would be. I lifted it up and walked out. 

***LUCY POV***

I walked around until I knew I lost Tiffani. I couldnt stop smiling. It was like I was sucked into an undercover James Bond movie. Sorry, gotta concentrate. 

"Start texting Tif NOW!!" Niall texted me. 

"On it!" I texted back. 


I stumbled down the hallway with this crate full of cheap ,fatty food. I had to turn the lights back off and when I did it got 1000 times creepier as I waited for the elevator. 

When it rung I hopped inside and hit 'floor1'. As it decended I heard it beep at floor 3. Someone else was walking around? Then I remembered that this was still a hotel with actual guests. 

But then why was the 4th floor all dark? 

***ZAYN POV***

I arrived at the 12th floor the same time the elevator arrived. Thank god those elevators were slow or else I would have been screwed. I ran out the door and hid in the closet. Just in enough time for her to find the switch and enter the 'cattering room.' 

I waited until I knew she was out and took out my phone again.

"She's in the elevator now! Press the button!!" I send it to Niall's phone. And slumped down against the door, crossing my fingers this would work. 


My phone vibrated and I clicked the new message. I read it and my hand flew against the elevator button. 

I was dressed as a waitor so I had on cheesy white make up and black spots around my eyes. Basically I looked like a dalmation. 

Harry on the other hand looked like he had come out of Vogues Magazine. He had on his black tux, hair perfectly jelled back and of course, his radiant red bow tie. 

Just charming.

"You ready?" I asked him, giving him an encouraging smile. He nodded slowly but managed a smile. 

"I'm ready." The elevator opened and I got a quick glance at her. Then I stepped inside infront of Harry so she wouldnt see him. She was looking down so either way I dont think she noticed us. 


"Where are you?!" I texted Lucy from inside the elevator. Strange I was getting good reception in here. 

I texted her back for a few seconds until it rang on 'floor 10' and 2 guys walked in. I didnt bother looking up but I knew they were guys because of their shoes. 

The elevator dinged again on 'floor 9' and one guy stepped out. Leaving me with the other one. I hated awkward elevator rides. 


As I stepped out of the elevator and I heard the doors close I texted Louis immediatly. 

"LOUIS ITS NOW OR NEVER!!" I sent it as fast as I could. All I could do now was wait. 


I waited in the control room for Nialls text. Once I saw the blue light on my phone, I didnt even bother to read it. I knew what to do. Liam told me "just press the big red button."

I searched with the light for my phone for the buttong but couldnt find it anywhere! I moved wires and opend doors but nothing!

Then from the corner of my eye I saw a button on the side of the control panel. Under it was writen "elevator power". My eyes widened and I ran towards it. 

I jammed my finger on the power button for elevator 4. Once I did the light dimmed down from red to a dull faded color. 

I smirked to myself. Now it's all up to Harry. 


We had just passed the 5th floor when the elevator stopped out of no where. At first I thought it was someone who wanted to get on- but then the lights went out. 

It was dark and I started freaking out. The only light that was left was the red emergency light in the top two corners. 

"Whats going on?" I asked out loud. I went to hit the emergency button but there was no response. This was a nightmare come true.

I felt my clasutrophobia start to kick in and I lost it.

"What do we do?" I asked the guy standing next to me. "What if we never get out of her? What if we're stuck in here and no one ever finds us?" I started pacing around the square shaped space. 

The guy standing there didnt say anything, but he looked nervous or scared or both? I put my hand on my forehead and started taking deep breathes. 

"Its okay, I'll just call someone for help." I said taking out my phone. I tried sending a message to Lucy but the signal was lost. How was there signal on the 12th floor but not on the 5th floor? How does that make any sense what so ever!

"Its not sending!" I threw my bag on the floor in frustration. "I cant stay in an elevator forever! What do we do?" I asked the guy standing next to me. 

I slumped down against the wall behind me and stayed there. The next thing I knew I was crying. I couldnt take this any longer. Being trapped in here made me feel like a caged animal and it was pushing me to my limit. 

I folded my arms around my legs and sniffled. Then I felt the guy sit next to me and put his arm around me. Under normal circumstances I would have pushed him off and told him to stay away. But I liked this hug. It was warm and embracing. I rested my head against his shoulder and stayed like that for a few minutes. 

Then I heard him slightly chuckle.

"You comfortable like that love?" He asked me sweetly. Love? I was tempted to turn around to see his face to check it if was Harry. But what were the odds? I had already experienced that once tonight, no need to get disapointed all over again. 

I smiled a little and stayed put in his arms. 

"Your hugs sort of remind me of another guys hugs, weird right?" I asked with a silly laugh. I didnt need to look up at him to know he was smiling. 

"Yeah, I remember I huged a girl just like this not so long ago at a party. I'm sure she liked it too." I smiled.

"I'm sure she did." I said to him. He let out another chuckle.

"Then we did the silliest thing where I chased her into the garden, caught her and then we shared out first kiss." I laughed but then the smile slowly faded. Love? Hug? Garden? Kiss? It couldnt be?

I turned around slowly to face the guy. I fixed his curly brown hair up so I could see his face. His glintering green eyes looking straight at me and mine deeply into his. I was left breathless.

"Harry?" I asked nervously. He leaned out his hand and placed it over mine.

"Hi Tiffani." He smiled at me. How much I missed that smile. I leaned over so fast and wrapped my arms around him. I sqeezed him tightly, missing his hug more than anything. 

"I missed you." He said to me. I flicked his ear playfully. "I missed you more Curly." He leaned in and was about to kiss me when I pulled back. 

"Uh Harry?" I asked. He look at me confused. "Yeah?" 

I played with his hand nervously. "I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about what happened and I want you to know-" 

"I understand, and I forgive you." He said interupting me and trying to kiss me again. But I pulled back.

"No wait Harry, just listen. Please?" I asked him. He looked disapointed I wouldnt kiss him but I knew what I had to do. All this negative publicity around him was giving him heachaches and everyone around him. And it was all my fault. Being his girlfriend was something I feel we rushed into. I loved being with Harry and I know he loved being with me, but I dont think either of us where ready yet. I dont even think we ever even reached the "friends" phase. Just went directly from enemies to a couple. Which doesnt seem right. 

He nodded signaling me to go on. "Thank you." I said giving him a sweet smile. I took a deep breath. "I feel like we rushed in to our relationship and I want to start over." He smiled at the thought. "From the begining." And his smile faded.

"How come Tif? I thought we already went through that?" He looked down sadly and frowned. But I turned myself so I was facing him better. 

"I dont mean start from the begining where I didnt like you and didnt want to be around you. I mean from the begining where we were just friends." 

He thought about it and raised an eyebrow. "But dont you want to be more than friends?" He asked. 

"Remember I asked you at the party and you said yes?" He said fixing a strand of my hair behind my shoulder, running his hand against my cheek. 

"Of course I do." I said gripping his hand in mine. "I just think we didnt get the chance to be friends before we became boyfriend and girlfriend." 

He twitched his mouth to the side and ran his fingers through his curls. "Is that a problem?" He asked.

"Well no, I mean yes. I kind of want to know you as a friend before we get into a relationship. Dont you think that would be better?" I asked looking geniuinly into his eyes. 

He didnt say anything for a few more seconds until he looked back up at me. 

"If it gets me one step closer to being your boyfriend again, then I'm in." He said cheekily. 

"Now Harry, friends dont talk about being couples yet do they?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He narrowed his eyes playfully at me.

"This might be harder than I thought then." He said sighing. "Can I at least get one last kiss on the cheek?" 

I rolled my eyes and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. I closed my eyes, prepared to kiss his soft skin. But instead felt his soft lips. I opened my eyes to see this cheeky lad had turned his head at the perfect moment so I could kiss his lips instead of his cheek.

I pulled back quickly and he starred at me frustrated. 

"You barely gave me enought time to actually taste your lips." He said disappointedly. 

"Yeah because friends dont kiss each other, Harry." I said laughing nervously. I heard him let out another loud sigh. 

But we smiled at eachother. I was so glad to know Harry would be in my life again. Maybe not as my boyfriend yet, but as my friend. And like I just told him, after I get to know him better as a friend and when the time is right, I will take things to the next step with him.

Then the power turned back on and the elevator started working again. 

"Thank god!" I said as my face lite up. Harry looked over at me from head to toe. I rolled my eyes and hit him in the ribs. 

"What?" He said rubbing his side. "All because we're friends doesnt mean I cant think you're hot." I giggled at his comment and when the elevator dinged we both stepped outside.

I saw Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn talking with Lucy on my right. When they saw my and Harry together they all whistled and called us over. 

I had a feeling this whole thing was planed to the dot. But even if it was, it was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. Harry was going to be the most amazing boyfriend, I mean friend, in my life. 

Pudding cups! Here is chapter 20! Sorry it took a bit longer than I said it would but I wanted to make it nice and long for you guys! Hope you all liked it! Let me know what you guys think! Vote and comment! :) xx -Chloe
Oh um I'll post chapter 21 when I get 5000 reads, I know you girls can do it!!  

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